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Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen at the Open Session of the Meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight Council |…

Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen at the Open Session of the
Meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight Council
December 17, 2021

As prepared delivered
Today, the Council is releasing its 2021 annual report. The report has one eye on the past and
one on the future. It analyzes recent episodes of financial turmoil to understand weak points
in our financial system and identifies potential threats. It reviews actions taken by the Council
to strengthen our financial system and recommends additional steps that could be taken by
the public and private sectors.
The report marks nearly two years since the first appearance of COVID-19 and the resulting
financial turmoil in March 2020. As the economy began to shut down that month, many
investors sought safety in the form of cash and short-term government securities. Corporate
and municipal bond markets became illiquid.
Of course, increased capital and liquidity helped banks weather the crisis, and in that way, the
episode showed that our financial system is far more shock-resistant than it was in 2008. As
this report shows, the lessons of 2008 and 2020 strongly inform the Councilʼs work.
I am pleased to have this opportunity to summarize the work of the Council. In particular, I
would like to take a moment to review three key priorities for the Council that I outlined nine
months ago in my first meeting as Chair.
The first priority was nonbank financial intermediation, including money market funds, openend mutual funds, and hedge funds. In March 2020, we saw that open-end mutual funds and
prime money market funds could amplify liquidation pressures because of liquidity risk in their
business models and the incentives they give to investors. The same held true for hedge
funds because of their use of leverage.
Our report reviews the Councilʼs progress on work related to these sectors. In June, the
Council issued a statement regarding the structural vulnerabilities of MMFs. It called for
reforms that would improve the resilience and functioning of short-term funding markets. The
Council expressed support for the SECʼs engagement on this critical issue, and I was pleased



Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen at the Open Session of the Meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight Council |…

to note the SECʼs proposed rule earlier this week. The Council will continue to monitor this
e ort. In addition, the Councilʼs working groups on open-end funds and on hedge funds are
assessing the risks posed by these types of firms, and will evaluate whether actions are
necessary to address their vulnerabilities.
A second priority was the resilience of the U.S. Treasury market. The Treasury market is the
deepest and most liquid market in the world. Because of its critical importance to the
financial system, we must understand the disruptions that have occurred in that market. The
Councilʼs annual report reviews the progress of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Treasury
Market Surveillance, which has worked closely with the Council to study what happened in
March 2020 and what it had in common with other recent episodes. The interagency working
group is analyzing ways to improve the Treasury marketʼs resilience. Theyʼre looking at
possible policies to improve data quality and availability, bolster the resilience of market
intermediation, evaluate expanded central clearing, and enhance trading venue transparency
and oversight.
The annual report also discusses the Councilʼs new body of work around climate-related
financial risks, the third priority I spoke of in March. I am very pleased at the Councilʼs
progress in the short period since then.
As Iʼve previously said, even as the Council and regulators make progress in ensuring that the
past does not repeat itself, we must keep in mind the maxim that we cannot simply “fight the
last war.” The Council is required to evaluate and respond to new and emerging threats.
With this purpose in mind, the Council issued a Report on Climate-Related Financial Risk in
October that made recommendations to promote the resilience of the financial system.
These steps include expanding capacity, improving data and measurement, enhancing
disclosure of climate-related risks, assessing the scale of potential vulnerabilities, and
adjusting regulatory and supervisory tools. To help coordinate our e orts on these issues,
the report called for the Council to establish a new sta committee, the Climate-related
Financial Risk Committee. And later in todayʼs meeting, the Council will vote to do so.
Of course, climate is not the only emerging risk. As the annual report details, risks to U.S.
financial stability are elevated compared to before the pandemic even as the financial
vulnerabilities of banks and central counterparties are low. For instance, the report discusses
potential shocks related to the elevated level of uncertainty characterizing the global growth
outlook. The report also discusses vulnerabilities related to elevated asset prices, for



Remarks by Secretary Janet L. Yellen at the Open Session of the Meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight Council |…

In addition, the report highlights the critical importance of regulatory attention and
coordination regarding stablecoins and other crypto assets, as the market for these assets
continues to rapidly grow and evolve. Cybersecurity also remains a high priority, as does the
LIBOR transition. I look forward to engaging with the Council in 2022 on these issues and
others discussed in the report.
