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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Department of Commerce’s Interagency Convening on E…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the
Department of Commerce’s Interagency Convening on Equitable
Economic Growth
November 9, 2021

Hello everyone. This is Janet Yellen, I want to thank Secretary Raimondo and Deputy
Secretary Graves for the invitation to share a few thoughts, and of course, I want to thank all
of you for being here today to listen to them.
I’ve been an economist for a long time, and one of the areas where I’ve always focused my
attention is on the racial disparity in economic outcomes. I think it’s because I started
studying the subject at the height of the civil rights movement, in 1963, when Dr. King led the
March on Washington.
Today, as we recover from the pandemic, that study is more urgent than ever. COVID-19 took
all the pre-existing inequalities in our economy and exacerbated them. Early in the
pandemic, as I’m sure this group knows well, small businesses owned by people of color
tended to close first, and when our administration took o ice, we had found that relief
measures like the Paycheck Protection Program o en didn’t reach Black and Latino
We’ve worked very hard to remedy that, and one of our e orts is a Treasury-wide equity
review. We’re looking across the Department at how we work, and asking: Where are our
operations not as inclusive as they could be? Where might they have a disparate impact? And
just as important, where are we leaving something on the table? Where could we be using
our authority to make progress – but aren’t?
A policy area of particular focus for me is Community Development Financial Institutions and
Minority Depository Institutions – CDFIs and MDIs. To reach our shared vision of more
equitable growth, we must ensure that capital is flowing to the people and places that need
it the most. We need families, business owners and neighborhoods to be able to get loans
and equity they need to buy homes, start and scale businesses, and revitalize communities.
And we know how extremely di icult this can be for Black, Latino, Native, and Asian families
and businesses.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Department of Commerce’s Interagency Convening on E…

In fact, this year, the Fed conducted its annual Small Business Credit Survey, and it looked at
which firms received all the non-emergency funding they sought. (They didn’t factor in
economic relief funding because of COVID-19; they were trying to get a number that would be
relevant outside of the pandemic). Here’s what they found: In the prior 12 months, forty
percent of all white-owned firms reported receiving all of the non-emergency funding they
sought. The number for Hispanic-owned firms was half that – 20 percent. Black-owned firms
was about a third – 13 percent. Overall, only a quarter of minority-owned firms said they had
su icient financing.
CDFIs and MDIs have proven very e ective at breaking this bottleneck in the flow of capital to
people and places of color. But we also know one program isn’t su icient, and that
broadening access to capital for disadvantaged communities will require a range of
measures. This is a priority for our Department and for the Biden Administration as a whole.
And I am excited to see that this forum has put an emphasis on areas in which the public
sector can make immediate improvements.
Indeed, the work of building a more equitable – especially a more racially equitable –
economy cannot be just government work. It has to be a whole-of-economy e ort, and we’re
eager for your help. A er last year’s murder of George Floyd, countless companies –
including some of yours, I’m sure – made commitments totaling hundreds of billions of
dollars towards anti-racism and economic empowerment e orts. Over the summer, though, I
saw a report, which found that, of all the money promised, less than one percent had been
My question to this group is: What can we do to get that money out there? And how can we –
both your firms and our Treasury Department – work together to build an economy that is
more racially equitable?
We’re are very eager to work with you, and we’re so grateful that you’ve taken the important
step of participating in events like this one.
