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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Cypress Creek Renewables in North Carolina | U.S. Departme…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Cypress
Creek Renewables in North Carolina
September 27, 2022

As prepared for delivery
Hello, everyone. Iʼm glad to be at Cypress Creek Renewables in North Carolina. Solar projects
like the ones developed here exemplify the promise of our clean energy future.
Earlier this month, in Michigan, I laid out how the Presidentʼs economic plan will strengthen
our economy for decades to come. In particular, I explained how the plan will make our
economy more productive and resilient – and advance economic fairness for all Americans.
Today, I want to focus on a key component of the Presidentʼs economic blueprint: undertaking
historic investments to fight climate change. I gave my first speech warning about the
economic dangers of a warming planet almost 25 years ago. That was during the Clinton
Administration. At the time, there was an established scientific consensus around the threat
posed by climate change. But among the public and policymakers, an understanding of its
threats – as well as the economic opportunities from a clean energy transition – was much
lower than it is today.
I am happy to report today that President Bidenʼs economic plan represents the most
aggressive action that weʼve ever taken to address the climate crisis. The President has
tackled the crisis head-on by securing over $430 billion to modernize our energy system. [1]
These investments will accelerate the transition to our green energy future and lower energy
costs for American households and businesses. They will secure our energy supply against
global price shocks. And they will provide good-paying, high-quality jobs across America –
particularly in non-coastal communities that have su ered from disinvestment.

First, let me touch on the risks of climate change to our economy.
Of course, unmitigated climate change is an existential threat to everyone on our planet. But
even short of that, it poses meaningful risks to our economy. One way that economists



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Cypress Creek Renewables in North Carolina | U.S. Departme…

measure the impact of warming is as a reduction in potential output. That is, climate change
decreases how much our economy can produce. In a world that continues to warm, regions
that are prosperous today may eventually become unsuited for productive economic activity.
In many regions, human mortality is projected to rise and labor productivity to fall, with the
size of the impacts depending on the degree of warming. Quantitative estimates of climate
changeʼs impact on GDP vary widely. This is in part due to the di iculty of modeling the tail
risk of crossing irreversible climate tipping points.
We do know that the harms of climate change are likely borne disproportionately by the most
vulnerable populations. These are those who lack the resources to deal with the impacts. This
is true both within the United States and globally. Many low-income countries are likely to be
among the most severely impacted. The simple truth is that the disparate impacts of climate
change raise the likely toll of human su ering.
In addition to its chronic impacts, climate change can manifest itself through an increase in
acute, weather-related supply shocks. These are near-term, sharp reductions in capacity that
can raise prices. The reality is that shocks that were unthinkable even a few decades ago are
now presenting with alarming frequency. Thereʼs been at least a five-fold increase in the
annual number of billion-dollar disasters over the past five years compared to the 1980s, even
a er adjusting for inflation. Here in North Carolina, you remember well the devastating toll of
Hurricane Florence. That disaster killed 22 Americans. It led to $24 billion in damage and le a
million North Carolinians without power.[2] And over the past week, we have seen Hurricane
Fionaʼs horrific impact on Puerto Rico. I know our Administration is working hard with the
Puerto Rican government to get aid to those who need it.
These shocks are occurring around the world. And they o en have global ramifications. As an
example, severe droughts and floods across the globe have hurt grain yields, contributing to
the growing food security crisis.[3] In Pakistan, devastating floods have killed over a thousand
people and displaced another 33 million, while also wiping out hundreds of thousands of
hectares of farmland. Climate change is also exacerbating energy shortages in Europe.
Abnormally hot and dry conditions have reduced nuclear and hydropower electricity
production in a number of countries while driving up demand for energy.
Viewed through the lens of supply shocks, climate change can have a worrying e ect on
macroeconomic stability. Supply chain disruptions, like the ones experienced during the
pandemic, may become commonplace. Businesses will likely increasingly need to invest in
expensive climate-change adaptation strategies. Households, too, will likely need to



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Cypress Creek Renewables in North Carolina | U.S. Departme…

increasingly devote resources to everything from higher food bills to flood insurance – while
potentially dealing with diminished health and higher mortality.
And climate change presents a notable challenge for governments, as well. Persistent,
frequent shocks will place more strain on the need for fiscal relief. It will also limit our ability
to address it by shrinking our national resources. State and local governments may
increasingly be forced to devote scarce resources to disaster mitigation, potentially at the
expense of investments in areas like education and worker training. And the bulk of the
evidence suggests that these disasters have long-lasting negative e ects on economic
growth – with many economies failing to fully recover.[4]
In sum, climate change poses a grave risk to the productive capacity of our economy while
also impacting its stability. To tackle these risks, we need to accelerate our transition to a
clean energy economy. By doing so, we will also realize significant economic opportunities in
high-growth industries, while building economic resilience and creating good-paying jobs
across the country.

A. Managing the Transition to a Clean Energy Economy
The President has called the 2020s “the decisive decade” to address climate change and
avoid its worst impacts. To do our part, the United States has committed to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions by at least half from 2005 levels by the end of the decade. We have
made significant progress – and further powered by the Inflation Reduction Act, our plan puts
us on a strong course to achieve that goal.
A cornerstone of the Biden Administrationʼs approach on climate change rests on harnessing
the engagement of the private sector. Specifically, government must provide the basic
foundations and long-term certainty that businesses need to invest at scale and drive the
transition toward a clean energy future.
Our government has long provided incentives to mobilize private capital toward compelling
economic and public policy objectives. Decades of government research investment spurred
the creation of the Internet. Commercial medical technologies that we take for granted – like
MRIs and advanced prosthetics – were supported by government through their development.
This approach extends to clean energy. In large part due to concerted government



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Cypress Creek Renewables in North Carolina | U.S. Departme…

investment, costs for key renewable energy technologies have already seen declines upwards
of 75% over the past decade.
But this Administration understood that our existing system of programs and incentives were
not su iciently strong to help transition the economy at the pace that is needed to meet our
climate goals. Nor at the pace that is required to ensure that American industries and workers
benefit from the transition to the maximum extent possible.
Investors lacked long-term certainty because tax credits were subject to Congressional
renewal at short intervals. In the case of the tax credit for electric vehicles, it began to phase
out once a manufacturer had sold 200,000 cars. There was also little, if any support, for new
technologies that could help transition harder-to-abate sectors – such as hydrogen and
sustainable aviation fuel. The result: the United States was at risk of being le behind in the
global competition for leadership of these low-carbon technologies and industries of the
Like a large ship, the U.S. economy requires a clear course to steer in the right direction. This
means coupling long-term incentives for private investment with regulation across key
sectors in order to accelerate innovation and expand the productive capacity of the economy.
And thatʼs what the Biden economic plan delivers.
The cornerstone of the plan – the Inflation Reduction Act – extends and expands the current
system of clean energy tax credits. These reforms will provide greater long-term certainty for
businesses on their returns on investment. The credits will also have greater reach. For the
first time, non-profits and state and local governments will be able to benefit directly from
them. For emerging technologies – such as clean hydrogen and carbon capture – the Inflation
Reduction Act will jumpstart innovation and growth. For more established zero-emissions
technologies – like the solar energy projects operated here at Cypress Creek – the law will
sustain and accelerate progress thatʼs been made.
We also expect to see lower energy costs for families. The Administration has launched a
website to help Americans take advantage of a wide range of consumer tax credits. There are
tax credits to lower costs for home energy e iciency improvements, such as better insulation
and heat pumps – as well as new tax incentives for buying and installing energy-e icient air
conditioners and furnaces in homes.
But thereʼs more. Beyond the consumer tax credits, we expect a significant mobilization of
private investment into the clean energy sector. Combined with the business tax credits, this



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Cypress Creek Renewables in North Carolina | U.S. Departme…

investment is expected to further push down the costs of clean energy production. This, in
turn, is expected to help bring down retail electricity rates at the same time as the law
electrifies a greater share of the American economy.
Modernizing our energy system means modernizing our infrastructure as well. To
accommodate new clean energy production and usage, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is
laying the groundwork for improvements and expansions of transmission lines. This work
anticipates the potential need to triple the size of our electricity transmission systems by
2050.[5] The infrastructure law also funds the first national EV charging system. It will make
500,000 chargers available across the country.[6]
What does this all mean for our economy? Through these investments, we are positioning the
United States to capitalize on the growing demand for low-carbon products around the
world.[7] We are establishing and extending our countryʼs leadership in key industrial and
technology sectors.[8] We are attracting investments in companies and workers here at home
– and creating high-quality, good-paying jobs across America. In the meantime, these
investments boost our global e ort to directly combat climate change and avoid its worst
economic, social, and health fallouts.
I am proud that the Treasury Department will be at the forefront of implementing our
economic and climate plan. I am also proud that, as we push the ambitions of other countries
to do more, I can represent the United States as a world leader in tackling the climate crisis
with greater credibility than ever before.

B. Building Climate Resilience and Economic Opportunity Across America
I want to also discuss two further impacts of these laws: increased resilience and greater
economic inclusion.
Over the past two years in particular, weʼve seen the direct consequences of our continued
dependence on fossil fuels. Not only do we continue to contribute and subject ourselves to a
rapidly warming climate. But we expose ourselves to the type of energy market volatility
weʼve experienced in the wake of Russiaʼs brutal war on Ukraine.
No country controls the wind and the sun. And countries that can harness those sources of
energy will make their economies more resilient and secure. Thatʼs exactly what weʼre doing
with the Inflation Reduction Act. We are shi ing our dependence to clean sources and away
from the volatility of fossil fuels and the autocratic regimes that o en control them. The law



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Cypress Creek Renewables in North Carolina | U.S. Departme…

also incentivizes investment – here at home – in solar panels, batteries, and other key
components of the energy supply chain. This helps secure critical inputs needed to deliver on
our clean energy future.
Our plan also dedicates $50 billion to strengthen the resilience of our infrastructure against
the increasing number and severity of extreme weather events. These investments will help
protect Americaʼs farmers, homeowners, and communities against droughts, floods, and
extreme heat.
Lastly, our sustainable future must be fair and inclusive. Within days of taking o ice, the
President established the Justice40 initiative, which aims to deliver 40 percent of the overall
benefits of federal climate and environmental remediation investments to disadvantaged
communities.[9] In line with that commitment, our plan provides funds to help clean up
hazardous waste and pollution in local communities that have been most harmed by them.[10]
This will li a barrier that has held back health and economic outcomes in these communities.
At the same time, our plan will spur new economic opportunity for cities, towns, and rural
areas that have been overlooked. For too long, economic opportunity has been
disproportionately concentrated on the coasts. But clean energy creates opportunities across
the country. This includes non-coastal areas and communities that have been historically
dependent on fossil fuel extraction.[ 11] In fact, the Inflation Reduction Act provides additional
tax incentives for businesses to invest in low-income and historic energy communities, with
strong labor standards as a key requirement. These new opportunities will add to the billions
in federal investments that the Biden Administration is already making in communities hardhit by coal mine and power plant closures.

In sum, the transition to a clean economy has massive economic stakes for the United States
and the world. We need to mitigate against the risks and capitalize on the economic
opportunities. But thereʼs a personal imperative to act too. Itʼs o en said that how well we
tackle this crisis is a test of whether we can come together to preserve the planet for our
children. But from what Iʼve seen over the past few years – with the growing severity of the
disasters that have struck the United States – this is no longer just about our children.
Frankly, this is about us as well. The volatility of the planet that we live in. Right now, and in
the months and years to come.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Cypress Creek Renewables in North Carolina | U.S. Departme…

Treasury, the IRS, and other agencies across the Administration are already hard at work to
implement the Biden economic plan. In the coming weeks, Treasury will engage a broad
spectrum of stakeholders on key provisions. My team and I will host a series of roundtable
discussions to help inform our e icient and e ective implementation of the tax credits. We are
working expeditiously to provide clarity and certainty so the lawʼs climate and economic
benefits can be felt as quickly as possible, while providing e ective guardrails to ensure that
the benefits are delivered as intended.
For decades, the world has been too slow to act. But strong action by the federal
government is finally here. While there is much more to do, I believe we now have a clear and
robust plan forward. I am confident about the direction of the sustainable future that we are
building together.
Thank you.

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