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Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar As…

Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at
the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar Association
March 3, 2022

As prepared for Delivery
The Section on Taxation is such an incredible resource for the tax community, whether
through your wonderful programming that I have personally benefited from, or your
networking opportunities for young lawyers.
Today, I want to outline some of the work we have been doing since the start of the
Administration at Treasury and the O ice of Tax Policy, and also give a preview of what is to
Iʼd like to first acknowledge the challenges that we are facing at home and abroad. The
events of the past week have been heartbreaking and tragic. Our thoughts are with the people
of Ukraine, who are fighting for their lives, their families, and their country. This comes on the
heels of a global pandemic that has le our fellow Americans weary and with understandable
and serious concerns about the impact on their everyday lives. By most traditional metrics,
under President Bidenʼs leadership the pace of our recovery has exceeded even the most
optimistic expectations, but the human impact from the pandemic has been enormous.
To address these challenges, Secretary Yellen has outlined a modern approach to supply-side
economics, that will grow the economy by expanding potential output through investments in
people and the factors of production—and do so in a way that promotes equity.
Tax policy is an important part of this Modern Supply Side economics approach. Rather than
delivering tax cuts to the wealthy that fail to trickle down to the middle class and those who
are less well o —as was the case with traditional supply side economics—our proposal would
mitigate barriers to employment through policies like expanding the EITC, providing tax
credits to make childcare a ordable, and enacting universal pre-K.
In 2021, the American Rescue Plan, which included major expansions to the Child Tax Credit
and EITC, led to the largest single-year drop in child poverty in history. Reducing child poverty
is not only the right thing to do, but it promotes long-term growth. Study a er study has



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar As…

found that such investments in kids result in higher educational attainment, better health, and
higher earnings over their lifetimes.
Another aspect of the Administrationʼs modern supply side agenda relates to international
tax, and is a subject Iʼd like to spend a little time on.
The current international tax system is desperately in need of reform because it rewards
companies that make investments and shi real economic activities abroad purely for taxmotivated reasons.
One of the biggest accomplishments of the Administration to date has been the global
agreement to stabilize the international tax landscape. This agreement removes these tax
distortions in a way that benefits the American people and U.S. businesses.
In a remarkable testimony to multilateralism, 137 of 141 jurisdictions in the OECD Inclusive
Framework have agreed to a global minimum tax, and to partially reallocating taxing rights
from countries where companies are headquartered to those where they sell goods and
services. This includes all G20 and EU countries, representing nearly 95% of the worldʼs GDP.
Let me start with the global minimum tax. Currently, the United States is the only country
with a formal minimum tax on foreign earnings. The global minimum tax rate is 0%. To be
sure, some countries have anti-abuse regimes that limit profit shi ing at the margins. But
many of these regimes are leaky and poorly coordinated.
The agreement sets a floor so that multinational corporations, whether headquartered in the
United States or abroad, will pay taxes on their foreign earnings of at least 15%. And in a
novel step for international tax law, the agreement includes a strong enforcement mechanism
—that was supported by both this Administration and the prior one—that ensures countries
honor their commitments, while heavily incentivizing non-signatory countries to join the
common framework.
These rules allow countries to impose top-up taxes on companies operating in their
jurisdiction if the companyʼs global e ective tax rate falls below the minimum of 15%, on a
country-by-country basis. These enforcement rules are what makes the regime so strong and
protects against countries cheating the system.
But it is also true that the US has negotiated a path, consistent with the structure set forth in
the prior administration, to ensure that companies continue to benefit from important tax
incentives like those for research and development in the U.S.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar As…

The direct pay structure of the green credits in Build Back Better is one example of this
commitment. Some form of refundability is another approach. Regardless, we remain entirely
committed to working with Congress to ensure that tax credits and other tax incentives that
promote US jobs and investment are protected.
So with that, let me step back and explain the problem at which the global minimum tax is
Fundamentally, we see the agreement as essential to saving the corporate income tax, which
in turn is fundamentally about making sure we tax capital and not just labor income.
Although Treasury and the Administration are pursuing other reforms to the taxation of
capital, the corporate tax is a key component in this e ort. It is a straightforward way to
reform capital taxation, and one of the most progressive components of the federal tax
system. The problem is that nations have engaged in tax competition, which has driven down
corporate tax rates, and diminished their important role in making sure that owners of capital
bear their fair share of the tax burden.
Because of this race to the bottom, corporate tax rates have declined from an OECD average
of over 40% forty years ago, to just 23% today. This race to the bottom means that not only
are corporate tax rates driven down, but so are government resources, which could be used
to build infrastructure, educate our citizens, incentivize R&D, and combat climate change.
hese kinds of government investments are just the kind of modern supply side policies
Secretary Yellen has talked about, because they are critical to ensuring long-term, sustainable
growth, and U.S. competitiveness. But to make matters worse, the race to the bottom also
means someone else is le holding the bag. And to the extent that this shortfall in revenues is
picked up by others, it is picked up by workers and small businesses.
We need to reverse this trend because it is fair, but also because it will help ensure that our
political systems at home and abroad are stable and functioning. It will help ensure we all
have the resources we need to make investments that expand opportunities. This is
fundamentally why a multilateral solution is necessary. By agreeing to enact a minimum tax on
foreign earnings, 137 countries have decided to put a floor on tax competition by large
multinational corporations once and for all.
But I want to emphasize that this agreement is not a zero-sum game. Workers will benefit
significantly because it will ensure that the owners of capital fairly share the burden of
financing government. But it will also bring important benefits to US businesses. Small



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar As…

businesses will benefit because they will no longer face a competitive disadvantage compared
to large multinationals that can shi profits on paper to low-tax jurisdictions, while they pay
the full US rates. But even our larger corporations will benefit. They will no longer be based in
the only country that formally requires them to pay a minimum tax on their foreign earnings.
This level playing field will enhance their competitiveness relative to foreign corporations—
along with all of the other extraordinary benefits that US residence o ers. And it will help
stop the o shoring of jobs and corporate inversions.
A level playing field has been the single most frequent international tax policy request from
the US multinational community. Not only will it ensure our corporate revenue stream is
sustainable, but it will enhance economic growth through a more competitive and less
distortive international tax system.
Finally, on Pillar Two, I want to emphasize the benefits of strengthening our current minimum
tax system to align with the global deal.
Our current GILTI rules are poorly designed to combat profit shi ing. Because they apply
globally—meaning companies can blend income from high tax countries with income from low
tax countries—they e ectively mean the US is o en the last place where a US multinational
would want to earn income.
Our international tax proposals would strengthen and reform GILTI so that it aligns with the
global deal, including by applying on a per country basis. They would dramatically reduce profit
shi ing incentives, which ine iciently inhibit domestic productivity. And the revenue they raise
could be used to finance the transformative investments that I discussed earlier.
There is broad support across the Democratic caucus for these international tax proposals.
And we are optimistic that we will meet our commitment to enact Pillar Two in 2022, as the
many, many other countries that have joined the agreement move forward with their plans to
do so as well.
Shi ing to Pillar One, it has similar benefits for US business by stabilizing a system that has
frankly been upended.
Over the last 15 years, the current system for allocating taxing rights has simply lost the
support of foreign sovereigns. It ignores the realities of doing business in a modern world,
and instead demands physical presence for taxing rights to be triggered. This led to
longstanding complaints by countries that are primarily market economies rather than
headquarters jurisdictions. More recently, these objections were joined by complaints from



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar As…

developed economies, especially in Europe, that historically supported the current system, but
were frustrated by the ability of so-called digital giants to escape taxes in their jurisdictions.
In response to these calls for change, the prior Administration acknowledged that there was a
problem with the international taxing rights allocation system writ large. But they strongly,
and correctly, emphasized that it was not limited to digital services. At the same time,
political pressures abroad began creating a chaotic array of digital services taxes and other
unilateral measures that discriminated against US businesses, threatened them with multiple
layers of taxation, and escalated tax-related trade tensions that could harm economic
Moreover, as more sectors digitize and nations get more creative, these measures threatened
to expand beyond the digital sector. When we inherited the negotiations, they were on life
support. The former Administration had proposed a safe harbor approach to Pillar 1, which
would have essentially made it voluntary. This was understandably a nonstarter for the rest of
the world.
But when Secretary Yellen dropped the safe harbor demand last February, the negotiations
restarted in earnest. There have been a host of challenging issues along the way. The original
proposal—to limit any reallocation of taxing rights to the digital tech companies—was
popular abroad. But it was conceptually indefensible, discriminatory against US business, and
not future proofed because the global economy will continue to digitize. Other proposals, for
example to also include consumer-facing businesses, introduced definitional problems that
potentially discriminated against US businesses as well. But ultimately we reached a
compromise—again supported by 137 countries—that applies Pillar 1 reallocation to the
largest and most profitable companies in almost all sectors.
Pillar One as it now stands promises to restabilize the system in a manner that would be
sustainable and will put an end to unilateral, discriminatory measures. Importantly, the
agreement protects US interests. As one of the largest market economies in the world, we
stand to benefit from Pillar Oneʼs partial reallocation of taxing rights to market jurisdictions.
Our companies will also benefit from the increased tax certainty it will create. They will be able
to plan for the future and invest their capital based on economic and not tax considerations.
No longer will they face unilateral tax measures that threaten them with multiple layers of
taxation. And no longer with they face the threat of escalating tari retaliations and trade
wars that are bad for US business.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar As…

Shi ing gears a bit from the corporate side to the individual side, I also want to take some
time to discuss important work by the IRS and Administration in making sure that eligible
individuals and families receive all the tax benefits to which they are entitled. These e orts
started with the economic impact payments, also called stimulus payments, which provided
Americans with critical relief during the early stages of the pandemic so they could pay bills
and put food on their tables.
Overall, since 2020, Treasury and the IRS have made more than 163 million EIP payments,
totaling $390 billion, to 85% of American households. This work on tax benefit delivery
continued with the expanded and monthly Child Tax Credit (CTC). Between July and December
of last year, the IRS delivered almost $93 billion of advance monthly CTC payments to families
of about 61 million children. In addition, the full refundability of the CTC last year meant that
families of more than 26 million lower-income kids became eligible for the full CTC for the first
Part of how the IRS reached all of these individuals and children was through a novel set of
outreach e orts. Most of the stimulus and CTC payments were provided automatically using
tax return information from prior years. But many eligible taxpayers didnʼt have a filing
obligation in recent years. To reach them, the IRS and Treasury partnered with other federal
agencies, like the SSA, and an incredible array of community organizations.
Ultimately, more than 26 million stimulus payments went to taxpayers without recent tax
returns. This reflects the emphasis we are placing on ensuring that the tax system is focused
both on collecting taxes that are owed, especially from wealthy tax cheats, but also on
ensuring that all Americans are aware of and receive tax benefits for which they are eligible.
Although these outreach e orts were unprecedented, we want to learn from them so we can
do even better next time. So to this end, Treasuryʼs O ice of Tax Policy, with support from the
IRS Research, Applied Analytics, and Statistics Division, is examining whether and how eligible
adults and families received EIPs, and how a letter campaign impacted take-up.
We hope this work will give us a better understanding of the barriers to uptake among some
of our most vulnerable communities. But this work is also important because it will represent
the first time the O ice of Tax Policy will examine the racial equity impacts of a tax program.
President Bidenʼs Day One executive order directed agencies to examine whether and how
their policies and programs perpetuate barriers to equal opportunity, and having data is
essential to performing this task. Our research on the EIPs is part of a broader e ort by OTP



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar As…

to develop a reliable methodology for imputing demographic data, including race and
ethnicity, on to tax data. An imputation model is necessary because the IRS does not collect
this information and cannot acquire it from other agencies. Once the model is validated, we
plan to publish statistics on the demographic characteristics of EIP recipients, including
estimates of their race and ethnicity.
And we plan to use the model in other similar contexts, for example to examine the equity
impacts of delivery of the monthly CTC by income, race, and other demographic
This work is going extend over several years as data becomes available. All of it will of course
be done following strict protocols that prevent disclosure of taxpayer information. But
eventually, we hope the imputation model will enable outside researchers to analyze the
demographic and equity e ects of a variety of tax policies.
The final subject I want to touch on is this yearʼs filing season. I have to start by
acknowledging that it is and will be a challenging one, as you are all well aware. But it is
important for us to recognize that the challenges the IRS is facing stem from two things:
First, systematically underfunding for more than a decade. And second, a global pandemic
that forced the IRS to adjust sta levels and operations, at the same time that it was
providing critical support to families, for example through the three rounds of economic
impact payments I just mentioned.
Like all of us, the IRS has been hugely impacted by COVID-19. For months in 2020, it closed
down processing centers entirely, and since mail is opened manually, this meant no paper
returns were processed or correspondence answered for months. In addition, about 20
percent of the customer services workforce has been on leave over the past two years, largely
due to COVID.
On top of these direct COVID impacts, the IRS took on new and far greater responsibilities as
a result of COVID relief legislation. It delivered necessary lifelines individuals and businesses,
whether through programs like the stimulus payments or the employee retention tax credit.
But it is important to remember that the IRSʼs challenges date back much further than the
pandemic. Chronic underfunding has decimated the agency, making its tasks herculean in
normal times. And the past two years have not been normal times. Over the past decade, the
IRS budget has been cut by nearly 20% in real terms. As a result, its workforce is the same
size as it was in 1970, even though the US population has grown by 60% since then, and the



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar As…

economy is far more complex. And the agencyʼs technology is also archaic, with some
processing technology dating back to the 1960s. So much of its work that could be e iciently
automated—like processing paper returns—is still being done manually: Agents transcribe
information from these forms by hand. This is because the IRS has no resources to invest in a
much-needed overhaul of its technological ecosystem.
The result of the pandemic and this chronic underfunding is an IRS that doesnʼt have the
capacity to serve taxpayers the way that they deserve this filing season. Phone calls to the
IRS more than tripled last year relative to the historic norm. For example, in the first half of
the last year, the IRS received nearly 200 million calls. Because it had fewer than 15,000
customer service reps, that translated to roughly one person per 13,000 calls.
The Biden Administration has made overhauling the IRS a priority by making e orts to secure
adequate funding at every turn, including proposing a mandatory, stable funding stream of
$80 billion over the course of the next decade. This funding would allow the IRS to enter the
21st century with a more robust workforce and modern technology, finally allowing it to
adequately serve the American public.
It would also bolster the IRSʼs capacity to meaningfully attack the tax gap, by pursuing highend evaders who accrue income in increasingly opaque ways. Training personnel to e ectively
audit these high-end evaders takes years, which is why multi-year funding is so critical. In the
meantime, the IRS and Treasury are doing all we can to ensure to make the current tax filing
process less painful.
For example, we relaunched, which now includes several features that help
simplify tax filing, including directing taxpayers to the best free filing options, and helping
them determine their eligibility for remaining credits. The IRS is also increasing the availability
of customer callback technology, which is now available for up to 70% of the types of calls
that the IRS receives. And it is providing more automated phone assistance. But nothing will
substitute for funding the IRS adequately and stably so that it can serve taxpayers in the way
they deserve.
In closing, I am confident that many of the Biden Administrationʼs top priorities will ultimately
be enacted, including investing in the IRS and strengthening of our minimum tax on foreign
The revenue these proposals would bring in would also transform lives, by funding
investments in our children and our communities, initiatives to combat climate change, and



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder at the 2022 Tax Conference Hosted by the Federal Bar As…

supporting broadly-shared economic growth.
