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Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital
April 7, 2022

WASHINGTON — Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen delivered remarks on digital assets
policy, innovation, and regulation at American Universityʼs Kogod School of Business Center
for Innovation.

Remarks as prepared
Thank you, President Burwell, for that kind introduction – it is good to be with you again. I am
so happy to be at American University where changemakers are changing the world.
Groundbreaking leaders in government, academia, and business have walked these halls, and I
am pleased to be here to discuss the Biden Administrationʼs approach to digital assets.
A few weeks ago, President Biden signed an Executive Order calling for a coordinated and
comprehensive government approach to digital asset policy. Digital assets have grown
explosively, reaching a market cap of $3 trillion last November from $14 billion just five years
Digital assets may be relatively new, but they are part of a larger trend – the digitization of
finance – that has been in the making for decades. In 1990, there were fewer than 3 million
internet users. Now, there are about 4.5 billion, and we take for granted that many aspects of
our financial lives can be managed from small internet-connected devices that fit into the
palms of our hands.
This growth in digital services has opened a world of possibilities and risks that would have
seemed fantastical only a few decades ago. Financial services – along with most industries –
have evolved in response to exponential advances in computing power and connectivity.



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Most recently, new technology has raised the possibility of reduced reliance on centralized
intermediaries like banks and credit card companies. In 2008, a person – or group of people –
using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto proposed a decentralized peer-to-peer system for
making and processing payments. A key challenge in digital payments is to prevent the same
assets from being spent twice. The Bitcoin white paper proposed a novel method for
validating transactions using cryptography that addressed the so-called “double spend”
problem. This and other innovations related to distributed ledger technology are the
foundation for blockchain-based digital assets.
Over time, the prices of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been quite volatile, which has
inhibited their widespread use in payments. Adoption of cryptocurrencies for payments may
be further inhibited by high fees and slower processing times than those associated with
other forms of payment. As a practical matter, youʼd have a hard time using cryptocurrency to
buy a sandwich or a gallon of milk. Other digital assets – like stablecoins or potential Central
Bank Digital Currencies – could succeed at being more widely used as a means of exchange,
raising potential benefits and risks.
Proponents believe distributed ledger technology will transform other aspects of financial
services like trading, borrowing, and lending. They point to capabilities, like smart contracts,
which use computer code to automatically execute an agreement if certain prespecified
conditions are met. To the extent that setup is more convenient, and costs are competitive
with those required for traditional financial services, digital assets o er the potential to
expand access.
President Bidenʼs Executive Order tasked experts across the federal government with
conducting in-depth analysis to balance the responsible development of digital assets with
the risks they present. These tasks will be guided by six policy objectives: first, protect
consumers, investors, and businesses; second, safeguard financial stability from systemic risk;
third, mitigate national security risks; fourth, promote US leadership and economic
competitiveness; fi h, promote equitable access to safe and a ordable financial services; and,
finally, support responsible technological advances, which take account of important design
considerations like those related to privacy, human rights, and climate change. Over



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

approximately the next six months, Treasury will work with colleagues in the White House and
other agencies to produce foundational reports and recommendations related to these
objectives. In many cases, the work tasked by the Executive Order builds upon ongoing e orts
at Treasury.
I wonʼt predict where this work will take us, but that does not mean we are navigating
without a compass. Digital assets may be new, but many of the issues they present are not.
We have enjoyed the benefits of innovation in the past, and we have also confronted some of
the unintended consequences.
Today, I want to share five lessons that apply as we navigate the opportunities and challenges
posed by these emerging technologies. These lessons relate to the nature of responsible
innovation, the structure of appropriate guardrails, the fundamentals of the financial system,
our role in the global economy, and the value of collaboration.
The first lesson is…

I. Our financial system benefits from responsible innovation
New technologies build on older ones and a chain of innovation has transformed financial
services over time. Seventy years ago, most Americans used coins, cash, and checks to
manage most aspects of their financial lives. Then, in the 1960s, an engineer from IBM
attached a magnetic strip to a plastic card and sparked a new category of payment products:
credit and debit cards. Those innovations facilitated the growth of other technologies, like
ATMs, which made cash available 24/7. More recently, computers, the internet, and mobile
phones have driven the explosive growth of electronic payments and online commerce.
Although new technologies have made our financial system more e icient for most
Americans, many transactions still take too long to settle. A combination of technological
factors and business incentives have produced a common frustrating experience shared by
tens of millions of Americans every week: their employer sends their paycheck, but it takes up
to two days for the check to hit their bank account. The delay contributes to the use of high



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

cost check cashers or ʻpay dayʼ lenders to get their money in time to pay their bills. Some are
forced to draw against already low balances and are charged overdra fees. Estimates
suggest Americans spend $15 billion or more each year on such fees and services – essentially
a tax of about $100 dollars per working American, due mostly to ine iciency, and
disproportionately borne by people with lower incomes.
The system is even more expensive and frustrating when you zoom out and look
If you live in a G7 country, you may pay below two percent in transaction and conversion fees
to send money across the border. If you live in the developing world, you may pay as high as
ten percent. These high costs disproportionately impact the 250 million-plus migrants around
the world who send an average of $200 to $300 in remittances to their families each
month. Proponents of digital assets envision a more e icient payment system with
instantaneous transactions and lower costs no matter where you live.
Will the technology live up to that promise? I think itʼs too early to tell. Issues like processing
time, cost, and technological barriers to access will need to be overcome. The US is actively
involved in the work of the G20 to address challenges and frictions with cross-border funds
transfers. And, in 2023 the Federal Reserve plans to launch FedNow, an instant payment
service that will enable payment in real time, around the clock, every day of the year within the
USʼ payments system.
Some have also suggested that the introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency, or “CBDC”,
could contribute to a more e icient payment system. As a liability of the central bank, a CBDC
could become a form of trusted money comparable to physical cash, but potentially o ering
some of the projected benefits of digital assets.
Under the Executive Order, the Administration will publish a report on the future of money and
payments. The report will analyze possible design choices related to a potential CBDC and
implications for payment systems, economic growth, financial stability, financial inclusion, and
national security.



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Innovation that improves our lives while appropriately managing risks should be embraced.
But we must also be mindful that “financial innovation” of the past has too o en not
benefited working families, and has sometimes exacerbated inequality, given rise to illicit
finance risks, and increased systemic financial risk.
This brings me to my next lesson…

II. When regulation fails to keep pace with innovation, vulnerable people
o en su er the greatest harm
We learned this painful lesson during the Global Financial Crisis. Financial institutions called
“shadow banks” and an explosion of new financial products allowed dangerous levels of risks
to accumulate. Beginning in 2007, investors grew wary of these risks, and some large
institutions began to falter. Soon, people whoʼd never heard of a “shadow bank” or a subprime
mortgage-backed security ended up losing their jobs and life savings. The S&P 500 fell by
more than half and household net worth dropped precipitously. The resulting economic
distress was most acute and long-lasting for Black Americans and other Americans of color.
We need to ensure that the growth of digital assets does not allow similarly dangerous risks
to emerge or lead to disproportionate impacts to vulnerable communities.
Already, the Treasury has worked with the Presidentʼs Working Group on Financial Markets, the
FDIC, and OCC to study stablecoins, a type of cryptocurrency pegged to a stable source of
value, o en the US dollar. Stablecoins raise policy concerns, including those related to illicit
finance, user protection, and systemic risk. And, they are currently subject to inconsistent and
fragmented oversight.
To peg their stablecoin to a dollar, most issuers say they back their coins with traditional
assets that are safe and liquid. This way, whenever you want to trade your stablecoin back
into a dollar, the company has the money to make the exchange. But, right now, no one can
assure you that will happen. In times of stress, this uncertainty could lead to a run.



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

This is not hypothetical. A stablecoin run occurred in June 2021, when a sharp drop in the price
of the assets used to back a stablecoin set o a negative feedback loop of stablecoin
redemptions and further price declines.
The PWG report on stablecoins assesses these risks and proposes concrete solutions. And, we
are now working with Congress to advance legislation to help ensure stablecoins are resilient
to risks that could endanger consumers or the broader financial system. We are also working
closely with our international partners to promote consistent regulation and supervision
across jurisdictions.
Of course, stablecoins are just one piece of a much larger ecosystem of digital assets. Our
regulatory frameworks should be designed to support responsible innovation while managing
risks – especially those that could disrupt the financial system and economy. As banks and
other traditional financial firms become more involved in digital asset markets, regulatory
frameworks will need to appropriately reflect the risks of these new activities. And, new types
of intermediaries, such as digital asset exchanges and other digital native intermediaries,
should be subject to appropriate forms of oversight.
We must also be prepared for possible changes in the structure of financial markets. For
example, some have suggested that distributed ledger technology could reduce
concentration in financial markets. While this could make markets less vulnerable to the failure
of any particular firm, it is critical to ensure we maintain visibility into potential build-ups of
systemic risk and continue to have e ective tools for tamping down excesses where they
President Bidenʼs Executive Order calls on the Financial Stability Oversight Council to identify
specific financial stability risks and regulatory gaps posed by various types of digital assets
and make recommendations to address them. While I donʼt know what the FSOC will find or
conclude, there is one basic lesson that should apply…



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

III. Regulation should be based on risks and activities, not specific
When new technologies enable new activities, products, and services, financial regulations
need to adjust. But, that process should be guided by the risks associated with the services
provided to households and businesses, not the underlying technology.
Wherever possible, regulation should be “tech neutral.” For example, consumers, investors,
and businesses should be protected from fraud and misleading statements regardless of
whether assets are stored on a balance sheet or distributed ledger. Similarly, firms that hold
customer assets should be required to ensure those assets are not lost, stolen, or used
without the customerʼs permission. And, taxpayers should receive the same type of tax
reporting on digital asset transactions that they receive for transactions in stocks and bonds,
so that they have the information they need to report their income to the IRS. Under the
Executive Order, we will work to make sure consumers, investors, and businesses have
adequate protections from fraud and the , privacy and data breaches, and unfair and abusive
practices. Great care must also be applied to ensure innovations do not cause disparate harm
to vulnerable communities or exacerbate social, racial, or economic inequities.
In many cases, regulators have authorities they can use to promote these objectives and
Treasury supports those e orts. If people are breaking the law and exploiting the interests of
others, they should be held accountable. To the extent there are gaps, we will make policy
recommendations, including assessment of potential regulatory actions and legislative
changes. Continuing to update and improve our regulatory architecture will support US
economic competitiveness and reinforce leadership in the global financial system.
The principle of tech neutrality is also applicable to concerns related to tax evasion, illicit
finance, and national security – topics that are particularly pertinent in the world today. Itʼs
illegal to evade taxes, launder money, or avoid sanctions. It doesnʼt matter whether youʼre
using checks, wires, or cryptocurrency. For nearly a decade, Treasury has been monitoring
innovations in digital assets and updating our rules and guidance to clarify the application of
our Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism framework to the
digital asset ecosystem. Weʼve also been working with our international counterparts to



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

strengthen AML/CFT programs abroad to better protect against exploitation by illegal actors.
And, weʼll continue to take action when appropriate. Just this week, Treasuryʼs O ice of
Foreign Assets Control took strong action against the worldʼs largest and most prominent
darknet market, Hydra, as well as Garantex, a ransomware-enabling virtual currency exchange.
Under the Presidentʼs Executive Order, Treasury and colleagues across the Administration will
build upon the recently published National Risk Assessments, which identify key illicit financing
risks associated with digital assets. Weʼll also work with our allies and partners to help ensure
international frameworks, capabilities, standards, and partnerships are aligned and
adequately responsive to risks.
Although innovations in computing have accelerated the pace of change, even the most
foundational building blocks of our economy – including our money itself – have evolved
dramatically over time.
This ties into my next lesson…

IV. Sovereign money is the core of a well-functioning financial system
and the US benefits from the central role the dollar and US financial
institutions play in global finance
It took time for the United States to establish a uniform national currency.
In 1790, Secretary Alexander Hamilton bemoaned what he called the “immense disorder” of
the US monetary system. At the time, Americans relied on a variety of domestic and
international currencies circulating simultaneously. The proliferation of di erent forms of
“money” made it di icult to run the economy. To help address these concerns, the Bank of the
United States was formed in 1791 and issued notes that provided a relatively stable national
currency. In 1792, the Coinage Act was passed, creating the US Mint and kicking o a century
of debate about whether the dollar should be pegged to silver or gold.
While these important innovations helped standardize the backing of the dollar, the Bank of
the United States did not have lasting political support. By the mid-1800s, the country relied



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

on a fragmented system of paper notes issued by private banks. New Jersey banks issued
notes that were di erent from the ones issued in New Hampshire or New York. And, because
di erent banks were not seen to carry the same risks, people valued the notes di erently. This
system of private money did function to a degree, but it made transactions expensive and
ine icient, and it contributed to bank runs for many decades.
A crisis catalyzed reform. Embroiled in the Civil War, President Lincoln and Treasury Secretary
Salmon Chase needed to introduce more stability to our financial system. Congress passed
the National Bank Act, which allowed banks to issue national bank notes, but the banks had to
be adequately supervised and the notes were required to be backed with U.S. Treasuries. This
requirement ensured that a dollar in New Jersey was always as good as a dollar in New
Hampshire. Later, the Federal Reserve Act further institutionalized the national objective of a
uniform currency.
The development of our currency to its current form has been a dynamic process that took
place over centuries. Today, monetary sovereignty and uniform currency have brought clear
benefits for economic growth and stability. Our approach to digital assets must be guided by
the appreciation of those benefits.
Some have suggested a CBDC could be the next evolution in our currency. A recent report by
the Federal Reserve opened a public dialogue about CBDCs and the potential benefits and
risks that could be associated with issuing one in the US. The Presidentʼs Executive Order calls
for us to consider this question from several perspectives. For example, what impact would a
US CBDC have for implementing macro stabilization policies and private credit creation? Could
it make the financial system more equitable, accessible, and inclusive? How could it be
designed to manage risks associated with national security and financial crime, while
including privacy protections? How might a US CBDC interact with existing national
currencies, foreign CBDCs or private stablecoins?
We need to consider these important questions in the context of the central role the dollar
plays in the world economy.
The dollar is the mostly widely used currency for global trade and finance. It is by far the most



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

traded currency, accounting for nearly 90% of one leg in foreign exchange transactions and
over half of trading invoices. US dollar-denominated assets account for about half of crossborder bank claims and more than 40% of outstanding international debt securities. And with
the dollarʼs strong trade and financial linkages—as well as strong US macroeconomic and
monetary credibility—central banks have chosen to hold nearly 60% of their foreign exchange
reserves in dollars.
The dollarʼs international prominence is strongly supported by US institutions and policies; US
economic performance; open, deep and liquid financial markets; rule of law; and a
commitment to a free-floating currency. As citizens of this country, we derive significant
economic and national security benefits from the unique role the dollar and US financial
institutions play in the global financial system. The Presidentʼs Executive Order asks us to
consider whether and how the issuance of a public CBDC would support this role.
I donʼt yet know the conclusions we will reach, but we must be clear that issuing a CBDC
would likely present a major design and engineering challenge that would require years of
development, not months. So, I share the Presidentʼs urgency in pulling forward research to
understand the challenges and opportunities a CBDC could present to American interests.
As we consider these big choices, we must also remember that technology-driven financial
innovation is inherently cross-border and requires international cooperation. We have a strong
interest in ensuring that innovation does not lead to a fragmentation in international
payment architectures and that the development of digital asset technologies is consistent
with our values and laws.
And this underscores my final lesson…

V. We need to work together to ensure responsible innovation
Many of the most groundbreaking innovations in our history have involved all of us:
policymakers and businesspeople, advocates, scholars, inventors, and citizens. Think of the
development of the national highway system, the space race, the creation of the internet, or



Remarks from Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Digital Assets | U.S. Department of the Treasury

the ongoing revolution in biotechnology. All of these innovations have transformed the way
we live our lives.
People have a wide range of views when it comes to digital assets. On one hand, some
proponents speak as if the technology is so radically and beneficially transformative that the
government should step back completely and let innovation take its course. On the other
hand, skeptics see limited, if any, value in this technology and associated products and
advocate that the government take a much more restrictive approach. Such divergence of
perspectives has o en been associated with new and transformative technologies.
In my view, the governmentʼs role should be to ensure responsible innovation – innovation
that works for all Americans, protects our national security interests and our planet, and
contributes to our economic competitiveness and growth. Such responsible innovation should
reflect thoughtful public-private dialogue and take account of the many lessons weʼve learned
throughout our financial history.
This sort of pragmatism has served us well in the past and I believe it is the right approach
Thank you again for having me, and for the important role American University plays in the
civic and academic life of our country.

