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Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and
Financial Crimes Elizabeth Rosenberg at the Association of
Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS)
Hollywood Conference
March 21, 2022

As prepared for delivery
Good morning, everyone. My name is Elizabeth Rosenberg, and I am the Assistant Secretary
for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes at the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
When I was invited to speak late last year, I planned to give a very di�erent speech. But the
world has changed in only a few months.
Since early February, I have spent most of my time in a variety of windowless rooms: SCIFs in
the bowels of the Treasury Department building, conference rooms in European capitals,
even the White House Situation Room, where colleagues and I have poured over the
technical details of the set of sanctions that hold Russia to account for its brutal and illegal
invasion of Ukraine. Of course, the United States was joined by many allies in this e�ort.
As long as I live, Iʼll always remember the pre-dawn hours of the February night when the
Russian missiles started raining down in Ukraine. I was rushing to finalize the Treasury
Departmentʼs contribution to the emergency White House meeting that set in motion our
nationʼs extraordinary, severe sanctions response to this terrible invasion. While I hammered
away on the keyboard that night, finishing my document, I heard the first report of a single
missile, then there were dozens, then I lost count.
Sometimes in public service, itʼs easy to forget why you do the work. It can be a job just like
any other. But this isnʼt one of these times. This is a moment of moral clarity for those of us in
public service. The career sta� at Treasury and around the U.S. government are doing
extraordinary work. And we know why weʼre doing this work: weʼre thinking about the
people in Ukraine – teachers, programmers, grandmothers – whoʼve been forced to flee for
their lives or have chosen to bravely defend their home against their Russian aggressors.

I know we in government are not alone in feeling this way. The past month, itʼs been
heartening -- how quickly the private sector has met the moral clarity of the moment, too.
Major financial institutions and financial service providers have joined the hundreds of
companies that are suspending or outright withdrawing from Russia. Itʼs an enormous, very
rapid wave of de-risking. You canʼt buy a Big Mac in Moscow anymore. Or Russian oil in
Florida. The worldʼs largest country has become an economic island.
In this war there is a big and powerful homefront – it includes a large collection of allies who
are all taking significant actions to deny Russia the opportunity to earn or access money to
sustain its brutal invasion. I would argue that included in that list of the most crucial allies on
this front are the people I am speaking to right now.
We cannot hold Putin and his support structure to account just by denying Russians Western
goods, technology, and services and Russiaʼs place in the community of law abiding nations.
We must lock designated individuals and entities out of our banks. We must deny them the
quarter of anonymous shell companies, the safety of golden passports, and the shadows in
which to hide their wealth – secret real estate transactions and million-dollar works of art.
In other words, we must pull down the golden mask that Russian kleptocrats and oligarchs
have used to traverse the globe with privilege and immunity these past several decades. We
must deny them the benefits that corrupt power and stolen wealth have purchased for them.
History has thrust the compliance sector into the center of events. Things are changing
quickly, and theyʼve never been more important at any point since 9/11.
The question I want to address today is: How must you adapt your work to meet the
Eight years ago, Treasuryʼs Financial Crimes Enforcement Network – FinCEN -- issued an
advisory to U.S. financial institutions. The subject was promoting a culture of compliance –
to make sure all financial institutions take their Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)/Anti-money
laundering (AML) obligations seriously; that they fully understand and manage the risks,
properly resource their e�orts, and ensure they are e�ective.
Now, Russiaʼs war has meaningfully expanded AML and sanctions obligations, we should
revisit this topic: What must a culture of compliance look like in a world where autocracy is
on the rise, where weʼre seeing basic international norms shattered by major powers for the
first time since World War II?

First, we need an updated approach to considering and managing risk.
BSA/AML compliance cannot be a check-the-box function. It canʼt be something that financial
institutions manage with any measure of passiveness, only adapting once there is a directive
from government – or worse, only adapting once theyʼve seen a bad actor slip through the
Geopolitical events are evolving fast, and we need financial institutions more than ever to act
swi�ly as we in the government are pushing out new designations and advisories almost
daily. We need you to quickly understand your exposure to individuals, on the other side of
this conflict. I am specifically referring to how you think about risk and enhanced due
dilligence when it comes to Russian oligarchs and kleptocrats who may not have been
priorities for your compliance e�orts in early February but are now crucial players,
supporting Putin's power structure.
Things used to happen more linearly – Treasury would release sanctions. Youʼd take time to
review and understand them. Then adjust your compliance e�orts accordingly. We donʼt
have the luxury of that leisure anymore. Everything is happening in real-time,
simultaneously, and we must move quickly in order to block those that fund and support
Russiaʼs war against Ukraine.
Second, we need the public and private sectors to share more information, more quickly –
and build new methods to facilitate that sharing. We must improve information sharing
across borders, between financial institutions, and with the government.
The Russian elite are extremely adept at hiding their wealth. Our compliance e�orts couldnʼt
be up against a tougher adversary, and we will not find their assets if the financial
intelligence remains fractured – with some data at Treasury, other data in your compliance
o�ices. We need all the puzzle pieces.
Along with our foreign partners, the U.S. government has started to build the systems to
collect those pieces – and put the full picture together. Last week, the G7 nations, along with
the European Commission and Australia, launched the Russian Elites, Proxies, and
Oligarchs—or REPO—task force. It will take every available step to find, restrain, freeze, and
where appropriate, to confiscate the assets of those who have been sanctioned in connection
with Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine.
The U.S. Treasury also launched last week the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Rewards

Program—or KARR program. This is the oligarch tip line (and also e-mail inbox), where the
public can provide information leading to the seizure of assets linked to Russian government
corruption. And in the past two weeks FinCEN has issued two important advisories to help
those in compliance better identify Russian sanctions evasion and suspicious financial
activity including through real estate, luxury goods, and other high-value assets.
Third, we must work harder to close loopholes.
In the United States, weʼve begun the process, by building a beneficial ownership database –
a list of who owns what companies, including shell companies – so kleptocrats and criminals
canʼt hide their wealth here. Weʼre also working on new rules for real estate disclosures, to
prevent money launderers from hiding behind large all-cash residential property purchases.
And weʼre ensuring that these principles are taken up by the wider world. Weʼve worked with
the Financial Action Task to revise the standard on beneficial ownership, which was adopted
last month. But of course, this is just the beginning. We need all countries to do more.
Beyond these money laundering loopholes, I am also particularly concerned about the
golden passport loophole.
Right now, around the world, there are fourteen known citizenship-by-investment programs
– CBI programs. Essentially, you can be a foreign national but quickly gain citizenship (and
the associated passport) of a di�erent nation, if you buy real estate there. Or you can invest in
a local business or government fund.
Many of these programs are legitimate. The countries need them to raise revenue and attract
capital, but they have also been abused. Jho Low, the financier known as the Malaysian
whale, pillaged that countryʼs sovereign wealth fund – then escaped capture -- by using
various o�icial government identity documents. He had Cypriot, Maltese, and St. Kitts &
Nevis passports.
We cannot let that happen. We cannot allow these people to continue to abet and commit
crimes. We cannot let these “citizens” fund and assist Russiaʼs illegal and immoral war e�ort.
Not everyone works a job that gives them the chance to e�ect the course of history. Itʼs
probably pretty rare when that happens. Perhaps Secretary Yellen, who has been a brilliant
leader in the economic response to Russiaʼs war, did not expect it. Perhaps some of you,
when you got into this business, didnʼt expect it either.
But here are we are. So many of you have reached out to us at the U.S. Treasury Department

because you want to do your part to oppose and condemn Russiaʼs brutality in Ukraine. You
tell us that you see your work as part of the broader e�ort to deny Russia financial safe haven
in the face of expansive international sanctions.
The fate of Ukrainian democracy and the strength of democracies to push back against
autocracy writ large depends on whether we do our jobs – and whether you do AML and
Russian sanctions compliance work well.
Thank you.