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Remarks by Acting Under Secretary of International Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Andy Baukol, at th…

Remarks by Acting Under Secretary of International Affairs at the
U.S. Department of the Treasury, Andy Baukol, at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies
April 29, 2021

Thank you to CSIS and the Gates Foundation for hosting me and our distinguished panelists
today. It’s a particular honor for me to address this esteemed panel.
The Commission’s new report puts a proper frame on the challenges we face as
policymakers at this juncture of the recovery. Just a few weeks ago, finance ministers and
central bank governors from around the world gathered with the leadership of the IMF and
World Bank to address this same question: how to support the most vulnerable and poorest
countries through their protracted recoveries from the pandemic and avoid a permanent
divergence in the global economy.
The sobering path of the virus in India recently and the need for another round of lockdowns
in Europe remind us that we are, as the IMF puts it, in a “race between the virus and the
vaccines” with human lives on the line.
Most advanced countries and some large emerging markets have had the means to support
their economies with fiscal and monetary measures while pursuing a solution to the health
issue. And, like the United States, these countries have had greater access to vaccines.
Of course, we are not out of the woods yet. The global recovery is still uneven, and
uncertainty over the path of the virus remains high. For major economies, a key takeaway
from the last crisis is that we should avoid withdrawing policy support too early and should
look to pursue further fiscal and financial policy actions to secure a robust recovery.
Here in the United States, we are poised to have a strong recovery, due in part to substantial
fiscal support and a relatively fast vaccine rollout. We have enacted a $1.9 trillion stimulus
package in the American Rescue Plan that is providing states, cities, families, and small
businesses with the resources they need to build back better. The Administration has
proposed a $2 trillion package of fiscal support to make a once-in-a-century investment in
U.S. infrastructure. This infrastructure plan would reconstruct our ailing roads and bridges



Remarks by Acting Under Secretary of International Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Andy Baukol, at th…

while promoting green investments and new jobs. And, last night, the President outlined
proposals in the American Family Plan to help support the middle class, promote labor force
participation, and invest in human capital.
We are also creating more fiscal space domestically by reforming our tax code.
The Administration proposal would eliminate incentives to o shore investment, reduce
profit shi ing, counter tax competition on corporate rates including through a strong global
minimum tax on multinational corporations, and provide tax preferences for clean energy
production. Importantly, the revenue from these reforms will be used to make essential
investments in infrastructure, R&D, manufacturing, and more to boost the long-term
competitiveness of the U.S. economy.
Thanks to our bold domestic actions, the IMF now estimates that GDP in the United States
will surpass pre-pandemic levels by the first half of this year, faster than just about any other
major economy. One wise policy maker once said that in addition to a sound substantive
policy package, we need to be able to summarize the plan on a bumper sticker. I think the
bumper sticker for these U.S. e orts is “build back better,” a phrase that is also used
internationally among our partners.
That said, we should recognize that many middle- and low-income countries are in a
di erent place. They lack the ability to undertake a strong fiscal expansion to support their
economies and people through this crisis and are constrained in their ability to obtain
To give a sense of the need: last year, low-income countries and emerging markets deployed
about 2 and 6 percent of GDP in fiscal measures on average, compared with an average of 24
percent in advanced economies. The IMF estimates that low-income countries alone will
need to deploy around $200 billion over the next five years just to fight the pandemic—and
similar amounts, if not more, to sustain economic growth and recovery. The high and
growing debt burden in many low-income countries is further limiting the ability to respond
to the crisis. Many countries, especially those in Africa, are at heightened risk of debt
Without further international action to support low-income countries, we risk a stark
divergence in economic growth prospects for advanced economies versus low-income and
developing countries. The result would be a deeper and longer-lasting crisis, with mounting
problems of indebtedness, more entrenched poverty, and growing inequality. Embedded in



Remarks by Acting Under Secretary of International Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Andy Baukol, at th…

recovery e orts, we have an interest in helping countries pursue sustainable and inclusive
growth and strengthen long-term resilience. Our response will not be fully successful if we
end up just where we were before.
We are working with our bilateral partners, the G7, G20, and international institutions to
ensure that countries around the world have the resources they need to fight the pandemic
and build public health infrastructure to prevent future crises. Our toolkit includes: financial
support to address the virus directly, such as through the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access
(COVAX) Facility; robust support from the IMF and multilateral development banks; bilateral
economic and technical assistance; and debt relief where necessary.

Our first order of business is to stop the virus by ensuring that vaccinations, testing, and
therapeutics are available as widely as possible.
Low-income countries may not achieve widespread vaccine coverage until 2023 or 2024.
More work and funding are needed to address manufacturing shortages, secure vaccine
purchases, and finance and facilitate domestic vaccine drives. This disparity puts the health
and economic well-being of all countries at risk, and as an international community, we need
to find global solutions to vaccinating the rest of the world.
The United States is working with our partners to increase vaccine supplies and explore
options to share excess vaccines. At Treasury in particular, we are working to make sure that
a lack of financing does not become an obstacle to global vaccination, and that countries are
prepared to get shots into arms as soon as the vaccine is available.
The multilateral development banks are key to this e ort. We are urging the World Bank to
use its leadership and convening role to support timely access to vaccines, particularly for
the poorest countries. We have also committed $4 billion to the COVAX initiative to help
finance vaccine access globally, and we are urging others to increase their support.
One takeaway for us has been the need to think more long-term about ways to reinforce the
global health architecture and its preparedness and response capacities. In that vein, we are
looking at ways in which both finance and health authorities can partner together to
strengthen coordination and accountability in the global health architecture to prevent and
e ectively respond to future outbreaks.



Remarks by Acting Under Secretary of International Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Andy Baukol, at th…

Multilaterally, we are considering how to e iciently leverage the resources of international
financial institutions to promote a sustainable recovery for the poorest countries.
Already, the IMF and the multilateral development banks have responded with speed and
magnitude to stem the immediate impacts of the crisis. Last year, the IMF provided about
$110 billion to 86 countries, including $55 billion in precautionary programs. The MDBs
provided over $155 billion, a record amount, with the World Bank using over half of its
financing over the past year to support emergency operations and address the social and
economic response to the crisis.
We should make e icient use of the strengths of these existing tools, while being both
flexible and pragmatic in thinking about potential improvements to the toolkit.
We are taking steps to enhance the concessional assistance tools of the IMF and World
Bank. For low-income countries, the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) at the IMF
has provided substantial financing to support crisis response, with lending last year
surpassing that of the previous 10 years combined. We strongly support continuing the
PRGT’s robust support for countries with the greatest need, and we expect that many
countries will require longer-term engagements with the Fund as they move from emergency
financing into full-fledged IMF programs. This increased level of lending, in turn, will require
increased support from donors, and we are currently looking to provide a U.S. contribution
for this purpose and are encouraging others to do the same.
At the World Bank, we have supported the frontloading of grant and concessional loan
assistance from the International Development Association (IDA) to help countries address
the immediate health crisis, extend social safety nets, purchase and distribute vaccines, and
support critical fiscal expenditures. This frontloading will allow IDA to commit more than
$40 billion this fiscal year and maintain similarly elevated levels into next year. We have
joined other donors in accelerating by a year the negotiations for the next IDA replenishment
to prevent a sharp drop-o in IDA support just as recovery is starting to take o in the
poorest countries. These resources will be critical in supporting a greener, more resilient,
more inclusive, and more sustainable recovery.




Remarks by Acting Under Secretary of International Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Andy Baukol, at th…

The crisis has not ended the importance of prior international initiatives on developing
countries improving domestic revenue mobilization. A number of countries in the
developing world have quite low revenues as a share of their economies, limiting their ability
to deal with social needs and public investments.
Bilaterally, Treasury is providing technical assistance to counterparts in developing and
transitional countries as they deal with plummeting revenues and rising fiscal needs. This
includes helping Finance Ministries better raise and manage resources through improved
public financial management.
Yet, the massive impact of the pandemic on countries’ deficits and debts demands a unique
and powerful response. We are making e orts to help low-income countries free up fiscal
space that they can then direct toward public health investments and the recovery ahead.

At the IMF, we support issuing $650 billion in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to augment
global reserves. The SDR is an international reserve asset that will increase bu ers for all
IMF members and give low-income countries the additional liquidity and potential fiscal
space for greater spending on vaccines and healthcare.
The proposed SDR allocation would complement existing multilateral e orts to assist
countries in need and directly provide about $21 billion worth of SDRs in liquidity support to
low-income countries and over $200 billion to other emerging market and developing
countries (excluding China). We are looking to target late summer for the allocation to be
made e ective.
We also strongly encourage the G20 and other advanced economies to channel excess SDRs
in support of recovery e orts in low-income countries, alongside continued bilateral
financing. For instance, during the current crisis, several countries have used part of their
existing SDR holdings to expand the IMF’s concessional financing through loans to the
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust’s (PRGT). Total new PRGT loan resources mobilized
since the start of the crisis amount to about $24 billion, of which about $15 billion is from
existing SDRs. We are also exploring initiatives to maximize support for low-income
countries and enhance transparency in the exchange of SDRs.




Remarks by Acting Under Secretary of International Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Andy Baukol, at th…

Many low-income countries face heightened debt vulnerabilities. While some may only need
a deferral of debt service payments to create fiscal space, others will need deeper debt relief.
Providing this debt relief expeditiously will be critical to helping these countries, and in
particular those in Africa, avoid a “lost decade.”
The G20 and Paris Club initiative to suspend debt service (DSSI)—established at the outset of
the pandemic—has provided liquidity relief to help in the fight. The G20 extended it a final
time through the end of this year.
For countries facing unsustainable debt loads or heightened liquidity risks, we strongly urge
them to move onto the G20 Common Framework, which is a critical new tool. The Common
Framework provides a multilateral venue for countries to deal with prolonged liquidity
problems and unsustainable debt burdens in a comprehensive, fair, and transparent
manner. In a reflection of how countries finance themselves today, the Common Framework
brings all major o icial bilateral creditors, including China, to the table and requires debtor
countries to seek comparable treatment from the private sector to foster fair-burden
The Common Framework is linked to an IMF program that helps ensure that debt
restructuring e orts are accompanied by credible policy reforms so that low-income
countries can break out of the lend-and-forgive cycle and return to sustainable growth
Of course, implementation of the Common Framework will not be easy, particularly with
China and other non-traditional creditors. We strongly urge all creditors to fully and
transparently implement the Common Framework to avoid unnecessary delays that can
prolong debt overhangs and exacerbate growth shocks.
So far, Chad, Ethiopia, and Zambia have requested treatment under the Common
Framework. And we are open to extending the Framework to middle-income countries,
small island developing states, and others in the future. For now, we hope the Common
Framework can set a new norm of e icient multilateral debt treatment—with participation by
all key creditors—that could help inform similar exercises in middle-income countries.

In addition to fighting the pandemic, low-income countries face the challenge of investing in
the economic recovery ahead. Climate change poses an especially grave threat to their fiscal



Remarks by Acting Under Secretary of International Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Andy Baukol, at th…

space and development gains, and we need to help developing countries grow and enhance
resilience by meeting their climate goals along with their development objectives.
At the Leaders’ Summit on Climate last week, the Administration released the first-of-itskind U.S. International Climate Finance Plan, which lays out a strategic vision for how we
plan to double our climate finance by 2024. Notably, we are pushing the MDBs to increase
their own climate finance targets, including for adaptation, to mobilize higher levels of
climate finance for these countries, and to phase out support for fossil fuel energy projects.

In closing, much of the Covid era can be characterized in “twos”: the twin health and
economic crises we face from the pandemic; the risk of a two-speed recovery within and
across countries based on divergent capabilities to contain the virus and funding for health
and livelihoods; the dual fiscal need for short-term economic support as the virus runs its
course and medium-term investments in sustainable growth once the virus has passed; and
the importance of multilateral e orts, in both international financial and health spheres, so
that we can more ably help countries in need respond to the global health emergency and
ensure the recovery is global, inclusive, and swi .
No two crises are alike. Each one tests and tempers the measures we have put in place and
our resilience as an international community. At Treasury, the last 14 months of this crisis
have put fresh urgency on how we can work together with our partners to enhance
pandemic preparedness against future shocks.
I look forward to hearing the creative policy ideas and reflections by the panelists today. I
was once told that US Treasury bureaucrats are lacking in imaginative thinking. But, former
US Treasury o icials do not have that problem. And UK bureaucrats are well known for their
imagination. So, I expect a robust and lively exchange.
