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Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | U.S. Dep…

Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at
the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
August 24, 2022

Remarks as delivered
It's great to be at the renowned IIT Bombay, and especially at the Society For Innovation and
This incubator, and the students and entrepreneurs here today, represent the incredible
dynamism of the Indian economy – a dynamism that has helped launched leading global
brands and powered Indiaʼs remarkable economic trajectory.
Looking at some of the companies that I saw today, I can tell that many of them will be the
companies in the years and decades to come that will not only solve problems that will enrich
their founders, but will solve problems that will benefit society helping deal with challenges
like climate change or medical diseases for which we have no solution today. Doing things
that allow us not only make India stronger in terms of the economy, but make the world a
better place going forward.
I know this is only possible because of the mentorship, the partnership, capital, the
investments being made by institutions like this and students throughout India. Students,
who as you mention, don't only remain in India, but also end up in the United States
supporting our economy, contributing to our democracy, and making us stronger as we go
Technology and innovation are longstanding pillars of the economic relationship between our
two countries. For decades, Americaʼs leading technology companies—from Apple to Intel—
have tapped into Indiaʼs world-leading technology talent pool, including coders and engineers
trained right here at IIT Bombay.
Just as importantly, American businesses and consumers rely on the products and innovations
developed here in India, by companies like Infosys, Mindtree, and others. And, I expect in
several years, American consumers will rely on some of the products created by some of the
innovators I just met a few minutes ago in the innovation lab that I had a chance to visit.



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | U.S. Dep…

It's clear from India's recent history and conversations I've had with leaders of the public and
private sector that this country will continue to be a leader alongside America in the digital
India has 560 million internet subscribers and 1.2 billion mobile phone subscribers, a massive
market that will fuel innovation for years to come. According to study by McKinsey &
Company, India is digitizing at a faster rate than any other country.
What that means is that the future of the global economy will, in large part, be built here—by
entrepreneurs like those of you in this room.
For me, as an American economic policymaker, that only underscores how essential the
economic relationship between our two countries is and will continue to be.
So, I am eager to discuss what comes next with respect to how we can continue to deepen
the ties between our countries – India, as President Biden has said, is one of Americaʼs
indispensable partners. While here in India, I am having this conversation with leaders from
your government, business sector, and civil society – and of course with entrepreneurs and
students like you about the future of India and our economic and broader relationship.
The timeliness of this conversation is not lost on me, particularly as India is preparing for its
Presidency of the G20 in 2023. As G20 President, India will have an opportunity to broaden the
platform to which we have all been members for a long time, and to think through how we use
forums like the G20 to continue to advance our shared responsibility for building a global
economy that works for all of our citizens.
Since President Biden took o ice last January, the objective of a secure and prosperous world
has been at the center of our work globally – and in our bilateral relationship with India.
Through the Quad, the U.S. and India are working with partners in Japan and Australia – and in
collaboration with countries around the region – to demonstrate our shared commitment to a
free, democratic, and open Indo-Pacific. That goal of peace and stability is a prerequisite for
both of our countriesʼ continuing economic growth.
In May, President Biden and Prime Minister Modi also joined together with leaders from
almost a dozen countries representing 40% of the global economy in Tokyo for the launch of
the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework.
In part, this Framework is geared towards harnessing the innovation that we see across the
region – from IIT in Bombay, to Silicon Valley – by setting high standard rules of the road on



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | U.S. Dep…

key issues like cross-border data flows and online privacy.
It also aims to make sure that the dynamism we see in tech hubs across the Indo-Pacific is
more broadly shared in our countries to expand greater opportunity for our businesses and
This Framework is also advancing important, next-generation, objectives to make our
economies more resilient to the sort of global headwinds that have a ected us over the last
two years while addressing existential challenges like the risk of climate change.
Through this joint work, I am confident we can make both of our economies stronger, more
resilient and more inclusive.
We can reinforce our supply chains to protect against the sort of global shocks that have
raised prices and idled factories in both of our countries. We can build a prosperous, fair, and
competitive global economy in which Indian and American people and firms can work together
and thrive.
And I know you all will play an important role in this work.
The need for innovation to address our shared challenges has never been greater: from the
need for green technology to meet the urgent challenge of climate change, to 21st century
infrastructure that can meet the demands of the modern global economy, to the information
technologies that proved so vital to keeping us connected during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What is clear to me is that both of our countries will play pivotal roles in the next wave of
technological innovation – and how it is deployed responsibly to the benefit of all segments
of society – especially when our people and companies work together.
Thank you again for hosting me. Iʼm looking forward to hearing about the work you do here,
the companies you are creating, and the opportunities you see for our communities to
continue to grow together.
