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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Economic
Resilience in Hanoi, Vietnam
July 21, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you for that kind introduction. I’m thrilled to be in Hanoi for my first visit to Vietnam as
Treasury Secretary. And I’m thankful to the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council and the companies here
for your warm welcome.
In 1995, the United States and Vietnam normalized our diplomatic relations. In the 28 years since,
we’ve seen a remarkable transformation sweep this country – from here in Hanoi down to Ho Chi
Minh City. This economic boom has been driven by the hard work and talent of the Vietnamese
people. And it has been catalyzed by the engine of market reforms and global trade and investment.
Vietnam is now a key player on the global economic stage and serves in a critical role in many vital
global supply chains. During this trip, I have seen firsthand the dynamism and energy that has
propelled your economic development. This undeniable strength will help you achieve your goal of
becoming a high-income country by 2045.
The United States has been your steadfast partner. At the turn of the century, we were proud to sign
a robust bilateral trade agreement to expand our economic relationship. In 2007, Vietnam joined the
World Trade Organization. Since then, our relationship has only broadened and deepened. Our
trade now encompasses everything from machinery to textiles to electronic components. Many of
America’s largest companies – like Apple and Google – have a significant and growing presence in
Vietnam. For the past two decades, trade between our two countries grew at nearly 25 percent a
year. That’s an astounding rate. Not only has U.S. imports of Vietnamese goods skyrocketed, but
today, the U.S. exports nearly 20 times more to Vietnam than in 2002.
There is no sign that this momentum is slowing. Our goods trade reached a record high last year. I
believe this strong economic relationship is possible because it is founded on mutual trust: it stems
from our work to address the legacies of the war and is underpinned by the close and growing links
between our peoples.

Today, I’d like to speak about how our economic partnership has grown even more important over
the past few years. Since 2020, our countries – and the entire world – have faced a series of historic
economic, public health, and geopolitical shocks. In response, President Biden and I are advancing
an agenda to strengthen our economic resilience. A driving principle of this agenda is to deepen
U.S. engagement and cooperation with a broad network of reliable economic partners in areas like
trade and climate. These efforts are not only focused on advanced economies – but also on
developing countries and emerging markets like Vietnam.
I believe that this effort is good for the United States. And it’s good for Vietnam and other countries
as well.

Economic Resilience Agenda
Let me explain.
In 2020, the world was struck by a once-in-a-century global pandemic. It claimed millions of lives
and brought the world economy to a standstill. Two years later, Russia launched a barbaric fullscale invasion of Ukraine. This war has led to the loss of many innocent Ukrainian lives and
destroyed cities and civilian infrastructure. And it has generated seismic volatility in the prices of
commodities like food and oil. The impacts of these shocks have reverberated around the world –
from here in Southeast Asia to Africa to North America.
While the causes of these disruptions are global, their impacts are personal. The COVID pandemic
caused the first rollback in extreme poverty gains in decades. It also disrupted global supply chains,
preventing families and businesses from getting the essential goods that they relied on. These
shocks also contributed to global inflation – putting tremendous pressure on household budgets
that were already tight to begin with.
President Biden and I believe that this experience compels us to advance a comprehensive
economic resilience agenda. Our efforts start at home – but they do not stop there. Strengthening
our economic resilience requires increasing cooperation and engagement with our international
partners against the risks that we all face. In an interconnected world, disruptions in one region can
have cascading economic impacts on the opposite side of the globe. Building true resilience in the
United States requires bolstering resilience among our allies and partners.

Trade Resilience
Our Administration’s focus has been to build resilience in sectors that are critical to our national and
economic security. Let me speak specifically on our trade and climate efforts.
On trade, our Administration is pursuing an approach called “friendshoring” – aimed at building
secure and reliable supply chains. Our goal is to reduce the vulnerability of our economy to supply

shocks in the production of critical goods, especially due to over-concentration, geopolitical and
security risks, and violations of human rights. To do so, we are investing at home to build
redundancies in our supply chains. Driven by President Biden’s historic laws, we have already seen
a remarkable boom in manufacturing facilities in America. A Treasury analysis shows that real
manufacturing construction in the U.S. has doubled since the end of 2021. But we do not seek to
build everything in America. Rather, we believe that long-term economic resilience requires
diversified global supply chains. This means deepening our economic integration with the large
number of countries we can count on – including Vietnam.
A priority is to build resilience in our semiconductor supply chain. Semiconductors are essential
building blocks of the modern economy. They are critical to the production of everyday consumer
products like cars and refrigerators – and the development of cutting-edge technologies like
advanced robotics. And yet, virtually all manufacturing of the most sophisticated chips is
concentrated in East Asia. Recent experience demonstrates the economic pain that disruption of
this key supply chain can cause. One study estimates that the chip shortage during the pandemic
likely contributed to worldwide revenue losses of over $500 billion from 2020 to 2022. The impact
was particularly acute for the automotive industry – an industry with a large presence in Vietnam. In
2021 alone, this single industry was estimated to have lost $210 billion in global revenue.
The United States is taking a comprehensive approach to diversify and strengthen our
semiconductor ecosystem. We are first investing in our own domestic capacities through the CHIPS
and Science Act. This law provides incentives for manufacturers to build fabrication plants in the
United States. But no country can or should do this alone. We are working with our partner
countries to ramp up their investments as well. For example, we have dedicated a new $500 million
fund for international semiconductor and telecom projects under the CHIPS Act. This fund can help
countries in the Indo-Pacific develop their own diverse and resilient semiconductor supply chains.
Greater diversification benefits everyone. When activity moves from concentrated or risky parts of
the global supply chain, it puts the U.S. and world economy in a more secure position. As we see in
Vietnam, it can also promote economic and workforce development.
Over the past decade, Vietnam has emerged as a critical node in the global semiconductor supply
chain. And investments are only accelerating. Less than an hour’s drive from here in Bac Ninh
province, Amkor – an Arizona-based company – will soon fully open a state-of-the-art mega factory
for semiconductor assembly and testing. Down in the southern province of Dong Nai, another
American company, Onsemi, produces chips that are used in cars halfway around the world. Nearby
– in Saigon Hi-Tech Park – sits the largest Intel assembly and testing facility in the world. Many of the
companies investing in Vietnam are also building up their capacity and employment in the United
States as well.

More broadly, Vietnam and the United States have worked together to bolster resilient supply
chains with other countries. We are two of over a dozen countries that are part of the Indo-Pacific
Economic Framework. Two months ago, the Framework’s member countries announced a proposed
agreement to strengthen supply chain resilience. Under the agreement, partners would collaborate
to build a collective understanding of supply chain vulnerabilities, improve crisis response, and
identify opportunities for technical assistance and capacity building. Notably, it also emphasizes the
importance of expanding the benefits of these efforts to workers and small businesses, including by
promoting worker training and worker rights.
As we undertake these supply chain efforts, let me be very clear: friendshoring is not for an
exclusive club of countries. It is open and inclusive of advanced economies, emerging markets, and
developing countries alike. The United States is working to strengthen – not weaken – our ties with
the emerging and developing world, as demonstrated by our partnership with Vietnam. That’s why
we have launched new initiatives to invest in the development of our partner countries. This
includes taking part in the G7’s pledge to mobilize $600 billion in infrastructure investment over the
next few years through the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment.

Climate Resilience
Reducing the risk of trade shocks is not the only important challenge that we face. The worsening
climate crisis poses severe risks not only to the reliability of critical supplies. It also presents risks to
the broader macroeconomy and the health and wellbeing of our communities. As the world
continues to warm, climate change threatens to reduce the productive capacity of communities
across the world. Beyond these chronic impacts, climate change can also increase the frequency
and intensity of acute supply shocks – like heat waves that exacerbate energy shortages and floods
and hurricanes that devastate entire regions. We also know that the climate crisis
disproportionately impacts the most vulnerable and poorest among us.
There is a robust, scientifically backed economic case for why we must take immediate action to
mitigate and adapt to climate change – and why we must help others do so as well. In the United
States, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law last year. The IRA is the boldest
action we have taken to address climate change and meet our commitments under the Paris
Agreement. By accelerating our transition to a clean energy economy, the law is also a critical step
toward strengthening U.S. energy security. And it will have impacts across the world by pushing
down the cost curves of new clean technologies and speeding up their adoption. This domestic
investment – alongside President Biden’s pledge to double international climate assistance – makes
this Administration a leader in combatting the climate crisis.

Just as we build resilience for ourselves, we are committed to helping other countries build their
own resilience as well. The United States is proud to support Vietnam’s transition toward a net-zero
economy by 2050. Last year, Vietnam and the International Partners Group, of which the United
States is a member, launched a Just Energy Transition Partnership to mobilize over $15 billion in
public and private financing to accelerate the clean energy transition here in Vietnam. We are
encouraged by Vietnam’s ambitious new targets under the JETP. Now, it is vital that we intensify our
cooperation to build momentum for these efforts in Vietnam, evaluate project opportunities with
the multilateral development banks, and deliver a Resource Mobilization Plan that provides a
roadmap for implementation. Beyond mitigating the climate crisis, this partnership with Vietnam
can help catalyze the development of new cutting-edge, clean energy industries. It can broaden
economic opportunity for Vietnamese workers.
More broadly, the United States is continuing to work to meet President Biden’s commitment of
providing more than $11 billion in annual international public climate finance by 2024. We are also
focused on achieving the collective goal by developed countries to mobilize $100 billion in annual
climate finance. We are pressing the international financial institutions to make reforms that are
unlocking new funding for climate. For example, the U.S. is working with a broad coalition of
countries to evolve the multilateral development bank system to more readily combat 21st-century
global challenges like climate change. As a result of our initiative, the World Bank is more actively
supporting countries in their fight against climate change and evolving the way it operates to better
combat poverty and support development.

To close: I’m thrilled to be in Vietnam with you today. Your country has been one of the brightest
development stories in the past decade. The United States is proud to continue to support and
partner with you to build economic prosperity for our countries. A strong economic partnership is in
both of our interests. Over the past few years, our lives and livelihoods have been disrupted by
historic economic shocks. These shocks have impacted us all; they have not respected borders. This
hard experience has taught us that economic resilience must be a key part of our economic strategy
– and that true long-term resilience can only come through deepening international engagement
with a broad range of countries. That includes Vietnam. Despite our difficult and complicated
history, I am optimistic about the economic future we are building together.
Thank you for having me. I look forward to working with all of you to strengthen our economic