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Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy Ben Harris at
the Brookings Institution’s Retirement Security Project Event
December 13, 2022

As Prepared for Delivery
Thank you so much for inviting me to speak on the topic of retirement security and the
wellbeing of older Americans. I consider this to be one of the most important issues in public
policy—and one that deserves special consideration in the wake of the pandemic.
Even before Americans spent their first day in quarantine, seniors and retirees have faced
substantial longstanding challenges. Access to workforce pensions has been on a decades-long
decline, and the massive increases in wealth experienced in aggregate have been unevenly
shared amongst retirees. Longer life spans and higher debt loads have led to more financial
fragility in retirement. Family networks have weakened. As reported last month in the New York

Times, an increasing number of seniors live alone.
Then the pandemic hit. As we all know too well, the death rates of seniors spiked much higher
than for any other age group. Older Americans had a difficult time getting access to doctors and
hospitals. Links between seniors and their families and communities were disrupted. Many
retirees dealt with social isolation, particularly in the height of the pandemic.
But as the economy rapidly adapted to pandemic life, silver linings have emerged. There are
new ways to work, to purchase goods, to receive healthcare, to have fun, and to communicate
with friends and family. These innovations have the potential to radically change what it is like
to be an older American today.
Policymakers have an obligation to meet the moment for seniors and retirees. There is a need
to address longstanding problems and pandemic-induced challenges—particularly in
healthcare and social isolation. And new investments must be made to take advantage of new
The Biden-Harris Administration and Congress has met this moment. Perhaps because the
legislation passed over the first two years of the Biden Administration has been so wide-ranging,
the support that flowed to seniors and retirees has gained little notice. I’d like to correct that

record in this speech and will draw attention to the historic actions that have been targeted to
our nation’s senior citizens and retirees. And, of course, there is more to do, and I will discuss
the path forward.

I’ll start by setting the scene by laying out some of the long-standing, pre-pandemic trends
relevant to retirement policy.
Perhaps the most important trends are related to demographics: an aging of the population and
expansion of life expectancy. Seventeen percent of the US population was aged 65 or older in
2019; almost double the share 60 years ago.[1] Steadily increasing lifespans have meant a sharp
increase in expected retirement: the average 65-year-old in 2019 expected to live an extra 20
years[2]—six more years than an average 65-year-old lived in 1960.[3]
As retirement funds have needed to be stretched for more years, financial fragility has increased
for some retirees. Defined benefit pensions have become much less common,[4] and many
working Americans do not have access to defined contribution plans like 401(k)s. This evolution
in the nature of retirement plans has changed the types of risk borne by workers and retirees. In
particular, retirees—rather than their employers—now bear the risk associated with uncertain
This change in workforce retirement plans has also had serious implications for future retirees.
According to a study by the Urban Institute, almost 40 percent of millennials born in the 1980s
will not have sufficient income at age 70 to maintain their pre-retirement standard of living. The
millennials’ retirement readiness is lower than it was for the pre-boomer and late boomer
generations born between 1937 and 1964. Debt is a part of the story—the average real debt held
by a 40-year-old millennial today is about twice the amount held by a 40-year-old 30 years ago.

According to a recent Gallup survey, about half of current non-retirees do not expect to be

able to live comfortably in retirement, and the expected retirement age has moved up from 60 in
1995 to 66 in 2022.
Healthcare spending looms large in the retirement story. Healthcare expenditures have risen
for older Americans in the decades leading up to the pandemic. Seniors have faced increasingly
high prescription drug bills, even for routine and common ailments.[6] On average, out-ofpocket health spending for Medicare recipients was $6,500 in 2019,[7] with some individuals
paying much more.

Financial health is only one factor that feeds into overall wellbeing. Happiness and life
satisfaction is also affected by family and social connections. And over the past few decades,
the number of older Americans living alone has risen rapidly, as people are living longer, and are
more likely to be divorced, separated, or never married than previous generations.
To be clear, not all pre-pandemic trends have been doom and gloom. Wealth has risen in
aggregate, and many seniors have tapped into this wealth to finance travel and recreation in
their retirement years. There appears to be more flexibility and agency for older workers to
determine how and when they separate from their jobs. And there have been promising trends
with improved ways of delivering healthcare, some of which were accelerated by the pandemic.
As I will discuss later in the speech, these more positive trends link to promising opportunities.

But first, I turn to the pandemic. Never has a generation felt such an acute change in mortality
so suddenly. The death rates for Americans 65 and older in 2020 were more than 15 percentage
points in excess of the rates seen in 2019.[8] And, even given the widespread vaccinations,
mortality rates remained elevated in 2021. There is no doubt that the impact of the virus was
devastating to this generation.
The delivery of healthcare for non-covid reasons stalled, with institution-based healthcare
fairing particularly poorly during the pandemic. Nursing care was difficult to provide safely, and
many seniors languished with subpar care. Excess deaths for reasons other than covid spiked.
Even now, older Americans are still reluctant to go to doctor’s offices, where germs may spread.
The number of patients in nursing homes is well below 2019 levels.[9] And home health care
aides have been difficult to find in the tight labor market.
Mental health has suffered too. In the height of the pandemic, social isolation peaked. Seniors
living alone were cut off from their family and friends. Grandparents could no longer visit their
grandchildren. People that remained in nursing homes or had to go to hospitals were kept in
isolation. A quarter of seniors reported experiencing anxiety or depression in the summer of
2020.[10] And there were even higher rates of anxiety or depression reported by low-income
seniors and those who were in fair or poor health.
Finally, early retirements surged, which would likely strain the finances for seniors who were not
yet retirement ready. Pandemic concerns and family needs led to this spike in early retirements,
and many 55 and older workers haven’t come back to the workforce. Now that pandemic-era

stimulus has ended and the stock market has come down from its peak, those missed working
years may be felt deeply by early retirees. But re-entering the workforce after retirement can be
difficult, and those workers who are permanently retired may be looking towards a future with a
reduced living standard compared to what they had planned for before the pandemic.

Thus far, I’ve focused on the challenges—both old and new—for current and future retirees.
Now I am pleased to turn to the opportunities. As I’ll explain, there is much to feel optimistic
First, the changing nature of work has the potential to allow older Americans to extend their
working years at the same time that they lean into the benefits of retirement. Employers
seeking workers in a tight labor market have used flexibility as a means to compete for workers
and even draw more into the labor market, allowing them to choose their hours and the
intensity with which they work. Teleworking, which sharply expanded in the pandemic, may
enable seniors with disabilities or health problems to participate in the workforce. While many
flexible scheduling tools and most teleworking jobs require a level of computer comfort that
seniors may not have had in previous generations, the timing is right to push on these
possibilities now. With the explosion of smartphones and social media, familiarity with
technology has grown sharply over the last decade. Smartphone ownership for people 65 and
older grew from 13 percent in 2012 to 61 percent in 2021, and almost half of the older
generation now own a tablet computer.[11] And the smartphone and tablet ownership amongst
50- to 64-year-olds is much higher; so that those entering retirement in the next ten years will be
even better poised to take advantage of these opportunities.
Matching would-be retirees with more flexible jobs could allow them to continue to build their
savings while still tapping into the lifestyle they have worked their whole lives for: more time for
travel and recreation, for their families, and for their health. Older Americans working for longer
would be a bonus for the economy as a whole as well. Elevated inflation, in part due to
mismatch between labor demand and supply, has led us to acutely feel the need for an
expanded labor force.
The second opportunity for older Americans is new ways of delivering services and goods.
Notably, the rise of telehealth services has allowed seniors to receive medical attention while
limiting their exposure to Covid-19 and other communicable diseases—with additional
convenience as well. In 2020, Medicare telehealth visits jumped to 53 million, up from less than

1 million in 2019.[12] At the same time, private equity funding for telehealth startups sharply
increased, hinting at a long-lasting structural change in healthcare delivery.[13] Of course, goods
delivery has also changed and e-commerce retail is up 60 percent from the levels seen in 2019.

For seniors with health concerns, the delivery of groceries and basic needs is particularly

Finally, there are new ways to communicate, socialize, and to have fun. In 2020, the term
“family zoom” spiked in google trends and has stayed elevated since. Many seniors learned to
text with their grandchildren, and some grandparents became viral sensations overnight.
Streaming platforms made it possible to watch movies and television from home. In the future,
virtual reality could make it possible for homebound seniors to socialize more freely, and selfdriving cars may increase mobility for seniors.

While these economywide trends give rise to optimism about future retirement, it is critical to
acknowledge the meaningful progress made over the first two years of the Biden
Administration. The Biden Administration, along with Congress, has met the moment for seniors
and retirees by passing a series of laws which collectively improve the livelihoods for older
Americans across the country. Let me outline some of the more consequential developments:
First, the Federal government provided unprecedented economic support during the pandemic
and recovery. With this support, policymakers successfully staved off what would have been a
deep downturn. In fact, many households are now on a stronger economic footing than they
were before the crisis. Even the average household in the bottom half of the income
distribution holds more savings than they did before the pandemic. These savings, in turn,
increase future retirement stability. In contrast, without the rapid recovery, extended
unemployment and loss of income would have stunted the retirement savings of an entire
Second, vaccines were distributed at historic rates, and researchers found that in 2021, vaccines
prevented 2 million deaths in the United States and 20 million deaths worldwide.[15] Given the
virus’ disproportionate impact on the mortality of older individuals, it is safe to say that most of
those saved were above the age of 65. I do not think it is hyperbolic to say that the vaccine
distribution program of the past several years was the greatest lifesaving effort of my lifetime.

Third, in the American Rescue Plan, the Biden-Harris Administration and Congress shored up
multiemployer pensions with the largest infusion of resources into retirement plans in years.
Millions of pensions were protected through this measure, that includes provisions for restoring
and repaying pension benefits for thousands of workers and retirees that were previously cut.

The ARP has singlehandedly put these plans on solid financial footing through 2051, shoring

up retirement security for these hardworking Americans who depend on their promised benefits
to sustain a decent life in retirement.
Fourth, in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, a historic investment in universal broadband was
put in place to expand internet access. This $65 billion “Internet for All” initiative is designed to
ensure that every American has reliable access to high-speed internet, and will unleash new
work and leisure opportunities for homebound seniors.[17] Given the centrality of internet
access to our post-pandemic lives, this policy is critical to ensuring a happy and healthy modern
retirement for all.
Fifth, in the Inflation Reduction Act, the Administration and Congress acted to reduce
prescription drug costs by capping out-of-pocket expenditures and allowing Medicare to
negotiate the cost of drugs. This legislation will serve to save seniors thousands of dollars per
year.[18] Given the high burden of prescription drugs for many older Americans, this policy
represents nothing short of a sea change for older Americans.
Finally, due to President Biden’s Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American
Economy, hearing aids are now thousands of dollars cheaper, as well as accessible over the
counter - without a prescription required. The Food and Drug Administration estimates this will
help nearly 30 million Americans by lowering the average cost of hearing aids by as much as
$3,000 per pair.[19]

I’ll conclude by discussing areas of policymaking that are central to helping older Americans
achieve a healthier and more secure retirement. To start, it’s important to acknowledge the
critical role of Social Security and Medicare in preserving retirement as we know it. These
programs are the cornerstone of the American retirement system, and it is difficult to imagine
either program sustaining substantial cuts in resources without dramatically impacting millions
of beneficiaries. There are a wide range of statistics that underscore this point, but I’ll offer a
simple one: roughly half of retirement-age households depend on Social Security benefits for all
or almost all of their income. Cuts to Social Security would decimate their standard of living.

Medicare carries equal weight in the retirement landscape, and any marked cuts to the program
would undoubtedly mean undue suffering for the beneficiaries who depend on the program for
critical health care. Both programs must be preserved and defended.
A second area that deserves attention is better provision of long-term care in home and
community-based settings. The Build Back Better framework that passed the House in October
2021 included a reform that would have dramatically improved access to home-based care for
millions of individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities and would also have improved
access for a large swath of seniors relying on Medicaid for long-term care needs. As meaningful
as this reform would be, it likely would not have been the last word on the topic. The pandemic
exposed a deep-seated need to help provide safe, affordable long-term care to seniors in a
range of settings, including institutional and community-based environments. For the sake of
both older Americans and their caretakers, we need better options for home-based care.
A third area of attention is addressing the racial wealth gap. As we have noted in recent analysis
at the Treasury Department, the United States continues to suffer from widespread and
enduring inequities in wealth accumulation. In 2019, the median white family had almost 5
times the wealth of the median Hispanic family, and eight times the wealth of the median Black
family.[20] Given the central role of accumulated wealth in retirement, more equality in wealth
accumulation patterns across demographic dimensions is an important aspect of a healthy and
adequate retirement system.
Lastly, it is imperative to continue to make progress on the older workforce. There is a
persistent demand for labor in our economy, and there are social, intellectual, and financial
benefits of working for some older individuals. Finding ways for more older workers to work
would offer a win to employers, older households, and the macroeconomy. Addressing
obstacles to work likely requires addressing legal barriers, financial disincentives, and practical
hurdles—like reduced mobility at older ages.
I’ll end by noting that I have spent roughly twenty years studying retirement in one form or
another. I never imagined that America’s seniors would endure such tragedy as they did since
the onset of covid. The pandemic will have changed American retirement forever, but it’s up to
us to ensure that it will ultimately change it for the better.
Thank you for having me here today. I look forward to the discussion.
[1] World Bank, Population ages 65 and above for the United States (SPPOP65UPTOZSUSA) | FRED | St. Louis Fed (

[4] Private Pension Plan Historical Bulletin (
[5] Survey of Consumer Finances.
[6] and
Capping Medicare Beneficiary Part D Spending at $2,000 - RWJF
[7] Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2019.
[9] Kaiser Family Foundation
[10] One in Four Older Adults Report Anxiety or Depression Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic | KFF
[11] Share of tech users among Americans 65 and older grew in past decade | Pew Research Center
[12] Samson, Lok Wong, Wafa Tarazi, Gina Turrini, and Steven Sheingold. 2021. "Medicare Beneficiaries' Use of Telehealth in
2020: Trends by Beneficiary Characteristics and Location." APSE Office of Health Policy Research Report HP-2021-27.
[13] Healthcare Anywhere: 170+ Telehealth Companies Transforming Patient Care - CB Insights Research
[14] According to data on quarterly retail e-commerce Sales from the U.S. Census Bureau, available at
[15] Global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination: a mathematical modelling study (
[16] FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Historic American Rescue Plan Pension Relief for Millions of Union Workers and
Retirees | The White House
[17] FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration’s “Internet for All” Initiative: Bringing Affordable, Reliable High-Speed Internet to
Everyone in America | U.S. Department of Commerce
[18] BY THE NUMBERS: The Inflation Reduction Act | The White House
[19] FACT SHEET: Cheaper Hearing Aids Now in Stores Thanks to Biden-Harris Administration Competition Agenda | The White
[20] Racial Differences in Economic Security: The Racial Wealth Gap | U.S. Department of the Treasury