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Remarks by Under Secretary Brian Nelson at the Meeting of the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Co…

Remarks by Under Secretary Brian Nelson at the Meeting of the
President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat
Trafficking in Persons
February 13, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you, Secretary Blinken. Itʼs an honor to discuss Treasuryʼs work to combat human
tra icking.
Human tra icking poses a grave threat to the rule of law and endangers the safety and
security of people in the United States and around the world. Itʼs a set of activities that is as
abhorrent as it is prevalent—lurking just below the surface of our societies, preying on
vulnerable populations, infiltrating critical supply chains and industries, and hiding in the
shadows of the U.S. and international financial systems.
Beyond its enormous human costs, human tra icking is estimated to be one of the worldʼs
most profitable criminal enterprises. Last year, the Treasury Department identified money
laundering linked to human tra icking as among the most significant illicit finance threats
facing the United States.
It is precisely by pursuing these profits—following the money—that we can combat these
crimes, disrupt illicit networks, and seek justice for victims of tra icking.
In support of the National Action Plan, Treasury will continue to leverage all its tools and
authorities to counter those engaged in human tra icking. With each action, we send a
powerful and unequivocal message that the United States will not tolerate the exploitation of
human beings.
This work starts by closing the financial loopholes in the United Statesʼs anti-money
laundering /countering the financing of terrorism framework that human tra ickers and
criminal networks use to launder, move, or stash their illicit proceeds.
For example, weʼre working diligently to implement the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA),
which will bring greater transparency to company ownership and make it harder for illicit
actors like human tra ickers to exploit shell and front companies to launder ill-gotten gains.



Remarks by Under Secretary Brian Nelson at the Meeting of the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Co…

These e orts will help prevent human tra ickers and other criminals from seeking impunity
through financial anonymity.
Treasury is also working closely with the private sector to combat human tra icking.
Treasuryʼs Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, published advisories in 2014 and
2020 highlighting for U.S. financial institutions—large and small—the critical role they can play
in identifying and reporting transactions related to these illicit activities.
Human tra icking also remains a focus of Treasuryʼs engagement with foreign partners. This
issue has featured, in particular, in Treasuryʼs work with counterparts in Mexico, as weʼve made
joint strides in pursuing human tra ickers by blocking their accounts and targeting their illicit
financial networks.
Treasury is playing a leading role in shaping the global financial fight against human
tra icking, including at international forums like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the
Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units (Egmont Group). We continue to raise awareness
about these issues, enhance global standards to combat illicit finance, and exchange
information to identify and disrupt networks.
We are focused on delivering justice and accountability to human tra ickers and their
networks. Treasury will continue to work closely with our law enforcement colleagues, and we
are prepared to impose dire financial consequences on those responsible for these injustices,
including by freezing their assets and cutting o their access to the U.S. financial system. We
are committed to using, where relevant and appropriate, sanctions authorities to designate
perpetrators of human tra icking, including forced labor.
Through these e orts, weʼre preventing human tra ickers from misusing the financial system,
weʼre partnering with the private sector and the international community, and weʼre pursuing
those responsible for these egregious crimes.
We look forward to deepening our work with you all on this important issue.
