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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the
Délégation Générale à l’Entrepreneuriat Rapide des Femmes et
des Jeunes (DER/FJ) in Dakar, Senegal
January 20, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Good morning, everyone. And thank you for that kind introduction.

I’m grateful to be here. Senegal is known as a bustling economic center in West Africa and a
strong voice for international cooperation on the world stage. But to many visitors, it is also
known for the extraordinary warmth and generosity of its people. I’ve personally felt that during
this visit. So, thank you for your kind welcome: I now understand first-hand why Senegal is
called the Land of Teranga.

And I’m delighted to be here at DER. This organization epitomizes the promise of the young
people and women of Senegal. The vibrant spirit that I’ve felt here, and in Senegal more
broadly, furthers my belief in the future of this country and the region.
Last month, I had the opportunity to meet with African heads of state — including President Sall
— at the Africa Leaders Summit in Washington. President Biden and I conveyed to these leaders
a simple message: the United States is all in on Africa, and all in with Africa. There is much work
to do to tackle the many challenges facing Africa and the globe. But we believe that Africa will
shape the future of the global economy. Africa’s demographic boom can create massive
economic opportunity. And its talents and resources can grow global industries and drive global
In other words, Africa’s success will mean success for all of us. And the United States is here as a
partner to help Africa realize its massive economic potential at home and advance its growing

leadership abroad.
Africa’s incredible promise is why the United States outlined a new Strategy Toward SubSaharan Africa. This strategy seeks to modernize our relationship by focusing on what we can do
together, rather than what we can do for each other. It’s a relationship based on mutual
cooperation and greater ambition. And it’s why we are taking serious, concerted efforts to
deepen and sustain engagement with Africa. In this new year, the President, the Vice President,
and several of my cabinet counterparts will also travel to a number of African countries.
Our engagement is not transactional, for show, or for the short-term. We are here to work with
you as friends and partners for the long haul — through moments of stress and times of
Over the course of my trip, I intend to bring that message of promise and partnership directly to
the people of Senegal, Zambia, South Africa, and the continent more broadly. That begins
today. I’ll start by discussing Africa’s tremendous economic opportunity. Then, I’ll turn to our
partnership on global priorities, including climate, health, and conflict. Finally, I will discuss
how success on all of these objectives depends on strong, open, and accountable institutions.

Let’s start with a fundamental fact: Africa will shape the trajectory of the world economy over
the next century.

Africa’s demographics present massive promise. In less than 30 years, Africans are projected to
make up a quarter of the world’s population. But it’s not just a matter of sheer numbers. Across
the continent, people are becoming more educated, urbanized, and connected to the world
than at any other time in history. And while many other regions face aging populations, Africa
continues to lead as the youngest continent in the world. Here in Senegal, the median age is 19
years. 1.7 million Africans now enter the job market every month. And by 2035, the number of
Sub-Saharan Africans reaching working age will exceed that of the rest of the world combined.

A rising share of working-age people presents an opportunity for the continent. More workers
can drive growth, generating more resources to increase investment, and making educating the
young and supporting the vulnerable easier. Africa’s growing middle class also presents an
opportunity for the United States. It means a bigger market for products. And it means more
investment opportunities for American firms that are already creating jobs on the continent.
This can be a win-win for our economies.
But demographics is not destiny. Africa’s demographic momentum can propel economic growth
if, and only if, adequate investments are made today to create economic opportunity for all.
Some, however, rightly warn of the opposite danger. Throughout history, young populations
without opportunity can spell greater risk of unrest and conflict.
This is Africa’s most daunting and most promising task: to provide broad and inclusive
opportunity to the next generation of Africans. I believe it is a challenge with enormous
consequences for the world as well.

Luckily, Africa holds in its hands the ability to shape this future. And the United States is
committed to working with Africa, knowing that a strong Africa will benefit us as well. This
partnership begins with two pillars of our engagement: economic development and mutually
beneficial trade and investment.

A. Economic Development
Africans must determine for themselves how best to drive their economic growth. But there are
helpful lessons that Africa can draw from the rest of the world. For example, we know that no
sustained economic growth can occur without basic infrastructure and services.

The United States is committed to building on Africa’s significant progress in economic
development over the past few decades. This includes investing in Africa’s people through
improved access to quality education and healthcare – along with high-quality infrastructure.
Today, our Development Finance Corporation alone has more than $11 billion in active
commitments across the region. The Millennium Challenge Corporation is working in 14 African
countries with over $3 billion in active programs, with more in the pipeline. And the G7 aims to

mobilize $600 billion into global infrastructure investments over the next five years as part of the
Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment.
Digital infrastructure has been a key focus. Connectivity provides massive potential: to create
good jobs and capitalize on Africa’s growing entrepreneurial ecosystem. As everyone here
knows, African startups now touch almost every sector of the economy. Last month, President
Biden announced a new digital initiative with Africa. We intend to invest over $350 million to
expand affordable internet access and boost digital skills and entrepreneurship. As Africans
build their digital infrastructure, we are also connecting them with trusted suppliers — those
with robust privacy and cybersecurity standards.

America’s investments in Africa are motivated by our mutually beneficial, long-term partnership.
The goal is to generate positive economic returns while fostering sustainable debt. So, our
investments prioritize rigorous technical standards. And they reflect high standards for
accountability and transparency, along with careful consideration of risks to debt sustainability.

B. Mutually Beneficial Trade and Investment
As Africa continues to develop, I believe we also have an extraordinary
opportunity to expand mutually beneficial trade and investment.
Over the past two years, the United States has helped facilitate more than 800 trade and
investment deals across 47 African countries. Programs like Prosper Africa boost our economic
integration by helping U.S. and African businesses and investors identify new partners and
opportunities for growth. And for over two decades, we have provided Senegal and other
eligible Sub-Saharan African countries with duty-free access to the U.S. market for thousands of
products. We pursue deeper economic integration with Africa because we believe that it is in our
best economic interests. Our leadership in the industries of the future depends on our
partnership with Africa — industries like clean energy, electric vehicles, and cutting-edge

But we know that expanding trade beyond the continent is not enough. African products and
innovations should be made more readily accessible to Africans themselves. That’s why the

United States is strongly supportive of the African Continental Free Trade Area. Once fully
implemented, this free trade area will encompass over 1.3 billion people with a combined GDP
of over $3 trillion. Estimates indicate that it could raise real income by roughly 9 percent by

C. Immediate Challenges
As we deepen our engagement in Africa, we are cognizant that these long-term investments are
taking place amid one of the most volatile periods in recent history. Prior to 2020, several
African countries ranked among the fastest-growing economies in the world. We saw substantial
alleviation of poverty on the continent. But the COVID pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine
have led to slower growth and pushed millions of Africans into poverty and hunger.

Let me be clear: the single best thing we can do to help the global economy is to end Russia’s
illegal and unprovoked war in Ukraine. Russia’s barbaric aggression against its neighbor is
particularly being felt by Africa and its people. Russia’s war and weaponization of food has
exacerbated food insecurity and caused untold suffering. And the global economic headwinds
caused by the actions of a single man — President Putin — is creating an unnecessary drag on
Africa’s economy.

The United States is partnering with African leaders to mitigate the damage caused by Russia.
Last year, we committed around $13 billion in emergency aid and food assistance. And we
worked to unlock Ukrainian food exports in the Black Sea Grain Initiative, including those
headed to Africa. We are now establishing a U.S.-Africa strategic partnership on food security.
This partnership will address the short-term needs of upwards of 300 million Africans affected
by the food crisis. And it will also help build resilient and sustainable food systems for the long
Russia’s brutal war has also threatened energy security around the world. We have worked with
a coalition of countries to implement a cap on the price of Russian crude oil. And we will soon
do the same for Russian refined products. The aim is to stabilize global energy prices and reduce
Russian revenues. While the policy is in the early stages of implementation, Treasury estimates

that it has the potential to result in around $6 billion in annual savings for the 17 largest net oilimporting African countries. We are seeing examples of emerging markets saving even more by
using the price cap to negotiate steeper discounts with Russia. And we encourage more
countries to do the same.

Finally, we have seen the impacts of global turmoil on debt sustainability. Debt is a critical
instrument for development when it is used well — that is, as part of a broader financial strategy
that includes effectively mobilizing domestic resources. We support countries putting in place
strong debt management and transparency practices. But we know that countries that do so
can still fall into debt distress.

We believe that it is important to provide timely and comprehensive debt treatments. Many
African economies are suffering from a lack of fiscal space, but they must be able to continue to
make important public investments. And many simply have unsustainable debt burdens. We
believe that the international community, including China, needs to provide meaningful debt
relief to help countries regain their footing. Timely debt relief is in the interests of both debtors
and creditors.

As Africa unlocks its economic promise, the United States will continue to support its growing
role on the world stage. African countries firmly belong at the table. Their communities are
disproportionately vulnerable to the effects of global challenges. And any serious solution
requires African leadership and African voices. This is one reason why we support the addition
of the African Union as a permanent member of the G20. Africa’s voice should not be one of an
invited guest, but that of a full member.
Let me speak about three transnational challenges: climate, health, and conflict.

A. Climate

Africa is responsible for only 2 to 4 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. But the
continent is among the most susceptible to the devastating effects of climate change. African
countries include 17 of the world’s top 20 climate-vulnerable countries.

At the same time, we believe that Africa is uniquely positioned to play a growing role in our
efforts to adapt to and mitigate climate change. The Congo Basin — the “lungs of Africa” —
serves as the world’s largest carbon sink. The continent is particularly well placed to take
advantage of energy from renewable sources like the wind, sun, and geothermal. And we know
that African ingenuity will help pioneer the next generation of clean energy technologies.

Over the coming years, the United States will expand its partnership with Africa on conservation,
climate adaptation, and access to clean energy. Since 2021, our Administration has invested and
intends to provide over $1 billion to support African-led climate efforts. Here in Senegal, we
have partnered in the construction of the largest wind farm in West Africa: a 158-megawatt
power plant near Dakar. This project is helping two million people gain access to power for the
first time — in addition to mitigating the release of greenhouse gases. Later in this trip, I will
speak to how we are facilitating a just energy transition in South Africa.
As we partner with Africa on clean energy, let me be clear: it is unacceptable that a continent
with such rich potential for clean energy is also the one with the greatest energy deficit. Six
hundred million Africans still lack access to electricity. The United States is committed to
partnering with African countries to close this gap. Power Africa has already helped connect
more than 165 million Africans to electricity — and we believe its work is more important than

B. Health
As with the changing climate, we also know that Africa has been disproportionately impacted by
global health challenges. Africa has long been on the world’s front lines against severe diseases
— from malaria to HIV/AIDS to Ebola.
History demonstrates what we can do together. Together, we have mitigated recurring
outbreaks of Ebola in Africa. Our largest foreign assistance program, PEPFAR — designed to

respond to HIV/AIDS — has saved over 25 million lives over the past two decades. Thanks to our
sustained partnership, rates of African child and maternal mortality have plummeted, along
with the rates of Africans dying from malaria.

U.S.-Africa health cooperation not only saves the lives of people in Africa. It helps mitigate
health security threats to the U.S. and the world. That’s why the United States has committed
nearly $20 billion to health programs in Africa since 2021. Over the past year, we have worked
intensely with our partners — including Senegal — to establish and operationalize the $1.6
billion Pandemic Fund to prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics, across Africa
and beyond.

C. Conflict and Fragility
Another transnational issue that requires attention is conflict and fragility.
Conflict causes immense human suffering. It also stunts economic growth. Growth in countries
engaged in intense conflicts is about 2.5 percent lower than countries not engaged in conflict.
Last fall, I hosted ten African finance ministers for a dinner in Washington; all of them cited
conflict as a major concern. They discussed the strain that security spending places on
overstretched budgets at the expense of other public investments like health and education.
Effective solutions to fragility and conflict must include both short-term security responses as
well as long-term investments in broadening economic opportunity. Through the Global
Fragility Act, the United States is partnering with African countries to outline a comprehensive
strategy for tackling conflict and promoting stability. This includes empowering those who have
historically been left out.

Maintaining sustained action on these global challenges will require an evolution of our
international institutions. The multilateral development banks already play a strong role in
supporting poverty reduction and economic growth across Africa. But these banks should also
tackle the growing threat of transnational challenges as part of their core work. We believe that
these banks can make significant progress on the challenges that I just spoke about: climate,

health, and conflict. And we believe that doing so reinforces work on poverty and growth. After
all, global challenges have a disproportionate impact on the poor.
Our request for this evolution is already underway with the World Bank. Over time, we intend to
roll this out to other banks, including the African Development Bank. We look forward to
working with African nations to shape the trajectory of these reforms.

Open and Accountable Institutions
So, success in the work that I’ve spoken about today requires a reform of international
institutions. Success also requires investment in African institutions themselves. Surveys
indicate that women and men in Africa are calling for greater accountability and transparency
from their governments. Africans know that these reforms are a prerequisite for effective
delivery of basic services and sustainable economic growth.
America’s own experience demonstrates the power of democratic institutions. Our economic
development has been underpinned by institutions that, while imperfect, have enabled us to
expand opportunity and grow living standards. We know that the road towards democracy and
openness can sometimes be difficult. But our experience shows that it is worth it.

We pledge to work with African countries to help build institutional capacity. Indeed, our
engagement with Africa prioritizes adherence to high standards like transparency, good
governance, accountability, and environmental sustainability. In certain cases, we also
condition our investments on political reforms. These reforms help enable effective use of funds
and mobilization of private sector investments.

While our approach may be exacting, we believe it delivers lasting results. Countries need to be
wary of shiny deals that may be opaque and ultimately fail to actually benefit the people they
were purportedly designed to help in the first place. This can leave countries with a legacy of
debt, diverted resources, and environmental destruction.

The United States has taken a different approach. At Treasury, our technical assistance
programs have helped African partners build up their public financial management capacities.
And we have used our tools to combat corruption and illicit finance. Two months ago in South
Africa, we hosted a banking dialogue with government and financial sector representatives from
over a dozen African jurisdictions. Our officials discussed common challenges related to
combatting corruption and illicit finance, as well as strengthening financial integration between
African countries and the United States. We have sanctioned officials in countries from Liberia to
Mali for their involvement in corruption. And as illicit actors exploit weaknesses in the
international financial system, we are working to strengthen global standards to improve
corporate transparency and combat money laundering.

Africa’s transformation over the next few decades will reshape the 21st century global economy.
The coming decades will see a demographic shift the likes of which we have rarely seen in
recent history. If we make the right investments today, this demographic momentum can
translate into economic momentum. And Africa’s transformation will have effects that reach far
beyond its borders.
Some speak about Africa rising over the next few decades. But I see it differently. While it has
not always been adequately highlighted, Africa has always been at the center of world history. It
is, after all, the birthplace of humanity. And over the past few centuries, our histories have been
intertwined, with our people’s drawing strength and inspiration from each other in our
respective struggles for civil rights. Today, the world continues to be enriched by the ingenuity
and culture of Africa. In this job, I have been fortunate to have had the counsel of an American
immigrant born in Nigeria: Wally Adeyemo, who is our Deputy Secretary of the Treasury.

Put simply, the way I see it is that the world is finally catching up to recognizing Africa’s
contributions — past and future.
Our collective work over the coming years can build a continent — and a world — that is more
prosperous, open, and secure. I look forward to working with you to make that vision a reality.

Thank you.
