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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Opening Session of APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting in San F…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Opening
Session of APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting in San Francisco,
November 13, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Good morning, and welcome to the 30th annual Finance Ministersʼ Meeting. Thank you to the
City of San Francisco for hosting us and to all of you for being here.
Let me start by putting this meeting in its larger context. The Asia-Pacific region is at the
center of the global economy. APEC members represent some of the fastest growing and
most dynamic economies in the world, driving both growth and innovation. So, the actions we
take matter, not only for our own economies and people, but also for addressing the global
challenges the world faces. And as we seek to achieve our shared vision of an open, dynamic,
resilient, and peaceful Asia-Pacific community, coordination and collaboration among our
economies is crucially important.
The United States has been glad to help further this vision and our coordination by hosting
APEC this year. Throughout the year, APEC members have met across the United States to
cover a wide range of key topics.
And as we work collectively and individually to advance our vision, finance and fiscal policies
are among the most powerful tools we have. This is why the United States elevated the
Finance Ministersʼ Meeting to be part of APEC Economic Leadersʼ Week this year. And 2023
has been a pivotal year for the Finance Ministersʼ Process. A er several years during which we
rightly prioritized our response to and then our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, weʼve
now refocused on the longer-term priorities established by APEC Finance Ministers in the 2015
Cebu Action Plan. The Action Plan emphasizes strengthening financial resilience and advancing
fiscal reforms to build our economies over the long run. This e ort starts with a full
understanding of the global and regional economic and financial outlook, which weʼll discuss
in session one. Weʼll then turn to the three priorities weʼve focused on throughout this year:
modern supply-side economics, sustainable finance, and digital assets. Let me highlight the
progress weʼve made and where we hope to focus today for each of these priorities.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Opening Session of APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting in San F…

First, in discussions this year, weʼve advanced our thinking on what Iʼve been calling modern
supply-side economics: that is, policies that expand the productive capacity of our economies
while improving resilience and addressing inequality. Weʼve identified policies to increase the
quality and quantity of labor supply, strengthen public infrastructure, and invest in research
and development and environmental sustainability. And weʼve conducted a survey of APEC
membersʼ policy e orts on modern supply-side economics that I look forward to discussing
Second, our work on sustainable finance has focused on how to mobilize resources to
accelerate our just energy transitions and achieve our respective net-zero emissions goals.
Weʼve discussed how to finance e icient and e ective energy transitions while supporting the
individuals and communities who are most vulnerable. The Indonesia and Vietnam Just Energy
Transition Partnerships are two powerful examples of these e orts. I look forward to hearing
your responses to the Note to Ministers and to discussing your energy transition plans.
Weʼve also furthered work on voluntary carbon markets, including by hearing from experts on
the state of these markets in APEC economies and discussing ways that authorities can help
improve their integrity and depth. Weʼve compiled research that highlights how finance
ministries can support the development of these markets as part of our broader climate
finance toolkits. I look forward to hearing today about how you are thinking about supporting
the scaling and e ectiveness of credible carbon markets.
Weʼve also discussed the climate-aligned finance approaches APEC members are putting in
place to help private sector actors pursue credible and specific climate commitments. For
example, Treasury is proud to have recently released the “Principles for Net-Zero Financing
and Investment.” These Principles a irm the importance of credible net-zero commitments
and encourage financial institutions that make them to take consistent approaches to
implementation. But because approaches vary across jurisdictions, we also need to think
through how best to address any inconsistences and promote interoperability. Our working
lunch with private sector participants and our third session will be a chance to discuss how
authorities and the private sector can jointly take action on this and other sustainable finance
Last, on digital assets, which weʼll discuss in session four, sharing insights and engaging with
the private sector has enabled us to deepen our collective understanding of the tools that
policymakers can use to facilitate the responsible development and use of digital assets,
including unbacked crypto-assets, stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies. Weʼve



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Opening Session of APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting in San F…

specifically explored the potential benefits and challenges of these innovative financial tools
and approaches to maintaining high regulatory standards. Today, I look forward to hearing
your perspectives on the long-term role that digital assets and blockchain technologies can
play in our respective financial systems, as well as how your authorities plan to approach
regulatory oversight of their development and use.
The fact that these priority areas are oriented toward the long-term does not make
addressing them any less urgent. We need to further improve our long-term economic outlook
by boosting labor supply, innovation, and infrastructure investment, in ways that are also
sustainable and reduce inequality. We need to put ourselves on a sustainable growth path,
one where we safeguard our planet while providing our economies with the clean energy they
need to grow. And we need to leverage emerging technologies to drive innovation while
maintaining safe financial markets.
With that, thank you again for your work and the work of your teams throughout this year,
and for being here today. Itʼs a key opportunity to recognize our accomplishments and
rea irm our commitment to more progress. Our e orts are essential to the strength of our
economies, the prosperity of our peoples, and the future of the global economy.
Iʼll now turn to my team to cover important procedural items, and then weʼll begin our first
