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READOUT: Under Secretary of the Treasury Brian Nelson’s Stakeholder Meeting at the Center for a New American Sec…

READOUT: Under Secretary of the Treasury Brian Nelson’s
Stakeholder Meeting at the Center for a New American Security
September 21, 2022

WASHINGTON —U.S. Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
Brian E. Nelson met today with a group of stakeholders convened by the Center for a New
American Security to discuss Treasuryʼs recent Action Plan to Address Illicit Financing Risks of
Digital Assets. Under Secretary Nelson and the participants, which included government
stakeholders, private industry, and academics, discussed the reportʼs findings, including the
need for government and external stakeholders to work collaboratively to address the illicit
finance risks that virtual assets pose. Under Secretary Nelson recognized the work of many in
industry to engage in constructive dialogue and support government e orts to mitigate the
misuse of virtual assets for money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing.
Under Secretary Nelson also underscored Treasuryʼs commitment to the planʼs priority and
supporting actions, including promoting implementation of international AML/CFT standards
and deepening engagement with the private sector. He noted that the use of virtual assets
for illicit activities remains below the scale of traditional finance and represents a small
portion of overall digital asset use, but that the increases in illicit finance in digital assets in
absolute terms continues to present national security risks. He emphasized the need for
adequate compliance with and enforcement of illicit financing laws in the virtual asset space.
Fact Sheet: Action Plan to Address Illicit Financing Risks of Digital Assets
