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Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at LINKS Conference Presented by Chainalysis | U.S. D…

Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at
LINKS Conference Presented by Chainalysis
November 4, 2021

As prepared for delivery
Hi everyone, and first let me thank Michael [Gronager], Jonathan [Levin], and Chainalysis for
the invitation today. It’s a pleasure to be with you.
Innovation has always been critical to the growth of the American economy. The industrial
revolution transformed the United States from agrarian country into the most productive
engine of growth the world has ever seen. Edison’s invention of the light bulb illuminated the
world, and the advent of the personal computer is still revolutionizing the exchange of
information, goods, and services today. Our ability to promote and harness innovation has
been a key ingredient in our ability to seed new industries, generate new jobs and
opportunities, and maintain our global economic leadership and competitiveness.
Digital assets are yet another innovation with the potential to be transformative. Today,
cryptocurrencies have a notional value of $2.5 trillion. We don’t know how this new
technology will evolve, but we know that like other innovations, they o er the potential to
unlock new opportunities.
At the same time, experience has already shown that digital assets create certain risks.
Government’s goal is to create a regulatory environment that fosters responsible innovation,
writing clear rules of the road that mitigate these risks while preserving the economic
opportunities this technology creates.
Broadly speaking, there are three sets of risks from cryptocurrency and other digital assets
that policymakers must address:
First, there are issues of consumer and investor protection, working to make sure these
assets are free from fraud and abuse.
Then, there are issues related to financial stability, like ensuring that stablecoins are
actually stable.



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at LINKS Conference Presented by Chainalysis | U.S. D…

And finally, there are national security concerns around anti-money laundering, terrorist
financing, and ransomware.
Today, I will focus exclusively on the national security risks, and I’m grateful for the
opportunity to speak with you about this. Because my sense is that there may be a
misperception about the relationship between the blockchain industry and the government
on this issue. There’s a belief, to be frank, that we are at odds; that Treasury conceives of
ransomware as a problem with cryptocurrency, and that in order to stop the former we must
severely restrict what happens in this industry.
But this is not how we see things. We cannot stress that enough. It is not how we see them
at all. When we regulate, rather, it’s with an eye toward trying to foster innovation that
creates economic opportunity and advances U.S. financial leadership while stamping out
crime, abuse, and risks. We believe these goals go hand in hand with innovation.
We know that good data is critical to addressing these regulatory issues, and the US
government does not have a monopoly on data in the cyber and crypto ecosystems. It is why
we are investing in the public private partnership and it is why Chainalysis’ work is so critical.
We must expand both our data ontologies and sources of data to match the new
opportunities to leverage online and technical data footprints to drive attribution and
identification of criminal actors.
I am here today because we know the best way to address these national security risks is by
working in partnership with the private sector. That’s what I want to talk about today. I want
to articulate, in some detail, what Treasury believes the relationship between our
Department and the digital assets industry must be to adequately address these issues.
At its core, I think that relationship must be about keeping two stories in our heads at the
same time.
Let me explain…
The first story is the story of one in every nine people on Earth, who are supported by a loved
one—o en working abroad and sending money back home. Some 250 million-plus migrants
around the world send an average of $200 to $300 to their families each month. Today, they
pay a high price for the privilege. Of that $300-dollar monthly payment to their family, they
can expect to lose an average of $21 dollars – 7% -- to those operating the payments
systems that get their money from Point A to Point B.



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at LINKS Conference Presented by Chainalysis | U.S. D…

Even for people or companies transacting within wealthy nations, the cost of a cross-border
payment, while lower than at any point in history, remains high. A payment among G7
nations still incurs about a 2% transaction fee. That presents a challenge, because history
tells us that when that fee goes down, the pace and volume of commerce will increase.1
I know many of you entered the world of blockchain technology to solve problems like this
one. You see cryptocurrency and related Fintech innovations as ways to make the global
economy easier to navigate for everyone. And I want you to know: We share that aspiration.
Our Treasury Department is enthusiastic about financial innovation when pursued
responsibly, and with an eye toward broad opportunity rather than just financial engineering.
We hope that technology will help reduce the cost people pay to transact across borders, for
But while all of us should focus on this very hopeful story about technology, we cannot
focus exclusively on it. There is, a er all, a second and very real story that involves
cryptocurrency. It’s a story like the one that broke at almost the exact moment I was invited
to deliver this speech last week. In Janesville, Wisconsin, a school district had its entire IT
system held hostage by a ransomware attack.2 This wasn’t on CNN or in The New York Times
– it was the local news – and for an obvious reason: It’s a story that’s all too common these
So far in 2021, cybercriminals have hacked and leaked student information from some 1,200
K-12 schools in this country, including those in Texas’s Welasco Independent School District.
When cyber criminals realized that the school district was never going to pay them a ransom,
they leaked intimate details of 16,000 children: which kids were immigrants, which kids had
dyslexia, which ones were homeless.3
Some version of this has happened to every kind of local institution you can think of:
dentists’ o ices, police departments, regional hospitals. The University of Vermont’s hospital
was hobbled for weeks during the pandemic. Doctors were unable to pull up medical
records or surgery schedules. Cancer patients had to delay their chemotherapy treatments.
And ransomware attacks like these are only a piece of the problem. You all know about the
opioid epidemic deaths resulting from darknet sales paid in cryptocurrency, or the North
Korean actors who stole or extorted more than $1.3 billion in fiat and cryptocurrency from
financial institutions and U.S. companies. We have also seen fraud schemes involving
cryptocurrencies targeted against the elderly, and terrorist networks such as Al-Qaeda



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at LINKS Conference Presented by Chainalysis | U.S. D…

soliciting funds in cryptocurrency to support their violent campaigns. The U.S. government
identified several key risks associated with virtual currency in our National Risk Assessments
in 2018, and we look forward to sharing updated information in our forthcoming
assessments early next year.
If we are going to recognize that cryptocurrency and blockchain technology can be the
heroes of stories about more e icient and a ordable financial transactions, then we also
have to recognize they can be an enabler and accelerant of crime in others. Cybercriminals
almost always demand ransom payments in virtual currency and exploit vulnerabilities in
the virtual currency sector to receive those payments. While ransom attacks of course
existed before digital assets, it’s clear that these assets are a critical part of how ransomware
has become such a pervasive threat. New technology is almost always susceptible to
criminal use. The key question is what can we do to prevent the abuse of this technology?
As I said before, ransomware is not a cryptocurrency problem in the same way online fraud
schemes are not the fault of the internet. Yes, the ability for criminals to access data online
o er additional opportunities for bad actors to steal financial data, just as the unique
characteristics of digital assets attract bad actors seeking the rapid, cross-border movement
of funds outside of the traditional financial sector. But that is not a reason to get rid of online
banking or cryptocurrencies. It is instead a reason to treat the misuse of virtual currencies for
what it is – a cybercrime and national security problem – and that is a problem we can
address together.

Let me start with what Treasury must do – and in many cases, already is doing. There are
four broad sets of actions.
First, we want to build a public-private partnership around digital asset and blockchain
innovation that can mitigate these security concerns. Last month, we published an OFAC
Virtual Currency Compliance guide, detailing our sanctions compliance expectations. With
the rollout of the guide, we pledged to work with industry to continue to clarify any issues or
questions via direct engagement, which will help inform future guidance and updates. We
also met with industry groups to ensure that we are tracking issues that are top of mind for
all of you. This engagement is not a one time meeting, it is the first step of a sustained
strategy aimed at supporting one another, and what I expect will be a continued



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at LINKS Conference Presented by Chainalysis | U.S. D…

The second measure is better, faster data sharing. Treasury recently released the first Bank
Secrecy Act Report on Ransomware Trends to provide industry a snapshot of the suspicious
activity reporting FinCEN received during the first half of 2021. But we know that information
can’t only flow in one direction, and we pledge to create a feedback loop. This way, the data
you provide can be leveraged to inform your risk assessments and compliance decisions.
The same goes for cyber threat intelligence data. We are working to create real-time data
flows that will protect against future cyberattacks.
The third piece is using targeted sanctions designations not simply to hold bad actors
responsible, but also to shine a light on the parts of the virtual currency ecosystem home to
illicit activity – and to make it clear what Treasury sees as a threat. Right now, mixing services,
darknet markets, and nested exchanges used to launder or cash out illicit funds are at the
top of our list of concerns.
The fourth piece is supporting international organizations as they set standards for digital
assets. Many nations haven’t implemented AML or CFT standards yet for this technology, and
these gaps are a real opportunity for bad actors. That’s why Treasury is working with the
Financial Action Task Force, which just issued updated virtual currency guidance last week.
The goal is to help countries and the private sector interpret and e ectively implement the
Task Force’s standards. We’re also working with the G7 Cyber Expert Group and bilaterally
with a number of countries on this issue.

But we cannot prevent bad actors from misusing this technology alone. The private sector
has an important responsibility here, too.
There are two messages that I want to stress, and the first is that compliance cannot wait. It
is not something companies can put o until they scale or reach some corporate milestone.
It is not something they can dismiss simply by telling us it would be too hard to comply. It
must be present at the product launch and built into the fundamental architecture of your
companies. I stress this point because I’ve seen what happens when it isn’t the case.
We have uncovered a litany of examples where young virtual currency service providers have
prioritized growth over compliance. They scale up. They transact worldwide, and by the time
they focus on compliance, it’s too late. They’ve discovered that they’ve already facilitated
payments to sanctioned actors. They’re on the other side of the law, and it could’ve been



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at LINKS Conference Presented by Chainalysis | U.S. D…

My second message is: Don’t wait for Treasury to act. Police your own platforms first for
compliance, and police them to the full extent possible. We want to you to engage with us
too, to tell us when you see suspicious information, and what trends you’re noticing. In
September, when Treasury sanctioned the SUEX exchange, it wasn’t because the industry
had taken no action against the entity. In fact, some industry members had frozen a few
accounts. But it was a token e ort. Roughly forty percent of their transaction history could
be traced to illicit actors. We hope that the SUEX action demonstrated that OFAC
requirements apply to the virtual currency industry the same way they do to traditional
banks, and we will enforce them – although we’d much prefer not to have to. We’d prefer the
industry did it itself.
I’m sure that’s the preference for everybody, public and private sector alike. It certainly
should be. A er all, the companies who invest in AML/CFT compliance will have a
competitive advantage because the standards are universal. And those investments will be
good for the industry at large.
I don’t think it’s controversial to say that right now, some technology companies have not
taken seriously the public trust and have undermined the public credibility of the entire
sector as a result. If the cryptocurrency industry wants to scale – if it wants to take serious
solving great public challenges like reducing the cost of cross-border payments– then it
needs to operate with trust, inside the bounds of the law, and without tolerating the activity
of cybercriminals and terrorists.
Treasury stands ready to help make this happen. We look forward to working with you.



