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Remarks By Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the New Treasury Department Analysis of the Bipartisan Infr…

Remarks By Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the New
Treasury Department Analysis of the Bipartisan Infrastructure
November 15, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Hello everyone. Iʼm glad to be marking the second anniversary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law with new Treasury Department analysis showing the tremendous impact of the Biden
Administrationʼs investments in infrastructure.
Public infrastructure investment is essential to economic growth. According to one analysis, a
10 percent increase in public capital investments in core physical infrastructure increases
productivity by more than 2 percent. And due in large part to this productivity increase, public
investments in infrastructure grow national output, by as much as 1.2 percent in the long run
for every 10 percent increase in public capital investment.
Yet U.S. infrastructure investment has fallen sharply in recent decades. It declined as a share
of the economy in 42 states between 2009 and 2021, including during the early days of the
recovery from the pandemic.
Two years ago, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law changed that. Treasuryʼs new analysis shows
that the two-year increase in state and local capital investment as a share of GDP is the
largest since 1979. The Biden Administration has announced nearly $400 billion in funding,
including over 40,000 projects and awards. Americans are seeing the changes in their own
communities. Bridges are being repaired. Roads are being paved. Airports are being improved.
These investments are boosting our countryʼs economic strength and resilience for the long
haul. And theyʼre also broadening economic opportunity for people and places that have
historically been le behind.
Itʼs gratifying that weʼre seeing this in the data just two years a er the BIL was passed.
Investments are creating well-paying construction jobs, many of them union jobs that donʼt
require a college degree. And Treasuryʼs new analysis shows that funding is going where itʼs
needed most across the country, not just to the coasts or to wealthy communities. States



Remarks By Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the New Treasury Department Analysis of the Bipartisan Infr…

with the lowest-rated public infrastructure are receiving more than twice as much funding per
capita as states with the highest-rated infrastructure. And funding is tending to land in states
with lower median household incomes. This is the reverse of the typical pattern, which is that
higher-income states invest more in infrastructure.
Funding is also being more broadly distributed. Take spending on public transit—crucial for
both equity and addressing climate change, since less-wealthy Americans are more likely to
rely on public transit, and reliable public transit encourages everyone to reduce gasoline use.
In 2019, only five states accounted for about two-thirds of all investment in public transit. Our
analysis shows that those five states accounted for only about 40 percent of BIL funding. Ten
states are receiving BIL transit funding that, per capita, is more than ten times their prepandemic annual transit investment. An additional ten states are receiving five times as much.
And 18 other states are receiving two times as much.
The BIL, along with the CHIPS and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, exemplify the
Presidentʼs and my belief that Americaʼs economic strength is derived from our middle class,
and that we should seek to grow our economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not
the top down. This is at the core of the Presidentʼs economic strategy—what we call
Bidenomics. And it also aligns with what Iʼve called modern supply-side economics, increasing
our long-term productive capacity while broadening economic opportunity across the country
and addressing challenges like climate change.
Our legislation is having a transformational impact. Alongside the impacts Iʼve highlighted
today, real manufacturing construction has doubled since the end of 2021, and private sector
investments in key sectors like electric vehicle manufacturing are reaching communities that
have been too o en overlooked.
I am hopeful about the long-term economic momentum in the U.S. economy, and I believe our
Administrationʼs economic plan will keep us on the right track. Thank you for joining today.
