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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Livent in Bessemer City, North Carolina | U.S. Department of…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Livent in
Bessemer City, North Carolina
November 30, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Good a ernoon. Thank you, Barbara, for the introduction. Iʼm glad to be here in North Carolina to discuss
the Biden Administrationʼs investments in manufacturing and to see firsthand here at Livent the impacts
that these investments are having.
Iʼll start with the broader context. Over the past three years, the Biden Administration has helped drive a
historic economic recovery from the pandemic—the most equitable on record. GDP growth and the labor
market are strong and inflation is now down substantially from its peak. We learned this week that our
economy grew even faster in the third quarter of 2023 than weʼd thought: the fastest in any quarter since
2021. That strength isnʼt just apparent in aggregate statistics. It reflects contributions from consumers
consuming more and businesses investing more, as our economyʼs overall strength is translating to higher
real household incomes and inflation cools. Real wages—earnings a er inflation—are growing faster this
year than they were before the pandemic. This all reflects what weʼve seen under this Administration: even
as we donʼt put too much weight on a single month or quarterʼs numbers, a historically fast recovery is
settling over time into sustainable growth.
The President and I know thereʼs still more work to do. Higher prices can a ect household budgets, and
weʼre using the tools we have to address this in essential areas like energy and health care. Weʼre also
tackling structural issues that have posed challenges for decades. Our country has seen slow productivity
growth, entrenched income inequality, and regional divergences: Some regions have experienced economic
stagnation while others have prospered.
The President and I share a belief that addressing these challenges
requires growing our economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down. This underlies the
Presidentʼs economic strategy—what we call Bidenomics. And it aligns with what Iʼve called modern
supply-side economics, increasing our long-term productive capacity while broadening economic
opportunity across the country and addressing challenges like climate change.
Though we are investing in many parts of our economy, reinvigorating American manufacturing is core to
our strategy. The United States lost onethird of our manufacturing jobs between the peak in 1979 and 2019. This is in part due to increases in
productivity, trade, and other causes, but it still a ected millions of Americans. Americaʼs global share of
manufacturing also fell. This has meant a tremendous missed opportunity, for American workers and for
our countryʼs economic resilience.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Livent in Bessemer City, North Carolina | U.S. Department of…

So, the Biden Administration is scaling up our domestic manufacturing capacity to reverse the decadeslong decline in American manufacturing. But let me be clear: We are not looking backward and trying to
recreate the past. We are pursuing policies fit for the American economy in the 21st century. This means
investing in the future of manufacturing: rebuilding the sector in a way thatʼs aligned with our current
commitments to broaden economic opportunity and address climate change.
Scaling up our domestic manufacturing capacity—particularly in new industries—can help create wellpaying, middle-class jobs for Americans across the country. Serving people and places that have too o en
been le behind unlocks their potential to fuel our countryʼs economic growth. Domestic manufacturing
can also help secure our supply chains, reducing our vulnerability to shortages, such as of key medicines
and medical equipment, which we saw at the start of the pandemic. And certain manufacturing
investments—such as in clean energy technologies—can drive production and innovation to meet the
pressing global challenges of our time.
So, today, I want to focus on the Inflation Reduction Actʼs tax credits for clean energy manufacturing and
explain how they are helping us achieve three distinct goals: broadening economic opportunity; bolstering
energy security; and propelling us toward a clean energy future.
First, let me describe the credits and the boom in manufacturing weʼre seeing. The IRA provides tax credits
for producing key inputs to the clean energy economy, from components for wind and solar energy, to
inverters, battery components, and critical minerals. These credits make it cheaper for companies to invest
in new clean energy technologies. And the long-term timeframe over which theyʼll be available means
producers will benefit from not just lower costs but also from increased stability. Before the IRA, producers
of clean energy lacked certainty. Important tax incentives routinely had short expiration dates and needed
to be reauthorized. With the IRA, clean energy producers and their suppliers can have confidence that their
investments in American manufacturing will continue to be good business decisions.
Producers and investors are also indirectly incentivized by other IRA provisions. The IRAʼs supply-side
incentives are complemented by demand-side incentives, including tax credits for purchasing qualifying
electric vehicles that will be available at the time of sale starting next year. We expect U.S. demand for EVs
to continue to increase under this new structure, fueling the U.S. EV marketʼs rapid expansion. And as
demand for EVs increases, manufacturers of battery components, for example, will see even more reason
to increase manufacturing capacity to meet it. Growth in battery manufacturing for EVs will also support
the production of other manufactured goods, such as cells for handheld devices and electric grid-scale
These incentives, alongside the Administrationʼs other actions, are working. Spurred on by President
Bidenʼs economic plan, America is seeing a renaissance in manufacturing. Since the start of the
Administration, private companies have announced $614 billion in manufacturing and clean energy
investments, including $142 billion in EVs and batteries and $71 billion in clean energy manufacturing. In
just the first year a er the passage of the IRA, companies announced plans to build 83 clean energy
manufacturing facilities across the country. Weʼre seeing the emergence of a battery belt across the Midwest



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Livent in Bessemer City, North Carolina | U.S. Department of…

and South. Capacity in the pipeline increased from around 700 gigawatt-hours before the passage of the
IRA to 1,200 this past July. Thatʼs a 70 percent increase.
North Carolina has been the site of major developments, including announcements of an $8 billion
expansion of battery production lines in Liberty and $165 million for a new lithium-ion battery
manufacturing plant in Morrisville. And here in Bessemer, Livent is building on an eighty-year history to
create a crucial supply hub for lithium-ion batteries. It has built the first new lithium hydroxide production
facility in North America in more than a decade, expanding its U.S. lithium hydroxide manufacturing
capacity by 50 percent. This is the countryʼs largest facility, and Livent cites the IRA as a key driver of its
The boom in manufacturing, driven by the IRAʼs tax credits, is helping us achieve the first goal I mentioned:
broadening economic opportunity. Unemployment is already near historic lows, with a larger share of those
between 25 and 54 years-old employed than weʼve seen in 20 years. But this Administration is focused on
how to ensure growth and jobs for middleclass Americans for the long term, whether or not they have four-year college degrees. Thatʼs where
manufacturing comes in. The IRA is creating well-paying jobs for construction workers, mechanics,
technicians, electricians, and support sta , in significant numbers.
Key IRA provisions, such as prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements, mean workers for certain
clean energy projects will be fairly compensated and have pathways into these growing industries.
Employers will gain access to a stable workforce equipped with the right skills. Upskilling workers is being
further supported by the growth of workforce development programs, including Liventʼs workforce
development partnership with Gaston College. And organized labor is powerfully taking action to expand
worker protections across the country. I saw the key role that unions play in training workers in these sectors
during my visit to the IBEW facility in Las Vegas earlier this year.
Investments are also flowing to where they are most needed. New Treasury analysis shows that
86 percent of IRA-related investments have been in counties with below-average college graduation rates.
This trend is supported by other IRA provisions not directly applicable to the manufacturing credits, such
as boosts for investments in low-income communities and historic energy communities.
Investments in clean energy manufacturing are also helping achieve a second goal: bolstering our energy
security. Our countryʼs energy security is dependent on the resilience of our supply chains. And for too
long, the supply of critical raw materials and the manufacturing capacity to process them have been too
concentrated beyond our borders. Key supply chains in areas like clean energy are overconcentrated in
China, in part due to unfair non-market practices over decades. And overdependence, including on China,
makes America more vulnerable to risks that disrupt our access to that foreign production, from natural
disasters, to macroeconomic forces, to deliberate actions
such as economic coercion. Disrupted access can result in economic disruption and higher prices for
American consumers.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Livent in Bessemer City, North Carolina | U.S. Department of…

So, America must increase e orts to bolster its energy and economic security, which is why the Biden
Administration is pursuing far-ranging e orts to shore up our critical supply chains. America benefits from
strong relations with our allies and partners. And through what Iʼve called friendshoring, weʼre seeking to
strengthen our economic resilience by diversifying our supply chains across a wide range of trusted allies
and partners.
But our long-term energy security also depends on shoring up our domestic manufacturing capacity, which
the IRA is now enabling. We see that here in Bessemer, where Livent will source inputs from close partners
like Canada and carry out critical processing steps in the U.S., helping automakers meet the IRAʼs rules for
sourcing battery components and critical minerals. And with massive increases in domestic manufacturing
capacity, our country will become less dependent on other countries for the inputs we need and we will
make great strides toward energy security.
Finally, from batteries, to solar, to wind, increasing domestic manufacturing through the IRAʼs tax credits
is also propelling us forward on the path to a third goal: reaching the clean energy future we need to address
and prevent the mounting physical and economic impacts of climate change. President Biden has set
ambitious targets of reducing emissions 50 to 52 percent from 2005 levels in 2030 and achieving net-zero
by no later than 2050. Meeting these targets depends at least in part on investing in clean energy
technologies. And the IRA is the most significant climate legislation in this countryʼs history, helping put us
on track.
The IRA is fueling not just investment but also innovation at American companies that will help the whole
industry advance. Liventʼs innovation team is creating cutting edge lithium products to produce smaller
batteries that hold more power and provide more range. Today, I was able to see this printable lithium
firsthand. And investments at home help bring down the costs of clean energy technologies globally, by as
much as 25 percent, driving increased uptake of clean energy technologies and global emissions reduction.
With that, thank you again for having me here today. Weʼre restoring manufacturing to its rightful place as
a key driver of the American economy. And weʼre doing so in a way that meets the needs of the current
moment and allows us to take forward some of this Administrationʼs key policy priorities: broadening
economic opportunity, securing our supply chains, and achieving our climate goals. Itʼs been only 15
months since the IRA was passed, but weʼre already seeing tremendous change. Itʼs a testament to President
Bidenʼs vision for Investing in America, a ready private sector, and the strength of American workers. In the
years ahead, the impacts will increase, serving communities across the country and building our countryʼs
long term economic strength so that there are benefits for generations to come.

