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Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and
Financial Crimes Elizabeth Rosenberg at the Union of Arab
October 14, 2022

As Prepared for Delivery
Hello, and good morning to all of you. My name is Elizabeth Rosenberg, and I am the
Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes at the U.S. Department of the
Treasury. It is my pleasure to address this group again. Much has changed in the world since I
spoke to you back in February. Most notable for this group, of course, is Russiaʼs invasion of
Ukraine and the economic consequences that followed.
Russiaʼs illegitimate and brutal invasion of Ukraine united over 30 countries of the world,
representing more than half of the worldʼs economy, to impose the largest sanctions regime
in modern history. And as long as Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine persists, so too will our global
and coordinated e�orts to impose costs on Russia and limit its ability to pursue this war of
Our most recent sanctions designations exemplify this e�ort—the United States Treasury
took action against Russiaʼs military-industrial supply chain, as well as some of its top
financial leadership who are seeking to exploit the international financial system to fund
Putinʼs war. And Russia is working to exploit the global financial system—not just to raise and
move money to fund an illegal and unjust war, but to evade the sanctions and financial
controls in dozens of countries that are designed to protect financial integrity, stability, and
Your financial institutions, much like ours, are vulnerable to the Russian aiders and abettors
of this war. There are public reports that Russian money laundering is active in the Arab
world. This is something we all have a vested interest in preventing, investigating, and
Russiaʼs invasion has certainly upended many things; this includes disrupting global supply

chains and spiking grain and energy costs. But one thing has remained constant, and has
even been clarified, through our renewed focus in following Russiaʼs money: the
vulnerabilities Russia exploits in the international financial system are neither novel nor
The corrupt cronies in Putinʼs inner circle are using the same loopholes that others use to
hide their ill-gotten gains: shell companies, proxies, corrupt gatekeepers, and weak antimoney laundering frameworks. Further, they seek to protect and reinvest their assets by
moving them abroad and storing them in valuable sectors like real estate.
Unfortunately, these practices originate in your countries as well. Take Lebanon, for example.
Since October 2019, Lebanese elites have ignored the publicʼs calls for transparency and
reform, while shielding their own assets from depreciating, by transferring their own money
out of the country to other jurisdictions. The U.S. Treasury estimates that since the beginning
of the October 2019 protests, Lebanese banks allowed some customers to transfer at least
$456 million to their own foreign accounts. Of course, it is not illegal or illicit to move money
out of Lebanon. But can the international financial community discern that all these funds
were properly screened and vetted at the appropriate level for politicians and businessmen
potentially engaged in corruption? Or were some elements of the international financial
community complicit in moving the proceeds of corruption? Or depriving the Lebanese
people of funds that should be available to them in Lebanon? Where are these funds now?
These are challenging questions. The United States grapples with them in many respects as
well—U.S. financial sector leaders and compliance professionals have a responsibility and
obligations to rigorously undertake the various tasks of protecting the financial systemʼs
integrity and stability. Notwithstanding all our e�orts, the United States remains a preferred
destination for many illicit financiers. That is why we are taking concrete action.
On September 29, the U.S. Treasuryʼs Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, also known as
FinCEN, issued a new rule on beneficial ownership information reporting requirements. This
represents a historic shi� in financial transparency for the United States. The rule will require
certain entities to disclose information about their beneficial owners and the individuals who
formed them—that is, the real people who actually own, control, or created these
companies. This requirement will apply to certain foreign entities registered to do business in
the United States as well.
We are also working with each of your governments to increase financial transparency and

accountability requirements to align with international standards. However, governments
generally do not move or innovate as quickly as the private sector, and there are steps you all
can take right now to shore up some key vulnerabilities. This is particularly relevant for
jurisdictions such as Iraq, for instance, where some politicians, driven by corruption and
foreign interference, are actively undermining transparency and reform e�orts.
Iʼd like to take the opportunity today to call out two key vulnerabilities revealed by our
heightened attention to Russian money laundering: (1) a transformed risk associated with
corrupt elites, and (2) the lack of transparency into the real estate sector.
When I spoke here previously I touched on the evolving risks posed by corrupt elites —and
some of those warnings are now being realized, unfortunately. Designated Russians have
turned to family members, associates, and anonymous shell companies in jurisdictions with
weaker controls to obfuscate their ill-gotten gains and maintain connectivity to the
international financial system. And even as the United States and our partners designate
many individuals publicly, there are other illicit actors in their corrupt patronage networks
laundering money on their behalf.
For financial institutions like yours, it is not enough to check the U.S. Treasury O�ice of
Foreign Assets Controlʼs sanctions listings in order to vet high-risk customers. The UK and EU
are also taking unprecedented action against corrupt individuals. While these lists are
coordinated, they are not identical. I strongly encourage you all to pay close attention to UK
and EU sanctions actions, and to use them to form the appropriate enhanced due diligence
procedures for high risk persons in your financial systems. In the coming months, my teams
will be traveling to jurisdictions known to have unusual financial flows tied to Russian
oligarchs and elites to share information and, as appropriate, to encourage investigations.
For real estate, there has been public reporting about an increase in Russian purchases
abroad, and particularly in the Gulf. Some of these purchases and investments could be used
to evade multilateral sanctions. Your increased vigilance will be essential to be sure that your
jurisdictions are not participating in the laundering of the proceeds of corruption or
facilitating sanctions evasion, among other crimes. For example, this summer the UAE
Ministry of Economy announced new regulations and reporting requirements for cash
purchases of real estate, as well as reporting requirements for any purchase made with
virtual assets or from proceeds of virtual asset sales.
This information and other enhanced regulatory measures will be critical to identify and

disrupt any Russian illicit finance or sanctions evasion activity. I encourage you all to
familiarize yourselves with the Risk-Based Approach Guidance for the Real Estate Sector
published by the Financial Action Task Force in July of this year. I also encourage you to
elevate your scrutiny of transactions related to the real estate sector, and to communicate
with all your partners—whether they be real estate agents, lawyers, notaries, developers,
insurances, and accountants—to ensure they are not funneling the proceeds of corruption or
unwittingly abetting international money laundering.[1]
When I spoke to you last, I charged you all to remain vigilant against corruption, share
information with one another, and invest in robust compliance programs. I know the Union
of Arab Banks has held AML/CFT workshops since that time, which I was pleased to see. Yet
the hard work continues. Every financial institution represented here today provides
essential services to individuals, business, and entities—and the services must continue.
Alongside these essential services, we all have a responsibility to keep illicit and corrupt
activity out of our systems. I look forward to continuing our work on this, together.
Thank you.
