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Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Financial Markets Nicholas Tabor Digital Money in Seoul, Sou…

Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary for International
Financial Markets Nicholas Tabor Digital Money in Seoul, South
December 20, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you very much to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Bank of Korea, the Financial
Services Commission, and the IMF for hosting me today. This conference is a timely
opportunity, to discuss how best to ensure that monetary innovation supports a stable, wellfunctioning global financial system and economy. My contribution to that discussion, focusing
on cross-border payments, will be brief. My remarks elaborate on the speech that Jay
Shambaugh, Under Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for International A airs, delivered in
Todayʼs topic is the future of money, but I want to begin in the past. At some point, most U.S.
students of financial regulation encounter an essay called, “Are Banks Special?” It is a 1982
article from Gerry Corrigan, who was then president of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis. Most discussions of the article stop a er the title—and it is a good title, asking
why we treat banks di erently than other financial institutions.
Read past the title, however, and a di erent, more familiar story emerges. In the late
seventies and early eighties, across the United States, new “non-banks” had begun o ering
“ʻbank-likeʼ services at a lower cost (or higher rate of return).” Banks hadnʼt “stood still” in the
face of this change; financially, at least, they were faring “rather well.” But the resulting
dynamic, and perhaps also the root cause, was an unlevel playing field, which to put more
regulated players at a disadvantage.
Corrigan asked the question: Was there anything le that could justify banksʼ having both
special privileges and unique, costly obligations? And in response, he also o ered a clear root
answer: payments.
“Only banks issue transaction accounts,” he wrote, “that is, they incur liabilities [that are]
payable on demand at par and are readily transferable by the owner to third parties.” Nonbanks had their own payment products, which “appear[ed] to have some or all of the



Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Financial Markets Nicholas Tabor Digital Money in Seoul, Sou…

characteristics” of bank accounts. But none of those products had public support, in the form
of deposit insurance and the lender of last resort. Banks did, and it gave them an ability that
nonbanks lacked—the ability to process payments consistently and under almost all
circumstances, even during a crisis. That, in turn, made banks a critical source of backup
liquidity to the financial sector and the real economy, as well as a key transmission mechanism
for monetary policy. As long as that di erence existed, it warranted regulatory recognition,
including both the benefits of a banking charter and the costs, from regulation and
supervision, to limitations on commercial activities.
With that context, the question “are banks special?” takes on a di erent meaning—it asks,
instead, what the future of payments should be. Should that privilege, rooted in payments and
the public support behind them, stay as it is? And is it possible to foster “competition and
innovation,” and to support a “growing and stable domestic and international economy,”
without changes that render the banking and financial systems unstable?
Corriganʼs world followed very di erent rules, methods, and norms for financial regulation and
financial stability. But the question he asked is relevant for us today. We are also experiencing
a period of meaningful financial innovation. Payments issues are also at its heart. Competing
visions and arrangements promise to finally address longstanding, even intractable problems.
Diverse public and private initiatives, using a range of technologies, claim an opportunity to
make cross-border payments faster, cheaper, more transparent, and more accessible.
Policymakers must evaluate these claims and choose which approaches to pursue or permit.
And the stakes of those choices extend far beyond payments—to the future of money,
financial services, and international financial stability.
Cross-border payments are a focus in this debate, because there is so much room for
improvement. These payments are too o en slow, expensive, opaque, and hard to access,
especially for customers in emerging market and developing economies. Three years ago, the
G20 endorsed a road map of actions to address these challenges, with strong support from
the United States. G20 members have prioritized concrete work on legal, regulatory,
supervisory, and data issues, as well as interlinking existing payment systems, over ideas for
new transformational platforms and other arrangements. There has been significant and
measurable progress. But there is abiding interest in further experimentation—above all,
because of a genuine desire to apply novel and promising technologies to the underlying
problems. Any policy approach must recognize both this interest in further experimentation
and the important needs that it reflects.



Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Financial Markets Nicholas Tabor Digital Money in Seoul, Sou…

The long-term nature of the cross-border payments challenge also has an advantage: There
are lessons to be learned from past attempts to resolve it. I will o er three, which can apply
equally to both improvements in existing payment systems and the exploration of new
First: The most important payments innovations are never solely, or even primarily,
technological. The best example of this, to me, comes from outside the financial sector:
“electronic data interchange,” or EDI. EDI was an e ort, starting in the late 1960s, to convert
complex business contracts into machine-readable formats. From 1969, when IBM launched a
“law and computers” division, through the late 1970s, thousands of companies launched EDI
projects. Their goal was to let contract terms update dynamically and automatically, on a
consolidated platform, between two counterparties. Automation would increase contracting
e iciency, taking human judgment out of the process.
EDI did increase e iciency, but not through automation—quite the opposite. EDI platforms
were expensive, and firms only built them for their deepest, most reliable counterparties,
where the odds of litigation were low. For those relationships, firms were more comfortable
letting line managers change contract terms, without lawyers sitting in the middle; EDI gave
them an available, e icient way to do that. New technology let firms explore new operating
relationships, but only when supported by a clear understanding of each otherʼs operations,
priorities, risk appetite, and goals for the relationship.
The same constraints and opportunities apply to payments. As the Committee on Payments
and Financial Market Infrastructures (CPMI) said in a recent report to the G20, the first key
considerations for any operators pursuing interlinkage are “strategic alignment” and a
“common long-term vision and objectives.” These foundations support every other feature of
a shared payment arrangement, even the most basic, like a shared legal, regulatory, or
governance framework. Technology can make it easier to explore, discover, or act on
alignment; it canʼt create alignment where none exists.
A second lesson: Cross-border payments implicate a wide range of domestic and international
policy issues. This includes banking regulation, just as it did for Corrigan. But it also includes
questions about transparency and privacy, national security, economic and financial inclusion,
and a jurisdictionʼs role in the global economy. Payment systems are primarily the purview of
central banks, but payments policy touches on issues outside a central bankʼs traditional
mandate. As a result, making progress on payments policy also requires engagement from a
broad set of public and private actors.



Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Financial Markets Nicholas Tabor Digital Money in Seoul, Sou…

To that end, the U.S. Treasury and Biden Administration have been pursuing a complementary
role to the Federal Reserve. Since last fall, Treasury has led a working group on of the future
of money and payments. This group considers the implications of new payments technologies
for broader U.S. policy objectives, like the smooth functioning of the international financial
system, national security objectives, and privacy and financial inclusion; in so doing, it
dovetails with the focus and independent work of the Federal Reserve.
Treasuryʼs work has two core goals: to improve cross-border payments; and to ensure that
new payment systems and other innovations are secure, resilient, and reflective of democratic
values and core U.S. interests. Within that, our work also has more specific goals. We aim to
ensure the dollar continues to fulfil all its functions in ways that are mutually beneficial to the
United States and the rest of the world. We aim to support the security and resilience of
future payment systems, while in parallel improving the speed and e iciency of existing
payment infrastructure. We aim to ensure that new payment technologies protect usersʼ
privacy, minimize the risk of illicit financial transactions, and promote equity and inclusion in
the delivery of payment services.
A third lesson is an axiom of Treasuryʼs work on this topic: Robust international standards are
essential, both to progress in cross-border payments and to broader financial stability. It is no
coincidence that the 1974 failure of Herstatt Bank led to the creation of both the Basel
Committee and the CPMI. Herstatt showed that strong supervision and reliable payment
systems are both essential to managing the unique and complicated risks of cross-border
financial intermediation. Standard-setting is a critical tool for achieving broad consensus on
the measures that preserve that stability, and the utility of international standards over other,
more hypothetical instruments and arrangements, has been borne out over decades.
The consistent application of strong standards—like the Principles for Financial Market
Infrastructures (PFMI)—to new technologies and across jurisdictions can reduce risks, uphold
a level playing field, and reduce frictions between new and legacy systems. Where standards
are absent, we should look to experienced institutions to guide and develop them, like the G7,
the G20, the CPMI, and the Financial Action Task Force. And in either case, the United States
has an interest in preserving and promoting standards that are consistent with democratic
values, including sound economic governance, financial stability, individual rights, and the rule
of law. This is true regardless of the technologies we choose for our domestic payment
systems or cross-border payment arrangements.



Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Financial Markets Nicholas Tabor Digital Money in Seoul, Sou…

Standards are also critical for a broader reason: There is no “clean slate” in payments. The
complicated, imperfect payments architecture has grown and changed, episodically and over
time, facing many challenges that have persisted for decades. It is also, simultaneously, the
architecture on which virtually all day-to-day economic activity relies. Governments do not
have the option of designing real-world networks seamlessly, flawlessly, and from scratch.
New systems and technologies will need to enter into, and coexist within, this broader
architecture. They will need to interact with legacy systems, and payment systems with
di erent technical designs will still need to interoperate across borders. Adherence to and,
where necessary, the development of standards will facilitate this kind of legal and technical
Making further progress under these conditions will necessarily be complicated. The easy
steps towards improving cross-border payments are behind us; the hard, detailed work of
identifying and addressing frictions is what remains. It will require sustained support,
attention, and engagement from a range of countries and public and private actors. The
potential gains are well worth the cost; we should, and will, continue to pursue them.
Thank you.
