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Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advan…

Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International
Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advanced
International Studies
October 23, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you for the invitation to speak here today at SAIS. As an academic, Iʼve had brilliant
colleagues and former PhD students of mine join your faculty. As a policymaker, I get to work
closely with your impressive alumni, many of which are on the Treasury team and working
across the U.S. government. Itʼs an honor -- and itʼs also productive -- to speak at a school
that produces so many bright minds and influential careers in international economic
About one year ago, I gave a set of remarks at the Peterson Institute on the international
debt landscape. I described a particularly di icult environment for vulnerable low-income
countries and emerging markets. Governments, rightfully, used up a lot of their available fiscal
firepower to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. Russiaʼs brutal war in Ukraine, in addition to
the terrible loss of life and other human costs, caused food, fertilizer, and energy prices to
surge. The debt-to-GDP ratio for developing and emerging markets in late 2021 sat at 64
percent, about 10 percentage points above the pre-Covid level. A majority of low-income
countries were at high risk of, or were already in, debt distress.
Some of these countries have needed restructurings of their debt to allow them to achieve a
stable and sustainable growth path. Without these restructurings, new lenders
understandably fear that their new funds will be used to repay old debts, hindering
investment. My remarks last year detailed how changes in the international debt landscape –
particularly the rapid growth of non-traditional o icial creditors including, most notably, China
– have complicated and, unfortunately, have slowed the sovereign debt restructuring process.
Some borrowers have found themselves stuck, unable to obtain an agreement from key
creditors. While waiting, these borrowers can experience sharply deteriorating conditions and,
unable to access financing from the IMF, they o en cannot advance their reform programs or
return to stable growth.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advan…

It is one year later, and global macroeconomic conditions remain di icult for many vulnerable
countries. As Secretary Yellen has repeatedly stated, “Ending Russiaʼs war is the single best
thing we can do for the global economy.” But Russiaʼs war rages on, and Russiaʼs
abandonment of the Black Sea Grain Initiative continues to threaten food security. Financial
conditions have also tightened as central banks fight inflation. Global growth is projected to
be slower this year than it was last year. And yet, today, we see a few signs of potential
improvement. Some borrowers are becoming unstuck in their restructuring processes and are
progressing to later stages in their debt treatments and IMF programs.
We clearly havenʼt gone far enough or fast enough and much more work remains. The critical
test of any progress will be whether it is sustained when, as seems likely, more countries
come forward requesting debt treatments. But, I am hopeful that our recent e orts are
yielding some movement toward an improved international debt architecture that can help
low- and middle-income countries when they need it.

Letʼs look at some key country cases, starting with Zambia. In early 2021, Zambia requested a
debt treatment as part of the G20ʼs “Common Framework” – a mechanism that aims to make
it easier for Paris Club creditors like the United States and non-Paris Club creditors such as
China to work together. Despite reaching a sta -level agreement with the IMF at the end of
2021, Zambia waited for seven months to obtain promises that its o icial creditor committee
members, including its largest bilateral o icial creditor, China, would o er a debt treatment in
line with the IMFʼs program, promises that are referred to as “financing assurances.” With
these assurances in hand, the IMF Board was finally able to approve Zambiaʼs program and
disburse $185 million. From there, Zambia waited almost another year before its creditors
reached agreement on the broad terms of their debt restructuring this past June, unlocking
another IMF disbursement of similar size. But there has been some progress since then, and
Zambia a few weeks ago reached agreement on the specifics of the restructuring with its
o icial creditors.
Zambiaʼs case clearly took far too long, and those delays involved significant costs and risks
to their reforms and growth. But Zambia is now yielding some benefits. It has reduced its
fiscal deficit while, at the same time, doubling targeted social protection spending to reach
1.4% of GDP, in line with its regional peers. Zambiaʼs reserves are now twice what they were in
2020, and the IMF forecasts that growth in 2024 will exceed 4%.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advan…

Also, consider Ghana, which ran double-digit fiscal deficits in 2021 and 2022 before getting an
IMF sta -level agreement for a program and requesting Common Framework treatment last
December. Creditors delivered financing assurances this past May, five months a er Ghana
reached sta -level agreement with the IMF. Though this was still too slow and involved too
much uncertainty, it was quicker than the equivalent stage for Zambia, and the assurances
allowed the IMF to quickly approve Ghanaʼs program and disburse $600 million. A er rapidly
depreciating in 2022, Ghanaʼs currency, the cedi, started to stabilize this year. Significant
macroeconomic challenges remain, but market sentiment has improved and Ghanaʼs reserves
have doubled.
Another key case is Sri Lanka, which defaulted on its debts and experienced a crisis that led to
the rationing of fuel and medicine and required humanitarian assistance from the United
States and other partners. It took six months a er reaching a sta level agreement with the
IMF in September of last year to receive the needed financing assurances from o icial bilateral
creditors. Once again, this is too long a delay, and meant that Sri Lankaʼs IMF program could
only be approved this past March. But, fortunately, the program has indeed helped to stabilize
their economy. Reserves increased $1.5 billion between March and June this year, there are
fewer shortages of essential goods, and inflation has dropped from above 70% one year ago
to below 2% now.

What helped push each of these restructurings forward to the next stage? I think it has made
a big di erence that global leaders have decided to elevate this topic toward the top of the
international economic agenda. President Biden and Secretary Yellen both view low-income
and emerging-market debt distress as a critical issue and make a point of raising it in
discussions with their counterparts. Likeminded partners including India, this yearʼs G20
president, have helped to land the subject front and center in high level deliberations and
communications of the G20.
Further, Treasury frequently engages on debt with a wide range of countries and institutions.
We view it as important and helpful that the leadership of the international financial
institutions and the leaders of countries requesting debt treatments have had discussions
themselves at the highest levels with key o icial creditors. Our ability to discuss this topic
directly with China has also been helpful. Sovereign debt in developing and emerging markets
is not a bilateral issue between the United States and China, but it is one where the worldʼs



Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advan…

two largest economies need to be able to work together. The Secretary and her Chinese
counterpart recently decided to launch two working groups, which we hope will allow for
continued dialogue in this and related areas.
What else has led to progress? The most critical elements are typically unique to each
particular country or situation. But there are also common holdups or technical issues that are
relevant across multiple restructurings. Such issues have been discussed in a new multilateral
forum helpfully conceived and stood up by the IMF, World Bank, and India as G20 president.
The Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable, or GSDR, brings together borrowers, international
institutions, and both o icial and private sector lenders to discuss and work through key
technical issues that might improve the restructuring process.

State Contingent Debt
For example, the GSDR has discussed state-contingent debt instruments, or SCDIs, which
were used to make progress in Zambiaʼs restructuring. SCDIs are securities whose payouts
depend on some uncertain factor. They can be specified to pay more interest when growth is
higher or when a key commodity price rises. They can be designed so interest payments are
suspended if there is an extreme weather event or a natural disaster, along the lines of
climate resilient debt clauses, an innovation recently championed by the G7 and others. Since
SCDIs can automatically lower debt repayments in times of economic stress, the hope is that
they can reduce the need for debt treatments in the first place.
But even if a country is already in a sovereign debt restructuring process, SCDIs can play a
helpful role when creditors disagree on a borrowerʼs future prospects. Imagine a borrower in
distress happens to be an oil exporter. A creditor that is optimistic regarding the future price
of oil may not see a need for restructuring, whereas a di erent creditor that is pessimistic
about the future price of oil may acknowledge that a reduction in the debt is required to
restore sustainability. Such a disagreement, which is out of the control of the borrowing
country itself, can lead to meaningful delays and hold things up. But in such a case, if a
restructuring were to include SCDIs with interest payments linked to the price of oil, both
creditors may find it easier to agree to a treatment.
This is not to say that the use of SCDIs in restructurings should be the norm. Examples of
SCDIs with design flaws abound. Mexico in 1990 issued one that su ered from an overly
complex payout formula. Bulgaria in 1994 issued an SCDI that was linked to GDP, but the legal
contract specified an unreliable source for the GDP data. Argentina earlier this year was



Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advan…

ordered by a U.K. court to pay $1.5 billion to investors in its GDP-based SCDI as a result of
Argentinaʼs decision to recalculate growth in a manner that reduced payouts. The fact that
most SCDIs have not to date been eligible to include in fixed-income indices means they can
command large liquidity premia, which may make them a bad deal for the borrower.
Ideally, the securities would be linked to state variables that are exogenous, closely tied to
the borrowerʼs repayment capacity, and easy to monitor and verify. Zambiaʼs SCDIs are linked
to a calculation of debt carrying capacity made by the IMF, but private creditors are reportedly
considering indexing their treatment to the price of copper, Zambiaʼs largest export.
SCDIs lock in, ahead of time -- with no future discretion – a commitment to adjust the level of
repayments in di erent pre-defined states of the world. By reducing uncertainty, and by
bridging heterogeneous expectations about the future, SCDIs have the potential to speed up
restructurings. The o icial creditor community should continue to work on their development
and remain open to their possible use.

Domestic Debt
In Ghana, one factor that may have smoothed the process for external debt restructuring was
its decision to also restructure its domestic bonds. Unlike external debt, domestic debt is
issued in the local currency and typically held by domestic investors. In principle, reducing
domestic debt servicing costs could increase the fiscal resources available to pay external
creditors. The appeal of such burden sharing is understandable, not least because some
holders of domestic debt are, in fact, foreign investors.
But a simple insistence that it is best for domestic and external debt to be treated as
equivalent and restructured in tandem with the same reduction in net present value – a
situation referred to as exhibiting “comparability of treatment” – ignores the fact that
domestic debt restructurings can carry particularly large economic costs. Domestic debt
holders are typically subject to a range of economic and financial factors that external debt
holders may be insulated against. And domestic bond holdings could be concentrated in local
banks and financial institutions, so reducing these claims can pose financial stability risks and
may impede the ability of the banking system to extend credit during what typically is a
critical time for macroeconomic recovery. There is also a risk that inadequate transparency or
poor execution can damage the liquidity in domestic capital markets. These costs can be large
enough to imply that domestic debt treatments reduce, rather than increase, the funds that



Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advan…

would be available to repay external lenders. And, unless a domestic debt restructuring
impacts non-resident holders of the debt, it does not free up resources at the country level.
It is helpful that the GSDR has recognized this complexity and highlighted that the costs and
benefits of domestic debt treatments di er country-by-country and case-by-case. We hope
that a simple insistence on achieving comparability of treatment between domestic and
external debt will not in the future hold up any restructuring cases.

Commitment Letter from the Borrower
In Sri Lanka and in Suriname, public commitments to transparency and to comparability of
treatment helped pave the way to movement in their processes. In restructurings in general,
creditors understandably worry that the reductions of their own claims could be used to
repay other creditors more fully. Monitoring for such a possibility is not trivial – sovereign
borrowers o en lack strong financial controls, and even when repayments are made in error,
the funds are o en not returned. For example, the IMF discovered in Suriname that funds were
deposited in error in an escrow account controlled by Chinaʼs Ex-Im Bank at a time when China
had agreed to remain in arrears.
To help on this front, Sri Lanka published its portfolio of sovereign debt in late 2022 to avoid
data concerns. And, crucially, Sri Lankaʼs President in March issued a public letter to its
creditors committing explicitly to both full transparency on external debts and to comparable
treatment for all external creditors. This letter, easily found on the internet, helped mitigate
friction and distrust across creditors and helped elicit the needed financing assurances for
their IMF program. Similarly, Suriname – in its publicly available letter of commitment to the
IMF – made a commitment not to repay or to settle with bilateral holdout creditors in a way
that violated comparability of treatment with others. We view Sri Lankaʼs letter, and
Surinameʼs commitment in public IMF documents, as new tools that are welcome additions to
the international financial architecture. They may be helpfully used by other borrowers when in
similar situations.

Central Bank Swaps
Another increasingly relevant question with scope to delay progress in resolving debt distress
is whether central bank swap lines should be inside the perimeter for debt restructurings.
Central bank swap lines are arrangements for one central bank to lend its currency to another
central bank, taking the otherʼs currency as collateral. These transactions can reflect a simple



Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advan…

technical desire to ease short-run foreign exchange pressures, but sometimes look more like
strategic sovereign lending. Scoping central bank swaps into debt restructurings can pose
balance sheet risks to partner central banks, but scoping them out can place an unfair burden
on more-traditional forms of lending. A er all, lending from a central bank, or lending to a
central bank, is not a get out of jail free card if the borrower needs to restructure other
sovereign debts. If swaps are o ered to countries with unsustainable debts as a substitute
for medium-term sovereign borrowing, without requiring macroeconomic policy adjustments,
they should generally be included in the restructuring perimeter and the IMF should stand
ready to call out such lending as unhelpful and inappropriate.

Finally, Treasury has pushed to find a way to introduce debt service standstills at the time
low-income countries applying for Common Framework treatment reach a sta level
agreement with the IMF. Such a reform would incentivize debtors that need it to seek
treatment and, likewise, would incentivize creditors to move quickly to reach a restructuring
agreement. One critical issue in operationalizing such a proposal is to find a way to avoid the
standstill causing rating agencies to declare the country in “technical default,” which can have
adverse consequences on borrowing costs and cross-default clauses and could potentially
cause private financial institutions to stop providing services to the country.
Improving the overall debt architecture and o ering relief and a productive path forward to
countries in debt distress is a major priority for Treasury, and we have discussed these and
other technical issues through our participation in multilateral fora like the GSDR, through
engagements with the private sector and the international financial institutions, and through
meetings of the Paris Club.

So, where does all that leave things now? As I mentioned earlier, weʼve seen at least some
helpful progress with key cases like Zambia, Ghana, and Sri Lanka over the past year.
In Zambia, the recent agreement by o icial creditors paves the way for the program to move
forward and for discussions with private creditors to continue. We hope that Ghana will reach
agreement on the details of its o icial external restructuring in the coming weeks.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advan…

And just last week, Sri Lanka completed its relevant reforms and reached a sta -level
agreement with the IMF. We also note that China Ex-Im and Sri Lanka recently announced a
preliminary deal on a debt treatment. The details will be important and we look forward to
seeing them. But if the treatment is in line with IMF program parameters and appropriately
addresses Sri Lankaʼs debt sustainability, this would constitute positive progress for Sri Lanka.
I anticipate the rest of the financing assurances will come soon and will allow the first review
to swi ly move to the board.
Moving beyond these cases, it is important that we avoid lengthy delays in future sovereign
debt restructurings for low-income countries and emerging markets. In addition to their
direct economic costs, such delays risk that the borrowerʼs government loses momentum or
that popular and political support for reforms erodes. I heard repeatedly from borrowing
countries during the recent IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings in Marrakech that they are
looking for further improvements, including timetables and greater transparency around each
step in the restructuring process, to minimize economic uncertainty and to avoid stalling
We should also think creatively about how to potentially proceed were there to be an extreme
case where economic circumstances are truly dire and the debtor has met IMF conditions, but
where a holdout o icial creditor keeps a program from moving forward. For example,
borrowers could make a public commitment to uphold comparability of treatment.
Participating creditors could include clawback provisions that nullify their debt relief if the
borrower violates that commitment. And the IMF could carefully monitor payments from the
borrower and consider its program o -track if its commitments arenʼt upheld. Such an
arrangement might bind even a er the IMF program is over since any violations could be
factored into future IMF decisions to lend to that borrower.
To be clear, advancing an IMF program when a creditor does not participate in a restructuring
is not a good outcome and should only be considered once all other options are exhausted.
The added uncertainty could stall private investment and make the program itself less
e ective. Itʼs much better, of course, to avoid any holdout creditors in the first place.

This past year brought some positive progress in debt restructurings and associated IMF
programs. Several existing cases are moving in the right direction, and the international
community is increasingly having di icult, but essential, conversations about key sticking



Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Finance Brent Neiman at John Hopkins School for Advan…

points in the debt restructuring process. And we are exploring improvements in technical
issues that shape the sovereign debt landscape. Borrowers and creditors must solidify and
build on this progress, and the IMF and World Bank must continue to aggressively facilitate
this. Debt distress in low-income countries and emerging markets will remain a major priority
for us at Treasury and, I hope, will continue to be a key focus of international economic
Thank you, and I look forward to the discussion.
