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Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Insti…

Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal
Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Institute
Conference on Catastrophic Cyber Risk and a Potential Federal
Insurance Response
November 17, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Good a ernoon. My name is Graham Steele, and I am the Assistant Secretary for Financial
Institutions at the Treasury Department. Itʼs my pleasure to help conclude this Treasury FIONYU conference on catastrophic risk and a potential federal insurance response.
A number of people are responsible for making todayʼs event a success. Many thanks to our
co-sponsor and generous host, NYU Sternʼs Volatility and Risk Institute, co-directed by my
friend Dick Berner, and to VRIʼs Assistant Director Matt Hemphill. Thanks also to my executive
branch colleagues from the O ice of the National Cyber Director and the Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency for joining us today. Thanks to our experienced and
knowledgeable panelists, representing so many insurance industry stakeholder organizations,
for sharing their very useful insights. Thanks to my Treasury colleague FIO Director Steven
Seitz and the Federal Insurance O ice team for organizing this conference and spearheading
Treasuryʼs work on this issue. And considering the range of important roles that many of you
in this room have in the cyber insurance ecosystem, thanks to all of you for coming this
morning. I hope youʼve found the discussions useful. The Treasury team looks forward to
continuing to work with you on these issues.
As the Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, I oversee a broad policy portfolio,
encompassing banks, credit unions, and the insurance sector, as well as cybersecurity and
critical infrastructure, community development, and consumer protection. The topic of
todayʼs conference sits at the intersection of insurance and cybersecurity and critical
infrastructure. Let me begin by discussing the relevant work done by those two o ices, before
diving deeper into the topic of the conference, catastrophic cyber insurance specifically, and
concluding with a few points about our plans going forward.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Insti…

Cyber-related risk is a top priority for Treasury and the Biden administration. As you heard
this morning from Director Seitz, for over a decade the Federal Insurance O ice has followed
the evolution of the insurance sectorʼs important role in our increasingly digitally
interconnected world. Treasury and FIO have been working closely with our partners across
the administration and are focusing on the following cyber insurance-related topics:
First: cyber resilience. FIO has worked with colleagues within Treasury and the administration
on improving insurersʼ own cyber resilience. We have also cooperated with other federal and
state partners and with international colleagues through multilateral groups such as the G-7.
Second: we are focused on cyber insurance in lines of insurance eligible for coverage under the
Terrorism Risk Insurance Program, or “TRIP.” A cyber attack could be certified by Treasury as
an “act of terrorism” as defined in the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, provided it otherwise
meets the requirements of TRIP. In recent years FIO has increased its collection of data on
cyber insurance in order to improve Treasuryʼs evaluation of cyber insurance within the scope
of TRIP, as well as improving our understanding of the overall cyber market.
Third: FIO is prioritizing its work in The International Forum of Terrorism Risk (Re)Insurance
Pools, or “IFTRIP.” IFTRIP is the umbrella organization for over 15 international terrorism risk
insurance pools and mechanisms that engage in the insurance or reinsurance of terrorism
risk. FIO serves as the Vice Chair of IFTRIP and next April Treasury will be hosting the 2024
IFTRIP Annual Conference in Washington, DC as part of our work to assume more leadership
of this group going forward. At the Annual Conference, we expect that industry
representatives and public sector authorities will discuss issues presented by terrorism risk in
particular, as well as catastrophic risk more generally. Our decision to take on more of a
leadership role in the group demonstrates our commitment to working with our international
partners on cyber issues. Weʼre excited about the direction of IFTRIPʼs future work under
greater U.S. leadership, and we look forward to increasing our collaboration with the sector in
this area.
Fourth: Treasury and FIO continue to monitor and collect data on cyber insurance market
developments. We have long recognized that cyber insurance is a dynamic and growing
market. FIOʼs 2023 Annual Report, published in September, observed a 50 percent increase
between 2021 and 2022 in direct premiums for cyber insurance, growing from approximately
$4.8 billion in direct premiums for both package and stand-alone policies in 2021, to
approximately $7.2 billion in direct premiums last year. However, this premium growth is not



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Insti…

proportional to the growth in coverage. Cyber insurers wrote nearly 4 million policies in 2022,
which is only a 10 percent increase from 2021.
Importantly, there is substantial room for further growth. 2022 cyber premiums remained
under one percent of the total P&C market, despite the consistent movement toward the
digital transformation of everything we do in the physical world – a trend intensified at the
peak of the pandemic, and which has not since reversed. Additionally, the broker Marsh,
whose CEO you heard from today, recently estimated that 36 percent of its insurance clients
buy cyber insurance, and that the largest companies – those with greater than $1 billion in
annual revenues – are far more likely to buy cyber coverage than small and medium-sized
Iʼd like to take a brief step back to discuss the broader cyber threat landscape. Treasuryʼs
O ice of Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protectionʼs, or “OCCIP,” mission is to
improve the security and resilience of the financial services sector through Treasuryʼs unique
role in the Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee, or “FBIIC,” and the
G7, both as a cabinet-level Department, and as Sector Risk Management Agency, or “SRMA,”
for the financial services sector. OCCIP serves as the central node for information related to
all-hazard threats and seeks to build and maintain resilience through exercises sharing
relevant threat information. Additionally, OCCIP serves as a central hub and coordinating
body for financial institutions and regulatory agencies that respond to cyber incidents when
they do occur. Finally, OCCIP advances U.S. Government policies and conducts whole-ofnation coordination for cybersecurity and infrastructure protection based on findings from
the activities Iʼve just described.
In its SRMA capacity, OCCIP has been on the forefront of some of the most important issues
of the day, including Treasuryʼs landmark Financial Services Sectorʼs Adoption of Cloud
Services report and the upcoming work that we are undertaking on the implications of
artificial intelligence, or “AI,” on financial services sector cybersecurity. The increasing
adoption of cloud services and AI will only raise the stakes for public and private sector e orts
to ensure operational and cyber resilience. Combating the growth of ransomware, and
thereby decreasing policyholder ransom payments, remains a policy priority for Treasury and
the Administration. Industry sources report that a er a possible decrease in successful
attacks in 2022, there has been a substantial resurgence in ransomware attacks in 2023. In a
notable recent example, just last week, the US broker-dealer a iliate of the bank ICBC su ered
a ransomware attack that has impacted its client clearing business. This is not the first time



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Insti…

this year that ransomware has disrupted financial sector operations. In February and March, a
ransomware attack on the trading firm Ion similarly disrupted its cleared derivatives business
for several days.
Criminal actors with financial motives are not the only threat requiring the maintenance of upto-date cyber controls, as we have seen in the multiple global crises playing out in the news.
Both the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel/Hamas conflict have included state and
non-state threat actors employing cyber tactics with increased proficiency.
In the weeks following Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine, Russian state-sponsored cyber actors
conducted a wave of cyberattacks against Ukrainian infrastructure, including several attacks
targeting financial services sector entities. By April 2023, there was a significant drop in these
incidents and a lull in state-sponsored activity has continued. Additionally, Russia has been
observed to coordinate destructive and disruptive cyberattacks aimed at Ukraine, network
penetration and espionage in targeted countries that are perceived as Ukraineʼs allies, and
cyber-influence operations designed to influence people globally. The Computer Emergency
Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) recorded nearly 4,000 cyber incidents between January
2022 and September 2023. This represents a three-fold increase in cyber activity to the prewar period.
Cyber activity in the context of the Russia/Ukraine conflict is not limited to government
actors. We have observed that non-state cyber actors on both sides of the conflict have
targeted a wide range of organizations – including in the financial services sector – with
relatively unsophisticated incidents known as distributed denial of service attacks (DDOS). In
June 2023, pro-Russia hacktivist group NoName057(16) threatened to target Ukraineʼs
financial sector. In the following four days, numerous Ukrainian banks were targeted with
DDoS attacks. Targets included four of the nation's largest commercial banks, including First
Ukrainian International Bank (PUMB), State Savings Bank of Ukraine (Oshchadbank), Credit
Agricole Bank, and Universal Bank.
Shi ing to Israel, since the onset of the conflict, there has been a significant increase in
hacktivist groups targeting both Israeli and Palestinian entities. The tactics, techniques, and
procedures include low-level DDoS attacks, website defacements, data breaches, exploitation
of known common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE), and a newly identified destructive
wiper malware called Bibi-Linux (being used to destroy data in attacks targeting Linux
systems belonging to Israeli companies), which has had minimal disruptive impact.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Insti…

According to Cloudflare, hacktivist groups have primarily targeted newspaper and media
outlets with DDoS attacks, which have accounted for 56% of all attacks against Israeli
websites. The second most targeted industry was the computer so ware industry,
accounting for 34% of all DDoS attacks. The third most targeted was the Banking, Financial
Services, and Insurance sector; followed by Government Administration websites.
Additionally, Indian cyber intelligence company FalconFeeds has identified 90 pro-Palestinian
hacktivist groups. The most prominent pro-Palestinian hacker groups are KillNet, Anonymous
Sudan, and Mysterious Team Bangladesh.
Closer to home, Google, Amazon, and Cloudflare reported in October that they had withstood
the internetʼs largest-known DDoS attack, exploiting a new vulnerability known as “Rapid
Reset”, with Google Cloud (from which you heard on the last panel today) reporting that its
cloud service had dealt with an attack more than seven times larger than the previous largest
attack. In response, our colleagues at CISA swi ly issued an advisory notice warning about
the vulnerability and recommending that organizations that deliver essential internet services
quickly apply patches to their networks and implement other mitigation measures.
The insurance sector has an important role to play in strengthening policyholder cyber
controls in order to improve resiliency against attritional cyber incidents, including
ransomware attacks. By requiring robust cybersecurity practices to qualify for coverage,
cyber insurers can, and have, incentivized best practices that defend against ransomware
attacks and avoid the need for policyholder ransom payments.
With all of that context, let me return to the main subject of my remarks, and todayʼs
conference: insurance for catastrophic cyber incidents, and whether some kind of federal
insurance response – such as a potential government partnership with the commercial cyber
insurance market – is warranted. Treasuryʼs research, analysis, and engagements with
stakeholders in this area over the past year and a half have suggested a few preliminary
observations, which I think weʼve heard echoed in the discussions today.
One such observation is that catastrophic cyber risk appears to be di erent from attritional
cyber risk in at least some significant respects, at least for now. As youʼve heard today, while
cyber insurance is a growing and evolving market, insuring for catastrophic cyber risks
presents distinct challenges that need to be addressed. Unlike for natural catastrophes,
there is only limited historical data on systemic cyber incidents causing catastrophic losses
with which to model actuarial projections, despite the rapidly increasing interconnectedness
of our digital and networked world. Risk evaluation for cyber is further complicated in that



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Insti…

cyber risks can cascade across geographic and commercial boundaries. This limits the ability
of insurers and reinsurers to use traditional risk transfer strategies focusing on the region,
industry, or size of the entity insured, and thereby requires the reevaluation of underwriting
and risk management strategies to account for such di ering accumulation risks. Although
the quality of cyber models is improving, they still have a long way to go, and they remain
particularly assumption-dependent and may produce divergent results, particularly with
respect to tail scenarios. This uncertainty has increasingly led the sector to manage its
exposure through tighter wording and broader exclusions and has also contributed to the
reluctance of capital providers to provide greater capacity to the market.
Even so, one might ask, why is it necessary to decide whether some kind of federal insurance
response is warranted now? In his remarks at the beginning of this event, Director Seitz
described some of the origins of this inquiry, including language included in the 2019
reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, and a June 2022 Government
Accountability O ice report that concluded with a recommendation that FIO and CISA
conduct a joint assessment of whether a federal insurance response to catastrophic cyber
incidents is warranted, which recommendation Treasury and DHS accepted, leading to FIOʼs
Request For Information about a Potential Federal Insurance Response to Catastrophic Cyber

Incidents last fall.
As you heard earlier from Deputy National Cyber Director Dudley, Treasuryʼs work in this area
was highlighted in the Biden Administrationʼs National Cybersecurity Strategy released in
March of this year. Specifically, strategic objective 3.6 of the Strategy states: [quote] “The
Administration will assess the need for and possible structures of a Federal insurance
response to catastrophic cyber events that would support the existing cyber insurance
market.” [end quote]. This objective appears in pillar three of the strategy, which is to “Shape
market forces to drive security and resilience.”
The framing of the objective to assess the need for a federal insurance response to
catastrophic cyber incidents as part of the National Cybersecurity Strategyʼs overall emphasis
on strengthening national resilience underlines a second observation that Treasuryʼs work on
catastrophic cyber risk has suggested, and an answer to the question raised earlier, why now:
the broad benefits for resilience and market certainty of advance planning for the economic
impact of a catastrophic cyber incident. This is a point that many of you in this room
appreciate and have identified yourselves. It is also an issue that our team has dealt with



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Insti…

while assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on insurance markets and the potential
policy responses in 2020.
In short, waiting until a er a catastrophic cyber incident occurs is sub-optimal for everyone,
including private sector firms, the government that bears the responsibility for stabilizing the
economy, and ultimately the taxpayers. While none of the recent events that I noted earlier
have resulted in catastrophic cyber incidents, they are increasing in their frequency and
impact. Indeed, it may be a matter of when—not if—we experience a catastrophic cyber
event. As the National Cybersecurity Strategy puts it, “Structuring [a response to a
catastrophic cyber incident] before a catastrophic event occurs—rather than rushing to
develop an aid package a er the fact—could provide certainty to markets and make the
nation more resilient.”
It is worth noting here that in its discussion of cyber insurance, the National Cybersecurity
Strategy uses the term “resilience” with respect to the U.S. economy as a whole – as distinct
from the narrower context of the resilience of the insurance industry alone. I believe this is a
distinction that has also been made during todayʼs discussion.
As you have heard from my government colleagues earlier today, following its release of the
National Cybersecurity Strategy, in July of this year the Administration published the
Implementation Plan for the Strategy providing additional guidance to Treasury on next
steps. The Implementation Plan rea irms that Treasury—specifically FIO—is the agency
responsible for answering the threshold question of whether some form of federal insurance
response to catastrophic cyber incidents is warranted and sets forth the end of this year as
the target date for when the Administration will answer this question through our
It has been a busy year and a half since we initiated our assessment of catastrophic cyber risk
and insurance. Thus far, our initial focus has been on the threshold question of whether the
risks from catastrophic cyber incidents warrant some kind of a federal insurance response. As
summarized earlier by Director Seitz, we received a great deal of substantive and useful
feedback to our RFI from a broad cross-section of stakeholders. In addition, we have
benefited from both extensive industry meetings and internal research on the subject.
Todayʼs conference is an important part of our engagement e ort. The panel discussions
have helped us to gain further insights from the perspectives of industry parties on the
important policy issues presented by catastrophic cyber risk and a potential federal response.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Insti…

The National Cybersecurity Strategy and its Implementation Plan have charged us with
answering a straightforward question about this complex issue: Is some kind of federal
insurance response to catastrophic cyber incidents warranted? This is the main issue that we
are seeking to answer right now. Weʼre fortunate to have learned a lot from these
conversations today. We need more of these types of conversations with the industry and
other stakeholders going forward.
Based upon the work that we have done and the discussions weʼve had to date, the final
answer looks less like a straightforward “yes” or “no” than a more nuanced “it depends.” As
todayʼs event has highlighted, a well-designed federal insurance response could address the
risks of tail events while incentivizing healthy private sector practices. Conversely, a poorly
designed program could shi too much risk to the government and reduce firmsʼ incentives to
guard against certain forms of low probability, but nonetheless foreseeable, risks.
As for the immediate threshold question, however, we believe that further exploration of the
proper federal insurance response to catastrophic cyber risk is warranted and should be
And while much more work – and much more consultation – will need to take place about
what form such a federal insurance response and/or such a public-private partnership should
take, our work thus far has positioned us to reach at least one tentative conclusion regarding
the scope of our focus, and to announce one concrete plan for our work in this area in 2024.
The conclusion regarding scope is that because we see that the private market for insurance
against attritional cyber risk from losses other than those related to major catastrophes is
dynamic and growing, we anticipate that our assessment of a potential federal insurance
response will remain sharply focused on catastrophic cyber risk. And when assessing the
insurance market for catastrophic cyber risk, we will remain focused on the policy options for
some kind of public-private sector collaboration or other federal response that cabins
catastrophic cyber risk alongside the existing and expanding commercial cyber insurance
I am also pleased to announce here that, in conjunction with Treasury hosting next yearʼs
International Forum of Terrorism Risk (Re)Insurance Pools, or IFTRIP, Annual Conference in
Washington, DC in April 2024 that I mentioned earlier, Treasury will host an additional
conference during the week of April 22 exploring in more detail some specific ideas about
what form such a federal insurance response to catastrophic cyber risk, and/or a public-private
partnership or other collaborative mechanism, might take. This conference, which FIO will



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Graham Steele at the Federal Insurance Office and NYU Stern Volatility and Risk Insti…

organize, will naturally draw on the expertise of industry and other cyber insurance
stakeholders, and will, in e ect, serve as the follow-on to todayʼs event.
Furthermore, preparations for this April conference will help structure FIOʼs upcoming
engagements with industry on this subject leading up to the conference, which could involve
the organizing of one or more informal groups of subject matter experts and key stakeholders
on specific topics relating to catastrophic cyber insurance.
FIO plans to take further actions along these lines a er the new year. In the meantime, I look
forward to seeing many of you at the subsequent event on catastrophic cyber insurance in
In closing, let me say that it is clear that there is a great deal of interest in, and a significant
number of complex questions about, this important issue. I expect that many of you in this
room will play an important role in helping to work through those questions in discussions
with our FIO team.
I want to again extend my and Treasuryʼs thanks to our co-sponsor, Dick Berner and NYUʼs
Volatility and Risk Institute; to all of our excellent speakers today; and to all of you in the
audience for coming. We at Treasury look forward to continuing to work further with you all
on the important issue of insurance for catastrophic cyber risk in the future.
