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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at East Valley American Job Center in Mesa, Arizona | U.S. Depart…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at East
Valley American Job Center in Mesa, Arizona
May 4, 2024

As Prepared for Delivery

Thank you to everyone for being here. Itʼs good to be in Mesa today with Chairman Sellers and
Mayor Giles to highlight what weʼre seeing at this American Job Center and across the
Over the past three years, the Biden Administration has driven a historic economic recovery.
Economic growth is strong. The labor market is also remarkably healthy. Weʼve created over
15 million jobs since the start of this Administration. The unemployment rate has been below
four percent for the longest stretch in over 50 years. Real wages—wages a er adjusting for
inflation—have increased over the past year. Household median wealth has also increased: by
37 percent between 2019 and 2022. Families are putting their accumulated savings and extra
income back into the economy. And weʼve seen other signs of strength too, like the record
number of small business filings.
Inflation has also come down significantly since its peak, though the President and I know
that the costs of key household expenses are still too high, so weʼre taking action. Weʼve
capped insulin costs for Americans on Medicare at $35 per month and are fighting to keep
health insurance premiums low. The Inflation Reduction Act is enabling investments that will
lower energy costs. And we remain committed to making housing more accessible and
a ordable.
Today, Iʼd like to focus on one aspect of our economic agenda thatʼs contributing to the
progress weʼve made and will continue to make. Iʼll speak to the work weʼre doing to equip all
Americans, whether or not they have college degrees, with the skills they need to get good
jobs and fuel growth in key industries.




Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at East Valley American Job Center in Mesa, Arizona | U.S. Depart…

Over the past few decades, opportunity in America had become too concentrated on the
coasts and in wealthier communities. Some communities had never gotten the investment
they deserved; other communities had been le behind. And itʼs been too hard to get a good
job, especially for Americans without college degrees. In the 1970s, three out of four jobs
required at most a high school diploma. Now, two out of three jobs require more than a high
school diploma. This holds back the majority of Americans over 25 who donʼt have college
President Biden and I know how much having a good job can mean for Americans across the
country. A good job means being able to provide for your family instead of struggling to do
so. It means not having to make hard choices between putting food on the table and getting
health care. It means being able to buy a home or save for your childrenʼs education. The
President and I are committed to making getting a good job a reality for more Americans.
This matters for the overall economy too. The Biden Administration is pursuing an economic
agenda focused on fueling growth in strategic industries. Achieving this depends on
equipping workers with the right skills to fill the jobs weʼre creating across the country.

Returning to Work
Our work started with the American Rescue Plan, which helped rescue the economy from the
depths of the pandemic and bring us to where we are today.
Workers can experience negative impacts long a er a recession has ended. We saw this
following the Great Recession, when the long-term unemployment rate took nearly a decade
to recover and many workers experienced lower earnings once reemployed. Our
Administration was committed to preventing this scarring from happening again.
So the President took decisive action. The American Rescue Plan helped keep Americans
housed, businesses open, and state and local governments resourced. And we made sure
American workers were at the center of the recovery. The American Rescue Planʼs State and
Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program made historic funding available to city, state, territorial,
local, and Tribal governments. As of last December, governments had committed over $13
billion of that to worker support. Funding has gone to over 4,000 projects, from
unemployment aid to workforce development, helping avoid lay-o s of school sta and add



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at East Valley American Job Center in Mesa, Arizona | U.S. Depart…

thousands of new positions in public health departments. This contributed to what has been
the fastest labor market recovery in modern history.

Creating New Opportunities
Now, our focus on workers continues through our medium and long-term agenda. The
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the CHIPS and Science Act are
fueling growth in new industries and spurring a renaissance in American manufacturing from
coast to coast. Companies have announced over $850 billion in new manufacturing and clean
energy investments since the start of the Administration, including $121 billion in Arizona.
Semiconductors have been a particular focus here, with Intel and TSMC both expanding
Growth in these new industries means a need for new skills, from wind turbine technicians to
solar photovoltaic installers to roles in the semiconductor and electronic component
manufacturing industries. These skills arenʼt secondary to success—Theyʼre critical to it. Let
me be clear: Here in Arizona and across the country, we need workers for the industries that
will drive our countryʼs growth and resilience. We know that Americans are ready to get to
work and take advantage of these good jobs. They deserve the skills and training to do so.
Workforce development programs are helping bridge this gap, and whatʼs happening in
Maricopa County is a prime example. The American Rescue Plan has enabled the County to
dedicate $100 million to workforce support, including $12 million for the apprenticeship
program based here and at another American Job Center nearby. The program is strategically
drawing on multiple sources of funding, combining state and local recovery funds with annual
Department of Labor funding. And it aims to equip 3,000 residents for jobs in construction,
healthcare, information technology, and advanced manufacturing.
This morning, I visited Mesa Community College, one of several community colleges
partnering with the City of Phoenix to use funds to help prepare individuals for high demand
industries in the Phoenix area, including through a specific program called Semiconductor
Technician Quick Start.
And employers are helping too. TSMC, for example, is establishing a new semiconductor
technician Registered Apprenticeship program, with plans to scale over time as business
needs evolve.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at East Valley American Job Center in Mesa, Arizona | U.S. Depart…

Weʼre seeing similar developments across the country. Due West of here, in Riverside County,
California, $2.5 million is going to build a workforce education center for training, including in
advanced manufacturing. To the East in Ohio, the state is allocating over $2 million for a
workforce training center. And I started the year by traveling to the Midwest—to Milwaukee—
where the American Rescue Plan and additional federal funds are enabling WRTP | BIG STEP
to expand and modernize its training facility.

Key Priorities
Across the country, our workforce development e orts also reflect a bedrock value that
animates President Bidenʼs long-term economic agenda: reaching those who hadnʼt
previously had opportunity. Many ARP-funded workforce development programs pursue
targeted outreach e orts to build diverse pipelines. Many provide support for wraparound
services that can be crucial for individuals from underserved communities being able to
complete training.
And weʼre also focused on creating opportunities that actually make a di erence in peopleʼs
lives, which means making sure the jobs weʼre creating are good ones that provide a pathway
to the middle class. The Inflation Reduction Actʼs prevailing wage and apprenticeship
requirements are key here. Unions matter too. Partnerships with unions can strengthen the
link between training and employment, as Iʼve seen firsthand in trips to the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers facility in Las Vegas and at WRTP | Big Step. And union jobs
are more likely to be good ones, with wages 10 to 15 percent higher on average and improved
fringe benefits like predictable scheduling. We see these good jobs being created here in
Arizona, which ranks among the top five states in terms of wages for semiconductor
processing technicians.

The President and I recognize that there is more work to do. Even though inflation has fallen
significantly, bringing down costs for families is our top priority, from making owning or
renting a home more a ordable to making it easier to get a good education. As we look
ahead, weʼre also working to create stronger and more accessible workforce development
programs, to move forward the Presidentʼs Investing in America agenda and prepare for
emerging challenges shaping the future of work like new technologies.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at East Valley American Job Center in Mesa, Arizona | U.S. Depart…

These e orts are already well underway. As we see here today, weʼre building an ecosystem in
which expanded, strategic workforce development is equipping Americans from all walks of
life for good jobs in twenty-first century industries. Weʼre expanding opportunity, for those
with and without college degrees, here in Arizona and across the country. And American
workers are in turn helping drive our countryʼs growth and resilience.
Thank you again for joining me here today.

