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Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen on the State of the U.S. Economy in Atlanta, Georgia | U.S. Department of the Tr…

Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen on the State of the U.S.
Economy in Atlanta, Georgia
August 4, 2021

As prepared for delivery
I want to thank Mayor Bottoms, Congresswoman Williams, Dr. Klementich, and, of course,
Jamine. Thank you for sharing your story.
The past year-and-a-half has been a turbulent chapter in the lives of so many business
owners – so many Americans. Millions of companies – in fact, whole industries – approached
the brink of collapse. For a time, our economic outlook had never felt more fragile, and there
was a legitimate worry that we’d slip into a prolonged recession, worse than any in the past
century. Fortunately, that didn’t happen.
I joined the Treasury Department six months ago, and in that time, the economy has
changed faster than any point in recent memory. We are now trending towards full
employment. GDP now exceeds pre-pandemic levels.
Our recovery has been rapid, and it did not happen by default. It’s the result of the choices
we’ve made. It’s the result of leadership. When President Biden took o ice, he promised 200
million shots in his first 100 days. He fulfilled that promise with a week to spare. He
committed to one of the most ambitious relief packages since the New Deal, and he
delivered on it: The American Rescue Plan.
The Rescue Plan helped businesses open safely. It put expanded unemployment benefits
and child tax credits into people’s bank accounts. It provided billions to local and state
governments, allowing them to fund critical services communities rely on – fire, police,
public education – while funding public health programs.
In this way, we’re helping families make it to other side of the pandemic. Many will emerge
more financially stable on the other side. One recent study projected that the expanded
relief measures kept 50 million Americans from slipping below the poverty line – and raised
20 million above it. The projections suggest that this year poverty rates could hit the lowest
levels on record, especially among children.”



Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen on the State of the U.S. Economy in Atlanta, Georgia | U.S. Department of the Tr…

This isn’t to say that our recovery is without challenges – it has them, the Delta variant, first
and foremost. There are also bottlenecks in certain supply chains, and mismatches between
supply and demand have led to price increases. And yet, the data indicates that these
mismatches will resolve with time as more businesses are able to keep up with demand.
Economists search for lessons in our history, and the last six months have provided a crucial
one. Bold fiscal policy matters. A government that can execute it well matters. Together, they
can improve American lives on a mass scale, and shi our economic trajectory in a better
Now, we just need to apply that lesson to another set of problems.
A er all, our economic challenges do not begin and end with the pandemic. Long before a
single American was infected with COVID-19, our economy was su ering beneath the surface.
Millions of people were running up against a series of structural economic problems, major
threats to their own livelihoods and to America’s competitiveness on the world stage.
For instance, labor force participation. When I first joined government about thirty years ago,
a higher percentage of American women participated in the labor force than women did in
almost any other wealthy country. But since the turn of the millennium, women’s labor force
participation in this country has been mostly on a downward trajectory. In 2019, it was
hovering somewhere near where it had been in the late-80’s and early-90’s – and still hadn’t
recovered from the major decline during the Great Recession.
The same thing is happening to men, but it’s been happening for much longer. Even before
the pandemic, a smaller percentage of men were working than at any point since the 1950s.
This has not only harmed working families – that’s obvious – but the businesses that depend
on an adequate supply of labor.
Another worrying trend is wage inequality. In healthy economies, we see wage growth across
the distribution. But over the past several decades, that has not been the case in America.
While the highest earners have seen their incomes grow, families at the bottom end of the
distribution have seen their pay stagnate. It’s a drag on household finances, and it also
depresses our consumer base.
The inequality extends beyond wages to wealth, especially for Black families. When I started
studying economics in 1963, the average Black family’s wealth was roughly 15 percent of the
average white family’s. Maybe that isn’t surprising. Jim Crow laws were still in e ect; John
Lewis wouldn’t lead the march in Selma for another two years. What is surprising, however,



Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen on the State of the U.S. Economy in Atlanta, Georgia | U.S. Department of the Tr…

is that it’s almost six decades later, and the data point has barely changed. It’s still 15
Climate change adds a fresh layer of crisis on top of all this. Le unchecked, it will
undermine every aspect of our economy from supply chains to the financial system.
These destructive forces – the decline in labor force participation, the divergence in wages,
the persistence of racial inequality, and the rise of climate change – are di erent economic
challenges in some ways than the ones that came along with the pandemic. They’re longer
term, slower moving. But they share something in common: Both are subject to our policy
choices. Fiscal policy can help unwind them. Or the lack thereof can intensify them. And we
know this because that’s exactly what’s happened over the past 40 years.
Rather than invest in childcare that could help parents rejoin the workforce, or in training
programs that might help people earn a higher wage, or in infrastructure that could spur
economic growth while greening our economy, funding for these types of programs has been
in long-term decline.
This underinvestment is a drag on our economy in so many ways. There’s considerable
evidence for that, and some of the most persuasive is around what we’d term “family
Of the 38 OECD countries – which are some of the wealthiest in the world – the United States
ranks 36th in its public expenditures on childcare, which is to say: We are not a leader in this
area. It’s a missed opportunity because investments in children are some of the most
productive investments we can make.
Researchers have studied the impact of expanding the Child Tax Credit, which we did this
year and aspire to make permanent. They found an enormous benefit-to-cost ratio. The
policy would cost roughly $100 billion but generate closer to $800 billion in societal benefits.
Kids who are the beneficiaries of bigger child tax credits tend to score higher on tests and are
then more likely to attend college and have lower teenage birthrates.
And then there are the benefits to the parents, especially mothers. When they have more
support, they’re more likely to join the workforce. One study estimates that lack of access to
“family-friendly” policies, such as paid parental leave and childcare, explains nearly a third of
the decline in U.S. women’s labor force participation relative to other OECD countries.
There are other areas where you don’t need a published paper to see the impact of
underinvestment. One of the more memorable articles I read during the pandemic was



Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen on the State of the U.S. Economy in Atlanta, Georgia | U.S. Department of the Tr…

about students from Orrum, North Carolina, who would regularly drive to a McDonald’s
parking lot. They’d go there to do their classwork because they were some of the millions of
Americans who can’t access high-speed broadband at home. And McDonald’s was the
nearest place with WiFi.
Remote work and study aren’t going away a er the pandemic. The internet is now a crucial
public utility, essential for success in American life, and an economy where fast-food chains
are the most accessible providers of that utility is not a healthy economy. The government
must step in and invest in this public good – and others.
That is the motivation behind the bipartisan infrastructure package that’s now moving
through Congress, inching closer to the President’s desk. In the same way that ambitious
fiscal policy is accelerating our recovery from the pandemic, it can start unwinding some of
these destructive trends and spur growth.
The bill includes the largest infrastructure investment since Eisenhower built the Interstate,
funding for transit and road projects that will connect more people to communities that are
growing – and bring growth to the communities that aren’t.
The bill will connect every American household to high-speed broadband. We began that
work with the American Rescue Plan, but now we will complete it. No more working in
parking lots. And the bill includes a down payment in our fight against climate change; one
that will dot the American landscape with half-a-million electric vehicle chargers, which will
help accelerate our transition to a greener, more resilient economy.
This is just the beginning. We need to make childcare more accessible and housing more
a ordable. These things are crucial pieces of the President’s “Build Back Better agenda.”
That plan will help build one million new units for renters and half-a-million new homes for
It will lower the price of health care. It will continue to expand the Child Tax Credit. And it will
ensure that nobody is denied the education they need to compete in the labor market
because they can’t a ord the tuition payment. That’s a matter of principle for this
administration. It’s also just good economic policy.
Taken together, Moody’s estimates that these investments will significantly increase real GDP
over the next decade, boost labor force participation, and reduce the unemployment rate.
More important, though, is what these investments will do over the even longer term. They’ll
mitigate the economic impacts of climate change and expand America’s productive capacity.



Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen on the State of the U.S. Economy in Atlanta, Georgia | U.S. Department of the Tr…

We will li the upper limit on how big our economy can grow; how prosperous America can
I know that there is some debate about all this. There is a good faith discussion about how
much spending is too much. But if we are going to make these investments, now is fiscally
the most strategic time to make them. The cost of federal debt payments is expected to
remain below historical levels through the coming decade, and over the longer-term there’s
a plan to pay for these investments through a long overdue reformation of the tax code,
particularly the corporate tax code, which will make it fairer without touching the vast
majority of Americans, those who make less than $400,000 a year.
And so, my largest concern is not: What are the risks if we make these big investments? It is:

What is the cost if we don’t?
We’ve grown used to America as the world’s pre-eminent economic power. We aren’t
destined to stay that way, but with these investments, I believe we will. We have a chance
now to repair the broken foundations of our economy, and on top of it, to build something
fairer and stronger than what came before.
Our national conversation about fiscal policy tends to pit sides against one another:
business vs. labor, climate mitigation vs. economic growth. But these investments break
down those old, tired lines. They bring us all to the same side, which is the side of more
vibrant, resilient economic future.
I look forward building that future with you all.
