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Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on the Inflation
Reduction Act
June 22, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you, Ian, and thank you Tino, for inviting me to join you today for the launch of Carnegie
California. As you all know, Andrew Carnegie created the Endowment in 1910 to advance the cause
of peace and international cooperation as he saw the storm clouds of war beginning to form along
the horizon. Today, I am here to address the ways that climate change is an existential threat to not
just peace and international cooperation, but also to humanity.
In response to this threat, President Biden signed into law the boldest step our country has ever
taken to confront the existential threat of climate change—the Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA not
only positions the U.S. to meet our climate goals but provides the public and private sectors with
the tools to improve our energy security and secure our economic future.
On Monday, just miles away from here, the President made clear that government alone cannot
solve this problem. Transforming our economy to address the climate crisis will require trillions of
dollars in private capital to develop new technologies, build manufacturing and supply chain
capacity, and deploy renewable resources. That’s why the vast majority of the resources devoted to
addressing the climate crisis will be distributed through tax credits and incentives administered by
the Treasury Department—to help crowd in the private investment we need. The IRA’s incentives
have the ability to unlock more than $3 trillion in investments and support as many as 1.7 million
clean energy jobs in the U.S. by 2030.
I serve as the Chief Operating Officer of the Treasury Department, and at Secretary Yellen’s
direction, my colleagues and I are laser-focused on providing the guidance and tools needed to
make sure Americans reap the benefits of the IRA—giving families, consumers, nonprofits,
governments, and businesses the certainty and resources they need to help accelerate clean
energy innovation and deployment.
Global green investment totaled $1.1 trillion last year, and about half of that investment came from
investments in China’s domestic clean energy transition. Earlier this week, President Biden

highlighted the stakes of climate action and outlined our vision for a clean energy future. Today, I
want to delve into the details of how the IRA will help ensure America and our allies lead the green
economic transformation moving forward and explain our strategy to accomplish three economic
First, to do our part to prevent the catastrophic risks posed by climate change from materializing.
Second, to ensure our transition to the clean energy economy enhances our energy security. And
third, to create good, green jobs across the country by positioning the U.S. at the center of this
economic transition.
The challenge climate change presents is not new. In fact, we have been grappling with it for
decades but without the resources we need to address this threat. The IRA has finally given us
many of the tools we need to fight a battle humanity cannot afford to lose.
I don’t need to belabor the point with this audience that climate change’s long-run existential
threat also comes with dire risks in the immediate term. Beyond these environmental harms, as a
Treasury official, I would be remiss not to point out that climate change is already exacting an
enormous economic cost.
Climate and weather-related disasters cost the U.S. alone more than $160 billion last year.
Recently, in California, the risks have become so great that insurers including State Farm—the
largest home insurer in the state—have stopped selling coverage. We are also seeing insurers pull
back in Florida where home insurance rates are now four times the national average, making
housing less affordable.
We cannot only focus on making clean energy cheap and reliable. This transition must also
improve our energy security. The United States cannot produce all of the inputs required to build a
clean energy economy. Take critical minerals, the basic materials needed for a range of clean
technologies, from electric vehicle batteries to the permanent magnets in wind turbines. The
International Energy Agency estimates that the world is already on track to double critical minerals
demand by 2040—and more still will be needed to meet our climate goals.
The United States will need to build new supply chains to access these inputs and other
technologies that power the clean energy economy.
Today, the supply chains for these minerals and the downstream technologies they feed into are
dominated by companies in one country: China. As of 2022, Chinese mine production represented
65% of the global market for graphite and 70% for rare earths. Chinese refining accounted for 77%
of global cobalt refining capacity and more than half of global lithium refining capacity. And China

also produces 77% percent of battery cells globally. This dominant position is the result of years of
strategic investments by Beijing.
We know too well the pain that dependence can cause when it is abused. In the 1970s, Americans
saw oil prices nearly quadruple in a matter of months as the result of OPEC’s oil embargo.
And while the worst of these risks may seem like a distant memory to us due to our position as a
net oil exporter today, our allies in Europe are still suffering from Russia’s weaponization of natural
gas supplies over the last year, inflicting pain on millions of innocent people in retaliation for
Europe’s support of Ukraine.
We cannot afford to go from a world where our closest allies are completely reliant on Russia for
gas to a world where we are all completely reliant on China for batteries.
Finally, any economic shift of this magnitude entails risk—risk that the gains from it accrue
primarily to those starting from a position of economic advantage; risk that the communities
whose economic lives are closely tied to the fossil fuel industry are left behind in the transition;
and risk that those most impacted by climate change are the last to see the benefits of the
investments we are making.
As we embark on this economic transition, it is incumbent on all of us to ensure the opportunity
this transition creates reaches all Americans. That’s exactly the approach we have taken as we have
begun to implement the IRA—to balance the urgency of achieving our climate ambitions with the
need to safeguard our energy security and the imperative to build a clean energy economy that
benefits communities across the country.
My goal today is to explain how we are pursuing these three objectives in tandem and how the
many pieces of the IRA fit together in support of that approach.
One of the most important outcomes of the Inflation Reduction Act is that it positions the U.S. to
make good on the President’s climate commitments.
With robust implementation of the IRA, the U.S. can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40
percent below 2005 levels by 2030 and reach net zero by no later than 2050.
In order to accomplish these goals, we must do three things: one, accelerate the deployment of
clean and affordable electricity; two, lower the cost of green products for American families and
businesses; and, finally, invest in the clean technologies of the future. The IRA will accomplish
these goals using a combination of incentives on both the supply and demand side of the

On the supply side, the IRA will boost clean energy deployment and further drive down electricity
costs. The success of vehicle electrification, clean hydrogen, and other elements of our climate
strategy depend on greening the underlying sources of power these technologies rely on.
That’s why the IRA’s combination of tax credits is designed to support the rapid build-out of
established technologies like solar and wind while also providing technology-neutral incentives to
facilitate the development of new energy sources. Of course, some sectors of our economy are
hard-to-abate by their nature—areas like iron, steel, shipping, and chemicals. To help ensure these
vital industries remain competitive while we pursue our climate goals, the IRA also includes
substantial credits for carbon capture and clean hydrogen—to help develop and deploy these
technologies through U.S. leadership.
Within a few years, these incentives, coupled with ongoing efforts to upgrade our electric grid
infrastructure, have the potential to double the rate of new wind installations and increase by a
factor of five the rate of new solar installations. American households will be among the main
beneficiaries of this reliable—and relatively inexpensive—clean energy. One analysis found that
the Inflation Reduction Act could ultimately lower a typical household’s electric bill by around $200
per year.
On the demand side, we are providing consumers incentives that will lower the cost of deployment
and encourage the adoption of clean technologies in their homes and lives. This is why the IRA
includes tax credits and rebates for critical items that Americans use every day, including energyefficient appliances, doors, and windows; heat pumps; and electric vehicles. Those who use the
IRA’s incentives to purchase EVs will see their fuel costs go down by about 60 percent.
These incentives on the supply and demand side will work alongside regulatory actions to speed
the deployment of these technologies, such as the EPA’s new proposed standards for vehicle
And together, this combination of technology-neutral support for green energy alongside
regulatory action will accelerate the development of the next generation of climate innovations.
These actions will not only benefit the U.S. As the supply of these technologies scales up and their
costs come down, people around the world will be able to take advantage. The Inflation Reduction
Act’s investments could reduce the costs of certain emerging technologies by as much as 25
percent. This, in turn, will help other countries reach their climate goals and help stretch the
resources they invest even further. Time and time again, America’s foundational investments in
innovation have led to breakthroughs that help not only our country but the world.

This week, Secretary Yellen is in Paris to push for changes to our global development finance
architecture to enable international financial institutions to more effectively use their financial
resources to address climate change. The IEA estimates that to reach net-zero emissions by 2050,
the world will need to increase its annual clean energy investment between two and three times by
2030—to $4 trillion dollars. With the IRA, the U.S. is making important strides, but a global
approach is the only way to fully meet our climate goals.
This brings me to the next pillar: strengthening our energy security. Today, we are dependent on
fossil fuels that are harmful to the planet and often priced in ways we can’t control. But we risk
ending up with a similar challenge tomorrow if we do not build sustainable and diversified clean
energy supply chains.
The undeniable truth is that the US cannot build a clean energy economy alone. We need to work
with other countries to develop the critical minerals and clean energy manufacturing needed to
build a net-zero global economy. As a Carnegie Endowment report on critical minerals recently put
it: “partnerships among democratic states would be able to produce enough minerals to enable
the world to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.” But it will require “extraordinary technological
and financial cooperation.”
Our partnership with allies and partners to build clean energy supply chains must accomplish two
goals: eliminating chokepoints and enabling our companies to compete in a market where Chinese
firms and state-owned enterprises have long dominated by virtue of excessive subsidies and lower
environmental and labor standards.
In order to contain temperature increases below 1.5 degrees Celsius, we will need China to
continue investing in a clean energy ecosystem. But the Inflation Reduction Act gives the U.S. the
tools we need to build our own green economy, one with resilient supply chains that do not
require us to rely on any one country for our energy security.
This is why, for example, the IRA makes part of the clean vehicle tax credit available only if the
vehicle’s battery is built with critical minerals sourced or processed in the U.S. or our free trade
partners. One of the United States’ greatest strengths is our network of alliances and partnerships,
which we must leverage to help us build reliable clean energy supply chains to support our green
economic transition.
It’s no secret that some of our foreign partners initially had reservations about the IRA and viewed
it as advancing America’s interests at the expense of others. The reality could not be further from
this. The IRA’s goal is not for the U.S. alone to bear the costs or the benefits of these investments—
they must be shared.

We are committed to engagement and coordination with our allies and partners to work in
lockstep to achieve our climate goals and pursue a shared approach to these investments.
That’s why we have supported allies like Canada in developing tax credits for clean electricity
investments and clean manufacturing—to facilitate the expansion of Canada’s clean energy
economy in the service of our shared goals. It’s why we are working directly with the EU to
accelerate investments we must both make to protect our energy security. Just as overcoming the
COVID-19 pandemic required cooperation between our government and those of our allies, and
between American companies like Pfizer and foreign ones like Germany’s BioNTech, tackling the
climate challenge will require innovation at a global scale.
Analysts at the Argonne National Laboratory have concluded that even in an optimistic scenario for
U.S. battery capacity development, developing the capacity we need will take more than the U.S.
can build on its own—resilience will require partnership. That’s why we recently concluded a
critical minerals agreement with Japan—a key processing destination. And it’s why we are
currently negotiating similar agreements with the European Union and the UK.
True energy security requires resilient supply chains built in collaboration with our allies and
partners, alongside investments we must make to build our industrial base. Our motto is “both
and,” not “either or.”
Finally, even as we build global supply chains, we are also working to ensure American workers
benefit from the green transition in the form of well-paying clean energy jobs. For this transition to
be sustainable, the economic growth it produces must be equitable—creating millions of good,
clean energy jobs that expand the American middle class.
We are seeking to accomplish this goal by providing additional incentives to clean energy firms
that (1) create manufacturing jobs in America, (2) pay a living wage, and (3) invest in low-income
communities and communities disproportionally impacted by climate change. This is emblematic
of what Secretary Yellen calls “modern supply-side economics,” which seeks to unlock our
economy’s unrealized potential by making investments in our labor market, especially in
underserved communities.
The IRA is designed to create well-paying jobs here in America—which has been at the core of the
President’s economic agenda since Day One and will be one of the IRA’s most important legacies.
The IRA includes both direct incentives for companies to manufacture their own products in the
U.S.—like the Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit—and incentives for companies to buy
products manufactured in the U.S. by other companies—like the Domestic Content Bonus, which
increases the credits available for projects that rely on inputs made in America.

This approach is already working. Since the IRA passed, nearly 200 new clean economy projects
totaling $83 billion have already been announced in the U.S.
Of course, building out our domestic manufacturing base will take time. But we need to begin
deploying sources of clean energy today to meet our climate goals.
This is a delicate balance, one Congress struck through a mix of credits that prioritize deployment
in some cases and domestic investment in others. Again, our approach is “both and,” not “either
Second, we are committed to creating jobs where workers’ rights are respected and that pay a
living wage. In total, according to academic estimates, the IRA could raise the wages paid to solar
and wind workers by $220 billion per year relative to what they would have earned without it. For
many incentives, the maximum amount is only available if companies pay prevailing wages and
meet apprenticeship requirements to help expand our green workforce.
And by working with partners and allies, we can build supply chains that reflect these same
commitments to strong labor rights, as well as environmental standards.
We are also working to ensure these gains flow to those in need, especially low-income
communities and those most at risk from climate change. Even when major economic transitions
bring benefits, they can be costly if those gains are spread inequitably—just look at the way cheap
goods from China have hollowed out many of our country’s manufacturing communities.
The IRA’s incentives will help us demonstrate what an inclusive economic transition looks like.
We recently released guidance to facilitate the uptake of bonus credits for investments in lowincome communities and energy communities—including those with closed coal mines or power
plants. These credits will help ensure the communities that kept the lights on during the last
century are at the center of economic opportunity during the next one.
The goal of these provisions is to ensure that the communities most exposed to the potential costs
of the clean energy transition are poised to benefit from the economic potential it creates. In many
cases, this will mean new, green jobs in these communities. In others, it will mean opportunities to
access capital and streamlined financing that enable more projects to get off the ground and
deliver energy at lower cost.
I’ve recently spoken with a number of community organizations that plan to directly access clean
energy tax credits to invest in solar power for their communities—on a trip to Atlanta in March and
earlier today, just across the Bay in Richmond. These credits will help these organizations purchase
rooftop solar for affordable housing developments, expand their operations, and deliver energy

cost savings to their communities. This is yet another example of how our approach to the IRA is
designed to use its many provisions in concert—to pursue all of our objectives for the green
economy and to share its benefits as widely as possible.
The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to implementing this landmark law as part of a
strategy to build toward America’s clean energy future—one where our environmental, national,
and economic security are provided for. I’ll be the first to tell you that we have far more to do.
Tackling the challenge of climate change, protecting our long-term energy security, and building
an inclusive green economy centered in America will require an evolving approach.
We will be in constant need of new ideas and innovations, from dynamic companies building new
technologies to institutions like the Carnegie Endowment forging the intellectual underpinnings of
our policy choices. So let me conclude by saying thank you for having me here today, and for all
that you have done and will continue to do to support this essential work.
