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Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Plann…

Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at
the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and
Economic Development
May 16, 2022

As Prepared for Delivery
Ministers and distinguished panelists, greetings from Washington. While I am unfortunately
not able to be with you in person, I deeply appreciate the chance to speak with you and
address some of the issues I know you are facing.
The last two years have underscored the importance of the discussions you are gathered to
have—how Africa and Africans can take advantage of the opportunities on the continent, and
what is needed from the rest of the world to support your e orts.
Let me begin by saying that in these e orts we are your ally, and we hope to be an active
partner in achieving these aspirations. We share your goal of a growing, stable Africa that lives
up to its global economic potential, creating the jobs that allow Africans to improve the
prospects of their families and children.
The e ects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the more recent impact of Russiaʼs brutal war in
Ukraine have clarified the urgency of this work. COVID hit every country, but in Africa it
exposed the economic vulnerabilities and weakness in health systems that deepened the pain
it caused. Russiaʼs aggression has highlighted Africaʼs reliance on global supply chains that risk
food insecurity and hunger.
Notwithstanding these crises, Africa has restated its commitment to meet the Sustainable
Development Goals and deliver on the promise of economic opportunity. Africaʼs friends and
partners, including the United States, stand ready to work together toward these vital
objectives. As Secretary Yellen has emphasized, we must work together as a global community
to build resilience in a shock-prone world and overcome barriers to inclusive growth.
That is why the United States has supported a robust set of tools within the international
financial institutions, along with expanded PRGT lending at the IMF, an accelerated IDA
replenishment, and the SDR allocation. The United States will remain a steadfast partner to



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Plann…

Africa and African institutions like the African Development Bank, supporting Africa as its
advances its vision for growth. And we will continue to work together to address priorities
like rising debt risks, food insecurity, climate change, and critical infrastructure needs. Of
course, these actions must be taken with Africa rather than on its behalf, through institutions
and governance that reflect the voice and input of African countries. Let me touch on each of
these issues, in turn.
Letʼs start with debt risks. More than twenty African countries today are at high risk of debt
distress or already in debt distress, up from eight in 2015. Rising borrowing costs, especially
as rates continue to rise, will stretch African governmentsʼ balance sheets and further weigh
on those that are heavily indebted. While we worked hard within the G20 to successfully
implement the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI), we are frustrated that
implementation of the Common Framework has lagged. Restructurings need to be more
timely and predictable, with full participation of all o icial bilateral creditors.
As you know, the rising share of non-Paris Club bilateral and commercial debt among low- and
middle-income borrower countries complicates debt negotiations. As African nations seek to
manage their debt risks, they must remain cognizant of who their lenders are, the terms they
are demanding, and whose interests those lenders will ultimately prioritize. The United States
is committed to working with our international partners to improve the multilateral
frameworks for debt restructurings and deliver the necessary relief to African countries.
Next, food insecurity in Africa has long been a deeply concerning issue, with 300 million
Africans facing chronic food insecurity even prior to this year. Russiaʼs war of choice in Ukraine
has exacerbated these challenges, particularly for the most vulnerable countries and
According to the World Bank, for every additional one percentage point increase in food
prices, nearly 10 million people are pushed into extreme poverty worldwide—and Africa far
from exempt. Secretary Yellen recently called on the international financial institutions to act
with urgency to roll out a joint action plan to combat rising food insecurity. This plan will set
out what each institution will do to support vulnerable people, promote open trade, mitigate
fertilizer shortages, support food production now, invest in climate-resilient agriculture for
the future, and coordinate for maximum impact.
Africa must also address the threat posed by climate change. With its reliance on rainfed
agriculture and vulnerability to weather events, many African countries face potentially
devasting climate risks. The United States is committed to working together with you, our



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Plann…

African counterparts, and international development partners to build climate resilience. This
is a joint priority as we move toward the COP27 in Egypt.
As an essential link the metals and minerals supply chains needed for many renewable
technologies, Africa must play a critical role in shaping the global response to climate change.
Africa is also well positioned to contribute to climate solutions by preserving, with
international community support, the Congo Basin, the earthʼs second green lung.
For our part, the United States has been a staunch supporter of the Climate Funds, MDB
e orts on climate, and the IMFʼs Resilience and Sustainability Trust. We are committed to
continuing to support these e orts, bilaterally with African governments and multilaterally
through the MDBs.
Beyond climate, quality infrastructure more generally is a necessary underpinning for the
growth needed to unleash the potential of Africaʼs dynamic, young population. The United
States is committed to working with like-minded development partners from the
international financial institutions, the private sector, and bilateral lenders to support high
quality infrastructure. We will work to advance our support through the U.S. Millennium
Challenge Corporation, the Development Finance Corporation, and specific initiatives like
Power Africa and Prosper Africa. The U.S. also encourages the international financial
institutions to focus on improving local resource mobilization and debt transparency,
deepening capital markets, and enhancing governance to boost opportunities for private
sector infrastructure investment in Africa.
Finally, I canʼt talk about investment today without touching on the Biden Administrationʼs
commitment to combatting corruption. At Treasury, we are working to promote financial
transparency at home and abroad, expose corrupt actors, and make it more di icult for them
to abuse the American and global financial systems. The United States is also committed to
working with our African partners to advance the reforms necessary to curb corruption,
improve governance, and enhance business enabling environments in the process, including by
o ering technical assistance.
Let me conclude today by reiterating that the United States shares the vision of a
prosperous, stable and free Africa. We—the Treasury Department and the United States—will
continue to walk with Africa in a renewed partnership to address these urgent needs.
Thank you again, and I look forward to hearing the results of your productive and fruitful
discussions in Dakar.



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Plann…
