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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Press Conference following Bilateral Meetings with Vice Prem…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Press
Conference following Bilateral Meetings with Vice Premier He
Lifeng of the People’s Republic of China in San Francisco,
November 10, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Hello everyone and thank you for joining today.
Iʼm very glad to have had the opportunity to welcome Vice Premier He Lifeng to California. Iʼd
like to speak now to our economic approach to China and how weʼve advanced it through two
days of productive discussions.
The relationship between the United States and the Peopleʼs Republic of China is one of the
most important relationships of our time. The path it takes will shape opportunities and
challenges for people in both our countries and around the world. As I said last week,
President Biden and I are advancing a vision of the world grounded in values we share with
our allies and partners across the globe. And while we will at times use economic tools to
protect our national security interests, our vision also includes a healthy and stable economic
relationship between the United States and China that benefits both sides and o ers a level
playing field for American firms and workers.
We know advancing this vision is not easy. But I believe that we have made significant
progress since President Biden and President Xiʼs meeting in Bali almost exactly one year ago.
Following President Bidenʼs directive to deepen bilateral communications, I met with my
former counterpart in January and then traveled to Beijing in July to build relationships with
Chinaʼs new economic leadership. There, I met with Premier Li, Vice Premier He, and other
senior economic o icials. We had candid and constructive meetings on issues from
macroeconomic developments, to the nature of our economic relationship, to challenges from
climate change to debt distress in low-income countries. In September, the United States and
China launched the Economic and Financial Working Groups to provide ongoing channels for
engagement on substantive economic and financial policy issues. Both Working Groups met
for the first time in recent weeks and had their second meetings yesterday.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Press Conference following Bilateral Meetings with Vice Prem…

Over the past two days, Vice Premier He and I have built on this foundation with candid,
direct, and productive engagements. There is no substitute for in-person diplomacy, and I was
pleased to have had the opportunity to interact with the Vice Premier on a more personal
level, as we did in our private meeting earlier today. During our discussions, we agreed that indepth and frank discussions matter, particularly when we disagree. And I emphasized that the
current uncertain global landscape makes it particularly crucial that we maintain resilient lines
of communication going forward. This is not just communication for communicationʼs sake. It
allows us to avoid misunderstandings and unintended escalation, make informed decisions,
and work toward specific policy outcomes.
Turning to the details of our discussions, I spoke to Vice Premier He about our goal of
achieving a healthy economic relationship that benefits both our countries over time. We do
not seek to decouple our economy from Chinaʼs. This would be damaging to both the U.S. and
China and destabilizing for the world. But a healthy economic relationship requires American
workers and firms to be treated fairly. I raised concerns about the breadth and depth of the
PRCʼs non-market policies and practices and their global spillovers. These are concerns that I
hear frequently from U.S. businesses.
Vice Premier He and I also focused on the need for joint work on global challenges. The
physical and economic impacts of climate change are mounting across the globe, including
here in California. We discussed specific areas where we can enhance our cooperation on
climate finance beyond our co-chairing of the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group. I also
underscored that too many countries continue to face high risk of debt distress and a debt
architecture that does not work as it should to support them. I emphasized the need for us to
build on our good recent progress in the Zambia case to make much faster progress on other
debt restructuring cases. And we discussed the crucial roles we have to play in making the
debt architecture work better and faster. We also spoke about our e orts to promote global
financial stability as well as the importance of strengthening the World Bank, IMF, and other
parts of the international financial architecture. Earlier this week, we took a positive step
toward strengthening the IMF with the Executive Boardʼs approval of an equiproportional
quota increase. This would bolster the IMFʼs ability to fight crises at a critical time for the
world economy.
Finally, the United States continues to clearly communicate how we are using economic tools
to protect our national security interests and those of our allies: through transparent and
narrowly scoped actions designed to achieve a clear national security objective. I rea irmed



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Press Conference following Bilateral Meetings with Vice Prem…

the importance of directly communicating the design and intentions behind our national
security actions to avoid the risk of misunderstanding and miscalculation, as the United
States has done with our rollout of the Executive Order on outbound investment. We
exchanged information about our respective outbound investment regimes. I also specifically
raised our concerns about the PRCʼs export controls on graphite and other critical minerals.
And I stressed that companies must not provide material support for Russiaʼs defense
industrial sector and that they will face significant consequences if they do.
Today, Vice Premier He and I are also taking the important additional step of laying out
specific areas of the bilateral economic relationship where we agree. My hope is that this
understanding will serve as a foundation for future, mutually beneficial, progress. First, we
agreed to intensify communication, including continuing a regular cadence of contact
between me and the Vice Premier. Second, we committed to work together on global
challenges from debt issues to climate change related economic issues. And third, both
countries jointly stated that we welcome the objective of a healthy economic relationship
that provides a level playing field for companies and workers in both countries and benefits
the two peoples. Of course, there are many remaining areas of disagreement between our
countries. And we know that there is an important di erence between words and actions. But
the United States will live up to the understandings that we reached – and we expect our
counterparts to do the same.
As I said at the conclusion of my meetings in Beijing this summer, I believe that my trip to
China helped advance our e ort to put the U.S.-China relationship on surer footing. The past
two days of meetings in San Francisco have served as another step forward. I am confident
that our discussions have also helped lay further groundwork for a productive meeting
between President Biden and President Xi.
Next week, we will also chair – and China will participate in – the APEC Finance Ministersʼ
Meeting and Leadersʼ Meeting. In the coming months, our teams will continue deepening our
communication through the Working Groups. And Vice Premier He also told me that he
welcomes a return visit by me to China, and I look forward to traveling there next year.
With that, thank you again for being here. The United States may have begun as an Atlantic
nation, but we have long been a Pacific one as well. California is a fitting place to mark the
progress we are making in our economic approach to China and to a irm our commitment to
the work ahead.
I look forward to your questions.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Press Conference following Bilateral Meetings with Vice Prem…

