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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue: Challenges and Oppo…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the G20
Infrastructure Investors Dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities
in Environment, Social, and Governance-aligned Infrastructure
June 3, 2021

As prepared for delivery
Minister Franco, Minister Al-Jadaan, Minister Indrawati and other distinguished guests, it’s an
honor to be with you. I want to thank the Italian Presidency and the G20 for inviting me to
speak with you, especially about such an important challenge: increasing infrastructure
investment in accordance with environmental, social, and governance principles. These
investments are key to combatting climate change, and this decade will be decisive.
To keep a global warming limit of one-and-a-half degrees Celsius within reach, we must all
get on the right path now. This will be challenging, but the transition to a global, low-carbon
economy represents one of the most important and consequential economic transitions in
human history.
One piece of that transition must be facilitating greater investment in clean, sustainable
A er all, finance and infrastructure both play vital roles in accelerating the path towards a
clean energy economy and building a resilient future. Approximately 70% of global
emissions come from the use and construction of infrastructure. Financing new high-quality,
“green infrastructure” – infrastructure that is both resilient to extreme climate events and
emits minimal greenhouse gases -- is crucial to reducing these emissions, and we need you –
investors and infrastructure developers – to help lead the transition.
Today, we face an annual global infrastructure investment gap of around $2.5-3 trillion,
which cannot be filled by public-sector funds alone. If the world has a realistic hope of
reaching our climate goals and avoiding the most catastrophic e ects of climate change, we
must close this gap by investing in sustainable infrastructure.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue: Challenges and Oppo…

Climate change is not the only driver for investing in high quality, green infrastructure. These
investments also provide opportunities for the bottom line, as investments that account for
environmental, social, and governance impact reduce downside risk and protect returns.
The G20 has worked diligently to catalyze private sector investment in infrastructure. This
work is now more important than ever as governments divert resources towards COVID-19
recovery, and the United States is committed to doing its part.
First, to help address the investment gap here in the United States, the Biden-Harris
Administration has proposed a plan to invest $1.7 trillion in public finance over the next 10
years. These investments will modernize 20,000 miles of highways and roads, expand the
country's broadband infrastructure – and most importantly, they will help catalyze
significant private-sector investment in infrastructure and green technologies. For example,
the plan calls for a proposed investment tax credit that would mobilize tens of billions in
private investment in high-voltage power lines alone.
Under this plan, 40% of the benefits of climate and clean infrastructure investments will go
to underserved areas, including rural and tribal communities. These investments will create
millions of high-paying jobs that strengthen working communities and achieve
environmental justice. When President Biden thinks of climate, he thinks of jobs – and viceversa. He believes tackling the climate crisis presents an historic economic opportunity.
We are also working internationally.
Mobilizing international climate finance is an important part of enabling our partners to
pursue ambitious infrastructure and climate agendas. We cannot hope to succeed in
achieving our climate change goals if we do not have a credible plan for unlocking the
required capital flows. To that end, President Biden announced the U.S. International
Climate Finance Plan at the Leaders’ Summit on Climate in April.
As part of this plan, Treasury is engaging in international e orts to improve information on
climate-related risks and opportunities to identify climate-aligned investments. Treasury
assumed the co-chair of the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group to help drive
international cooperation on this work. Likewise, we strongly support the G20 Infrastructure
Working Group’s e orts to operationalize the Quality Infrastructure Investment Principles to
help investors include climate-aligned infrastructure in their portfolios. In addition, Treasury
will work with international partners to identify and address barriers to emerging market
infrastructure investments through Sustainable Climate Finance Dialogues.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue: Challenges and Oppo…

In many respects, the private sector is already leading the way.
Over the last several years, ESG investing has increased tremendously. ESG fund assets have
grown from just $10 billion in 2015 to $246 billion in March 2021. Similarly, sustainabilitylinked debt issuances have grown at an annualized rate of 60% over the last eight years.
We must do more, though. In order to mobilize additional investments into clean
infrastructure, investors are demanding clear and comparable ESG data and metrics. Poor
quality or availability of ESG data and lack of standardized ESG metrics are o en cited as
barriers to further deployment of sustainable finance. And lack of clear measurements also
opens the door to “green washing” – that is, inflating environmental and emissions benefits
to attract investors.
To improve infrastructure data quality, we are working in the G20 to develop indicators for
the Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment, or QII. As many of you know, the QII
principles were endorsed during the Japanese G20 presidency in 2019, and they incorporate
ESG considerations, resilience, and life cycle cost. Negotiations on QII indicators have been
extensive. There are legitimate concerns over their potential impact on investment and
project costs. Yet we continue to hear from private investors that consideration of ESG
factors in their financing decisions has shi ed from being “nice to have” to being “must
This event is an excellent opportunity for investors and developers to communicate these
views and respond to concerns over the cost of ESG measurement and monitoring in
We need to hear from you today.
While we have been discussing ESG principles and indicators for infrastructure in the G20, the
private sector has launched ESG infrastructure initiatives. I commend these e orts, and I
would urge greater collaboration between governments and private sector initiatives as we
further identify and refine the metrics most useful for promoting infrastructure investment.
We should work together.
In summary: As governments work towards COVID-19 recovery and steer our economies
towards a net zero future, the private sector will need to play an outsized role in financing
and developing infrastructure. It is my hope that this dialogue helps unlock progress
towards greater ESG clarity and transparency so these investments can play a key role in
closing the infrastructure gap and lowering global emissions.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue: Challenges and Oppo…

Thank you all.
