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Letter from Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin to Members of the House and Senate | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Letter from Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin to Members of the
House and Senate
October 11, 2020

To Members of the House and Senate:
When COVID-19 forced President Trump to shut down the economy, we worked very quickly
with the Senate and the House to pass unprecedented legislation to help the economy. We
are very proud that party politics was put aside and that the Senate passed two important
bills 96-0 and 100-0. The House also passed them with overwhelming bipartisan support
and President Trump signed them into law. This was truly an example of us working
together to help American workers and businesses that were impacted by the pandemic.
As a result of this legislation, the economy rebounded quickly and we did not experience
an economic disaster similar to the Great Depression. Certain parts of the economy are still
in need of additional support, and our job is not done until we get everyone back to work.
Over the last few months, we have tried to work on a bipartisan basis to pass additional
legislation. Our focus has been on passing legislation to provide funds for testing, vaccines,
distribution, and medical care. We have also focused on getting money for schools so
children can go back to school safely or have the resources to study at home. Our focus has
been on small businesses, hotels, restaurants, airlines, and other industries that have been
shut down or scaled back for no reason other than COVID-19. We have proposed extending
enhanced unemployment benefits and sending direct payments to American citizens. We
have added money for rental and mortgage assistance, child care, broadband, and
agriculture support.
We have o ered many di erent proposals in an e ort to pass bipartisan legislation. We
have both been available to speak to members of both parties as well as bipartisan groups.
The President is available to meet as well.



Letter from Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin to Members of the House and Senate | U.S. Department of the Treasury

The House has passed two separate partisan bills instead of compromising with us on
bipartisan legislation like we have done in the past. We will continue to try to work with
Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer. It is not just about the top-line number but also about
legislation that can be passed by both the House and the Senate and signed into law by
President Trump to help the American people.
Now is the time for us to come together and immediately vote on a bill to allow us to spend
the unused Paycheck Protection Program funds while we continue to work toward a
comprehensive package. The all-or-nothing approach is an unacceptable response to the
American people.

Steven Mnuchin
Secretary of the Treasury

Mark Meadows
Chief of Sta

View Letter to the House and Senate
