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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Multilateral Development Bank Evolution in Ben Guerir, Moro…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on
Multilateral Development Bank Evolution in Ben Guerir,
October 10, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you for the introduction, and hello everyone. Iʼm glad to have the chance to visit UM6P.
The World Bank is funding construction of the universityʼs newest branch. And the beautiful
campus weʼre at now reflects dedication to both achieving environmental sustainability and
driving educational outcomes. Itʼs a perfect symbol of what Iʼll be speaking about today.
A key goal of multilateral engagement is to li up the poorest and most vulnerable. To create
the conditions so that all people can live prosperous and peaceful lives for generations to
There has been some progress on the Sustainable Development Goals over the past decades,
such as a substantial decrease in child mortality. But progress on too many other targets has
been slow, stalled, or even reversed. This is in part due to global challenges that no country
can solve on its own. Last yearʼs floods in Pakistan a ected more than 30 million people and
caused economic damage of over $30 billion, or around one-tenth of Pakistanʼs GDP. The
drought in Somalia killed more than 40,000 people and over 3 million livestock. Shocks like
these o en hit hardest countries and people who have less resources to prepare or to rebuild.
And they pose risks to all our economies and to the future we seek.
The good news is that we have tools at our disposal to not only course correct but also to
realize new opportunities. The multilateral development banks, the International Monetary
Fund, and the debt architecture, as well as private sector and domestic resources that can be
mobilized, comprise a powerful international architecture. This architecture has changed over
time to meet new challenges. And it must change again to meet the urgent global challenges
of our time.
Thatʼs why, during last yearʼs Annual Meetings, I called for the evolution of the multilateral
development banks. At this one-year mark, we can see the tremendous progress weʼve made.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Multilateral Development Bank Evolution in Ben Guerir, Moro…

Weʼve aligned around a common vision and formed a broad coalition to demand the reforms
that are needed. Evolution is now high on the G20ʼs agenda, and the Indonesian and Indian
presidencies have played key roles. Weʼve heard the clarion calls of leaders from Prime
Minister Mottley of Barbados to President Ruto of Kenya. And at the World Bank itself, we
have a new President, Ajay Banga, who has already begun turning this vision into action.
While we started with a focus on the World Bank, weʼre also bringing this agenda to the
regional development banks. Weʼre positioning the International Monetary Fund to continue
fulfilling its own critical mandate. And weʼre pushing to make the debt architecture work
better and faster.
In my remarks today, Iʼll reflect on what weʼve accomplished in just one year and on what we
need to do to keep the momentum going. Iʼll also highlight the concrete di erences these
changes will make, for emerging markets and developing countries, and for all of us.

The World Bank was formed in the a ermath of World War II. Its initial focus was on
supporting recovery from the war, which is why its first loan was to France. But it expanded
its mission, lending, and geographic reach. And in 2013, it formalized a new mission in the
Twin Goals: to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity.
A decade later, the global challenges of climate change, pandemics, and fragility and conflict
threaten the achievement of these Twin Goals. So, addressing these challenges needs to be
an integral part of the work of development institutions. And change starts with mission. This
week in Marrakech, the World Bank Board of Governors will endorse a new vision to “end
poverty on a livable planet.” This vision reflects a broader consensus. Last month at the
inaugural Africa Climate Summit, for example, African leaders committed to integrating
climate agendas into national plans “to assure their full potential to support sustainable
development is realized.” Itʼs become common sense that addressing climate change and
other global challenges is key to achieving development.

Operational Model



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Multilateral Development Bank Evolution in Ben Guerir, Moro…

To have impact, a new vision must drive new actions. Here, too, weʼve made progress. The
World Bank is putting in place operational changes so that it can better address global
To combat climate change, the World Bank is improving the analytics and diagnostic tools
that guide its work. Enhanced country climate and development reports will link climate
change and development priorities, positioning governments and development partners to
design projects that both maximize development results and increase climate resilience and
adaptation. An expanded crisis response toolkit will include tools such as access to enhanced
catastrophe insurance to enable responding to disasters. And there will be broader changes
to integrate climate across the World Bankʼs operations. This is just common sense. An
agricultural project that is not designed to withstand climate-related shocks and longer-term
stresses—like droughts, shortened seasons, and erratic weather patterns—will fall short of
reaching its intended outcomes. But a project with drought-resilient crops and more e icient
water use will lead to increased yields, improving livelihoods and keeping populations food
The World Bank will also provide more support for increasing resilience to global health
emergencies. COVID-19 caused a shock to education globally. Support to strengthen digital
infrastructure could enable a quick pivot to remote learning, keeping development targets on
track even in the midst of crisis. These investments, too, are common sense.
And to address fragility and conflict, the World Bank will increase support through projects
that improve access to basic services and livelihoods for refugee populations around conflict
zones in ways that also benefit host populations, for example. Other projects will attack the
root causes of conflict, such as youth unemployment. Again, this is common sense: the only
way for the World Bank to meet its goals given the challenges we face.
Work has already started on principles for using concessional finance in a targeted way to
provide more support for activities like these—ones that address global challenges. And the
work ahead includes finalizing the framework for allocating these concessional resources.
We will also need to equip World Bank sta to deliver. This will require internal process
improvements that increase agility and speed up decision-making without sacrificing quality,
as well as cultural change to accelerate private sector mobilization and responsible risktaking.

Financial Capacity



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Multilateral Development Bank Evolution in Ben Guerir, Moro…

Delivering on this more complex agenda—one that does justice to the mutually reinforcing
goals of achieving poverty reduction, driving economic growth, and tackling global challenges
—requires boosting the World Bankʼs financial capacity.
Weʼve already made significant progress. At the Spring Meetings, Governors endorsed reforms
that will unlock $50 billion in additional financing capacity at the World Bank over the next
decade. Two weeks ago, the Asian Development Bank updated its Capital Adequacy
Framework. This will unlock $100 billion—meaning a 40% increase in its annual new
commitments capacity. Across the system, these reforms and others under active
consideration would mean a total of at least $200 billion in additional capacity.
We expect more progress very soon. This week, Governors will endorse a shareholder
portfolio guarantee platform that gives shareholders a new way to contribute and they will
lay the groundwork for the issuance of hybrid capital, a key measure to optimize balance
sheets. The platform is part of the United Statesʼ proposal for shareholders to increase World
Bank concessional financing capacity to address global challenges. President Biden has
requested funding that would enable the World Bank to provide $27 billion for projects that
address climate change, pandemics, and fragility, and to support immediate crisis response in
the poorest countries. The G20 has committed to mobilizing more resources. And other
countries are making announcements on how they will boost capacity as well.
But MDB financing alone will never su ice to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. So,
we also need to do much better to engage private capital and mobilize domestic resources.
We need the MDBs to establish concrete private capital mobilization targets and incentives
for sta to meet those targets. At the World Bank, lending, guarantee, and insurance
instruments o ered by IFC and MIGA need to be expanded and better utilized, and we need to
find new ways to smartly manage foreign exchange risk. The World Bank should also invest
more in project preparation and structuring and should release Global Emerging Markets data
so that private investors can better understand the actual risk and opportunity of investing in
these markets. And it should provide additional support to countries to put in place the right
policies to grow healthy private sectors and local capital markets—and to increase domestic
resource mobilization.
Looking ahead, we have asked MDB presidents to prioritize the major next step of
incorporating a prudent share of callable capital—the commitment from shareholders to step
in in extreme circumstances—into their capital adequacy frameworks. This will require



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Multilateral Development Bank Evolution in Ben Guerir, Moro…

commitment and e ort from shareholders, MDB management, and credit rating agencies. But
it is work well worth doing to expand the financial capacity of the entire MDB system.

Regional Development Banks
The regional development banks are also a crucial part of the evolution agenda. Regional
development banks have unique expertise on the priorities and needs of the regions they
serve. And they can work together with the World Bank and others as a system to increase
We have exciting examples already. The World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank
recently picked up the call for evolution and launched a partnership to work more closely
together in Latin America and the Caribbean, including on joint work to strengthen resilience
to natural disasters. The United States has led the call for a capital increase for IDB Investʼs
renewed vision—IDB 2.0—predicated on an originate-to-share approach, which would mean
bringing the private sector into investments earlier and more strategically. The African
Development Bank is the first multilateral development bank to create a framework for hybrid
capital and is pursuing its first transaction. And AfDB is also supporting Africa50ʼs recent
launch of Africaʼs first asset recycling program, designed to free up government funds for
infrastructure investments by involving the private sector.

Development banks are only one part of the international financial architecture, so we have
also turned our attention to the IMF. Like the development banks, the IMF has undertaken
reforms over decades, in its case to fulfill its mandate of overseeing the stability of the
international monetary system. This moment demands additional change at the IMF as well.
Our e orts start with making sure the IMF has su icient resources. An equiproportional
increase in quotas will shore up the IMFʼs finances, reducing its dependence on borrowed
resources and allowing for larger lending packages within the set access limits and where
appropriate. We also continue to call for more support for the Poverty Reduction and Growth
Trust, the IMFʼs concessional financing facility. The PRGT drastically increased its lending
during the pandemic, deploying funds to meet urgent balance of payment needs. More
recently, it has lent critical support to countries such as Ghana and Zambia that are
undertaking reforms in the context of debt restructuring processes. Without additional
funding, the PRGT will not be able to support continued high demand. The United States has



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Multilateral Development Bank Evolution in Ben Guerir, Moro…

already contributed to the PRGT subsidy account and has called on the IMF to utilize internal
resources so that all members are supporting low-income countries. And we have asked
Congress to authorize the United States to lend $21 billion to IMF Trust Funds that support
low-income countries or help build resilience.
Beyond securing resources, we continue to believe the IMF should fulfill its core mission
through providing sound policy advice, capacity development, and financing. Perhaps the
most important work the IMF can undertake is to support a country to find sustainable
macroeconomic footing through deploying a combination of these tools. For example, the
IMFʼs capacity building e orts are helping drive increases in debt transparency. Like with
investments in climate, these changes have impacts far beyond the country directly receiving
support. They help channel private financial resources to meet global challenges and underpin
global financial stability.
And alongside resources and fulfilling its core mission, we are exploring ways to directly
increase the voice of emerging markets and developing countries in the IMF. Weʼve proposed
adding another Deputy Managing Director to have two deputies representing emerging
markets and low-income countries, instead of one that represents both. And we are also
beginning to engage with members on the potential of adding a third Executive Board chair
representing sub-Saharan Africa. We also support a quota formula that better reflects the
global economy, but change on this can only happen within an agreed-on framework based on
shared principles.

Iʼll end by turning to the debt architecture. Public debt has been steadily rising for decades
and the pandemic caused it to sharply spike. The portion of low-income countries in or at high
risk of debt distress has doubled since 2015. This is inextricably linked to the challenges Iʼve
already discussed. Debt poses risks to development and financial sustainability. When Ghana
sought an IMF program and debt treatment under the Common Framework last year, a
shocking 47 percent of government revenues were going to service debt. These were funds
that were unavailable to invest in preventing the next climate shock or strengthening health
Over the past year, weʼve made progress on debt restructuring in particular cases. For
example, Zambia reached a deal with foreign government creditors in June. But it took far too
long to get there. The past year has also seen uptake of new creative solutions, such as



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Multilateral Development Bank Evolution in Ben Guerir, Moro…

climate-resilient debt clauses. These clauses pause debt repayments in the event of climate
disaster. This means that when disaster hits, a borrower country will be able to spend muchneeded funds on emergency response and recovery, exactly when such funds are most crucial.
And investors will still get paid back, just on a later timeline. The World Bank will be piloting
these clauses as part of its expanded crisis response toolkit.
Looking ahead, we need to continue e orts to quickly resolve debt distress in other cases. We
also need to accelerate our broader work to advance reforms at the Global Sovereign Debt
Roundtable. An architecture that allows debt distress to be resolved quickly and predictably
will allow countries to restart growth, make investments that improve lives, and contribute to
the global economy.



We are not where we should be on the Sustainable Development Goals, and the global
challenges we all face make achieving sustained progress even harder. But we have a pathway
out: through making bold reforms to the international financial architecture and then using it
fully. Iʼm proud of how much weʼve accomplished in one year. And I believe there will be even
deeper collaboration and more widespread commitment as we continue this work, including
as Brazil assumes the G20 presidency. But we know there is much more to be done.
The Annual Meetings have been held in Africa only once since 1947. That was 50 years ago, in
1973 in Nairobi. It was another moment of change in the world and for the World Bank. Here,
on the African continent, one month a er the African Union became a formal member of the
G20, we are defining the course forward at another key moment. We need an international
financial architecture that lives up to the promise of multilateral engagement. The past year
has made me hopeful that we will jointly leverage the tools and shared political will we have
to bring about a better world. Thank you.
