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READOUT: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Meeting with Republic of Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol | U.S. D…

READOUT: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen’s Meeting
with Republic of Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol
July 19, 2022

SEOUL — Today, Secretary Yellen met with Republic of Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol. They
a irmed the importance of the U.S.-Korea Alliance as essential for peace and prosperity in the
Indo-Pacific region and beyond, and emphasized the close friendship between the two
countries based on shared values and mutual respect. Secretary Yellen and President Yoon
discussed ongoing e orts to hold Russia accountable for its brutal and illegal war against
Ukraine—including through a price cap on Russian oil to reduce the impact of Putinʼs war on
global energy prices while limiting revenue for Russiaʼs war machine.
Secretary Yellen and President Yoon also underscored the importance of bolstering supply
chain resiliency to protect against costly disruptions that lead to higher prices and adversely
impact American and Korean workers, consumers, and businesses. The Secretary emphasized
that the United States and the Republic of Korea have a joint stake in confronting non-market
economic practices that disadvantage the American and Korean economies and create an
unfair playing field for U.S. and ROK workers and businesses. Secretary Yellen and President
Yoon also shared views on supporting financial market developments, elevating women in the
workforce, and deepening economic security across the Indo-Pacific.
