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Joint IMFC and Development Committee Statement by Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen | U.S. Department of the Trea…

Joint IMFC and Development Committee Statement by Treasury
Secretary Janet L. Yellen
April 8, 2021

As we come together virtually this week, the challenges we face are historic. Most
immediately is the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, which has inflicted tragic loss of life and
an economic crisis. The crisis has exacerbated the trend of rising income inequality, raising
concerns about a divergent path within and across countries. We also face the existential
threat of climate change. We can only resolve these problems through strong international
cooperation. The Biden-Harris administration is committed to working with our partners,
including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group (WBG), to help the
world emerge from this crisis, and set the stage for more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable
growth going forward.
The first order of importance is putting an end to the health crisis, which is a prerequisite to a
robust economic recovery. Accordingly, the United States is making substantial progress in
vaccinating our own population. And importantly we will work with partners to find global
solutions to vaccinating the rest of the world. The United States has committed $4 billion to
COVAX to help finance vaccine access globally, and I urge others to increase their support for
this initiative. The United States will continue to work with partners to increase vaccine
supplies, explore sharing excess vaccines, and make sure financing does not become an
obstacle for global vaccination. The WBG will continue to be integral in securing access to
vaccines for low-income and developing countries. I urge the WBG to use its leadership and
convening roles to support timely access, particularly for the poorest countries, including
through collaboration with COVAX, and to work toward ensuring robust, equitable, and
transparent vaccination deployment. I also urge the WBG and shareholder governments to
help overcome challenges to increase vaccine manufacturing capacity.
Beyond the tragic human toll, COVID-19 has also created an economic crisis. The global
economic outlook has improved significantly from a year ago with substantial fiscal and
monetary support from major economies. But, the job is not yet done given high uncertainty
and the risk of permanent scarring. I urge major economies to not just avoid removing



Joint IMFC and Development Committee Statement by Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen | U.S. Department of the Trea…

support too early, but to strive to provide significant amounts of new fiscal support to secure
a robust recovery. To that end, the United States is implementing the $1.9 trillion American
Rescue Plan (ARP), which provides support to families, small businesses, and local
communities. The ARP’s passage has contributed to significant upward revisions in U.S. and
global growth forecasts. The United States could reach full employment as soon as next
year. Going forward, President Biden has outlined another fiscal package to “build back
better” by focusing on infrastructure across many areas that are partly aimed to make
progress on issues like climate change and inequality.
With limited policy options and longstanding structural challenges, many developing
countries have not been able to support their economies through the crisis. Without
significant action, we could face a permanent divergence in the global economy. The IMF and
WBG have provided much-needed emergency support to stem the immediate crisis impacts.
They must continue to work closely to finance and support members’ policy e orts, so their
actions complement each other and underpin the international response. As we move past
the initial emergency phase, I urge countries to work with the IMF and WBG to develop
macroeconomic and structural reform agendas, and to seek full-fledged IMF programs
where necessary. To provide support alongside these e orts, the United States supports
enhancing concessional lending at the IMF and WBG, alongside G20 debt relief initiatives,
and pursuing an SDR allocation.
I applaud the IMF’s stepped-up deployment of resources that have created space for
countries in need to fight the twin health and economic crises. For low-income countries, the
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) has provided substantial financing to support
crisis responses, with lending last year surpassing that of the previous 10 years combined.
However, low-income countries face rising needs in the coming years. I welcome e orts to
ensure that PRGT lending facilities can support low-income countries’ needs over the
medium term, and that IMF members agree on a robust financing strategy in support of the
PRGT. As countries get past the initial crisis phase, the IMF’s robust surveillance work will be
as important as ever to help countries plan for the recovery and monitor financial stability
The IMF can also play a major role in providing support through an SDR allocation that will
give a much-needed boost to global reserves. The United States supports pursuing a $650
billion SDR allocation given the global reserve need and to help provide space to fight the
health and economic crises. It will be critical that any such allocation comes alongside



Joint IMFC and Development Committee Statement by Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen | U.S. Department of the Trea…

e orts to enhance transparency and accountability around SDRs, which will give the public
insight into how authorities use SDRs and help to ensure SDRs are used to restore economic
stability. IMF members should also work to explore ways for major economies to reallocate
SDRs to amplify support for low-income countries, for example by lending SDRs to the PRGT.
The unprecedented nature of COVID-19 has dramatically increased demand for WBG
financing, particularly among the poorest countries. The United States supports the
accelerated negotiation of the 20th International Development Association (IDA)
replenishment to meet this demand. Additional resources will help sustain grant and
concessional finance to the most vulnerable countries to support a durable recovery and
consolidate development gains. Even as we move forward with that e ort, it is important to
stay focused on making full use of IDA’s available resources and targeting them where they
are needed most. I also welcome opportunities to expand and strengthen important policy
work in the negotiations, particularly in areas such as climate, inclusion, resilience, and debt
management and transparency.
Judicious management of WBG finances remains a focus, particularly during this era of high
demands and stretched balance sheets. The International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) has met this demand head-on, stretching its financing capacity by using
tools created from the reforms that came as part of the 2018 Capital Package. The robust
response from the IBRD and the International Financial Corporation to the pandemic
highlights the continued value of the 2018 Capital Package and need to follow through on
reforms to enhance e iciency and program resources as impactfully as possible. This
includes continued progress in allocating resources towards poorer countries and focusing
activities and limited resources on addressing constraints to graduation in wealthier
countries with strong access to other financing sources. I urge the WBG and shareholders to
focus on continued implementation of this package of reforms and to conclude the 2020
IBRD and IFC shareholding reviews.
COVID-19 has further exposed debt vulnerabilities among low-income countries as fiscal
needs rose while revenues plummeted amid the economic collapse. The Debt Service
Suspension Initiative (DSSI) has provided liquidity relief to help in the fight. But that relief is
only temporary, and many countries may need deeper debt treatment. Therefore, the United
States supports a final DSSI extension and strongly urges countries to quickly move beyond
it to what we view as a critical tool for support to low-income countries, the G20 Common



Joint IMFC and Development Committee Statement by Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen | U.S. Department of the Trea…

Going forward, the Common Framework provides a venue for countries to address
prolonged liquidity problems and debt sustainability. Common Framework treatment
requires beneficiary countries to finalize a full-fledged IMF program—to guide credible policy
reforms—and enables fair burden-sharing from all o icial bilateral and private creditors
through the comparability of treatment principle. We strongly urge all creditors to fully and
transparently implement the Common Framework to avoid unnecessary delays that can
prolong debt overhangs and exacerbate growth shocks. We welcome strong coordination
and support from the IMF and WBG, while adhering to their respective mandates, to help this
creditor-led process succeed.
Even with a full-time focus on the crisis response, we must not delay in addressing two of
the greatest threats to our economies and societies—climate change and inequality.
The United States is fully committed to working with international partners to tackle climate
change. President Biden has rejoined the Paris Agreement and has released a detailed plan
to address the issue, including aligning financial flows with the Paris Agreement in
coordination with international partners, investing in sustainable infrastructure, and creating
green jobs. We also believe major economies should support developing countries to pursue
economic growth in a green and sustainable way. And the IMF and WBG have key roles to
I ask the WBG to lead on transformative climate investments, develop tools to catalyze cofinancing, and help countries manage risks and reduce emissions. This includes assistance
for developing countries to increase the ambition of their adaptation and climate resilience
plans in line with Paris Agreement goals. We also expect the WBG to partner with the Green
Climate Fund and the Climate Investment Funds, which are important tools to meet these
goals. I welcome the WBG’s recent announcement that it will increase its climate cofinancing target to 35 percent and that 50 percent of this will focus on adaptation. We also
encourage the WBG to continue to set an aggressive agenda on climate and the green
recovery, using its updated Climate Change Action Plan to further enhance climate action
We strongly support the IMF expanding its climate work within its mandate, including
through macroeconomic surveillance, financial sector analysis, capacity development, and
data provision. The IMF has a critical role in analyzing the macroeconomic and financial
sector implications of climate change adaptation and global greenhouse gas emission
mitigation e orts by countries.



Joint IMFC and Development Committee Statement by Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen | U.S. Department of the Trea…

Finally, this crisis has exacerbated inequality both within and across countries. The BidenHarris Administration is committed to make our economy more inclusive and address longstanding income and racial inequities. I am concerned that an uneven recovery will result in
a divergent growth path across countries. I welcome work underway at the IMF and WBG to
tackle inequality to support inclusion and expect both institutions to be crucial partners in
this fight across the globe.
