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Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo to the National Congress of American Indians | U.S. D…

Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo to
the National Congress of American Indians
October 12, 2021

As prepared for delivery:
Hello, everyone, and thank you so much for the kind welcome. To your president, Fawn
Sharp, the entire NCAI board, and your membership: I’m grateful for the chance to speak
It’s been a hard nineteen months for all of us, but I know it has been particularly hard for
those living in Indian country. In March, when I started this job, Tribal communities had the
highest COVID mortality rate nationwide. If you lived on a reservation, you were four times
more likely to contract COVID. And as the virus entered people’s lungs, the adjacent
economic crisis was infecting the finances of Tribal communities. The slowdown decimated
their budgets. In fact, the Minneapolis Fed reported that over 30 percent of Tribal enterprises
had to lay o or furlough 80 to 100 percent of their workforces as result. Almost no teachers,
no first responders.
One of the lessons of the Great Recession was that if we do not get the machinery of
government operating quickly again, it can lead to a slower, weaker recovery. And we did not
want to repeat the that mistake twice in thirteen years. Certainly not in Indian Country.
As you know, the American Rescue Plan included $31 billion for tribal communities. Treasury
is busy administering those dollars, and I want to thank so many of you for working with us,
doing the intellectual heavy-li ing of how to distribute those funds most e iciently. I know
that you’re going to hear from our Chief Recovery O icer, Jacob Leibenlu during your
convention. He’s established a dedicated Tribal team within the O ice of Recovery Programs
that’s solely focused on the disbursement of these funds. We’re going to ensure that Indian
country bounces back from this pandemic as soon and as sustainably as possible.
But I want to stress this, too: Treasury’s commitment does not begin and end with COVID-19.
Long before a single person was infected with coronavirus, Tribal areas su ered a
disproportionate share of the hardship in America. The pandemic took the existing



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo to the National Congress of American Indians | U.S. D…

inequalities between Indian country and the rest of the country and made them more
unequal, but they’ve always been there.
Our goal, as President Biden puts it, is to build back better. That’s going to mean many
things, including directing more capital to Indian country, so business owners on
reservations can hang a shingle and scale up. As your membership knows as well as anyone,
we can’t meaningfully address economic inequality in this country without first asking the
questions: “Who has access to capital? And who doesn’t?”
“Who doesn’t” o en includes tribes, but community lenders – what we technically call
“Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions” – can
be forces for financial inclusion because they specifically focus on serving areas that the
financial sector hasn’t served well. The $12 billion we’re now allocating for community
lenders is more funding than has flowed through our CDFI Fund since its creation in the ‘90s.
Our team is ready to work with you on this – and other – programs. To date, Treasury has
conducted over 51 hours of Tribal consultation and information sessions. We’re looking
forward to more of these engagements.
It’s a little-known fact, but while he was Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton also moonlit
as George Washington’s speechwriter. Hamilton actually wrote a dra of Washington’s 7th
Annual Address to Congress, his second-to-last State of the Union. And in that dra , as
Hamilton’s biographer, Ron Chernow, describes, he included a line that was unusual for a US
government o icial of his day: Government policy, he wrote, “has always been inadequate to
protect the [American] Indians.”
From Hamilton’s Treasury Department until now, I think his words have remained true to
some extent. Not necessarily in the way that Hamilton meant them then. He was talking
about protection from, quote, “the violences of the irregular and lawless part of the frontier
inhabitants.” Still, government policy, even in our time, has been inadequate to address the
health, safety, welfare, and economic prosperity of your communities.
Our mission – 77 Treasury Secretaries later – is to change that, through support for Tribal
sovereignty and self-determination in policy and practice. And we look forward to working
with you to ensure we do.
Thank you again, and best wishes for a successful conference.



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo to the National Congress of American Indians | U.S. D…
