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Remarks by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson at the Georgetown University School …

Remarks by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial
Intelligence Brian Nelson at the Georgetown University School of
Foreign Service
April 4, 2024

As Prepared for Delivery
Good evening. Thank you to Rod, the Landegger Program, and the wider School of Foreign
Service for bringing us together today, and thank you to everyone in the audience for joining
I'm Brian Nelson, Treasuryʼs Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence—which
we refer to here as TFI. My o ice is responsible for leading U.S. government e orts to counter
illicit finance and using financial tools to respond to national security threats.
Part of TFIʼs mission is protecting the U.S. financial system from harm, including from those
who enable criminal activity— which is the topic we have come together to discuss this
As the worldʼs largest economy, the United States has a unique responsibility. Trust in our
financial system, and in the dollar, drives investment, fosters entrepreneurship, and creates
opportunity for Americans and prosperity for our country. But this trust also has ripple e ects
on the rest of the world.
For Treasury and TFI, protecting the strength of the U.S. financial system is paramount —
especially from those who seek to corrupt it, exploit it, or use it to hide or launder illicit funds.
For decades, a panoply of dangerous actors from terrorist financiers to human tra ickers,
fraudsters, and U.S. adversaries have taken advantage of regulatory gaps in Americaʼs
financial system to move dirty money through the United States.
That is why our regulatory agenda seeks to detect and deter illicit financial activity, address
vulnerabilities in our financial system, and shield our economy from criminal exploitation. The
Biden-Harris Administration is taking a series of historic actions to close regulatory loopholes
and shine light on the financial shadows where illicit actors operate. These actions—which are
key missing pieces to one big puzzle—will advance U.S. economic and national security,



Remarks by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson at the Georgetown University School …

protect everyday Americans from crime, stop illicit actors in their tracks, and ultimately
bolster that all-important trust in our financial system.
In January, as part of the implementation of a bipartisan law—the Corporate Transparency Act
—the Treasury Department took an important step to uncover the true owners of anonymous
shell companies, which have been a favorite tool for kleptocrats, criminals, and U.S.
adversaries seeking to exploit the U.S. financial system for nefarious purposes. They hide
behind these opaque companies to launder the proceeds of drug tra icking, move embezzled
funds, and finance terrorism. In extreme cases, Iranian, Russian, and North Korean actors have
even used

American shell companies to fund their weapons programs and procure

sensitive military equipment.
Anonymous shell companies have also enabled fraudsters, scammers, and tax cheats to get
an unfair leg up on law-abiding American businesses. By unmasking anonymous companies, we
are rooting out bad actors from the U.S. economy and fostering a level playing field for small
businesses and hardworking Americans.
In February, Treasury published a regulatory proposal to safeguard the residential real estate
market from similar abuse. One study found that bad actors, including human tra ickers and
Russian oligarchs, were able to anonymously launder more than $2.3 billion in illicit funds
through the U.S. real estate market from 2015 to 2020, parking their dirty money in our
neighborhoods and exploiting our communities.
Le unchecked, this activity can distort housing market prices and make it more di icult for
the average American to a ord a home. By collecting information on the owners and finances
behind certain types of residential real estate transactions, we are working to prevent abuse
across the U.S. housing market on behalf of the American public.
Another essential puzzle piece is Treasuryʼs regulatory proposal to protect the investment
adviser sector from abuse, which we also published in February. Billions of dollars belonging to
Russian elites have been managed by U.S. investment advisers, bolstering Putinʼs war machine
in Ukraine. Chinese state actors have also used investments to quietly gain access to
sensitive and emerging U.S. technologies, disadvantaging cutting-edge American innovation
and weakening our economic competitiveness. Our proposal will crack down on this and other
harmful behavior by, among other things, ensuring that certain investment advisers develop
and maintain anti-money laundering compliance programs and take steps to detect and
report suspicious activity.



Remarks by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson at the Georgetown University School …

These reforms are grounded in extensive research, analysis, and collaboration with experts
both in and out of government. Earlier this year, Treasury published a suite of new and
updated assessments documenting how criminals, terrorist financiers, and rogue regimes
move funds through the United States. These assessments help government stay ahead of
serious illicit activity and assist the private sector in identifying and mitigating the biggest
threats a ecting them, their reputations, and in turn, their bottom lines. In the coming weeks,
we will publish a strategy for how we are working to comprehensively address these risks.
If you are interested in learning more about the illicit finance risks I have mentioned, I
encourage you to take a look at Treasuryʼs risk assessments and strategies.
Treasuryʼs enduring partnership with the private sector has been indispensable to curbing illicit
finance across the country. Together, we have been able to prevent foreign corrupt o icials
from siphoning their taxpayers' dollars for private benefit, drug tra ickers from profiting o of
the pain of countless Americans, and fraudulent businesses from evading the rules to achieve
an unfair advantage.
Across our regulatory e orts, we are committed to working with businesses to ensure that
their obligations are clear, e icient, and reasonable, while meeting our national and economic
security objectives. As part of the rulemaking process, we seek public comments to help us
understand various perspectives, and we engage in robust discussions with a range of
government and non-government stakeholders. For example, tomorrow, I am hosting a
roundtable with real estate professionals, which will be highly useful in understanding their
views of our proposed regulation of the residential real estate sector. Outside perspectives
are incredibly valuable to us, and we continue to welcome feedback on both our residential
real estate and investment adviser sector regulatory proposals until the public comment
periods close in the middle of this month.
In line with our e orts to streamline regulatory compliance obligations for businesses, this
year, Treasury intends to propose an updated customer due diligence rule to help certain
private sector firms be more e ective and responsive in how they detect and prevent illicit
activity. This updated rule will aim to help firms be more responsive to evolving threats and
focus on mitigating their biggest risks. We look forward to hearing from the private sector
and other stakeholders as part of that rulemaking process—because when we work together,
we can be more e ective in our common goal of protecting the U.S. financial system.
I'd also like to revisit something I touched on earlier, which is the unique position of the U.S.
economy and the ripple e ects of our actions. Last month, at the FATF, or the Financial Action



Remarks by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson at the Georgetown University School …

Task Force—which is the global standard-setting body for countering illicit finance—I was
proud to share with my colleagues from around the world that the United States is delivering
on our ongoing commitment to implement international standards that will help stem the
flow of dirty money globally.
Last week, the FATF announced in a follow-up report that the United States has been
upgraded to a rating of “largely compliant” with a key FATF standard on beneficial ownership
transparency. A grade of "largely compliant" may not seem so meaningful—especially here at
Georgetown—but this upgrade follows nearly a decade of historic e orts by Treasury and our
interagency partners to close loopholes in our financial system that bad actors have been
exploiting for generations. So, indeed, a big deal. And it means we can continue to lead by
example, ensuring that we are meeting international standards and sharing best practices.
But we still have much work to do. In the immediate future, as I mentioned, we have one
remaining rulemaking required by the Corporate Transparency Act. Our residential real estate
and investment adviser rulemakings, both necessary and substantial steps, are still just
proposals and in the early stages of the regulatory process.
And we are not letting our guard down. As criminals attempt new ways to access our financial
system, we resolve to remain vigilant, responsive, and innovative to ensure we can e ectively
safeguard Americaʼs economic and national security.
As Secretary Yellen has said, our message is clear: The United States is not a haven for dirty
money. Kleptocrats and greedy dictators are not welcome to stash, launder, or park stolen
funds in America. Terrorist financiers, cartels, and fraudsters cannot exploit our corporate
ecosystem to facilitate crime. And criminals cannot abuse Americaʼs thriving housing market
or investment adviser sector for nefarious purposes.
The actions that the Treasury Department is taking will strengthen our ability to disrupt and
deter illicit finance dangers. As the Biden-Harris Administration advances an economy that
works for all Americans, rooting out dirty money is a key piece of that puzzle.
I know we have a fantastic panel lined up this evening, so Iʼll turn it back over to Rod. Thank
