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Remarks by Climate Counselor John Morton at the MSCI Capital for Climate Action Conference on Treasury’s Efforts to…

Remarks by Climate Counselor John Morton at the MSCI Capital
for Climate Action Conference on Treasury’s Efforts to Promote
Transparency and Accountability Around Financial Institutions’
Net-Zero Targets
May 17, 2022

Remarks As prepared for Delivery.
Thank you, Henry, for that introduction. MSCI has been a leader in developing the data and
information that investors need to assess climate-related risks and opportunities, and the
theme of this event – Capital for Climate Action – is very timely.
In recent weeks, the global e ort to keep a 1.5-degree warming limit within reach has faced a
new headwind. Russiaʼs brutal, unprovoked war in Ukraine has not only caused a humanitarian
catastrophe; it has also disrupted energy supplies and threatened energy security across
global markets. Governments are increasingly facing di icult questions around investing in
new fossil fuel infrastructure and/or keeping older, carbon-intensive assets online for longer.
The result is that in the near term we will likely see global emissions higher than otherwise
would have been the case.
It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that recent events have thrown the transition to
net zero o course. Given the scale and complexity of the transition, some headwinds along
the way were always inevitable. And this moment can and should also create a tailwind – an
impetus to action. The crisis has once again laid bare the vulnerabilities associated with a
dependence on fossil fuels. And it has drawn into stark relief the economic, security, and
climate benefits that will result from the transition to clean energy.
While the Biden Administration is working with our allies and partners to take steps to shore
up European and global energy security in the face of this crisis, this Administrationʼs position
is clear: the global economy must be built on a clean energy system with a path to a net-zero
future. And the strongest path to energy security runs through clean energy.
The good news is that we now have it within our reach to make this current crisis the last
global fossil fuel supply shock the world has to experience. Let me repeat that: if we respond



Remarks by Climate Counselor John Morton at the MSCI Capital for Climate Action Conference on Treasury’s Efforts to…

smartly, this could be the last time the world has to deal with a fossil fuel supply shock like the
one weʼre facing now. A combination of robust policy support, enabling regulatory
frameworks, cost declines in key technologies, and private capital commitments have put a
clean energy future within our reach. As we grapple with the fallout of Russiaʼs actions in the
months ahead, it is my hope – and belief – that the opportunity to free ourselves from these
sorts of future disruptions will prove irresistible.
In my role as the Treasury Departmentʼs inaugural Climate Counselor, I work with colleagues
across the Department to support the Biden Administrationʼs whole-of-government approach
to tackling climate change. Under Secretary Yellenʼs leadership, Treasuryʼs overarching climate
strategy is: to enable and expedite the net-zero market transition while helping to ensure the
resilience of the financial system to climate-related risks.
Since the start of the Administration, weʼve made substantial progress in advancing that
strategy across a range of areas, from Treasuryʼs role chairing the Financial Stability Oversight
Council, to our implementation of domestic economic support programs, to our international
engagement, including at the G7, G-20, Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action, and
the multilateral development banks.
At the same time, we know that the private sector isnʼt standing still waiting for government.
In many ways, the private sector has led in recognizing both the risks and opportunities
associated with climate change. Institutions representing $130 trillion in private financial
assets have voluntarily adopted net-zero commitments. And crucially, through the Glasgow
Financial Alliance for Net Zero, GFANZ, these institutions have committed to use sciencebased guidelines in implementing their targets, to set interim targets for 2030, and to report
annually on their progress.
While the volume of private financial capital committed to align with net-zero targets is
encouraging, a key challenge is how to ensure that these targets are achieved in a
transparent manner with credibility, accountability, and high integrity. Many of you are
involved in the enormous amount of work underway in the private sector to build the
frameworks and metrics that will be used to track progress. Treasury is watching this work
with great interest and engaging with stakeholders to explore how to further enhance
transparency and accountability around financial institutionsʼ net-zero targets.
Most immediately, we recognize that investors need information. Information on the
emissions footprint of your investments. Information on how your investments are impacted
by climate-related risks. Information on how the companies you invest in plan to go about



Remarks by Climate Counselor John Morton at the MSCI Capital for Climate Action Conference on Treasury’s Efforts to…

achieving their own climate targets. And this information canʼt just be scattershot – it has to
be consistent, comparable, and reliable.
Since taking o ice, Secretary Yellen has repeatedly emphasized the importance of decisionuseful climate-related disclosures. And disclosures were a major theme of the Financial
Stability Oversight Councilʼs October 2021 report on climate-related financial risk, where the
Council for the first time identified climate change as an emerging threat to U.S. financial
stability and set forth over 30 recommendations for financial regulators.
In March, the Securities and Exchange Commission took a major step forward with its
proposal to enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures by public issuers. That
proposal is now open for comment, and I would note that the comment period has been
extended until June 17. It is critical that those who are on the front lines of analyzing and
assessing climate-related financial information engage constructively in this process. I think
everyone listening in to this conference today believes that information on climate-related
risk is going to factor into the investment process for decades to come. This is a unique
window of opportunity to lend your experience and expertise to shape how that information
could look.
At Treasury, weʼre focused on additional steps that can improve climate-related disclosures
across a range of markets. For example, Treasury recently held a roundtable with state and
local finance o icials that discussed best practices for climate risk disclosure in municipal debt
markets. And Treasuryʼs Federal Insurance O ice is analyzing climate-related disclosure
requirements in the insurance sector as part of its planned report on climate-related issues or
gaps in the supervision and regulation of insurers.
Internationally, Treasury, in coordination with U.S. regulators, is supporting the work at the
Financial Stability Board and other forums to promote global adoption of climate disclosure
requirements. Through our international engagement, we seek to ensure interoperability
among rules and standards, which will enhance market integrity, reduce reporting burdens,
and avoid unnecessary market fragmentation.
As we work to strengthen climate-related disclosures, we know that you all – climate-focused
investors – arenʼt just passive receivers of climate-related data and information; youʼre using
that information to develop new frameworks and analytics. Recently, numerous institutions
and market-led initiatives have been increasingly focused on quantifying the emissionsreduction trajectories for carbon-intensive sectors. This work on sectoral pathways is
important because it can provide a benchmark to assess the climate-alignment of



Remarks by Climate Counselor John Morton at the MSCI Capital for Climate Action Conference on Treasury’s Efforts to…

investments in key sectors as the transition to net zero unfolds. At Treasury, we look forward
to seeing how this work progresses and how it could help further promote transparency and
accountability around net-zero targets.
In many instances, sectoral decarbonization pathways will imply replacing carbon-intensive
assets earlier than was expected when these assets were initially financed. In other
instances, the pathway to net zero will require investment in technologies that decarbonize
existing assets. For investors, it will mean working with clients to develop action-oriented
transition plans that practically move industries along a decarbonization pathway without
leaving assets stranded or hiding dirtier assets. These are important challenges that both
government and the private sector will need to develop strategies to address. At Treasury,
weʼve been thinking through the investment structures and policy framework needed to
accelerate the transition away from coal assets in high-emitting emerging markets, as part of
our work on the Just Energy Transition Partnerships, or JETPs.
The goal of JETPs is to identify a set of countries that have a strong policy interest in – and
political commitment to – expediting their transition away from carbon-intensive energy
sources, particularly coal, and towards renewables. In many cases, the financing needed to
expedite that transition is larger than an emerging market economy can self-finance or any
single donor country can bring to bear. Through JETPs, we are seeking to aggregate
development finance, philanthropic resources, and private finance to accelerate the
decommissioning of high-emitting assets, invest in renewable energy, and support impacted
This is a new kind of financial model: it expands on the traditional model of using public funds
to deploy renewables by also taking dirty assets o line sooner, ensuring weʼre getting the
most emissions reductions “bang” out of our public “buck.” Weʼre also intentionally building in
engagement with recipient countries on a ected communities to support an inclusive and
equitable transition.
Over the past year, weʼve made considerable progress – starting in South Africa and working
with key donor government partners – and weʼre now working with our partners in the G-7 to
expand the Partnerships to additional countries including, among others, Indonesia, India,
Vietnam, and Senegal. My hope is not only that will we be successful in expediting a just
energy transition in these countries, but that our e orts will open up investment opportunities
in these important emerging markets and that the lessons learned will help to inform
responsible retirement of carbon-intensive assets globally.



Remarks by Climate Counselor John Morton at the MSCI Capital for Climate Action Conference on Treasury’s Efforts to…

All of this work – disclosures, sectoral pathways, and responsible retirement of carbonintensive assets – collectively points towards the importance of robust transition planning by
companies and their investors. Looking ahead, my hope – and expectation – is that within a
few years, weʼll be using gatherings like these to discuss and compare transition plans in
To conclude, let me return to where I began. The transition to net zero was never going to be
easy or linear; there were always going to be some bumps along the way. But the transition is
both predictable and inevitable. Stepping back to take stock of all the progress that has been
made, Iʼm encouraged. Weʼve got hard work ahead to turn commitments into action – the
theme of this conference. But weʼre in a fundamentally di erent place than we were even 12
months ago, and Iʼm optimistic about the worldʼs transition to a net-zero future. Thank you.
