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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Global Food Security in New York, New York | U.S. Departme…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Global
Food Security in New York, New York
September 18, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Hello everyone. And thank you to Administrator Power and her team. The Administrator has
been a leading voice on food security on behalf of our Administration, including through Feed
the Future. Iʼm glad to be able to join her, President Ruto, and President Adesina today.
Over the past three years, the successive shocks of COVID-19, Russiaʼs war on Ukraine, and
extreme climate events have had a devastating impact on food security. Around one-tenth of
the global population currently faces severe food insecurity. The Food and Agriculture
Organization projects there will be about 120 million more chronically undernourished people
in 2030 due to the pandemic and war. In coming years, we will face the mounting e ects of
climate change, new sources of conflict and fragility, and more threats to global health. Each
successive shock will exacerbate the underlying drivers of food insecurity. And each will hit
harder those who are already food insecure. I know that President Ruto and many other
African leaders spoke powerfully about the nexus between climate change, agricultural
productivity, and food security at the Africa Climate Summit earlier this month.
The impacts of food insecurity on individuals and communities are acute. Hunger and poor
nutrition undermine health and educational outcomes and well-being. Food insecurity also
has economy-wide impacts, contributing to lower productivity that holds back economic
growth. This means food security matters both morally, and for the global economy.
The U.S. has provided nearly $13.5 billion in humanitarian and development assistance since
Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine to address the global food security crisis. We have also helped
lead multilateral action. The Black Sea Grain Initiative enabled Ukraine to continue exporting
grain to low-income food-insecure economies. Russiaʼs withdrawal from the Initiative is
devastating for countries such as Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Lebanon, and Yemen, which relied on
these shipments, as well as for grain importers anywhere exposed to the price volatility
caused by Russiaʼs actions. Going forward, we will maintain our strong support for Ukraine,
call for Russia to reverse course, and mobilize our partners to take further action.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Global Food Security in New York, New York | U.S. Departme…

But we must also collectively do more than respond in moments of crisis. We must build
resilience to them. This will reduce the need for future humanitarian assistance. And it will
support sustainable economic growth. In my remarks today, Iʼll focus on the need to
accelerate investments in food and agriculture systems, particularly by the private sector. Iʼll
emphasize the importance of equipping international financial institutions to deploy
additional financing for these investments. And Iʼll address our longer-term work to evolve
the multilateral development banks.



Today, fiscal constraints limit too many governmentsʼ abilities to make investments that fuel
sustainable growth. The private sector can step in to fill this gap. We need private sector
investments in technological innovations and to facilitate market access, for players across
local, national, and regional food and agriculture value chains, including smallholder farmers,
producers, distributors, and retailers. Investments in small and medium-sized enterprises,
which play a crucial role in these value chains, are particularly key. Of course, governments
need to provide favorable policy environments: ones that are predictable, transparent, and
incentivize the right kinds of investment. And the Biden Administration is supporting this
approach through the U.S.-Africa strategic partnership on food security, which focuses on
promoting opportunities for transformative government and private sector investments.
Increased investment also depends on leveraging the international financial institutions. We
have seen significant progress since international financial institutions came together to
launch the IFI Action Plan to Address Food Insecurity in May 2022. Food security and
agriculture-related lending across these institutions increased to almost $15 billion in 2022.
Thatʼs an over 60 percent increase from an annual pre-war average of just over $9 billion. As of
June, the World Bank achieved $22 billion in new lending commitments, well-surpassing its
$12 billion Action Plan target. And the International Monetary Fund has disbursed $1.8 billion
through its Food Shock Window. Going forward, the IFIs will continue to play a vital role in
strengthening food security through policy advice and supporting countriesʼ investments in
sustainable and resilient food systems. We should institutionalize the coordination and
coherence the Action Plan provided. And we are currently working with the IFIs to do just



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Global Food Security in New York, New York | U.S. Departme…

There are also existing specialized multilateral tools we should leverage. We are proud to be
the largest donor to the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, which provides muchneeded grants, concessional loans, and blended finance – as well as technical assistance – to
low-income countries and producer organizations. And we are currently working alongside
other donors to enhance the Programʼs ability to mobilize and deploy private capital, which
will allow it to work more e ectively with facilities like the one being launched today. The
International Fund for Agricultural Development, focused on alleviating rural poverty in the
face of a changing climate, is also critical. The Fund has increased rural incomes, expanded
productive capacities, and improved market access for millions of individuals, over half of
whom are women. We are currently working with other Fund members toward a successful

But even focusing on medium and long-term investments in agriculture in addition to crisis
response is not su icient. Pandemics lower income. Conflict disrupts supply chains. Climate
change poses risks to entire agricultural systems. So, combatting food insecurity also
depends on broader e orts to address these global challenges. And this requires evolving the
multilateral development banks, which are a central pillar of our international economic
We have already made significant progress on reforms related to the World Bankʼs mission
and vision, incentives, operational model, and financing capacity. We estimate that the MDBs
as a system could unlock $200 billion in new lending capacity over the next ten years through
balance sheet measures that are either already being implemented or are under
consideration. This additional financing can be directly deployed to advance priorities like
food security. And President Biden has requested funding that would enable the Bank to
provide $27 billion in new resources for projects that address climate change, fragility, and
pandemics – some of the core drivers of food insecurity – and to support immediate crisis
response in the poorest countries.

Todayʼs event is an opportunity not just to again highlight the importance of food security but
to renew our commitment to a particular path forward. There will always be crises to which
we should respond with timely and substantial assistance. But short-term responses,



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Global Food Security in New York, New York | U.S. Departme…

however e ective, will never bring about a world without food insecurity. Short-term
assistance canʼt prevent the next drought. Or ward o

the next pandemic. And these

challenges will continue to drive food insecurity, threatening the lives, livelihoods, and wellbeing of those around the world. Supporting individuals and communities depends on thinking
longer-term to put in place polices and make investments that build systems, not just storage
silos. Systems that will allow people around the world to endure coming shocks without going
hungry, and to live healthy and prosperous lives.
