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June 5, 2021

5 June 2021, London, United Kingdom
We, the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G7, met virtually on 28 May
2021, and Finance Ministers met in London on 4-5 June 2021, joined by the Heads of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Group, Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), Eurogroup, and (on 28 May) Financial Stability Board
(FSB). We agreed concrete actions to address today’s historic challenges and as part of our
renewed and urgent e ort towards deeper multilateral economic cooperation.
Building a strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive global economic recovery
1. We will continue to work together to ensure a strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive
global recovery that builds back better and greener from the Covid-19 pandemic, recognising
the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on certain groups including women, youth and
vulnerable populations. We commit to sustain policy support as long as necessary and
invest to promote growth, create high-quality jobs and address climate change and
inequalities. As our economies re-open, we will continue to take steps to limit the uneven
impact of the crisis by targeting support to where it is needed most. Once the recovery is
firmly established, we need to ensure the long-term sustainability of public finances to
enable us to respond to future crises and address longer-term structural challenges,
including for the benefit of future generations. Monetary policy will continue to support the
economic recovery from the pandemic and ensure price stability, consistent with central
bank mandates. We rea irm our exchange rate commitments as elaborated in May 2017. We
will work to build a safe, resilient and open global economic system.
2. The Covid-19 pandemic can only be overcome when it is brought under control
everywhere. There is an overwhelming moral, scientific and economic case for ensuring
equitable, safe, e ective and a ordable access to Covid-19 vaccines, therapeutics and
diagnostics across the world. Accelerating the end of the pandemic would add trillions of
dollars to global GDP. We have already provided significant support, including to all pillars of




the ACT-Accelerator. We welcome increased financial commitments by some G7 members
and look forward to further commitments to help close the funding gap. We welcome the
World Bank’s e orts on global health and vaccines, and urge them to step up the use of their
considerable convening and financial firepower to address financial and operational
challenges to more timely vaccine access by developing countries, including through COVAX.
We also ask the IMF to explore adapting existing facilities to support vaccine financing. We
strongly encourage private sector actors, including the pharmaceutical industry, to step up
their contributions to fighting the current pandemic.
Transformative e ort to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss
3. We commit to a multi-year e ort to deliver the significant structural change needed to
meet our net zero commitments and environment objectives in a way that is positive for
jobs, growth, competitiveness and fairness. We commit to properly embed climate change
and biodiversity loss considerations into economic and financial decision-making, including
addressing the macroeconomic impacts and the optimal use of the range of policy levers to
price carbon.
4. We emphasise the need to green the global financial system so that financial decisions
take climate considerations into account. This will help mobilise the trillions of dollars of
private sector finance needed, and reinforce government policy to meet our net zero
commitments. We support moving towards mandatory climate-related financial disclosures
that provide consistent and decision-useful information for market participants and that are
based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, in line
with domestic regulatory frameworks. Investors need high quality, comparable and reliable
information on climate risks. We therefore agree on the need for a baseline global reporting
standard for sustainability, which jurisdictions can further supplement. We welcome the
International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation’s programme of work to develop
this baseline standard under robust governance and public oversight, built from the TCFD
framework and the work of sustainability standard-setters, involving them and a wider range
of stakeholders closely to foster global best practice and accelerate convergence. We
encourage further consultation on a final proposal leading to the establishment of an
International Sustainability Standards Board ahead of COP26.
5. In addition, we recognise the growing demand for more information on the impact that
firms have on the climate and the environment. We recognise that many jurisdictions and
organisations are already developing impact reporting initiatives, including but not limited to




reporting on net zero alignment and broader sustainability metrics. We will work closely
together and with our international partners to determine the best approach to ensure
global consistency.
6. We look forward to the establishment of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial
Disclosures and its recommendations. We welcome the Dasgupta Review on the Economics
of Biodiversity and the related OECD Policy Guide on Biodiversity. More broadly, we welcome
the continued commitments to tackle climate change by financial firms across the world,
including through their active participation in the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.
7. We recognise that climate change poses increasing physical and transition risks to
regulated financial institutions and to financial stability, and that these risks have distinct
characteristics we need to take into account. G7 authorities consider it important for
financial firms to manage the financial risks of climate change using the same risk
management standards as applied to other financial risks. G7 Central Banks will assess the
financial stability risks posed by climate change, and will consider drawing on, as
appropriate, scenarios published by the Network for Greening the Financial System. Central
Banks will share learnings on taking climate-related risks into account in their own
operations and balance sheets as appropriate, and look forward to discussing later in the
year how they might make their own disclosures based on the recommendations of the
TCFD. We fully support the FSB in developing an ambitious roadmap that identifies and
addresses climate-related financial risks, including through steps to promote comparable
disclosures, address data gaps, enhance vulnerabilities assessments and promote
consistent regulatory and supervisory practices. We also support the Sustainable Finance
Working Group in developing their G20 sustainable finance roadmap, with an initial climate
8. International climate finance is critical for supporting developing countries’ climate
change adaptation and mitigation e orts. We rea irm the collective developed country goal
to mobilise US$100 billion annually for developing countries from public and private
sources, in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on
implementation. We commit to increase and improve our climate finance contributions
through to 2025, including increasing adaptation finance and finance for nature-based
solutions. We welcome the commitments already made by some G7 countries to increase
climate finance. We look forward to further commitments at the G7 Leaders’ Summit or
ahead of COP26. We call on all the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to set ambitious




dates for Paris Alignment ahead of COP26, and welcome their work supporting client
countries. We urge the MDBs to mobilise increased climate finance including from the private
sector, and to increase their support for a clean energy transition, adaptation and resilience,
and nature. We welcome the IMF’s increasingly critical role in supporting members’
management of climate risks and transitions to net zero, including through surveillance. We
commit to including climate coverage within our countries’ IMF bilateral surveillance reports,
and call on others to do the same.
9. Environmental crimes have a serious impact on the planet’s biodiversity, generate billions
of dollars in illicit finance and enable corruption and transnational organised crime. We
agree that beneficial ownership registries are an e ective tool to tackle illicit finance. We are
implementing and strengthening registries of company beneficial ownership information to
provide timely, direct and e icient access for law enforcement and competent authorities to
adequate, accurate and up-to-date information, including through central registries. We
further note the benefits of making beneficial ownership information publicly available
where possible. We call on all countries to fully implement the Financial Action Task Force
(FATF) Standards and strengthen them.
Continued Support to Low-Income and Vulnerable Countries
10. The IMF estimates that, between now and 2025, low income countries will need around
US$200 billion to step up the response to the pandemic and build external bu ers and an
additional US$250 billion in investment spending to resume and accelerate their income
convergence with advanced economies. We remain committed to supporting the poorest
and most vulnerable countries as they address health and economic challenges associated
with Covid-19. We strongly support the new general allocation of Special Drawing Rights
(SDRs) of US$650 billion to help meet the long-term global need for reserve assets. We urge
the implementation of this allocation by the end of August 2021, accompanied by
transparency and accountability measures including updated IMF guidance on how
countries can appropriately use an SDR allocation.
11. G7 countries are actively considering voluntarily channelling a proportion of their
allocated SDRs to significantly magnify the impact of this general allocation. We encourage
the IMF to work quickly with all relevant stakeholders to explore a menu of options for
channelling SDRs to further support health needs, including vaccinations, and help enable
greener, more robust economic recoveries in the most a ected countries. We will work to
scale up financing to the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust and welcome the IMF’s review




of concessional financing and policies to strengthen its capacity to support low income
12. Tackling debt vulnerabilities and promoting debt transparency, including through regular
debtor and creditor data reconciliation, is essential to unlocking sustainable and inclusive
growth in developing countries. We reiterate our commitment to implement the G20 and
Paris Club Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the Debt Service Suspension
Initiative and call on all o icial bilateral creditors to do the same. We welcome the
establishment of the Creditor Committee for Chad, and look forward to swi and successful
debt treatments for this and future cases. The private sector is expected to provide at least
as favourable debt treatment in line with the Common Framework. We commit to publish
our own creditor portfolios on a loan-by-loan basis for future direct lending by the end of
2021, and urge all other G20 members to do the same, and to undertake the self-assessment
in line with the G20’s Operational Guidelines for Sustainable Financing.
13. We encourage the private sector to adhere to the Institute of International Finance’s
Voluntary Principles for Debt Transparency and to submit information on their sovereign
lending to the OECD transparency data portal once operationalised this year. We welcome
the establishment of a G7 Private Sector Working Group to bring together the International
Financial Institutions (IFIs), market and legal profession participants and country experts to
explore possible enhancements to the contractual approach.
14. We welcome Sudan’s steady progress towards the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
(HIPC) decision point, putting it on a path to clear its historic debts and re-engage with IFIs.
We have worked with international partners to agree on an ambitious financing package to
clear the full amount of Sudan’s arrears to the IMF, with G7 members pledging our share of
IMF internal resources as well as providing grant financing as needed and bridging loans for
the African Development Bank, the World Bank and the IMF. The G7 commits to providing
Sudan with comprehensive debt relief upon reaching the HIPC Completion Point and we
encourage other creditors to do the same.
15. All avenues should be explored to enable MDBs to e iciently and e ectively use their
resources. We support the G20’s ongoing work on MDB balance sheet optimisation, and see
considerable merit in further analysis to review MDBs’ capital adequacy frameworks to
potentially unlock additional financing, while preserving credit ratings and respecting
preferred creditor treatment, development mandates and governance. We welcome
advancing IDA replenishment by one year and look forward to its ambitious conclusion by




December 2021 to support recovery in low income countries. We call on IDA to further use its
balance sheet to unlock additional resources for IDA countries in a sustainable manner.
Shaping a Safe and Prosperous Future for All
16. We strongly support the e orts underway through the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework to
address the tax challenges arising from globalisation and the digitalisation of the economy
and to adopt a global minimum tax. We commit to reaching an equitable solution on the
allocation of taxing rights, with market countries awarded taxing rights on at least 20% of
profit exceeding a 10% margin for the largest and most profitable multinational enterprises.
We will provide for appropriate coordination between the application of the new
international tax rules and the removal of all Digital Services Taxes, and other relevant
similar measures, on all companies. We also commit to a global minimum tax of at least 15%
on a country by country basis. We agree on the importance of progressing agreement in
parallel on both Pillars and look forward to reaching an agreement at the July meeting of
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors.
17. Innovation in digital money and payments has the potential to bring significant benefits
but also raise public policy and regulatory issues. G7 Central Banks have been exploring the
opportunities, challenges as well as the monetary and financial stability implications of
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and we commit to work together, as Finance
Ministries and Central Banks, within our respective mandates, on their wider public policy
implications. We note that any CBDCs, as a form of central bank money, could act as both a
liquid, safe settlement asset and as an anchor for the payments system. Our objective is to
ensure that CBDCs are grounded in long-standing public sector commitments to
transparency, the rule of law and sound economic governance. CBDCs should be resilient
and energy-e icient; support innovation, competition, inclusion, and could enhance crossborder payments; they should operate within appropriate privacy frameworks and minimise
spillovers. We will work towards common principles and publish conclusions later in the
18. We reiterate that no global stablecoin project should begin operation until it adequately
addresses relevant legal, regulatory, and oversight requirements through appropriate design
and by adhering to applicable standards. We are committed to international cooperation to
ensure common standards, including by supporting international standard setting bodies in
reviewing existing regulatory standards, and emphasise the importance of addressing any
identified gaps. We support the FSB’s ongoing work in reviewing regulatory, supervisory and




oversight challenges to the implementation of its High Level Recommendations for global
stablecoin arrangements. We continue to support the ambitious implementation of the G20
Roadmap to enhance cross–border payments and welcome the publication of the FSB
consultation on Targets for Addressing the Four Challenges of Cross-border Payments.
19. Global implementation of the FATF Standards for combatting money laundering, terrorist
financing and proliferation financing remains uneven. We recognise the role of the nine FATFStyle Regional Bodies (FSRBs) in assessing and supporting implementation of the FATF
Standards around the world. We commit to provide additional expertise and funding to
support the FSRB’s assessment programmes by at least US$17 million and 46 assessors over
2021-24. We call on the G20 and all FATF members, the IMF and the World Bank to increase
their support.
20. It is vital to continue learning lessons from Covid-19 and ensure we are better prepared
for future pandemics. We look forward to the Pandemic Preparedness Partnership’s Report to
G7 Leaders and the G20 High Level Independent Panel’s findings, and will consider their
recommendations, particularly on financing mechanisms. Recognising the urgent need to
avoid a repeat of the Covid-19 crisis, we commit to work together, and with relevant
international partners, to improve international coordination and accountability between
global health and finance policy makers. We will work together with our health colleagues in
the second half of this year, including with industry, to explore proposals for strengthening
market incentives for antibiotic drug development to help tackle antimicrobial resistance –
the “silent pandemic”. We must act now to secure the health and economic prosperity of our
citizens and that of future generations
