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READOUT: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Virtual Meeting with Saudi Arabian Minister of Finance H.E. Mr. M…

READOUT: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Virtual
Meeting with Saudi Arabian Minister of Finance H.E. Mr.
Mohammed Al-Jadaan
April 20, 2022

WASHINGTON - Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen met virtually with
Saudi Arabian Minister of Finance H.E. Mr. Mohammed Al-Jadaan. Secretary Yellen reiterated
the importance of the U.S.-Saudi bilateral relationship, welcoming the continued partnership
between the two countries in combatting terrorist financing in the region. The Secretary and
Minister Al-Jadaan discussed the global economy, including the impact from Russiaʼs invasion
of Ukraine on the region, as well as energy markets and food security. They also discussed
opportunities for increased bilateral engagement and cooperation on economic, global health
and climate issues.
