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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Milwaukee, Wisconsin | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
January 26, 2024

As Prepared for Delivery
Lindsay, thank you for your introduction and your leadership of WRTP | BIG STEPa. I am
excited to announce that WRTP | BIG STEP will soon be starting construction to expand and
modernize this training facility, using $1.5 million in federal funds. These funds are thanks to
Senator Baldwinʼs tireless work, part of her long commitment to grow Wisconsinʼs
manufacturing economy. Alongside the support weʼve provided through the American Rescue
Plan, theyʼll help WRTP | BIG STEP continue to advance its mission to equip residents with the
skills they need to get well-paying jobs and get ahead. Itʼs a tremendous milestone.
Yesterday in Chicago, I spoke about President Bidenʼs focus on supporting Americaʼs middle
class. The President and I believe that our countryʼs growth isnʼt meaningful if the gains are
not widely shared. And a strong American middle class is key to building a strong economy.
Over decades, the middle class in America has faced challenges. That includes obstacles to
accessing good jobs. Decades ago, industrialization fueled opportunity in cities like
Milwaukee. And you didnʼt need a college degree to take advantage of it. Three out of four
jobs in the 1970s required at most a high school diploma. Since then, opportunity in this
country has become too concentrated on the coasts and in wealthier communities. Now, two
out of three jobs require more than a high school diploma. For the more than half of
Americans over the age of 25 who donʼt have college degrees, it has been hard to find
pathways to the middle class.
The President and I know how much having a good job can mean. It can be the di erence
between being able to provide for oneʼs family and having to struggle to do so; between a life
that feels stable and one that feels precarious; between thinking only about this month and
planning for the years ahead. This means the opportunity to have a good job should be part of
what it means to be an American today. This should be true no matter where you live and
whether or not you have a college degree.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Milwaukee, Wisconsin | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Today in Milwaukee, I want to talk about what this Administration is doing to make getting a
good job a reality for more Americans. Over the past three years, America has seen a historic
labor market recovery even as inflation has declined significantly. The economy created 2.7
million jobs in 2023, more jobs than during any year of the prior Administration. Last month,
the unemployment rate stayed below 4 percent, continuing the longest streak in over 50
years. Real wages—wages a er adjusting for inflation—have increased. And Americans have
rejoined the workforce, with the prime-age labor force participation rate up over two
percentage points from January 2021.
Weʼre helping create and strengthen pathways to good jobs for Americans across the country
—through the American Rescue Plan, our support of unions, and a historic trifecta of
legislation. Iʼll talk about each of these aspects of our economic plan today.

Let me start with the American Rescue Plan. During the depths of the pandemic, the Rescue
Plan provided critical support to workers and businesses. It helped us avoid the painful
scarring we saw in the Great Recession. And itʼs also enabling long-term investments in
workers. The State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program made unprecedented funding
available to cities and states, and weʼve encouraged spending it on workforce development.
State and local governments have responded. They report having committed nearly $13 billion
to support for workers. There are new and expanding workforce development programs in key
industries all across the country. For example, Maricopa County, Arizona is using state and
local recovery funds for a training and credentialing program for in-demand fields, from
construction to information technology. Charlotte, North Carolina is using funds to support
non-profits that train residents in targeted growth industries, including advanced
manufacturing. WRTP | BIG STEP is providing new credentialing opportunities, including in
green construction.
Whatʼs important is not just how much we spend on workforce development, but how itʼs
done. Weʼve engaged here as well, convening stakeholders across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to share best practices, such as providing supportive services. Oneʼs ability to
succeed in oneʼs career is connected to oneʼs other needs and priorities, so workforce training
shouldnʼt stand alone. You canʼt show up to an apprenticeship program on time or join extra
training if you need to look a er your kids. Weʼre encouraged to see programs that recognize
this, such as one through Gallatin College Montana State University that provides childcare



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Milwaukee, Wisconsin | U.S. Department of the Treasury

for parents attending evening classes. I know Lindsay has spoken powerfully about the need
for other services too, such as mentorship and coaching for young apprentices.
This Administration has also been clear that workforce development programs, like the whole
of our economic agenda, should reach places and people where potential exists but
opportunity o en hasnʼt. Weʼre funding apprenticeship programs like one in Syracuse, New
York that focuses on women, people of color, and veterans. Weʼre supporting Maineʼs Clean
Energy Partnership that focuses on opportunities for underrepresented communities. Here in
Milwaukee, WRTP | BIG STEP expands its reach through partnering with groups such as the
Northwest Side Community Development Corporation just a few blocks away.

Our e orts to support good jobs and build pathways into them also include our support of
unions. President Biden has been a champion for unions throughout his career and is now
fighting for them as President. As Treasury Secretary, Iʼve gotten to see the crucial role that
unions play in training workers firsthand. Last year, I visited the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers facility in Las Vegas, where workers are getting the training they need for
jobs on clean energy projects.
Itʼs not just training that helps. Partnerships between workforce development programs and
unions can also strengthen the link between training and employment. That means that
training will directly lead to a job. WRTP | BIG STEP recognizes this, and Iʼm very glad to see
union representatives here today. The impact of these and other partnerships with employers
is clear in the outcomes weʼre seeing: 100 percent of graduates from WRTP | BIG STEPʼs 2022
Summer Trades Academy received job o ers.
Union jobs are also more likely to be good ones. Last year, Treasury released a first-of-its-kind
report showing that union members typically earn higher wages. The di erential averages
between 10 to 15 percent. And unions improve fringe benefits and workforce procedures that
matter to workers, such as retirement plans and predictable scheduling. Unionization also has
spillover e ects, leading to increased wages at nonunionized firms due to competition.
Unions can drive changes across whole industries, such as heightened workplace safety
norms. Through encouraging fairer wage practices, unions are also part of creating a fairer




Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Milwaukee, Wisconsin | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Good jobs are also at the heart of our long-term agenda. During the first two years of this
Administration, the President signed into law a trifecta of historic legislation: the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act. Weʼre now
busy implementing these programs. Weʼre building toward a di erent country in which roads,
bridges, and ports are better, enabling goods to reach us faster and at lower cost. In which
strengthened manufacturing at home makes our country more secure. In which cutting-edge
clean energy technologies bring down costs for American families and propel us toward our
climate goals. Private sector companies have announced over $600 billion in manufacturing
and clean energy commitments since the start of the Administration, such as WEC (“W-E-C”)
Energy Groupʼs announcement of over $400 million for Wisconsinʼs first large-scale solar and
battery storage project outside of Milwaukee.
This legislation is creating new opportunities for American workers, and weʼre making sure
they have the skills they need to take advantage of them. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
includes more than $800 million for workforce development. The CHIPS and Science Act
includes requirements for companies to work with partners to set up training programs. The
Inflation Reduction Act provides a bonus for projects meeting prevailing wage and
apprenticeship requirements, incentivizing companies to create well-paying jobs in new
industries and provide training for them.
These e orts are reaching places and people that have been too o en le behind. That
includes Americans without college degrees. One study estimates that over 60 percent of
semiconductor manufacturing roles donʼt require a bachelorʼs degree. And so far, 86 percent
of announced IRA-related investment dollars have been in counties where the college
graduation rate is below the national average.
The jobs being created are good ones—ones that provide pathways to the middle class. For
example, the median annual salary for wind service technicians and solar photovoltaic
installers is around $60,000—nearly 25 percent above the national median. And one study
found that workers newly employed by the growing green-energy sector have wages 40
percent higher than they earned in non-energy jobs.

The President and I know thereʼs much more work to do to get American workers into good
jobs. Weʼre fighting for more support for training programs and more funding for community



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen in Milwaukee, Wisconsin | U.S. Department of the Treasury

But Iʼm already seeing momentum across the country, from my visit to Roxbury Community
College in Boston last month—where students are being trained to green the buildings of the
future—to my visit here today. Workforce development programs arenʼt new. But with this
Administration, programs like WRTP | BIG STEP are getting more of the support they need.
And funding workforce development through the American Rescue Plan is part of our broader
focus on American workers, from supporting unions to our long-term agenda. Over time, our
policies and investments will create new opportunities, changing the lives of American
Thank you all for being here today and for being part of this exciting moment.
