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Remarks by Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Rosenberg at the Center for Strategic and International Studies | U.S. Depart…

Remarks by Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Rosenberg at the
Center for Strategic and International Studies
April 6, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you for inviting me here to discuss the state of our sanctions against Russia in
response to its unjustified invasion of Ukraine. I put a lot of value in having these frank
discussions, particularly among partners and allies, in order to inform and adapt our thinking
to match the evolving behavior of our adversaries. Very rarely do we achieve all our goals at
once, and all of us here have a slightly di erent vantage point that can help identify the best
way forward.
Today, I want to quickly take stock of our actions to date; measure them against our original
and sustaining goals; and discuss what we are learning and how that informs where we are
going next.
When I spoke at this forum last year, I sought to answer the questions: “are sanctions
working?” and “what is your goal?” At the time, I stated “the immediate and wholesale
collapse of the Russian economy was never our goal.” Rather, I referenced President Bidenʼs
speech immediately a er the invasion and said our goal was to “ʻ…squeeze Russiaʼs access to
finance and technology for strategic sectors of its economy and degrade its industrial
capacityʼ and specifically its military.” That goal remains the same. The objective of our
sanctions regime is to degrade Russiaʼs ability to fund and wage its invasion of a sovereign
nation. And against the goal—to degrade Russiaʼs ability to fund and wage its war—we are
seeing meaningful success.
Since Russiaʼs invasion into Ukraine, the U.S. Department of the Treasury has sanctioned over
2,500 Russia-related targets, and over 80 percent of Russiaʼs banking sector by assets is under
U.S. sanctions—including the top 10 Russian-owned banks. We have also worked with our
international partners through the Russian Elites, Proxies, and Oligarchs (REPO) Task Force to
block or freeze tens of billions of dollarsʼ worth of sanctioned Russiansʼ assets. Our actions
have spread across over 40 jurisdictions, showing the sheer scale of Russiaʼs financial links



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Rosenberg at the Center for Strategic and International Studies | U.S. Depart…

We also implemented a price cap on the maritime transport of Russian oil and refined
products, a first-of-its-kind policy aimed at curbing Russiaʼs revenue while also stabilizing
global energy prices. This policy in conjunction with international import bans has been a
major success at steadying global energy prices while also depriving Russia of earnings from
its main source of external revenue. According to the Russian Ministry of Finance, federal
government oil revenues in January and February 2023 were more than 40 percent lower than
a year prior, while supplies held steady and prices dri ed down.
President Putin himself, as well as his Finance Minister and his Central Bank, have all observed
that our sanctions are having a significant impact on the Russian economy. Our targeting of
Russiaʼs financial sector and revenue generators like energy, are forcing choices of
desperation as the government tries to spend its way out of crisis and burns through its fiscal
bu ers. Since its invasion, Russiaʼs fiscal budget had a deficit of $47 billion and its National
Wealth Fund shrank by almost $30 billion since the start of its war. And we continue to see
unsustainable redirection of state spending in Russiaʼs security sector at the cost of its
civilian economy to make up for losing 9,000 pieces of military equipment, forced production
shutdown at key defense facilities, and shortages of essential components for tanks and
aircra production, including munitions.
This rapid pace and the press of our sanctions will continue so long as Russia chooses to
wage war in Ukraine. Last week, we designated a Slovakian national involved in facilitating
arms deals between Russia and North Korea. Not only was the conduct sanctionable, but it
was also in violation of multiple UN Security Council Resolutions that prohibit dealing in arms
with North Korea. Russia, a country that was once a major arms exporter in the world, is now
forced to turn to international pariahs to support its military.
A really important question at this point is: what are we learning? For me, there are three key
takeaways since we started our international sanctions e orts.
The first is engage widely and deeply. The reason we have had such a powerful impact on
Russia through economic measures is because of our broad coalition and willingness to
coordinate. While the UK and EU have been critical partners, others such as Japan and
Australia have stepped up in this international e ort. I look forward to Japanʼs continued
leadership in chairing the G7 this year. However, this engagement extends beyond traditional
partners to include outreach to countries like India and Türkiye, to explain what we are doing,
why we are doing it, and how to not run afoul of our economic actions. We have also found
ways to directly engage China around certain key messages.



Remarks by Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Rosenberg at the Center for Strategic and International Studies | U.S. Depart…

Additionally, engagement must include the global private sector to best tailor sanctions that
maximize impact and minimize negative externalities. The price cap policy, for example, would
not have been possible without numerous consultations with the financial, energy, insurance,
and shipping sectors. At the end of the day, it is not government actors but rather the private
sector that is the front line of sanctions implementation. It is imperative to get their insights
to inform our decisions or else we risk creating an unenforceable policy or unforeseen
The second lesson is that we all have domestic vulnerabilities to address. The invasion has put
into sharp focus what has been happening for years—bad actors abuse weaknesses and
loopholes in our financial systems—the biggest and, ironically, most rules-based financial
systems—to hide and move money. We donʼt need to look any further than Delaware, where,
until recently, two designated Russians held an interest in a billion-dollar trust. This is why the
United States is so focused on closing these gaps through transparency measures and why
Treasury Secretary Yellen announced last week the Summit for Democracy Commitment on
Beneficial Ownership and Misuse of Legal Persons


Lastly, we must internalize that tough measures such as economic sanctions are only one side
of the equation. While our role is to impede the Russian war machine, there is an equally
important role that others play to work on the financing and reconstruction of Ukraine. There
are also countries and jurisdictions wanting to do the right thing and abide by our sanctions
and norms, but lack the technical capacity to do the requisite monitoring and enforcement to
disrupt Russian money laundering and sanctions evasion activities. This, too, requires a
di erent approach than just more sanctions.
These are just three of the many lessons we are all learning as we continue to respond to
Russiaʼs invasion of Ukraine, and I look forward to hearing about what lessons you are
learning and how they apply to our work going forward.
Thank you.
