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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on $1.25 Billion Award to CDFIs to Support Economic Relief in Un…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on $1.25
Billion Award to CDFIs to Support Economic Relief in
Underserved Communities Affected by COVID-19
June 15, 2021

Thank you, Madam Vice President. Thank you for hosting us and, more importantly, for
elevating this issue.
As the Vice President mentioned, today Treasury is awarding $1.25 billion to 863 Community
Development Financial Institutions across the country. These CDFIs, which include banks,
credit unions, and loan funds, play such an important part in our financial services
ecosystem because they serve people and places the sector hasn’t traditionally served well.
About 20 percent of CDFIs are headquartered in what are termed, “persistent poverty
counties,” and about 40 percent are headquartered in majority-minority areas – communities
of color – where they make loans to help people start businesses or buy homes.
The Vice President is right. This is one of the first subjects she raised with me – the
importance of CDFIs – and it’s exactly the right place to focus our attention. Because these
questions – “Who can access credit and capital? And who can’t” – are at the root of many
long-term structural problems in our economy.
For most of the 20th century, our economy was undergoing a convergence. There were richer
areas of the country, and poorer areas, but the latter were catching up with the former. The
country was rising together. Today, this is less true. There’s a divergence among local
economies, and one of the trends we see is that some places don’t have access to much
capital while others have an abundance. In fact, some forms of investment are heavily
concentrated within just a handful of cities. Last year, for instance, 71 percent of all venture
funding went to just four metropolitan areas.
This disparity in who can access capital also falls along racial lines. About 16 percent of
America’s population lives in areas that are majority minority areas, but that 16 percent of
the population only receives about 9 percent of investment from mainstream financial
institutions. Indeed, it’s part of the reason the racial wealth gap persists. When I started



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on $1.25 Billion Award to CDFIs to Support Economic Relief in Un…

studying economics in 1963, the average Black family owned 15 percent of what the average
white family owned, and that number hasn’t changed in half a century. It’s as close to a
constant as we come in economic data.
This is a very unjust aspect of our economy. The Vice President made that very clear. But I
would also add: It’s a very unhealthy aspect of our economy. If you were designing a wellfunctioning American economy, you wouldn’t have 70 percent of capital (in any form)
flowing to just four cities. Because that’s not where 70 percent of the opportunity is.
We – as a country – are missing out on so many avenues for growth because our capital is
bottlenecked by race and region. Research has shown that decreasing barriers faced by
African Americans would produce substantial GDP gains.
This is why, even if you never apply for a loan from a Community Development Financial
Institution, you should care about them. Because in serving places that the financial sector
historically hasn’t served well, they li our whole economy up. By one measure, every dollar
injected into a CDFI catalyzes eight more dollars in private-sector investment, meaning that
today’s announcement might lead to an additional $10 billion in investment.
I know the President and the Vice President ran on a very ambitious agenda – “Build Back
Better,” unwinding systemic racism, creating an economy that works for everyone. I believe
this is what that looks like in practice. By channeling more capital into CDFIs, we are
translating those ideals into reality. And this is just the beginning. The $12 billion Treasury is
now allocating for community lenders is more funding than has flowed through the CDFI
Fund since its creation in the ‘90s.
With that, I want to thank the entire CDFI team that has made today’s announcement
possible, and I want to echo the Vice President’s thanks to all the members of Congress who
helped get this done, especially Senator Warner and Chairwoman Waters – and also Leader
Schumer, Chairman Brown, and Senator Booker.
Madam Chair, I’ll turn it over to you now.
