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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in New York, New York on the One-Year Anniversary of the Launc…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in New
York, New York on the One-Year Anniversary of the Launch of
the Pandemic Fund
September 19, 2023

Thank you, President Banga, for your words of support and introduction. Thank you also to
Director-General Tedros, Minister Sabin, and the Pandemic Fund Secretariat for all youʼve done
to get us here. And hello everyone. Iʼm glad to mark this occasion – the one-year anniversary
of the Pandemic Fund – with all of you tonight.

Over the past few years, COVID-19 has made us confront the tremendous human and
economic costs of pandemics. And, like with other recent global health events, it underscored
the critical gaps in pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. So, when the G20 HighLevel Independent Panel called for a new financing mechanism to address these gaps in June
2021, the international community came together and acted. President Biden echoed the
Panelʼs call at the Global COVID-19 Summit in September 2021 and announced an initial U.S.
contribution. Then, under the Italian and Indonesian G20 Presidencies, finance and health
ministries worked to launch the Pandemic Fund in record time.

In the year since this launch, the Pandemic Fund has raised nearly $2 billion from 25 countries
and three philanthropies. And this past July, from its first call for proposals, the Pandemic
Fund awarded $338 million. It will leverage an additional $2 billion in co-financing from
implementing entities and co-investor countries. Funding will go to 37 countries, including for
a project in Zambia that will strengthen early warning systems through integrating public
health data into an electronic surveillance and response platform. I saw how important this is
firsthand when I visited the new emergency operations center for monitoring health threats in
Lusaka in January. Another project supports 12 countries in the Caribbean on regional
coordination, including through pandemic simulation exercises. These and the many other
approved projects will tangibly improve our collective ability to prevent pandemics and to
better withstand those that could still occur.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in New York, New York on the One-Year Anniversary of the Launc…

As Iʼve said before, the Pandemic Fund is truly a model for multilateralism: Many countries
have worked quickly and e ectively to address this global challenge. We should all be proud of
what weʼve done. But I also want to stress that now is not the time for complacency. More
work is needed to realize the Pandemic Fundʼs full potential and to strengthen global health

First, we know the Pandemic Fund will need more resources: $10 billion per year over the next
five years, as called for by the High-Level Independent Panel. The U.S. has already contributed
$700 million. And we are requesting an additional $500 million from Congress as part of
President Bidenʼs Fiscal Year 2024 budget. We urge other countries to increase contributions.
And we also need to explore more sustainable financing models. Iʼm glad the Board of the
Pandemic Fund will focus on that in the coming year.

Second, the Pandemic Fund doesnʼt exist in a vacuum. Its success will depend on the success
of broader e orts underway to strengthen the global health and finance architecture. One
such e ort is our ongoing work to evolve the multilateral development banks so that they
have the tools to better help countries assess and manage pandemic-related risks, among
other global challenges. This includes ramping up investments in regional and global projects
to address pandemic preparedness and response gaps. It also includes integrating pandemic
surveillance and preparedness measures as part of health projects wherever possible, as
health security requires a holistic approach. And it includes considering how the MDBs can
best complement and catalyze other sources of financing.

The United States is also supporting ongoing work in Geneva on the Pandemic Accord and
amendments to the International Health Regulations. And we welcome the work of the G20
Finance-Health Task Force to deepen our understanding of the interplay between health and
economic shocks. The Task Forceʼs work to help identify financing gaps and to develop a
comprehensive response playbook for pandemics and routine pandemic stress tests will be
especially crucial.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in New York, New York on the One-Year Anniversary of the Launc…

Again, congratulations to the many of you who have been instrumental in creating and
operationalizing the Pandemic Fund. Weʼve accomplished a lot very quickly. But thereʼs much
more to do, to strengthen the Pandemic Fund and to continue building the global health
architecture people around the world need and deserve. COVID-19 destroyed the lives and
disrupted the livelihoods of too many. We cannot eliminate the risk of another pandemic. But
we can make pandemics less likely and ensure that, if they do occur, we are better prepared
for them. Thank you all for being here. Our collective work saves lives, preserves livelihoods,
and fuels economies, and tonight is a call to recommit ourselves to taking it forward.
