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Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at The Clearing House and Bank Policy Institute Annual …

Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at
The Clearing House and Bank Policy Institute Annual Conference
September 6, 2022

As prepared for delivery
Thank you for inviting me to join you today and giving me the chance to speak with you about
where the U.S. economy is headed, in light of the Administrationʼs recent legislative
achievements. These accomplishments build on a lesson history has taught us: that when it
comes to our greatest challenges, close collaboration between the public and private sectors
is essential.
From the rapid development of a COVID vaccine using breakthrough medical technology to
the public-private partnership in distributing critical medical and economic assistance to
mitigate the impacts of the pandemic, our greatest successes have o en been born from our
shared endeavors.
This partnership has dramatically changed the course of the pandemic in the United States
and, combined with the grit and determination of the American people, contributed to a
historic economic recovery. Over the course of the Presidentʼs first twenty months in o ice,
we have vaccinated 77 percent of American adults, and we have added nearly 10 million jobs.
These new jobs have put total employment ahead of where it was even before the pandemic.
And with this new legislation, we have the tools we need to continue building a more
equitable, sustainable, and stronger American economy for the future.
Still, our economic environment is not without challenges. The pandemic and Russiaʼs
unprovoked invasion of Ukraine have caused significant economic shocks that are
contributing to elevated price levels in the U.S. and across the developed world. The President
has made clear that the fight against inflation is our Administrationʼs top near-term economic
priority. The Fed of course has primary responsibility for addressing inflation, and the
President has clearly stated his commitment to supporting the Fedʼs independence.
The Administration is also taking action. The Presidentʼs economic strategy is designed to
help bring down inflation by addressing supply side constraints and expanding our economyʼs



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at The Clearing House and Bank Policy Institute Annual …

productive capacity. This approach reflects what Secretary Yellen has called “modern supplyside economics,” which prioritizes expanding the labor supply and investing in human capital,
public infrastructure, R&D, and clean technologies.
These investments arenʼt just about accelerating the kind of economic growth we already
have. They are designed to bring economic opportunity to Americans that have not had the
resources they need to fully participate in and benefit from our nationʼs economic prosperity.
They will increase productivity through investments in universal broadband and put more jobs
within reach through expansions of our transportation infrastructure. They will position us to
lead in the most cutting-edge industries of today, like semiconductors, and address the
supply constraints that have held us back in recent years. And they will help ensure we are at
the forefront of the industries of tomorrow, especially when it comes to the clean energy
transition, through investments that will spur new innovation. That is what we mean by
“expanding our economyʼs productive capacity.”
In many ways, the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) exemplifies this strategy. The
IRA will help reduce costs and give us the means to address our economyʼs most critical longterm needs—from investments in green technology to combat climate change to funding for
healthcare that will support the wellbeing of tens of millions of Americans to deficit reduction
that will help secure a stable economic future for our country.
This builds on the recently passed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and CHIPS Act, which will
invest $52 billion in American semiconductor manufacturing. These actions are already
changing our economy for the better. Spurred by the CHIPS Act, U.S. companies have already
announced nearly $50 billion of investments in American chipmaking, which will create
American jobs and make our supply chains more resilient.
Of course, these legislative accomplishments will not transform our economy simply because
they change the laws on our books. They require detailed and careful implementation— and
close coordination with private sector institutions like yours that will, in many cases, provide
additional resources to help turn these federal investments into innovations that accelerate
economic growth.
There are three places that are top of mind for me as we develop our approach for
implementing and executing these priorities where close collaboration with the private sector
will be critical.



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at The Clearing House and Bank Policy Institute Annual …

The first is financing the clean energy transition. The IRA is the boldest investment in
American history when it comes to tackling the climate crisis, with a $370 billion investment in
a green future. For context, when adjusted for inflation, this investment is larger than the
Marshall Plan for Europe a er World War II. This investment will create tens of thousands of
new, green manufacturing jobs; it will help consumers buy greener appliances and weatherize
their homes; and it will o er new incentives to build electric vehicles in America and for
Americans to use them. The sum total of these actions will be an economy that is cleaner,
stronger, and poised to lead the global climate transition. According to some initial
estimates, the IRA will drive investments totaling $3 trillion in new American low-carbon
energy infrastructure over the next decade.
We know that there is no way to fully finance this transition—and ultimately become a net
zero economy—without the active participation of the private sector, especially the financial
institutions in this room. We applaud those of you who have made net zero commitments
with clear interim targets and encourage you to move ambitiously to turn these commitments
into action. And for those of you still waiting, we urge you to more carefully evaluate the
climate risks associated with your portfolios, as well as take steps to help finance this
transition. The direction of policy and regulatory travel, both here in the United States and
globally, has never been clearer.
The second is working to reduce economic inequality within our country. Economic inequality
is a threat to our countryʼs economic prosperity. Generations of intentional and unintentional
economic exclusion and underinvestment have hampered progress for underserved
communities throughout this country, including communities of color, rural communities, and
others le behind or le out. The resulting concentration of wealth and opportunity in our
country not only shatters faith in our institutions, it also limits the ability of marginalized
communities to contribute to Americaʼs economic potential and holds back growth for all
Americans. While economic inequality is an issue that impacts Americans of all races and
creeds, the impact is especially concentrated within communities of color.
We need to work together across the public and private sectors to unlock this potential, which
will benefit all Americans. Thatʼs why I am so excited about the launch of the Economic
Opportunity Coalition, which Vice President Harris announced just across the bridge, in
Brooklyn, in late July. The EOC brings together more than two dozen companies and
foundations who are committed to expanding access to capital and economic opportunity in
underserved communities in ways that augment the investments that are being made by the



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at The Clearing House and Bank Policy Institute Annual …

federal government. A number of its founding members, including Citi, PayPal, Bank of
America, Goldman, PNC, Capital One, Mastercard, Discover, and BNY Mellon, are here with us
today, and I encourage you to speak with them about this work. Already, this coalition has
committed tens of billions of dollars to support CDFIs and MDIs, expand access to financial
products, and investing in communities and workforce training across the country.
I will mention just one example of where this partnership is already benefiting marginalized
communities. Last year the federal government announced historic investment through the
Emergency Capital Injection Program (ECIP) of $9 billion in MDIs and CDFIs, which will help
them invest in marginalized communities throughout the country, and now these institutions
need deposits to maintain their equity-to-asset ratios. This is one of several needs the EOC is
focused on helping to meet, and a place where all of the institutions in this room can play a
role. We are looking forward to continuing to work closely with the EOC, and others, in a true
public-private partnership to expand opportunity to marginalized communities all over our
The final place where I look forward to our continued partnerships is implementing sanctions
to hold Russia accountable for their unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. In response to sanctions
and export controls put in place by more than 30 countries, your institutions have taken
decisive action to implement these restrictions, and I know many of you have enhanced your
due diligence to ensure that Russia canʼt evade sanctions. These unprecedented actions were
not taken lightly—they were implemented in response to Russiaʼs blatant violation of the
sovereignty of another nation and their destabilizing activity in the region, which is
contributing to elevated global food and energy prices.
We know that, so far, Russia has been able to finance this brutal war using revenues from
commodities sales. The G-7 is focused on taking steps to reduce these revenues that help to
finance Russiaʼs invasion. The price cap proposal that G-7 finance ministersʼ announced last
Friday helps accomplish this objective by allowing Russian oil to continue to flow onto the
global market using services provided by the G-7, provided it is sold at or below the capped
price. In order for the price cap to be e ective, we need service providers, especially those
providing financial services, to help with implementation. We want to work with you to design
a compliance regime that is as simple as possible and helps to accomplish our objectives. This
will help prevent damaging energy price spikes while reducing Russiaʼs most critical source of



Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at The Clearing House and Bank Policy Institute Annual …

One reason we believe the price cap will help achieve our goal of reducing the Kremlinʼs
revenues is because it can succeed even if a number of oil importers do not choose to formally
join our price cap coalition. These countries want to pay lower prices for Russian oil, and the
price cap will help them achieve that by o ering greater transparency into what price coalition
members are paying. In turn, that transparency will give importing countries leverage to drive
better deals with Russia—a phenomenon we are already beginning to see in the steeply
discounted o ers Russia has begun making as they try to get ahead of the price cap. That
alone is enough to drive down Russiaʼs revenues. In essence, the price cap is designed to
create incentives that benefit the global economy while reducing the Kremlinʼs revenues.
Let me return to where I began. We face economic challenges, but we are better positioned
than any country in the world to manage them, and I am even more confident about the
outlook for the U.S. economy in light of recent Congressional action. With these tools we have
what we need to make the most of this pivotal economic moment and to position America to
lead when it comes to the clean energy economy, 21st century manufacturing and the
industries of the future, and beyond. While we have a great deal of work ahead to ensure
these programs are implemented as e ectively as possible, we know the path forward set by
the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act, and the Presidentʼs other legislative
accomplishments is one that will lead to a brighter future for Americaʼs economy and our
people. And we look forward to working with you to make that future a reality.
Thank you.
