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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the Anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act in Denver, …

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the
Anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act in Denver,
March 11, 2022

As prepared for delivery
I want to extend my sincerest thanks to Mi Casa Resource Center for having us here today. I
just spoke with participants in the small business and workforce programs and I am very
impressed with their work. I want to thank Angeles Ortega, Mi Casaʼs CEO for hosting us. And
my thanks to Governor Polis, Lieutenant Governor Primavera, and Deputy Mayor Hanlon, and
Council Woman Jamie Torres for being here. I want to thank the Second Gentleman for joining
me in Denver. And, I also want to thank Senators Bennett and Hickenlooper, Congresswoman
Degette and Congressmen Perlmutter, Crow, and Neguse for all they have done for Colorado
and the country in passing ARP.
While it is not the focus of my remarks today, I wanted to start out by saying that my
thoughts continue to be with the people of Ukraine as they fight back against an unprovoked
invasion of their homeland. The United States and our partners and allies have already leveled
significant costs on the Russian economy and President Putin, including more today, and we
will continue to do so if he furthers his invasion. This continues to be a top priority for
President Biden and our entire Administration.
Almost exactly a year ago, President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan. But, to
tell the story of our recovery, itʼs worth winding the clock back a little bit further.
Fi y days prior to the signing of ARP, I was at the Capitol to watch President Biden and Vice
President Harris take the Oath of O ice. It was a historic day, but it was also an uncertain one.
The country was in its worst wave of COVID deaths. Vaccines had yet to become widely
available. More Americans were applying for unemployment insurance each week than during
the worst week of the Great Recession.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the Anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act in Denver, …

In the midst of the winter COVID surge, the direction of the next year felt like it was up to
When the President signed the American Rescue Plan into law two months later, there was
still a sense of unease about the future. While we had made progress – millions more were
vaccinated – we didnʼt know what was to come, and it felt entirely possible that March 2022
would look a lot like March 2021.
Of course, that never materialized. For one, look around: We are here, in person. But itʼs also
the strength of our economy, which bears little resemblance to the dark opening days of the
pandemic. Last year, our economy grew at its fastest rate in 40 years. Unemployment has
fallen to 3.8%.
March 2022 looks nothing like March 2020, or even March 2021.
Itʼs easy to think of this as inevitable, that we were assured to have a strong labor market and
a stable recovery. But there is a very real counterfactual where any of the numerous
challenges we have faced could have stalled our economy. Delta could have sent more kids
home from school. We couldʼve had a sky-high unemployment rate that Omicron sent higher.
Foreclosures and evictions could have been widespread.
But we now know that this didnʼt happen – and we know why. There are many reasons, of
course, but I think one of the undeniable ones – one of the most important ones – is the
American Rescue Plan. The plan provided a comprehensive response to a once-in-a-generation
pandemic by investing in vaccines and public health infrastructure, putting money in the
pockets of families, and supporting communities and small businesses.
The full suite of programs in the American Rescue Plan – or ARP – didnʼt just protect us from
the problems we had encountered; it prepared us for what we didnʼt know was coming. In
some ways, the ARP acted like a vaccine for the American economy, ensuring that we were
inoculated from the possibility of new variants or unforeseen circumstances.
When we passed the ARP, we did not know which challenges would come, but we did know
that new challenges would come. We designed the package first and foremost so di erent
communities with di erent needs could meet the di erent challenges they would face.
The core of that was the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program, which helped
communities make it to the other side of the pandemic. States and localities used the funding
to tackle the public health challenge of the pandemic headfirst. Governments nationwide



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the Anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act in Denver, …

reported nearly 2,000 distinct projects to fight COVID-19 through vaccinations, testing, surge
capacity at hospitals, nursing home protections, additional PPE, and many other e orts.
And that funding did much more than just respond to the immediate health impacts of the
pandemic. Over 740,000 essential workers – like teachers, nurses, police o icers and grocery
workers – have received premium pay or bonus pay on top of their regular wages. Premium
pay o ers these workers extra compensation to recognize their risk and sacrifice during the
Take where we are, for instance. At the outset of the pandemic, Denverʼs challenges were
Facing the possibility of tax collections shrinking by 12%, roughly double the hit caused by the
Great Recession, city department heads were asked to find 7.5% worth of cuts in their
budgets. Public employees – including the mayor – were furloughed for eight days to save
There was a real possibility that the history of 2008 – where state government employment
didnʼt recover for a decade – would repeat itself.
But we know that didnʼt happen. Thanks to $67 million in public sector capacity investments,
Denver was able to rehire 265 city sta positions le vacant because of pandemic-related
cuts. The city is returning this year to 2020 spending levels, which then, Chief Financial O icer
Brendan Hanlon said was in part due to federal financial support. Senators Bennet and
Hickenlooper, Governor Polis, Mayor Hancock, and the Colorado congressional delegation
have been crucial parts of building that support.
The ARP – and specifically the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds – allowed places like
Denver to help fill the gaps, nurse people back to health, and keep workers on the job. If you
got sick or needed to quarantine, the ARP o ered tax credits to help employers cover paid
leave. Or, if you owned a small business, you were eligible for relief to keep employees on
The programs, in their totality, allowed Colorado and the country to recover. Think of Pueblo,
Colorado, which used $280,000 to increase housing stability for homeless and low-income
individuals. Or Fort Collins, which allocated $400,000 for a multicultural business and
entrepreneur center to address gaps in the current business support system that a ect small
businesses owned by entrepreneurs of color, women, and low-income individuals.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the Anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act in Denver, …

It is undeniably true that communities in Denver and across Colorado – and indeed, the entire
country – are better o today than we would be without the American Rescue Plan. But
whatʼs also true is that we will be better o tomorrow, and years to come, because of this
We learned some di icult lessons from prior recessions, and one of the most important ones
was that economic scarring – Which Iʼd define as prolonged, negative impacts owing to a
recession – can have severe and long-lasting impacts on broad swaths of people. We saw this
in the last recession, when millions of Americans struggled with long-term unemployment,
housing instability, financial insecurity, and diminished access to nutrition support and health
Avoiding these harmful outcomes was a core aspiration of the legislation. The ARP, for
example, expanded Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit to put additional
money in familiesʼ pockets to keep their financial lives intact. The Emergency Rental
Assistance played a key role in preventing a tsunami of evictions, which disrupts peopleʼs
ability to keep or find work and uproots children from schools. Expanded nutrition support
kept rising rates of food insecurity at bay, and more generous subsidies for health insurance
helped Americans to a ord health care.
Ultimately, one of the guiding principles was to preserve the existing economy – whether
weʼre talking about families, small businesses, or state and local governments – so that we hit
the ground running as we emerged from the pandemic, while foregoing all of the scarring
from prior recessions.
Just think of whatʼs happened here in Denver. Places like where we are today- the Mi Casa
Resource Center - are supporting small businesses thanks to ARP funds received from the City
of Denverʼs Economic Development and Opportunity Department. Beyond that: the City of
Denver and the State of Colorado have used these recovery funds to provide $18 million to
recruit, retain, and train a behavioral health workforce, fund a Child Tax Credit/Earned Income
Tax Credit outreach arm of your Preventive Services Division, finance the development and
preservation of a ordable housing units, and invest $25 million in reskilling, upskilling, and
next-skilling workers whose jobs may have been a ected by the pandemic.
This is what economic policymaking is about: Making sure people have all the tools at their
disposal to succeed. And, when individuals are supported, communities are supported, and
the country is better o .



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the Anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act in Denver, …

The strength of our economy also allows us to better respond to any crises that come our
way—whether those crises are an invasion of Ukraine by Russia or some other unforeseen
circumstance. Our world is interconnected, and our ambition to ensure that Russia pays a high
price for its unprovoked invasion has already impacted us at home. America is better able to
handle these turbulent times because our economy is historically strong, and the American
economy is historically strong because of the ARP and the resiliency of the American people.
Thank you again for having me here.
