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Remarks By Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Eurogroup Finance Ministers Meeting in Luxembourg, Lux…

Remarks By Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the
Eurogroup Finance Ministers Meeting in Luxembourg,
October 16, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Hello everyone. I want to begin by rea irming that the United States condemns the terrorist
attack by Hamas on the State of Israel and stands with the Israeli people, as the G7
collectively stated last week. With that, thank you to President Donohoe for the invitation.
Iʼve appreciated the opportunity to join past meetings in Brussels and Washington, and Iʼm
glad to be here in Luxembourg today.
The United States and the European Union have forged an exceptionally strong partnership. I
see that partnership as crucial to addressing global challenges and to advancing shared
priorities. And in large part because of our collective work, the global economy is in a better
place today than many thought it might be.
In the United States, weʼve been able to bring about a fast economic recovery from a deep
recession. Our unemployment rate remains historically low at 3.8 percent and inflation has
declined significantly since its peak last year. Weʼre also investing in our long-term economic
strength. President Bidenʼs Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and
Inflation Reduction Act form a trifecta of historic legislation that advances what Iʼve been
calling modern supply-side economics: expanding our economyʼs long-term productive
capacity while reducing inequality and environmental damage.
Europe has also made considerable progress in its economic recovery from the pandemic,
even while contending with the direct spillovers from Russiaʼs brutal war against Ukraine. As a
labor economist by training, I am particularly heartened that Europeʼs labor markets are
stronger than ever, with the EUʼs employment rate at a record high. Let me be clear about
what we see from across the Atlantic: Europe stands strong and resilient despite Putinʼs
attempts to weaponize Russiaʼs energy exports against the region. And the United States has
been proud to stand with you in this e ort. The U.S.-EU Task Force on Energy Security and the
increase in U.S. exports of liquified natural gas are examples of our joint e orts, which I know



Remarks By Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Eurogroup Finance Ministers Meeting in Luxembourg, Lux…

complement the hard decisions youʼve taken at home to reduce demand for natural gas. I
realize there are more decisions to make in coming months to support Europeʼs recovery,
including your ongoing work on reforming the Stability and Growth Pact. I hope that the final
agreement, while incentivizing sustainable debt levels, also allows for pursuing growthenhancing investments.
As we each respond to global events that threaten economic growth, Iʼd like to focus on two
key areas of collaboration: our support for Ukraine and our respective economic relationships
with China.
Strong support for Ukraine of course remains a top priority for both the United States and
Europe. The United States has provided robust budget support, and our allies, most notably
here in Europe, have as well. During my visit to Kyiv, I saw firsthand the importance of our
economic assistance in addition to military support. Economic assistance bolsters the home
front—Ukraineʼs schools, first responders, hospitals, and other basic services—to make
possible our e orts to sustain Ukraineʼs resistance on the frontlines. As Iʼve said before, we
cannot allow Ukraine to lose the war for economic reasons when it has shown an ability to
succeed on the battlefield.
The Biden Administration is committed to supporting Ukraine for as long as it takes.
President Biden and I, along with a bipartisan majority of the U.S. Congress and the American
people, will fight so that our support is not interrupted and su icient funding is in place going
forward. We will work with Congress to pass a robust Ukraine package into law.
I know you share this commitment as well. I applaud the plans to stand up a 50 billion euro
Ukraine Facility to provide sustained economic and reconstruction support. Economic support
to Ukraine should have maximum concessionality. Flexibility is also important, as it could
enable front-loading budget support in the immediate term when it is needed most. Ukraine
has also been able to unlock a $15.6 billion IMF program in part due to international financial
support and on-time delivery on reform and accountability measures to maximize the impact
of each dollar and euro. And, looking ahead to additional sources of assistance, I support
harnessing windfall proceeds from Russian sovereign assets immobilized in particular
clearinghouses and using the funds to support Ukraine, which the G7 has now committed to
Ultimately, we are in it together. We know that, as President Zelenskyy has said, our support is
“not charity”; itʼs an investment in “global security and democracy.” Our assistance is crucial to



Remarks By Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Eurogroup Finance Ministers Meeting in Luxembourg, Lux…

our collective national security interests and to our shared goal of a free and prosperous
Europe and world.
Our support to Ukraine is also complemented by our joint e orts to impose increasing costs
on Russia for waging its reckless war. Weʼve put in place a novel price cap policy, which has
significantly reduced Russian revenue over the last 10 months while promoting stable energy
markets. We continue to take additional action to ensure that Russia faces hard choices:
either sell oil at a significant discount or spend huge amounts on an alternative ecosystem.
We announced new sanctions just last week and cracking down on sanctions evasion is a
focus this year. Europe has been a key partner in this e ort. The EUʼs 12th Sanctions Package,
under discussion now, is an opportunity to clearly demonstrate that our coalition will continue
to take bold, creative steps to deprive Russia of the revenue and material it uses on the
U.S.-EU collaboration is also crucial in our respective economic relationships with China. As I
laid out last April, we do not seek to decouple our economy from Chinaʼs—We seek to
diversify. To de-risk, not decouple, as President von der Leyen aptly put it. As we protect our
national security interests, we seek open and direct communication to avoid
misunderstanding and miscalculation. In July, I traveled to China to discuss U.S. priorities with
Chinaʼs new economic team. It was a significant step in deepening our bilateral
communications and one that we are continuing to build on, such as through the
announcement of Economic and Financial Working Groups last month. I know many of you
have traveled to China recently as well, and that Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis had a
successful visit just last month.
As we deepen communication and seek a healthy economic relationship with China, we are
also focused on taking targeted actions to safeguard our national security interests—and
those of our allies—and protect human rights. Our work on outbound investments is one key
targeted national security measure. This past August, President Biden issued an Executive
Order addressing certain outbound investments in sensitive technologies: semiconductors
and microelectronics, quantum information technologies, and artificial intelligence. The
Treasury Department is currently implementing this program. But like with so many of the
risks we face, the concerns that informed this approach are not unique to the United States.
We made a constructive joint statement on this last spring, and we look forward to
supporting the European Commissionʼs e orts to continue examining this issue and determine
next steps before the end of this year.



Remarks By Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Eurogroup Finance Ministers Meeting in Luxembourg, Lux…

We also need to work constructively together as we strengthen our critical supply chains. We
face shared risks from common vulnerabilities and dependencies, and our work to each build
resilience can support one another as well. In the United States, we are building a resilient
semiconductor supply chain, like the one you are building in Europe. Weʼre also pursuing an
approach Iʼve called friendshoring—deepening economic integration with trading partners
and allies we can count on. Our ongoing e orts toward a U.S.-EU Critical Minerals Agreement
is a perfect example of putting friendshoring into action. This joint work to fortify the supply
of the digital economyʼs most essential input will mitigate shocks like the one we experienced
during the pandemic, and it will bolster the resilience of our economies for years to come.
With that, thank you again for having me. There are many areas on which our collaboration is
crucial and there is much joint work to be done. I look forward to the discussion today.
