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Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov2Gov…

Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions
Graham Steele at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov2Gov
Summit on Responsible Artificial Intelligence Innovation for the
Public Sector
October 24, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery

Good morning,
Thank you for having me. I appreciate AWS hosting events like todayʼs to promote a better
understanding of responsible Artificial Intelligence (or “AI”) and Machine Learning (or “ML”)
practices and to foster discussions among government o icials to address the challenges and
opportunities in this area.
As the Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, I am responsible for the Treasuryʼs policy
views on matters a ecting banks, credit unions, insurance, consumer protection, access to
capital, and financial sector cybersecurity. At the same time, as a longtime resident of the San
Francisco Bay Area who has worked near the epicenter of the U.S. technology sector in Silicon
Valley, technological innovation in financial services has long been of great interest to me.
Financial institutions are increasingly becoming technology companies—from the use of
mobile apps to digital payment services to models that assess the risks of certain activities or
the creditworthiness of certain customers. As with other areas experiencing rapid innovation,
such as fintech and cloud services, significant potential exists for financial institutions to
harness the technology underlying AI products and services. However, there are also risks,
including inadequate oversight and consumer harms. Treasury is actively engaged, including
by coordinating with the o icial sector and other stakeholders, to ensure we achieve
outcomes that benefit all Americans and our economic values of fairness, growth, and



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov2Gov…

Today, I will begin by discussing our productive work with AWS on cloud computing. Then I will
share my views on some of the potential benefits and risks of AI that we at Treasury have
been thinking about, including in the consumer finance and insurance industries. Finally, I am
going to touch on how federal and some state policymakers are looking at these issues.

As we know, cloud computing is no longer a nascent or emerging technology. It now supports
some of the financial services sectorʼs most critical financial institutions, while providing
security and operational resiliency for these institutions. Following the publication of
Treasuryʼs report on the financial sectorʼs adoption of cloud services in February 2023, we
have engaged key cloud service providers (or “CSPs”), like AWS, as we take our next steps to
ensure that financial institutions mature in their adoption of cloud services in a responsible
As we said in the report, when implemented properly, cloud services can o er more scalable
and resilient solutions than when firms handle these services in house. However, financial
institutions have expressed to us that they have been struggling with a lack of transparency
and negotiating power disadvantages as they contract with the largest CSPs, which comprise
a significant share of the cloud services market. This hinders their ability to clearly
understand and implement the services they are purchasing and the level of security being
provided to them, and to negotiate for solutions that are specific to their enterprise or
security needs.
By bringing CSPs into the fold alongside other private sector and regulatory stakeholders, we
are working toward establishing a more transparent model that places less pressure on cloud
customers and asks CSPs to take more responsibility for the security of those customers.
Through its work with the Cloud Executive Steering Group (or “CESG”), AWS is helping
advance the e ort toward greater transparency and responsible technology innovation and
implementation within the financial services sector.
The Cyber Risk Instituteʼs Cloud Adoption Profile, and subsequent update to that work
through the CESG Cloud Profile Refinement & Adoption workstream, has helped lay the
groundwork to establish a common language that will facilitate greater understanding and
accessibility for financial institutions considering cloud adoption. This framework is unique in
its focus on both technical controls and regulatory policies, with tiered security protocols
tailored to the type of data that institutions either own or provide to third party service



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov2Gov…

providers. The trust established through this type of transparency is a useful model for what
responsible innovation can look like.
With the work we are now undertaking, we are moving to a model that should empower
financial institutions of all sizes to unbundle one-size-fits-all cloud service packages and
enable them to better negotiate for solutions that best suit their operational footprints and
individualized risk assessments.

Turning to AI, Treasury continues to actively monitor the implications of AI on the financial
services sector. Financial institutions have been using automated systems for decades, and
Treasury and federal regulators have long been engaged on this issue. However, newer forms
of AI have become increasingly prevalent in financial services in recent years, powered by more
advanced algorithms and data storage and processing power improvements in the underlying
cloud technology. Of course, as this group knows well, the broad term “AI” encompasses
many di erent types of technologies and processes, and therefore has many potential
AI may o er benefits, such as reducing costs and improving e iciencies, identifying more
complex relationships, and improving performance and accuracy. Financial institutions
currently use AI for various tasks, ranging from fraud prevention and detection to customer
service, document review, and retail credit underwriting. Some institutions use AI extensively,
while others take a more limited approach. Even within a single institution, AI may be used to
varying degrees in di erent areas.
However, the adoption of AI raises certain risks, which fall into three broad categories: (1)
risks arising from the design of AI; (2) risks arising from how humans use or deploy AI; and (3)
operational and cyber risks of AI.
In the first category, the opacity of certain AI models can create challenges in explaining how
the technology produces its output. This could produce, and possibly mask, biased or
inaccurate results that could, in turn, implicate consumer protection issues such as fair
lending. Itʼs important to consider how providing transparency into AI models can allow
organizations and regulators to better assess the systemsʼ conceptual soundness and
remove uncertainty about their suitability and reliability.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov2Gov…

In the second category, the use of flawed internal models can cause significant model risk
management issues. As the financial crisis of 2007-09 and other failures of financial
institutions, like Long-Term Capital Management, have shown, the overreliance on faulty risk
models can have financial stability implications. As a result, the post-crisis prudential
regulatory framework has sought to move toward more standardized risk measurements. It
is important to consider these historical lessons regarding the broader use of models by
financial institutions and regulators as we evaluate specific use cases for AI models.
Finally, in the third category, the high volumes and wide range of data consumed by AI,
particularly generative AI, makes controls around data quality, suitability, and security and
privacy vital for ensuring that AI is sound. As referenced in the national cyber strategy,
responsibility must be placed on the stakeholders most capable of taking action to prevent
bad outcomes, not on the end-users that o en bear the consequences of insecure so ware
nor on the open-source developer of a component that is integrated into a commercial
product. CSPs that play a major role in storage and processing of big data today can and
should lead the e ort to develop and establish necessary controls.
Let me now turn to a couple of specific applications for AI in financial services, in order to put
a finer point on some of the risks and benefits that I have just outlined.

In a November 2022 report focusing on the impact of non-bank firms on the consumer finance
marketplace, Treasury noted that fintech firms have garnered attention for their leveraging of
advances in technologies—including AI/ML—and newly available data, as well as business
models di erentiated from depository institutions, all of which they o en cite as enabling
them to enhance credit underwriting and expand access to credit. Specifically, market
participants claim that they are enhancing capabilities to assess creditworthiness and thus
expand access; reducing discrimination in credit decision-making; and, in some segments,
enabling firms to o er more a ordable credit than existing alternatives accessible to
consumers. While there is some limited evidence to suggest that fintech firms are serving
more customers at di erent and sometimes lower price-points, this may be due to a variety of
factors, including competitive dynamics, business decisions, di erent cost-structures,
marketing, or use of AI/ML technologies or newly available data in underwriting models.
At the same time, the report also noted that new uses of data and technology—including AI—
could create the potential for new forms of discrimination, including increased opportunities



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov2Gov…

for predatory targeting and price discrimination. The report highlighted concerns related to
the opacity of AI models and di iculty of explaining outputs, which poses challenges for
compliance with fair lending requirements. The report also noted the potential for such
models to perpetuate discrimination by utilizing and learning from data, including proxy data,
that might reflect and reinforce historical biases.
The November 2022 report also highlighted general concerns that the large amount of
consumer data being collected and used in AI applications poses broad societal surveillance
and privacy risks. The report pointed to the use of alternative data and observed that
including alternative data on consumersʼ non-financial behavior in financial decision making,
such as in AI-enabled credit underwriting, could lead to growing amounts of consumer
behavior being subject to commercial surveillance. This could be disruptive to consumersʼ
lives and have unintended and unforeseen consequences across the economy. With the
increasing prevalence of collection and utilization of consumersʼ data, there are concerns
about a potential lack of a meaningful choice in financial services for consumers seeking to
protect their privacy, both for those that feel compelled to agree, but also for those who opt
There are important policy discussions that need to happen to ensure we address these and
other concerns related to the use of AI in the provision of consumer financial services.

Next, I would like to talk about how AI has the potential to transform the insurance sector.
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (or “NAIC”) recently found that 88
percent of surveyed private passenger auto insurers use, plan to use, or plan to explore using
AI/ML, with the most use in claims, marketing, and fraud detection. By comparison,
approximately 70 percent of surveyed homeowners insurers use or plan to use AI /ML, with the
greatest use in claims, underwriting, marketing, fraud detection, and rating.
AI can streamline the function and lower the cost of nearly every aspect of the insurance
business, including claims, underwriting, customer service, marketing, fraud detection, and
rating. At the same time, as with consumer financial services, the incorporation of AI in
insurance raises privacy concerns and the risk of unlawful consumer discrimination.
For example, as the most recent annual report from Treasuryʼs Federal Insurance O ice (or
“FIO”) notes, property and casualty insurers increasingly use telematics, which is a method of
monitoring vehicles with GPS technology and on-board diagnostics to gather data on a



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov2Gov…

multitude of factors such as miles driven, speeding, hard stops, and cell phone use while
driving. Through AI, auto insurers can estimate the risk of an accident more accurately than
with traditional underwriting. Insurers can also use the miles driven data to better customize
insurance plans so that consumers only pay for what they need. In addition, AI can augment
the claims management process in homeowners insurance by quickly assessing the severity of
damage to property and predicting the repair costs from historical data, sensors, and images.
AI has the potential to align insurance premiums more closely with individualized data, ease
the claims process, and make underwriting more e icient. All of this can mean greater
a ordability and equity in the cost and availability of insurance coverage, provided these new
tools are used appropriately.
As I noted earlier, there may be privacy issues with these uses of AI, because they require
collecting significant amounts of consumersʼ personal information. For instance, many
telematics programs require access to a policyholderʼs smartphone and can track the userʼs
location, whether or not the user is actually driving.
Life insurers are increasingly using AI to accelerate their underwriting process. AI can quickly
identify an applicantʼs health risks and corroborate information, skipping the medical exams
and slow “back and forth” exchange of information typical in a traditional underwriting
However, if an AI model is trained on data with biases, it is likely to perpetuate them in its
decision-making process. For example, algorithmic bias in AI may unfairly calculate higher
premiums for a specific racial group with historically higher mortality rates, even if individual
risk factors di er.
More generally, the increased use of consumer data, particularly the use of non-driving data
as proxies in automotive insurance policies, is raising important questions about the proper
collection and use of consumer data in insurance underwriting.
In both consumer finance and insurance, it is important to center equity concerns and remain
aware of the potential disparities that could be created or reinforced if new products and
services like AI are designed or implemented without adequately accounting for the concerns
and needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized. As Secretary Yellen has said, “just as
much as we need responsible innovation, we also need equitable innovation.”




Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov2Gov…

Policymakers are addressing privacy and discrimination concerns with AI at both the federal
and state level. In September, a bipartisan group of senators convened the first in a series of
AI Forums in D.C. The series brings together lawmakers with Big Tech, unions, civil rights
advocates, and other stakeholders to discuss AI regulation. Also in September, the BidenHarris Administration announced that 15 companies had agreed to voluntary safety and
security standards for their AI tools. These voluntary commitments are an important step and
a bridge to further action. As the President has said, the Administration is currently
developing an executive order that will help advance responsible AI and manage its risks.
These e orts build on the 2022 release of the White Houseʼs Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights,
which established a set of five principles and associated practices to help guide the design,
use, and deployment of AI systems to protect the rights of consumers. One principle, aimed
at preventing algorithmic discrimination, suggests proactive assessments of algorithms and
ongoing disparity testing and mitigation. Another principle, addressing data privacy,
recommends that data collection conform to consumersʼ reasonable expectations and that
only data strictly necessary for the specific context is collected. And as many of you know,
NIST released an AI Risk Management Framework with detailed recommendations for
organizations to manage and mitigate AI risks.
With respect to insurance, FIO is monitoring related action at the state level as well.
Colorado, for example, enacted legislation to require insurers to test their algorithms,
predictive models, and information sources to ensure that they do not unfairly discriminate
against protected classes. The NAIC adopted Principles on Artificial Intelligence which
emphasize the importance of the ethical use of AI. And, beginning in 2021, the NAIC began
surveying insurers to learn how AI and machine learning techniques are currently being used
and what governance and risk management controls are in place.
Finally, some financial regulatory agencies are taking steps to address broader acts and
practices that will have implications for financial institutionsʼ use of AI. As an example, the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (or “CFPB”) is considering regulatory proposals
relating to data brokers and data boundaries, in order to enhance transparency and hold
covered entities accountable for their data practices. Treasury has previously recommended
that the CFPB consider whether and how it may directly supervise data aggregators, who
store vast and ever-growing amounts of consumer financial data, generally without the kind
of supervision of their data practices applicable to regulated depository institutions.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov2Gov…

The banking agencies have also issued guidance regarding the oversight of bank partnerships
with third parties, which could include firms o ering AI products and services. Regulatory and
supervisory expectations to address model risk management and prevent discrimination or
bias can also help to address some of the risks associated with AI and promote responsible
innovation that ultimately benefits consumers.

Iʼd like to close by again thanking AWS for convening this group and inviting me into this
important set of conversations that no doubt will continue. I hope this has been a useful
discussion of both the benefits and risks of AI adoption in the financial services sector.
I would also like to make an observation—perhaps one that is both obvious and, some might
say, maybe even a little naïve, but I think is nonetheless important to remember. As we
continue to think about the evolution of AI in the financial services space, we all—from the
private sector companies that design and utilize AI to the public sector policymakers that
construct and enforce the rules of the road—must remember that human beings are
ultimately responsible for designing the information that goes in, the ways that information is
processed, and how the resulting output is used.
The Treasury Department will continue to monitor the use of AI in financial services and
prioritize this issue. We are committed to the responsible innovation and appropriate
regulation of technologies that are accurate and fair, protect privacy and security, and
advance the financial wellbeing of the American people.
Thank you again for your time.
