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Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Josh Frost at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association…

Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Josh Frost
at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association
Derivatives Trading Forum
September 21, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Good a ernoon and thanks for having me here today. The topic of todayʼs forum – the
resilience of Treasury markets – is a topic that we at the Treasury Department care deeply
about and accordingly spend a great deal of time focused on. And the title of todayʼs forum –
“The Path to Resilient Treasury Markets” – seems exactly right to me. The use of the word
“path” reminds me of the e orts undertaken over most of the past decade. Resilient Treasury
markets are not a static endpoint; they are a journey towards a shared goal and responsibility
of the Treasury, the broader o icial sector, and market participants.
Over the last few years, Treasury and our colleagues in the Inter-Agency Working Group on
Treasury Market Surveillance, or IAWG, have made significant progress in developing policies
that would help make the Treasury market more resilient, but there is still much work to be
done. And as the structure of the market evolves, our policies will need to evolve as well.
Venues like todayʼs forum are important opportunities for the o icial sector and market
participants to discuss progress and share insights on the best paths forward.
While IAWG members continue to consider a wide range of policies to help make the Treasury
markets more resilient, my remarks today will focus on one: buybacks. A er careful
consideration, we decided it was prudent to move forward and announced our intentions at
the May refunding to implement a regular buyback program next year.1 We believe buybacks
can play an important role in helping to make the Treasury market more liquid and resilient by
providing liquidity support. The buyback program will also help Treasury to better achieve our
debt management objectives. Before delving into our upcoming plans, I will first briefly
discuss Treasuryʼs recent history with buybacks.
The last time Treasury conducted a regular buyback program was in the early 2000s, ending in
April 2002. To understand why these buybacks were conducted, itʼs important to review what
was happening with Treasury auction sizes leading up to those purchases. Due to shrinking



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Josh Frost at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association…

budget deficits and eventual surpluses in the 1990s, Treasury significantly reduced o ering
sizes of the 2- and 3-year notes between 1996 and 1998. As the outstanding sizes of these
issues continued to shrink, on-the-run liquidity was hindered. This led to concerns of lower
auction demand and therefore higher financing costs for Treasury. Market observers at the
time cautioned that Treasury securities were at risk of losing “benchmark status” because the
auction sizes were becoming too small. To delay shrinking new issue sizes further, in 1998,
Treasury discontinued the 3-year o ering and changed the 5-year o ering from monthly to
quarterly. Another consequence of these smaller short- and intermediate-term o erings,
however, was an unintended increase in the average maturity of debt outstanding, as longterm debt remained outstanding. At the time, this was considered potentially costly for
Treasury, based on the assumption that the yield curve is typically positively sloped.
Since budget surpluses were expected to persist into the foreseeable future, at the end of the
1990s Treasury began exploring options to address concerns regarding shrinking auction
sizes, including using buybacks to maintain larger new issue sizes. A er careful consideration
of a range of options, including recommendations from the Treasury Borrowing Advisory
Committee, or TBAC, Treasury adopted a final rule on buybacks in January 2000. At the time of
adoption, then-Treasury Secretary Summers noted several advantages of buybacks, including
(1) “to enhance liquidity of benchmark securities”, (2) “to prevent what would otherwise be a
potentially costly and unjustified increase in the average maturity of our debt”, and (3) “more
e ective use of excess cash”.2 Between March 2000 and April 2002, Treasury conducted 45
buyback operations, buying back a total of $67.5 billion of outstanding debt. The first 42
operations were intended to address concerns related to shrinking auction sizes. However, as
budget surpluses disappeared, in April 2002 the last three buyback operations were aimed at
lowering high seasonal cash balances.
While Treasury has conducted limited small-value buybacks each year for most of the past
decade to test operational capabilities and has always considered them as part of our debt
management toolkit, it has been a little over 20 years since we last conducted buybacks in
meaningful size. So why the change? Why reintroduce buybacks now?
First, a buyback program in the Treasury market would not be unique. Many sovereign debt
management o ices around the world use them to achieve various objectives. A 2022 OECD
survey of nearly 40 sovereign DMOs indicated that a majority of the respondents conduct
buybacks or switches (that is, exchanges of one security for another).3 Additionally, there
have been a handful of studies suggesting there are both liquidity and cash management



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Josh Frost at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association…

benefits of conducting buybacks, even when there are budget deficits.4 Finally, we have
received a significant amount of feedback over the years, including from the TBAC, the
primary dealers, and other market participants, supportive of a regular buyback program.
We have two objectives for our upcoming buyback program: liquidity support and cash
management. Before expanding on these, let me be clear on what this program is not
intended for. First, we do not intend to conduct tactical or ad-hoc operations; instead,
buybacks will be conducted in a regular and predictable manner. Second, we do not intend to
use buybacks to change the maturity profile of our debt outstanding. Our issuance strategy
remains our primary tool for adjusting the maturity profile, if desired, and we plan to limit the
size of our buyback operations and conduct operations across the curve. And third, buybacks
are not intended to address acute periods of market stress – Iʼll come back to this in a
As I noted, the first objective of our buyback program is liquidity support. We believe buybacks
can help improve the liquidity of the Treasury market by providing a regular opportunity for
market participants to sell back to Treasury o -the-run securities across the yield curve. This
should improve the willingness of investors and intermediaries to trade and provide liquidity
in these securities, all else equal, knowing there is a potential outlet to sell some of their o the-run holdings. These operations can also make intermediation capacity more readily
available by Treasury purchasing hard-to-move securities that are in broker-dealer inventories
and use up their intermediation capacity. With more intermediation capacity readily available,
the Treasury market should see improved functioning in normal times and have an enhanced
ability to absorb larger flows.
While we believe it is important that we retain some flexibility in providing incremental
liquidity support to certain sectors of the Treasury market, it is important we make it clear at
the outset that these buybacks are not intended to ameliorate periods of acute market
stress. Unlike the Federal Reserve System, which can finance purchases of securities by
creating reserves, each dollar of buybacks needs to be financed with a dollar of Treasury
issuance, all else equal. This limits our ability to rapidly increase the size of buybacks to a level
potentially necessary to alleviate market stress without resulting in significant costs for the
taxpayer, as a corresponding rapid rise in Treasury issuance could materially increase our
financing costs during these periods.
The second objective of our buyback program is cash management. We believe buybacks can
improve our cash management by reducing the volatility in our cash balance and bill issuance



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Josh Frost at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association…

in two ways. First, during periods of high tax receipts, our cash balance typically rises
meaningfully, and we try to o set some of this rise by making significant reductions in bill
issuance. This volatility can be costly to the taxpayer by causing imbalances between supply
and demand and by potentially hindering the smooth functioning of the bill market.
Conducting buybacks during these periods could help reduce some of this volatility. Second,
we plan to focus cash management buybacks on purchasing securities with maturity dates
around periods of large outflows, which could also reduce this volatility. These buybacks could
mitigate the need to raise extra cash through bill issuance to prepare for such periods.
Operationally, both liquidity support and cash management buybacks will be executed by our
fiscal agent, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, via the same trading platform that they
have used for the past 17 years to conduct their purchases of Treasury securities. While the
goals of our buyback program are quite di erent from the goals of the Federal Reserve
Systemʼs prior Treasury securities purchase programs, the actual operations should be familiar
to market participants because many of the design parameters are similar. However, an
important di erence is that we intend to be more price sensitive in selecting the buyback
o ers to accept. Because we are not targeting a fixed quantity to purchase, we believe it is
important to only buy back securities that help us meet our objectives and to only execute at
attractive prices. As a result, the amount we buy during any given operation might be
materially lower than the maximum amount announced. The amount that we buy will be
closely tied to the quality of the o ers we receive.
To measure the success of the buyback program, we plan to utilize both quantitative and
qualitative measures; there is no single measure that we plan to rely on. For liquidity support
buybacks, while we hope to see some improvement across liquidity metrics over time, we
recognize there are many other factors that may a ect liquidity at any given moment, such as
market volatility. It has also been a while since we last conducted regular buyback operations;
as such, our understanding of the e ects of buybacks will improve as we conduct more
operations and have additional data for analysis. We are confident that the operational
design parameters we have communicated thus far are a good starting point, but over time
we may need to make some adjustments to better achieve our objectives.5
Turning to one last question on buybacks: how should they be financed? We plan to treat the
increase in our borrowing needs due to buybacks the same way that we treat other outlays.
Moreover, we think it would be imprudent to try to replace the interest rate risk that buybacks
remove from a certain maturity sector in the market by precisely o setting them with



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Josh Frost at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association…

issuance of an equivalent amount of on-the-run Treasury securities in the same maturity
sector. Attempts to do so would unnecessarily limit the flexibility of our issuance strategy and
run counter to regular and predictable issuance. When evaluating how buybacks a ect our
issuance plans, we will continue to look at our borrowing needs in totality in the short-,
intermediate-, and long-term and make issuance adjustments based on what we believe is the
appropriate mix of coupon and bill issuance. Unexpected short-term changes in borrowing
needs will still largely be addressed with changes in bill issuance.
Before I conclude, I wanted to close with a few words about recent debt management
decisions. Since the suspension of the debt limit in early June, we have substantially increased
gross issuance, both to rebuild the Treasury General Account from very low levels and to
continue to meet the governmentʼs ongoing borrowing needs. Nearly all of this increase has
been in Treasury bills, where more than $1 trillion of increased supply has been absorbed well.
The total supply of bills now exceeds $5.2 trillion, which represents just over 20 percent of
marketable Treasury debt outstanding.
While bill supply is likely to remain above 20 percent for some time, our intention is to
gradually increase coupon issuance to better align auction sizes with intermediate- to longterm borrowing needs, and as I outlined at the August refunding, we expect that further
gradual increases in coupon auctions sizes will likely be necessary in future quarters. The TBAC
has supported this approach, recommending at its August meeting that considering the scale
and uncertainty of projected borrowing needs, the amount of bills as a share of total
marketable debt outstanding should deviate from TBACʼs recommended 15-20 percent range
for some time.
Treasury will continue to follow its longstanding “regular and predictable” approach to
issuance and continue to use our quarterly refunding statements to provide updates on
future changes to borrowing needs and issuance. Our approach will continue to depend on a
variety of factors, including the evolution of the fiscal outlook and the pace and duration of
future redemptions from the Federal Reserveʼs SOMA portfolio.
In conclusion, I am hopeful that the upcoming regular buyback program will become an
important feature of the Treasury market, improving liquidity and helping Treasury meet our
debt management objectives. The feedback we have received to date from a wide variety of
market participants has been tremendously helpful and will continue to be important as we
further refine the operational design parameters of the program ahead of and a er our
planned 2024 launch. Enhancing the resilience of the Treasury market remains a top priority of



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Josh Frost at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association…

the o icial sector, and I look forward to the rest of todayʼs discussion on ways to ensure that
the Treasury market remains the deepest and most liquid market in the world. Thank you.
3. /sites/62c91ab0-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/62c91ab0-en
4. /medialibrary/media/research/sta _reports/sr304.pdf


5. For a more detailed discussion of design issues, see

