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G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting
May 20, 2022

18 -20 May 2022, Petersberg, Germany

We, the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, met on the Petersberg on 18-20
May 2022, joined by the Heads of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Group,
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and Financial Stability
Board (FSB). We agreed on concrete actions to deepen multilateral economic cooperation
and underlined our commitment to our united response to Russia´s war of aggression
against Ukraine and to our unwavering support for Ukraine. We were honoured to be joined
virtually for our meeting by the Ukrainian Prime Minister and the Ukrainian Finance Minister.

1. We remain steadfast in our support for and solidarity with Ukraine. In our statement of 20
April 2022, we confirmed that together with the international community we have
provided and pledged considerable support to Ukraine this year, on top of the economic
support provided since 2014 until 2021, which exceeds 60 billion US dollars. While also
addressing Ukraine´s humanitarian and other material needs, we recognise, in particular,
Ukraine´s urgent short- term financing needs. In 2022, we have mobilised 19.8 billion US
dollars of budget support, including 9.5 billion US dollars of recent commitments in the
lead up to the Petersberg meeting, to help Ukraine close its financing gap and continue
ensuring the delivery of basic services to the Ukrainian people. Furthermore, we welcome
ongoing work across the G7 and international financial institutions on further substantial
financing to Ukraine, notably including the proposal by the European Commission for up to
9 billion euros of additional macro-financial assistance. Additional planned support to
Ukrainian state-owned enterprises and the private sector through the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development and the International Finance Corporation amounts to



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

3.4 billion US dollars. Importantly, the aforementioned budget support of 19.8 billion US
dollars is in addition to recent announcements on further military and humanitarian
support. Across all support, we are urgently working on accelerating disbursements of our
commitments to Ukraine. We will continue to stand by Ukraine throughout this war and
beyond and are prepared to do more as needed. We are working closely with Ukraine to
safeguard its macroeconomic stability in face of the challenges posed by Russia´s war of
aggression, massive destruction of critical infrastructure and disruption of traditional
shipping routes for Ukrainian exports.
2. We join our Leaders and Foreign Ministers in their statements of 8 May 2022 and 14 May
2022 calling for peace and committing to support Ukraine in rebuilding for its future. We
call on all partners to join us in supporting Ukraine´s long-term recovery and to ensure
the massive joint e ort for reconstruction is closely coordinated, including with the
Ukrainian authorities and international financial institutions. Recalling our statement of
20 April 2022, we welcome the important work by international organisations in this
regard and support Ukraine´s reform e orts and ambition.
3. We underscore our shared commitment to our determined and coordinated sanctions
response to Russia´s war of aggression. We continue to increase Russia´s costs of its
war by isolating Russia and Belarus from the global economy. We remain committed to
fully implementing and enforcing our economic and financial sanctions and remain vigilant
against sanctions evasion, circumvention and backfilling. We welcome the ongoing work
of the multilateral Russian Elites, Proxies and Oligarchs Task Force. President Putin, his
government and supporters, and the enabling Belarusian regime, bear full responsibility
for the social and economic consequences of the war.
4. Russia´s war of aggression is causing global economic disruptions, impacting the security
of global energy supply, food production and exports of food and agricultural
commodities, as well as the functioning of global supply chains in general. The economic
costs of the war are felt disproportionately by vulnerable groups across all economies and
particularly by those countries already facing food insecurities and elevated debt levels as
consequences of the pandemic. We are committed to mitigating these harmful impacts of
the war and fully support the multilateral action initiated by the United Nations Secretary
General, the “Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance.” We fully support
the stepped-up response by the international financial institutions and welcome their
Action Plan to Address Food Insecurity, as an adequate platform to channel actions by
international financial institutions and other stakeholders. We also welcome the Global



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Alliance for Food Security as launched yesterday, 19 May 2022, by the G7 Development
Track and supported by the World Bank to foster and facilitate the work of the
aforementioned Global Crisis Response Group and welcome concrete actions as planned
by various international initiatives. We call on the international financial institutions to
actively engage in these multilateral and synergetic platforms in line with their mandates
and expertise and help operationalise their goals, providing support to vulnerable
countries and appropriate finance to keep trade flowing, as well as supporting domestic
agricultural production. We are committed to keeping markets open and enhancing the
resilience of agricultural and energy markets in line with climate and environmental goals.

5. Against the challenging backdrop of the pandemic and the massive economic
repercussions of Russia´s war of aggression against Ukraine, we remain committed to
driving a strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive global recovery. We will continue to
work together to minimise the impact of the war globally as well as on our own
economies and population by providing well-targeted support, where necessary.
6. Across most G7 countries, inflation rates have reached levels not seen for decades, as a
result of Russiaʼs war of aggression against Ukraine, which is causing substantial
increases in commodity, energy and food prices. G7 central banks are closely monitoring
the impact of price pressures on inflation expectations and will continue to appropriately
calibrate the pace of monetary policy tightening in a data-dependent and clearly
communicated manner, ensuring that inflation expectations remain well anchored, while
being mindful to safeguard the recovery and limit negative cross-country spillovers. We
will also continue to closely monitor markets given recent volatility. We rea irm our
exchange rate commitments as elaborated in May 2017. Unprecedented policy support
has enabled the global economy and the G7 to weather the current crisis and a pandemic
crisis of historic proportions, paving the way for the recovery. However, the necessary
fiscal response also led to higher levels of public debt. We are committed to a stabilityand growth-oriented medium-term macroeconomic policy mix, which puts us on a clear
path to medium-term sustainability of public finances and a resilient financial sector.
7. Our response to Russia´s war of aggression against Ukraine is also a reminder of the
need to redouble our e orts with international partners to enhance multilateral
cooperation and to deliver concrete outcomes. We commit to maintaining and
strengthening a safe, resilient and open global economic system. We are united in our



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

strategic response to the structural economic changes made evident by the pandemic
and Russia´s war of aggression against Ukraine. We recognise that global security and
economic and financial stability complement and reinforce each other. We are committed
to enhancing our defence, energy security and economic resilience whilst monitoring
potential vulnerabilities. We will continue to support the greater resilience of critical
supply chains, including through diversification, and the investment in alternative
resources and new technologies, including critical minerals and renewable energies.
8. The G7 remains committed to jointly addressing challenges to long-term growth,
including facilitating the digital and net-zero transitions and the massive investments
required. We commit to mobilise high levels of private and public investments to unleash
the potential for innovation and productivity gains. We emphasise our commitment to
making the transformation of our economies inclusive, by promoting broad-based growth
that addresses existing inequalities within and across countries. We recognise the
importance of diversity and the crucial role of women and under-represented groups for
the long-term success of our economies. This includes the need to remove structural
barriers to gender equality, including through inclusive and supportive economic and fiscal
policy frameworks. We welcome the work of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council. We
support the ongoing work on gender mainstreaming in international financial institutions
and welcome the International Monetary Fund´s work on its gender strategy.

9. E ectively fighting the pandemic on a global scale remains critical for the economic
recovery. Close international cooperation, su icient financial resources and multilateral
solutions remain essential to end this pandemic. All G7 members commit to continue
leading the international fight against the pandemic recognising that adequately funding
the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator in the current budget cycle is central to end the
acute pandemic. The G7 have already provided and pledged 18.33 billion US dollars for the
Accelerator of which 12.36 billion US dollars fall to its vaccine pillar. We welcome all e orts
for successful fundraising this year, but emphasise that more e orts by all members of the
international community, including the G20, are required. We underline the need for a
comprehensive pandemic response, supporting countries with fragile health systems and
addressing country-specific challenges on the ground to get vaccines into arms as set out
in the G7 Foreign Ministersʼ Action Plan; diagnostics, therapeutics and protective
equipment in place and to strengthen health systems for the long- run.



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

10. We emphasise the importance of strengthening governance and financing of the global
health architecture with an adequately and sustainably funded World Health Organisation
at its centre, as well as strengthening international coordination and cooperation,
especially for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, and Universal Health
Coverage taking forward lessons learnt from COVID-19. The G7 will continue to contribute
to global e orts and support the ongoing work of the G20 Joint Finance-Health Taskforce
to strengthen coordination between finance and health o icials. We agree that pandemic
prevention, preparedness and response e orts require additional support to close
existing capacity and financing gaps. We welcome the outcomes of the Second Global
COVID-19 Summit on 12 May 2022, including the support for the establishment of a
Financial Intermediary Fund, housed at the World Bank, to catalyse investments in
pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
11. We rea irm our commitments of December 2021 on actions to support antibiotic
development and support the ongoing work of the G7 Health, Agriculture and Climate
Environment and Energy Tracks on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). We welcome the AMR
progress report by the World Health Organisation and the Global AMR R&D Hub and
request a further detailed update on the progress made for G7 Finance and Health
Ministers in 2023.
12. G7 Finance Ministers welcomed having a discussion on global health issues in a joint
session with G7 Health Ministers.

13. We reiterate our strong political commitment to the timely and e ective implementation
of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) / G20 Inclusive
Framework Two-Pillar Solution to address the tax challenges arising from globalisation
and the digitalisation of the economy with a view to bringing the new rules into e ect at
global level. We will provide support to developing countries for the implementation of
this historic agreement. We welcome the report by the OECD Secretariat on tax cooperation for the 21st century and ask the OECD to continue its work in this area and to
report back on further developments.
14. Digital innovation in payments is a key driver of economic progress and development,
notably through faster, cheaper, more transparent and more inclusive cross-border
payment services. We emphasise the important work being conducted through the G20
Roadmap for enhancing cross-border payments. In this context, we highlight the



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

opportunities and implications of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and their
potential role in future payment transactions. We recall the Public Policy Principles for
Retail CBDCs agreed in October 2021 and reiterate that any CBDC should be grounded in
transparency, the rule of law, sound economic governance, cyber security and data
protection. We encourage jurisdictions exploring CBDCs to examine the international
dimensions of CBDCs, in particular their cross-border use. CBDCs with cross-border
functionality may have the potential to spur innovation and open up new ways to meet
usersʼ demand for more e icient international payments, but continued international
cooperation will be important to understanding and minimising any negative spillovers to
the international monetary and financial system.
15. The G7 supports work by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to monitor and address
financial stability risks arising from all forms of crypto-assets, and welcomes increasing
global cooperation to address regulatory issues associated with the use of crypto-assets,
including in cross-border payments. In light of the recent turmoil in the crypto-asset
market, the G7 urges the FSB, in close coordination with international standard-setters,
to advance the swi development and implementation of consistent and comprehensive
regulation of crypto-asset issuers and service providers, with a view to holding cryptoassets, including stablecoins, to the same standards as the rest of the financial system. In
particular, the G7 calls for rapid implementation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
ʻtravel ruleʼ and stronger disclosure and regulatory reporting, for instance, as regards
reserve assets backing stablecoins. We rea irm that no global stablecoin project should
begin operation until it adequately addresses relevant legal, regulatory and oversight
requirements through appropriate design and by adhering to applicable standards. The G7
remains committed to high regulatory standards for global stablecoins, following the
principle of same activity, same risk, same regulation.

16. The G7 rea irms its steadfast commitment to the goals of the Paris Agreement and to
implement domestic measures aimed at achieving our emission reduction targets by 2030
and net zero by 2050 or earlier. We commit to intensifying e orts to accelerate the
transition in a way that positively impacts jobs, growth, fairness and the environment,
both globally and at domestic level. Russia´s war of aggression against Ukraine is putting
further upward pressure on energy prices and underscores the need to accelerate the
reduction of our overall reliance on fossil fuels and strengthen our transition to clean



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

energy. This transition will enhance energy security and mitigate the risk of future energy
price shocks, particularly for the most vulnerable, promoting a just transition for all. We,
therefore, commit to enhancing international cooperation and coordination on climate
mitigation. E ective international cooperation can help facilitate an immediate and
orderly global response to climate change, which has huge environmental benefits and
has the potential to save trillions of dollars of global GDP by 2050.
17. We recognise the potential of high integrity carbon markets and carbon pricing to foster
cost- e icient reductions in emission levels, drive innovation and enable a transformation
to net zero, through the optimal use of a range of policy levers to price carbon. We
recognise that the risk of carbon leakage may increase with more divergent climate policy
ambition and will cooperate on possible WTO-compatible mechanisms to mitigate this risk
and support trade relations. We support comprehensive cooperation in the
transformation and decarbonisation of our economies, in particular in hard-to-abate
industrial and power sectors, and welcome ongoing work by Climate and Energy
18. G7 Leaders agreed to explore establishing an open, cooperative international Climate Club
to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement, consistent with international rules
and with participation beyond the G7. We are committed to achieving a true paradigm
shi , by demonstrating that ambitious climate action is conducive to strong and
sustainable growth for all economies. We had a first discussion on the Climate Club
proposal based on the Presidency´s proposal for core elements of Terms of Reference for
a Climate Club. We commit to intensifying discussions on the Club´s Terms of Reference
within the G7 as well as with all interested ambitious partners, including developing and
emerging countries in the coming months. We will come back to this issue in our meeting
in October 2022.
19. We welcome the ongoing work by international organisations on stocktaking and
mapping of climate change mitigation policies within the G7 as well as globally, taking into
account the complexity and heterogeneity of applied policy mixes. We are committed to
sharing best practices in supporting a green and just transformation of our economies.
We take note of the joint report by the IMF and the OECD on advancing climate policy
ambition under heterogeneous approaches to mitigation. We commit to advancing this
work together with international organisations and to work towards a common
understanding of ways to compare the e ectiveness in reducing emissions as well as the



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

economic impacts of mitigation policies, such as through explicit carbon pricing, other
alternative carbon mitigation approaches and carbon intensities.
20. We recognise the significant impact of climate change and the transition to net zero on
macroeconomic outcomes and fiscal sustainability within our economies and
acknowledge the uneven impacts for many low- and middle-income countries and for
vulnerable groups in all countries. We recognise the need to reflect the e ects of climate
change and the transition in our analyses and consider the impact on economic, financial
and monetary decision-making, in line with our mandates. We welcome the IMF and World
Bank stepping up their engagement on climate change related issues in line with each
institution´s mandate and in continued collaboration with partners. G7 central banks are
committed to intensifying collaboration on integrating climate risks and aspects into
their macroeconomic analysis and modelling toolkit. We support further work on climaterelated macroeconomic scenarios and nature-related financial risks by the Network for
Greening the Financial System and the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action.
21. We are strongly committed to achieving the collective climate finance mobilisation goal
of 100 billion US dollars per year from a wide variety of sources through to 2025 to
address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation
actions and transparency on implementation. We expect this goal will be met in 2023. We
agree to continue to strengthen and, where possible, increase public climate finance and
mobilisation of private sector financing to meet this goal, including through tailor-made
just energy transition partnerships with strong country ownership. We commit to
continued G7 leadership on climate finance, including for adaptation, and to more
detailed work in the Finance Track by our October meeting ahead of COP27, in close
cooperation with other relevant G7 Tracks. We support the G7 Partnership for
Infrastructure and Investment with the aim to jointly work towards a step change in
sustainable financing of quality infrastructure.

22. The G7 emphasises that resilience of financial markets is key to mobilising private sector
finance to facilitate the whole-of-economy transition along the pathway towards
sustainability and net zero. We remain committed to supporting the implementation of
the G20 Sustainable Finance Roadmap and the Financial Stability Board Roadmap for
Addressing Climate-related Financial Risks and welcome the related work by other
international standard-setting bodies.



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

23. The G7 welcomes the inauguration of the International Sustainability Standards Board
(ISSB) and its progress of work on the global baseline of sustainability reporting
standards. We welcome the ISSB “path to global baseline” statement of 18 May 2022 and
call on all relevant stakeholders to participate in the ongoing consultation on the
proposed standards. We urge the ISSB and national and regional standard-setters as well
as other reporting initiatives to actively cooperate in the process of elaborating the
baseline with the aim of reaching standards that can be implemented globally. The
baseline should be practical, flexible and proportionate and ultimately suitable for smalland medium-size enterprises and enable jurisdictions to implement the baseline and a
more extensive approach to supplement the baseline. We encourage countries to prepare
or continue to prepare the ground for usage of the baseline, aim to ensure interoperability
of national and regional standards and the global baseline in order to minimise
fragmentation of reporting requirements, reduce reporting burdens, and enable the
availability of consistent sustainability information for users. We encourage the ISSB to
continue its work on sustainability reporting standards beyond climate, such as nature
and social issues.
24. The G7 welcomes market participants´ formulation of voluntary commitments to
reaching net- zero emissions by 2050 and alignment with broader sustainability goals with
published transition plans with transparent and credible interim targets and actions. We
will continue to explore ways for the public sector to help enhance the credibility and
accountability of these commitments.
25. In line with the G20 Sustainable Finance Roadmap, the G7 calls for international
organisations to take concrete steps to improve access to available public and corporate
sustainability data. Repositories of sustainability data sources, such as the prototype of
the Network for Greening the Financial System, should be made available to the public on
a permanent basis. The G7 also supports the launch of the new G20 Data Gaps Initiative
which will also focus on climate change.
26. We recognise that the fight against money laundering linked to environmental crimes can
contribute to combatting climate change as well as the loss of biodiversity. We renew our
commitment to address the risks of illicit finance from environmental crime and recognise
them as a cross-cutting issue. We commit to the following priority actions of the Financial
Action Task Force (FATF) report "Money Laundering from Environmental Crime:" assessing
the money laundering risk exposure in relation to proceeds from environmental crimes in
national risk assessments as well as helping other countries to do so; facilitating



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

knowledge-sharing and promoting awareness-raising measures on money laundering
linked to environmental crimes and fostering international co-operation through a multistakeholder dialogue. Participants in this dialogue should include, amongst others,
environment agencies, law enforcement authorities, Financial Intelligence Units, and
customs authorities.
27. The G7 welcomes the FATF´s ongoing e orts to enhance beneficial ownership
transparency. We commit to fully and e ectively implement the recently revised FATF
standards on transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons and in this regard
reiterate our commitment to implement and strengthen beneficial ownership registries to
provide e icient access to information for law enforcement agencies and competent
authorities in tackling illicit finance. We also a irm the benefits of making beneficial
ownership information public where possible. We call on all countries to expeditiously
implement the new standard. We support the ongoing review of the FATF standards for
transparency of trusts and similar legal arrangements, as well as on asset recovery. We
welcome the FATF Ministersʼ commitments for the FATF to do more in combating

28. We welcome the recent establishment of the Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST) at
the IMF and the pledges to the RST. We rea irm our support for broad-based voluntary
contributions in Special Drawing Rights or freely usable currencies to this Trust, which is
also an important step towards achieving the total global ambition of 100 billion US
dollars of voluntary contributions for countries most in need. We call for all countries with
strong external positions to contribute to this e ort. We commend the historic 20th
replenishment of the International Development Association.
29. Given the deteriorating and highly challenging debt situations of many developing and
emerging countries with over 60% of low-income countries in debt distress or at high risk
of debt distress, we recognise the urgency to improve the multilateral frameworks for
debt restructurings. We underscore our commitment to successfully implementing the
G20 Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the Debt Service Suspension
Initiative, which is also endorsed by the Paris Club. The G7 encourages further e orts to
ensure an accelerated implementation of the Common Framework and stands ready to
support enhancements and increase predictability in order to provide more certainty for



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury

debtor countries. The G7 also continues to work with G20 partners to support and
expedite debt treatments under the Common Framework.
30. With regards to the implementation of the Common Framework, it remains essential that
all relevant creditor countries including non-Paris Club countries, such as those, like China,
with large outstanding claims on low-income countries facing debt sustainability
challenges, contribute constructively to the necessary debt treatments as requested. We
encourage the Creditor Committee for Chad to conclude a debt treatment with Chad
shortly in order to reduce Chadʼs debt vulnerabilities, notably resulting from oil price
volatility. We stress that Chadʼs private creditors are expected to provide a debt
treatment in line with the comparability of treatment principle. We reiterate our
commitment to swi ly form the Creditor Committee for Zambia and call upon all creditors
to convene a meeting as soon as possible in order to swi ly provide financing assurances
to unlock the IMF and World Bank´s timely financial support. Following Ethiopia´s reengagement for a new IMF Extended Credit Facility, we also look forward to progress by
the Creditor Committee for Ethiopia. More broadly, we re- emphasise our call for private
sector involvement in all debt restructuring in line with the comparability of treatment
principle and look forward to continuing work with the international financial institutions
and market participants on improving the architecture for such participation.
31. We are concerned about the current situation in Sri Lanka. We call on the authorities to
ensure the respect of human rights and ask all sides to act with restraint. We are
committed to a long- term solution to Sri Lanka´s economic challenges, conducive to the
respect of human rights, and welcome Sri Lankaʼs request for an IMF program. We
encourage Sri Lanka to negotiate constructively with the IMF to conclude an ambitious
but realistic agreement as soon as possible. The G7 stands ready to support the Paris
Clubʼs e orts, in line with its principles, to address the need for a debt treatment for Sri
Lanka. We strongly support creditor coordination since any Paris Club treatment is to be
accompanied by comparable e orts from non-Paris Club creditor countries. We call on
those countries to coordinate with the Paris Club.
32. We rea irm our commitment to improving transparency across all debtors and creditors,
including private creditors. Enhancing debt data accuracy and transparency is crucial to
secure valid debt sustainability assessments. Given the limited capacity of borrower
countries to collect and report debt data accurately, we urge all G20 and Paris Club
creditor countries to step in and share their lending data with the IMF and World Bank to
help borrower countries secure accurate data through debt data reconciliation.



G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué | U.S. Department of the Treasury
