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Remarks by Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta | U.S. Departm…

Remarks by Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
May 12, 2022

WASHINGTON – U.S. Undersecretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang made
the following remarks during a panel discussion at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlantaʼs
Financial Markets Conference.

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you for the invitation to moderate this opening panel on “Which CBDC, if any, is right
for the United States?”. To start, I will o er a broad framing for this discussion.
Digital assets has become a topic of great interest to policymakers in the U.S.. Digital assets
are a financial instrument that may be transferred on a distributed ledger, sometimes with a
blockchain technology for record keeping. This system enables payments and other financial
transactions to occur possibly without intermediaries. In March, President Biden issued an
Executive Order calling for a coordinated and comprehensive government approach to digital
assets. With this executive order, government agencies will analyze how to ensure the
responsible development of digital assets, recognizing the potential benefits of innovation
but also the risks.
Todayʼs panel will focus on digital assets for money and payments, and in particular, digital
currency issued by a central bank, or CBDC. We will leave aside cryptocurrencies with highly
volatile prices, which are encompassed in the executive order, because they are a less likely or
useful option for payments on a widespread basis.
To provide context for the discussion, itʼs helpful to look at some current money and payment
systems. As you can see in the first two rows of a simplified table, todayʼs payment systems
include a blend of public and private provision of services. In broad terms, consumers and
businesses use paper currency, which is a bearer instrument issued by the central bank, and
use bank deposits, which are transferred by a range of technologies. Banks are usually
involved in some part of the distribution or clearing of payments, and final settlement o en
ultimately takes place on the books of the central bank.



Remarks by Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta | U.S. Departm…

Money and payments have changed over time because of innovations to address market
failures or to provide a public good. For example, in the 1800s, privately-issued bank notes
o en failed to trade at par and were subject to runs that generated financial instability. This
was a market failure, the government stepped in and provided the public good of a uniform
currency. Currently, new technology o ered by FedNow aims to provide more real-time and
more e icient payments to depository institutions, but does not create new monetary
instruments. It will rely on the existing banking system and use deposit money.
In contrast, the next row in the table, stablecoins -- a digital asset pegged mainly to the US
dollar and could be used for payments -- resurface old risks and market failures. Stablecoins
are bearer instruments issued by nonbanks. They have the potential to generate destabilizing
runs if the value of the assets backing the stablecoin decline abruptly. They may also
introduce novel payment system risks related to distributed ledger technology. The
Presidentʼs Working Group, or PWG, along with the OCC and FDIC, produced a report on
stablecoins and highlighted these prudential risks, and recommended Congress pass
legislation to address them.
Against this backdrop, we can ask “What does CBDC o er? What is the market failure that the
public good of a CBDC could address?” The next slide highlights some key values expressed in
the Executive Order which are relevant to the future of money and payments. Global financial
leadership to reflect our democratic values, and national security are prominent. Other values
include economic growth and financial stability, including global competitiveness; technology
advances, including the ability to protect privacy; financial inclusion because of lack of access
to financial services or high costs; and payment system e iciency. As you can see, there are
many public goods on this list, which suggests that greater e iciency of the payment system
may not be su icient to justify a CBDC.
The executive order also calls on the Fed to separately continue to research and report on a
potential CBDC and design features, to consider implications for the e iciency of payments
and the ability to conduct monetary policy. This work will build on the recently-issued Federal
Reserve paper on money and payments, which seeks public comments on the benefits and
risks associated with issuing a CBDC.
We have a substantive set of issues to explore today. We will start with Professor Charles
Kahn, University of Illinois, who has written a paper for this conference to provide insights
from the experiences of other countries with CBDC. Then David Mills, Federal Reserve Board,
will discuss the Fed paper and considerations for the US central bank; and Paul Kupiec, from



Remarks by Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta | U.S. Departm…

AEI will o er a specific proposal for a new money and payments system. We then will open it
up for a general discussion among the panelists and questions from the audience.
Which CBDC, If Any, is Right for the U.S.
