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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the
Center for Global Development
October 6, 2022

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you for the introduction, Masood. Itʼs great to be here at the Center for Global
Development. Iʼm appreciative of your critical work to reduce poverty and improve lives
around the world, including through your work on the multilateral development banks.
Today, I will focus my remarks on our vision for development: the promise and challenges in
developing countries, and how we can evolve the development finance system to better
address the needs of the 21st century. But first, I will speak about the global context: both
our short-term and longer-term challenges.

As we meet today, in the wake of two large, back-to-back shocks, the global economy faces
significant uncertainty. The pandemic caused a staggering loss of life and unprecedented
fluctuations in economic activity and global commerce.
And earlier this year, Vladimir Putin launched a brutal war against Ukraine. The human toll
has been devastating. Putinʼs fraudulent attempt to annex sovereign Ukrainian territory is
the latest example of his blatant contempt for the United Nations Charter and peaceful
nations everywhere. The warʼs economic impacts are reverberating far beyond the borders
of Ukraine and Europe, causing volatile energy, food, and fertilizer prices, which impose
substantial harm on many countries across the globe.
At the beginning of the Global Financial Crisis, the worldʼs major economies faced a similar
suite of problems and responded with a similar suite of remedies. The same was true at the
start of the pandemic. In contrast, the last year has seen divergent economic pressures.
Many advanced economies, but not all, face inflation that is too high. Some major
economies face more acute stress due to uncertain energy supplies than others. These

di�erent challenges require di�erent policy approaches.
For major economies facing high inflation, the immediate task is to return to an environment
of stable prices. Central banks bear the prime responsibility. But it is important to recognize
that macroeconomic tightening in advanced countries can have international spillovers.
Di�erences in countriesʼ circumstances and in their respective policies are bound to result in
some currency realignments. The G7 has committed to market-determined exchange rates.
But we are attentive to the potential consequences of exchange rate movements.
Emerging markets and developing countries are o�en most acutely a�ected both by global
shocks and by spillovers from the policies of advanced countries. Swings in capital flows and
financial pressures resulting from higher interest rates can add additional stress on top of
significant and strained debt vulnerabilities. Some countries face acute food insecurity,
exacerbated by climate change. Many are struggling with energy supply. Others, especially
in sub-Saharan Africa, su�er from insu�icient deployment of vaccines and boosters. Many
developing countries – with the most limited resources and policy space, and high debt
burdens – are facing all these challenges simultaneously.
During next weekʼs IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings, I will work with a broad group of
partners to advance our response to the current macroeconomic challenges. Policymakers
in the major economies must continue implementing policies to rein in high inflation while
remaining attentive to global repercussions. Clear and open communications, coupled with
cooperation among the major economies to address spillovers, remain essential.
From energy to food security, the United States and our partners have coordinated to stem
the fallout from Russiaʼs war against Ukraine felt by people around the world. Since spring,
the United States has released 160 million barrels of crude oil to shore up supply, and our
coalition has committed to finalize and implement a cap on the price of Russian oil. This cap
aims to keep Russian oil flowing onto global markets at lower prices – particularly benefitting
low- and middle-income countries – while also cutting into the revenue Putin is using to fund
his illegal war. The United States has also pledged almost $10 billion to tackle the growing
food security crisis. The international financial institutions are redoubling their e�orts by
implementing a food security action plan announced in May. These e�orts must continue.
We must also be prepared to help countries that fall into debt or other crises. Broadly
speaking, we have well-developed tools to support countries in need. For example, the IMF
and the multilateral development banks have resources to support and advise countries as

they calibrate their macroeconomic policies.
Some countries will need considerable debt relief. Even before Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine,
more than half of all low-income countries were at high risk of or already in debt distress. It
will be crucial for all the worldʼs major bilateral creditors to meaningfully participate in debt
relief so that lower- and middle-income countries can regain their footing a�er these years of
extreme stress. This is particularly true for China. To date, China has delayed providing debt
treatments to borrowers in debt distress or has provided treatments that fall short of
restoring the borrowerʼs debt sustainability. We need to redouble our e�orts to resolve
ongoing cases – like Zambia and Sri Lanka – and be prepared to work together on future

The immediate issues Iʼve highlighted call for urgent action. At the same time, we must not
lose sight of big picture, longer-run challenges, particularly in developing countries. The
remainder of my remarks will focus on these challenges: what they mean for developing
countries and how to address them.

A. Longstanding Trends and Challenges in Developing Countries
The last several decades have seen substantial alleviation of world poverty. But recent crises
are eroding those gains. At least 75 million additional people are facing extreme poverty this
year. Without urgent and concerted action, the world is unlikely to meet the Sustainable
Development Goals by 2030.
Longstanding problems are the cause of persistent poverty and inequality. Those problems
include lack of access to education and healthcare and basic infrastructure like clean water,
electricity, roads, and broadband. Ine�ective, nontransparent institutions foster corruption
and political oppression. They also limit the rights of women and minorities. And
developing countries – along with the rest of the world – are experiencing increasing
incidents of extreme weather, driven by climate change, with agriculture especially
Addressing these contributors to poverty has always been central to development policy.
But this agenda is particularly important in unlocking key trends that are shaping the future

of the developing world. Let me touch on two examples.
The first is demographics. Most of the worldʼs net population growth over the next century
will be in Sub-Saharan Africa and certain regions of Asia. In Africa, an estimated 1.7 million
individuals are now entering the job market each month. These future generations will
expand the labor force and could drive new innovations and productivity gains. But
capitalizing on the promise of a growing population necessitates investments today in both
human capital and sustainable infrastructure.
The second trend pertains to technology and digitalization. Greater connectivity can bring
significant e�iciencies. It can also spur innovation and democratize access to finance,
education, and health. But realization of these benefits requires investment in digital
infrastructure. At the same time, countries need to strengthen their regulatory frameworks
and enforcement against illicit activity and threats to cybersecurity and privacy. The growth
of the digital economy must expand opportunity; it must not exacerbate inequality.

B. Rise of Global and Borderless Challenges
In the past, most anti-poverty strategies have been country focused. But today, some of the
most powerful threats to the worldʼs poorest and most vulnerable require a di�erent
approach. Why so? Because the challenges are global rather than “country specific.”
A prime example of such a challenge is climate change. Indeed, it is an existential threat to
our planet. No country can tackle it alone. Success requires all countries to work together to
achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Understanding the economic and human risks of
climate change to Americans and to the world, the United States has just enacted our most
aggressive domestic action on climate yet. We are committed to a net-zero economy by
2050. We must also help developing countries transition their economies away from carbonintensive energy sources and expand access to clean energy. To advance this objective,
Treasury is announcing a new nearly $1 billion contribution to the Clean Technology Fund
and the Biden Administration remains committed to boosting international climate financing
to over $11 billion by 2024.
In addition to abating emissions, countries must also build greater resilience to climate
changeʼs impacts. Recently, devastating floods in Pakistan dislocated more than 33 million
people and destroyed hundreds of thousands of hectares of farmland. Global climate change
has stark consequences at every level – local, national, and regional. The world must

mitigate climate change and the resultant consequences of forced migration, regional
conflicts, and supply disruptions.
Pandemics are another key global challenge. As the COVID pandemic has demonstrated,
pathogens do not respect borders. If unchecked, pandemics can bring the global economy to
a standstill. Uneven access to vaccines and medicines – along with underinvestment in
public awareness and public health infrastructure – can cause outbreaks of new variants that
disrupt the entire world. We must build on the work we have already done, which includes
the new Financial Intermediary Fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response
housed at the World Bank. And we must accelerate our work to help countries build robust
public health infrastructure.
And of course, local fragility, conflicts, and violence can spill over to neighboring regions. As
of June, the U.N. estimates that there are more than 100 million people worldwide displaced
by conflict, violence, and fear of persecution. That is almost 60 million more than just a
decade ago. Displacement of people and broken supply chains can ripple through regions
and the world. To contend with these e�ects, governments will have to increase their
budgets for security, refugees, or disaster recovery. That will likely be at the expense of
investments such as education and health.
Some people have said that limited resources and capacity constraints pose a tension
between progress on development and addressing these global challenges. But that is a
false choice. We must do both: especially since these priorities are mutually reinforcing.
Unmitigated global challenges can be destructive to our development aspirations by putting
at risk investment, financial stability, and human health and welfare. Conversely, lack of
development can magnify global challenges and increase vulnerabilities, with negative
spillovers onto the rest of the world.

A. Rethinking our Overall Strategy
So, how to make sustained progress on this array of challenges?
We need to come together to develop new strategies, policies, and approaches to mobilize
financing more e�ectively: across domestic resources, the o�icial sector, and the private

sector. There is a huge pool of global savings. But the flow to developing countries is
limited. Why? The obstacles include information asymmetry, a scarcity of bankable projects,
and political and regulatory uncertainty. There is also a shortage of tools to diversify risks
beyond individual projects with uncertain returns. Now there is broader macroeconomic
uncertainty. And private investors remain risk averse.
These impediments make it crucial for us to examine our strategies for bringing together
di�erent sources of financing, for deepening capital markets, and for expanding lending in
local currencies. The private sector has a key role to play, especially now, with countries
struggling to recover from COVID and with constrained fiscal space. Investors must recognize
the tremendous promise and need for investments in developing countries, with their huge
potential upside in both financial and human development terms.
On their own, the multilateral development banks cannot provide financing on the scale that
is needed. But they are a critical part of the solution. In concert with developing countries,
the multilateral development banks have worked e�ectively for more than 75 years in
designing holistic economy-wide development strategies. They have provided direct
financing for roads, basic education and health, water and sanitation, and energy. They have
done so on financial terms that countries cannot access from the market.
Beyond direct financing, the multilateral development banks have served as pioneers in
development finance. Development banks step in to fund activities that may never be
profitable for private investors. They provide essential funding for countries recovering from
disasters and conflict – as, for example, in Bosnia and Liberia, and as we expect them to do in
Ukraine. They help scale development solutions that work. And they help chart the course
for private investors by di�using risk and providing policy advice to strengthen countriesʼ
institutional frameworks for investment. All in all, these banks have a broad set of tools to
address many of the challenges I have outlined.

B. Evolving our Multilateral Development Bank System
But the multilateral development banks need to evolve as well. They have a strong record of
financing national projects like infrastructure, where the costs and the benefits both largely
accrue to the same country. But to address the complex global challenges I described, we
also need to invest in programs where the costs and benefits are more di�use. We do not yet
have a su�iciently robust toolkit to address, with scale and urgency, our global and cross-

border challenges.
The shareholders of these banks must ask them to devise new approaches to address global
challenges without diminution of their traditional focus on poverty reduction and other
Sustainable Development Goals. I strongly believe that tackling these global challenges will
bolster the banksʼ existing work on poverty alleviation. A�er all, climate change, threats to
global health, and fragility have a disproportionate impact on the poor.
The evolution of these banks will require changes to incentives, operating models, and uses
of the banksʼ financial resources.
First, we need to take a di�erent view of how to incentivize investments to tackle global
It is appropriate to consider greater use of concessional resources, including grants, to fund
investments where the benefits are shared more broadly by the world. For example, I see a
case for concessional financing to help middle-income countries transition away from coal in
the context of accelerating the clean energy transition. If the global community benefits
from investments in climate, then the global community should help bear the cost.
The development banks should also use their research and analytical capacity to provide
improved diagnostics related to global challenges. They can use policy advice and
conditionality to encourage countries, especially those with access to other financing, to
direct funding towards investments with broader benefits.
Second, the development banks should consider changes to their operational models.
In addition to the traditional country-based lending model, it is time to consider expanded
options. The development banks may need to support both global and regional entities.
Tackling global challenges requires global coordination and funding pools that go beyond
national governments. During the pandemic, for example, global organizations like COVAX
have been vital to expediting the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines to a broad range of developing
The development banks should also consider targeting additional resources toward subsovereign levels where local expertise and reform energy could result in faster, more tangible
benefits. Green city and smart city initiatives are examples of sub-sovereign development
that multilateral development banks could support in a more direct and integrated fashion.

I also believe that development banks should adopt stronger targets for mobilizing private
finance, and deploy a broader range of instruments, including guarantees and insurance
products, to mobilize more private capital into their projects. This is especially true for
development banks that are focused on private sector development.
Third, given the scale of the challenges, the development banks must continue to explore
financial innovations to responsibly stretch their existing balance sheets.
The resources available to these banks are scarce and must be used most e�ectively. The
goal is to deliver extra financing without substituting resources away from other priorities or
compromising development impact. The G20ʼs recent independent review of capital
adequacy of the development banks o�ers a number of interesting ideas. One possibility
involves freeing up capital for new lending through increased securitization of private sector
projects or portfolios. Other potential ideas include expanding sources of equity and
adjustments to financial management.
We must, however, be clear-eyed about how much more lending can be leveraged from
current balance sheets. Prudent financial management and financial sustainability are
important for these institutions to deliver – not only today, but into the long term. We need
to preserve the ability of the institutions to borrow from markets on attractive terms and to
play a countercyclical role when needed.
Since the establishment of the World Bank in the a�ermath of World War II, the multilateral
development bank system has continuously evolved in line with the new challenges we have
faced over time. We have seen the development of new, specialized institutions – like the
International Development Association – to provide concessional finance to the poorest
countries. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development was created to nurture a
nascent private sector in transition economies in Eastern Europe. The development banks
have also incorporated work on new sectors and issues – such as on human capital, postconflict reconstruction, good governance and anti-corruption, and climate change mitigation
and adaptation.
Some of the ideas I mentioned today will be easier to implement. Some will be harder. All of
them will require political leadership. Progress may be incremental and non-linear, and
results may take years to become fully evident. But we must start now.
Of course, global challenges like climate change will not be solved by the development banks

alone, no matter how successful these reforms may be. The scale of the problem is too big.
Individual countries will need to make changes, including important policy reforms.
Advanced economies must provide quality financing, and crucially, the private sector will
need to step in with investments and technology. The Just Energy Transition Partnership
being developed for a number of countries with active participation from the United States,
the G7, and other partners, provides a promising new model for aligning domestic, public,
private, and philanthropic resources in support of the fight against climate change.
The world cannot a�ord to delay or lower our ambitions. The current challenges are urgent.
That is why I, along with leaders from a broad group of countries, will be calling on World
Bank management at the Annual Meetings next week to work with shareholders to develop a
World Bank evolution roadmap by December. Deeper work should begin by the spring.
Shareholders will then need to drive parallel, holistic reform e�orts across other
development banks as well.
To accelerate this work, my team will step up our engagement with World Bank shareholders
and management. And we look forward to discussing more details on this project in the
coming weeks.

Let me conclude where I started.
To confront the evolving challenges facing the global economy today, we all have jobs to do
at home. In the United States and many other advanced economies, this means reining in
inflation, while providing targeted support to those most impacted by rising prices. At the
same time, in addressing our global challenges, we must cooperate. And we must listen to
one another.
Shocks from the pandemic and Russiaʼs terrible war have rattled the world economy. But
this is no time for us to retreat. The world needs ambitious responses to all our problems:
from policymakers, business leaders, and development o�icials alike. We need ambition in
how we work together to guide the global economy in the near term. We need ambition in
updating our vision for development financing and delivery. And we need ambition in
meeting our global challenges.
Thank you.
