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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to CEOs and Business Leaders at the White House on Debt Limit …

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to CEOs and
Business Leaders at the White House on Debt Limit
October 6, 2021

As prepared for delivery
I want to thank business and community leaders for joining us here today. I wish we could
be meeting to discuss another topic, like finding solutions to climate change or how to
better invest in the future of our economy. But the urgency of the debt limit situation
demands immediate attention.
I want to be clear about my position. First, this is an urgent matter which must be resolved
immediately. Treasury is on the cusp of exhausting its extraordinary measures if Congress
has not acted to raise or suspend the debt limit by October 18th. A er that point, we expect
Treasury would be le with very limited cash that would be depleted quickly. As we’ve seen
in the past and as this group knows, even delaying action can cause harm to businesses and
consumer confidence, raise borrowing costs, disrupt financial markets and cause a
downgrade of the U.S. credit rating.
Second, let me be clear that this would be a catastrophic outcome, and this catastrophe
would occur on two dimensions. The first relates to the financial system and macroeconomy.
If Congress does not address the debt limit, Treasury’s cash balance will reach an insu icient
level to pay the nation’s bills. America would default for the first time in history.
Default would call into in question the full faith and credit of the United States. Our country
would likely face a financial crisis, causing interest rates to rise quickly and restricting access
to credit. Our fragile recovery would be thrown into reverse and we would likely be in
recession. Millions of jobs would be lost, and the pain would endure well past the resolution
of the crisis.
The second catastrophic outcome would be borne by Americans who directly receive any
sort of payment from the federal government. Every Social Security beneficiary, every family
receiving a Child Tax Credit, every military family waiting for a paycheck or small business
owners receiving a federal loan would be at risk. Millions are without su icient savings to



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to CEOs and Business Leaders at the White House on Debt Limit …

forego an expected check, and for these households and businesses the impact would be
devastating. To take one heartbreaking example, millions of seniors who depend on Social
Security for their livelihood would have to make awful choices, such as deciding between
whether to pay rent or buy groceries. The same goes for parents of young kids expecting a
Child Tax Credit payment.
Hopefully it goes without saying, this is not only bad for people—it’s equally as devastating
for American companies. For decades, our country has earned a reputation for being a
welcoming and reliable place to do business. We respect the rule of law and honor our
This reputation has benefitted us in many ways, including the ability to keep interest rates
low and for the dollar to serve as the world’s reserve currency. Ultimately, these benefits
have helped us lead in the world economy and become a more prosperous nation.
And yet, today, we are staring into a catastrophe in which we surrender this hard-earned
reputation, and force the American people, and American industry, to accept all the pain,
turmoil, and hardship that comes with default. It is unnecessary and must be avoided at all
costs. Congress must address the debt limit immediately.
Thank you, and I look forward to a productive conversation about this critical topic.
